English Language Center | Shantou University Shantou | Guangdong | China Innovation & Integration in English Language Teaching Theme: Rethinking Praxis in a Connected World April 20 – 22, 2012 Invited Speakers: Ken Hyland We Are What We Write: The Role of Writing in the Academy Feng Anwei The ‘Third Wave’ — The Spread of English across Greater China Joy Egbert Multiliteracies and Technology: Connecting CALL to Students' Lives David Marsh Firing and Wiring Neurons when Teaching through English Mao Sihui About the Symposium We are proud to invite practitioners and researchers in the field of language learning and teaching to present or participate in the 2012 Innovation & Integration in English Language Teaching symposium to be held in Shantou, China. In addition to keynote and featured presentations, informal special interest groups will be organized with invited speakers including: • A Talk with David Marsh about Language Integrated Learning and the Impact of Bilingual Education on the Brain. • A Talk with Feng Anwei about Teaching English as a Third Language in China. • A Talk with Joy Egbert about Student Engagement. Moderator for Panel Discussion IIELT is organized by the English Language Center at Shantou University and sponsored by the Li Ka Shing Foundation. For more information, visit us on the web at http://elc.stu.edu.cn/iielt/ Extended CFP Deadline: November 15, 2011 We invite researchers in the field of English Language Teaching to submit proposals for paper, poster or workshop presentations in the symposium. Early-Bird and student registration discounts are available. More information is available below or on our web site. lorem ipsum dolor issue, date CALL FOR PROPOSALS: “Rethinking Praxis in a Connected World” Goal: To bring together English language researchers and educators interested in learning and utilizing innovative and integrative frameworks, approaches, and tools in the teaching of languages, cultures, and intercultural communication at post-secondary institutions. Dates: April 20-22, 2012 Location: Shantou University, 243 Daxue Road, Shantou, Guangdong 515063, China Speakers: We are pleased to announce Ken Hyland (University of Hong Kong) and Feng Anwei (Bangor University) as our keynote speakers, as well as Joy Egbert (Washington State University), David Marsh (University of Jyvaskyla), and Mao Sihui (Macao Polytechnic University) as our featured speakers. More information on speakers can be found on our web site (http://elc.stu.edu.cn/iielt/). Topics: Papers, workshops and posters should relate to one or more of the following topics: • • • • • • English for Academic/Specific Purposes Content and Language Integrated Learning Computer Assisted Language Learning Multimedia or Integrated Media Instruction Language Learning & New Media Intercultural Communication • • • • • • English as an International Language English Language Assessment Materials Development Learner & Teacher Autonomy Second Language Writing & Reading Teaching English as a Third Language (L3) Proposal types: Paper presentations and workshops are allocated 30 minutes plus an additional 10 minutes for discussion for a total of 40 minutes. Papers should report on recent unpublished research and workshops should demonstrate innovation and integration of technology in post-secondary English language instruction. Poster presentations are given 1 hour to report on a work in progress. All proposal types should be related to the conference theme of innovation and integration. Proposal submission guidelines: Proposals must conform to these specified guidelines and reach the conference committee by November 15, 2011 (Extended Deadline). Submissions must be made online by registering and logging in at http://elc.stu.edu.cn/iielt/. The submission should include: title of paper, family name(s), given name(s), institutional affiliation, current position, email address, topic(s), abstract (up to 200 words), and keywords (up to 5) that best describe the subject of your submission. Notification of acceptance will be sent by November 30, 2011. Please submit only one proposal per author. A bio (up to 50 words) must be submitted in the “User Account Details” section separately from the proposal submission. Be sure to mention the topic which best encompasses your work and any technical requirements you may have for your presentation. Selected papers may be published in a Conference Proceedings. Contact: For any issue pertinent to the proposal submission guidelines and symposium information or for questions on registration, payment, accommodation and other practical matters, please contact iielt@stu.edu.cn or refer to our web site: http://elc.stu.edu.cn/iielt/. 2