Ceramics – Cultural Vessels - Reflections Here is your assessment rubric for this part of the project Highlighted areas below need further development Response goes well beyond expectations in conveying understanding Response shows an complete understanding of the concepts Response shows a nearly complete understanding of the concepts Response shows an emerging understanding of the concepts Response shows very little understanding of the concepts Response not present or completely misses the mark Reflect Form – your writing shows a good understanding of 20 19 17 15 13 11 how you used visual language to express your ideas. Theme – your writing shows clearly why your 20 19 17 15 13 11 “big ideas” are interesting and significant. Context – your If youwriting give yourself clearlya 10 for any question explain why your response goes well beyond expectations. Remember I expect you to answer the questions effectively – so don’t just tell me that you did what I expect!! shows how you considered context 20 19 17 15 13 11 in developing meaning in your artwork Synthesis – your writing clearly shows how you integrated your knowledge of art 20 19 17 15 13 11 and your art making skills to create an effective artwork. If you give yourself a 20 for any question explain why your response goes well beyond expectations. Remember I expect you to answer the questions effectively – so don’t just tell me that you did what I expect!! Theme question Form question Context question Synthesis question Form – Paste a pic of your pot here. In the table below describe how each element helps make your pot visually effective. Shape Color Decorative elements Theme Explain why the theme you were trying to express is an interesting one? Context Explain how your pot expresses something about the culture you come from. How will the viewer understand what you are trying to express? Synthesis Explain about your experience with coil building. What worked well? What was difficult? What was the most interesting thing that you learned about ceramics?