DIT PhD Project Supervisor name & contact details: Dr. Deirdre Lillis Email: deirdre.lillis@dit.ie Dr. Sarah Jane Delany Email: sarahjane.delany@dit.ie Research Centre: Applied Intelligence Research Centre The Applied Intelligence Research Centre researches the application of computational intelligence technologies to real world problems. The core competencies of the AIRC include machine learning, language technologies, intelligent agents and data analytics. Research Centre website: www.comp.dit.it/aigroup Supervisors Publication List; Dr. Deirdre Lillis (http://bit.ly/SoR84U ) Dr. Sarahjane Delany (http://bit.ly/QiAbaA) Title of the Project: Knowledge transfer channels in the software sector Project Summary: The ICT sector is a critical sector of the Irish economy and Dublin is globally recognised as a major international hub for ICT, with stated ambitions to be the ‘Silicon Valley of Europe’. Dublin ranks outside the top 100 EU regions on most innovation indicators however (EC, 2014a). It the research policy and innovation systems literature, the dynamics of and differences between industrial sectors is not well understood and the software sector in particular has a sparse empirical base. This is compounded by the impact of disruptive technologies such as mobile, web 2.0 and cloud that have transformed the sector in the last decade. As a key aspect of an innovation system, this project will identify (i) the most important knowledge transfer channels (KTCs)1 between Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) and enterprises in the Dublin software sector (or other major/emerging ICT hub) and (ii) the most appropriate criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of these KTCs. It will empirically test the effectiveness of a prioritised set of KTCs and identify the factors that influence their effectiveness. The overarching goal is to ensure that software enterprises benefit from the RDI activities in public research institutions. Its findings will therefore have significance for government policy with respect to education and enterprise 1 For readability, the acronymn ‘KTC’ will be used in this proposal to refer to formal, contractual, semi-formal and informal knowledge transfer channels between higher education institutes and industry. development. Ciência sem Fronteiras / Science Without Borders Priority Area: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Capacity Building for technological personnel