Themed Coil Pots Requirements Goal

Ms. Morris
Ceramics I
Themed Coil Pots
Goal: To create a non-functional, sculptural coil pot that has a coherent theme.
Students Must:
Think of a theme and draw 5 things that relate to the theme in your sketchbook
Create a well thought out sketch of their idea before beginning their project
Build a vessel that is a minimum height or length of 8 inches and maximum 10 inches
Convey a coherent theme (the theme should be apparent)
Create a non-functional coil pot sculpture
Use the method of coiling to build their sculpture
Be aware of how thick or thin their clay pieces are during construction; all of your coils
and added pieces should be about the same thickness; this helps to avoid cracking!
Practice good craftsmanship! Your project should not be sharp or falling apart! Slipping
and scoring is very important!
Use recycled clay; you MUST wedge!
Understand and be able to explain the terms non-functional, theme, sculpture and coil
Be creative with their coiling; build coils going in different directions or shapes
Complete a written reflection, critique, artist statement
Keep glaze notes!
Asymmetrical—. An artwork that is not the same on both sides. When a drawing, painting or collage does not have
Balance-an even distribution of weight; the way elements are arranged on a surface
Coiled Pottery - One of the oldest ways of forming pottery. Long strands of clay which are laid on top of each other
and joined through blending coil to coil. Coil pieces can be almost any shape or size.
Color—has three properties: Hue: the color itself, Value: the lightness or darkness of a color, Intensity: the
brightness or dullness of a color
Composition-- combining different parts together to form a balanced whole
Design—to plan out an idea, something with a goal or purpose
Experiment—the act of conducting an investigation or a test; an attempt at something new or different; an effort to
be original
Form- a shape or object with dimensions; height, width and depth; the shape and structure of an object
Functional—to have a purpose
Geometric Shapes—shapes that can be measured mathematically
Line—is a mark on a surface that has greater length than width. The edge of shapes are lines
Negative Space—the empty space on a surface around and behind objects, drawings, painting
Non-Functional—not able to perform a regular function, to have no purpose
Organic Shapes—shapes that cannot be measured mathematically
Pattern—a repeated decorative design
Positive Space—the space on a surface taken up by objects, drawing, painting, etc.
Sculpture—the art of making 3-dimensional designs
Shading/Value—blending materials together to create light, medium and dark colors or shadows
Shape—something with width and height
Texture—is the surface quality of an object. It is how something feels or looks like it would feel when touched.
Theme- a subject of artistic representation; a reoccurring idea of the same subject