Supplementary Information for “Super-Joule Heating in Graphene and Silver Nanowire Network” Kerry Maize2, ‡, Suprem R. Das1, 2 , ‡, Sajia Sideque1, 2,Amr M. S. Mohammed1, 2, Ali Shakouri1, 2,*, David B. Janes1, 2, Muhammad A. Alam1, 2, * 1. School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA 2. Birck Nanotechnology Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed:, ‡ Author who contributed equally to this work I. Fabrication process of silver nanowire network and hybrid network films and devices The fabrication of both nanowire network device and hybrid network device were started with synthesizing controlled films consisting of silver nanowires (with similar density of wires on similar sized quartz substrates) following a drop casting technique (from Blue Nano Inc., NC; density 10mg/mL dispersed within an iso-propyl alcohol solution) onto 1cm x 1cm quartz substrate (SPI Supplies, PA). The average dimension of the wires is Lav ~ 40 µm and dav ~ 90 nm with distributions < Lav > ~ 20 - 60 µm and < dav > ~70 – 110 nm. The density of nanowires was kept approximately 4.8x106 cm-2 that corresponds to our best TCE properties previously reported 1 [1]. For hybrid network device fabrication, commercially available, chemical vapor deposited single layer graphene grown on copper foil (ACS Materials Co., MA) was transferred onto one of the silver nanowire network films mentioned above using standard graphene transfer procedures [2]. The detail of the procedure is described in reference 1. The nanowire network film was annealed in forming gas at 1500C for 1 hour with a 40 sccm flow rate and the hybrid network film was annealed at 3000C with all other conditions similar to the nanowire network film. For fabrication of the devices on nanowire network and hybrid network films, photolithography was used to define circular transmission line method (CTLM) patterns using a photo-mask with channel lengths of 100µm. For high current injection to the network structure, a metal stack of Ti (1nm)/Pd (30nm)/Au (20nm) was e-beam evaporated using Kurt J. Lesker electron-beam evaporator, with base pressure of ~10-7 Torr, followed by a lift-off process. II. Nanowire-nanowire contacts Supplementary Figure 1: A FE-SEM image of the nanowire network film showing silver nanowire-nanowire junction (Figure a – c); and nanowire-nanowire junctions wrapped by graphene in a hybrid network film (Figure d – f). 2 Figure above shows nanowire-nanowire junctions in the nanowire network film as well as in the hybrid network film with varied magnifications. The contrast difference between a-c and d-f is due to the presence of graphene wrapping in the latter set of images. III. Thermoreflectance (TR) imaging measurement technique Thermal images were obtained using thermoreflectance imaging microscopy. [3, 4, 8] The technique is capable of measuring device surface temperature distribution with 50 mK temperature resolution and submicron spatial resolution. Full field thermal images are acquired quickly with no scanning of the instrument required. Thermoreflectance imaging measures the small change in surface optical reflectance (~10-5-10-4) as a material undergoes a change in temperature. [4] The nanowire network sample was probed under a reflectance microscope as illustrated in Figure 1(e) in the manuscript. Sample top surface was illuminated using a narrowband light emitting diode (LED) centered at 530 nm wavelength. Thermoreflectance imaging was implemented using a pulsed boxcar timing scheme [6] illustrated in Supplementary Figure 2. The device under test is excited electrically with a continuous boxcar waveform, either current or voltage based on the dependence to be inspected. The device is electrically active (V = Vpk, I = Ipk) during the high part of the excitation cycle, and electrically passive (V = 0 V, I = 0 A) during the low part of the cycle. Each device pulse induces joule heating in the nanowire network and corresponding perturbation in sample surface reflectance. A sensitive high dynamic range CCD camera synchronized to the sample electrical repetition rate records reflected intensity only when the illumination pulse is on. Amplitude of thermoreflectance change is calculated from separate measurement of device reflectance during active and passive electrical states. Acquiring thermoreflectance images for multiple values of the illumination pulse delay 3 parameter (τ) measures the device thermal transient (heating and cooling) in response to boxcar excitation. There is one illumination pulse per device excitation period. The camera records the active and passive images during separate acquisition intervals, alternating approximately every two seconds. Square current pulses of 1 millisecond duration at 150 Hz repetition rate were applied across the sample inner and outer electrodes. Illumination (LED) pulse width was 100 microseconds. Thermoreflectance images of the network sample were averaged for 20 minutes, producing temperature resolution of 0.2 K and 0.8 K for low and high magnification cases respectively. Supplementary Figure 2: Signal timing for thermoreflectance imaging using pulsed boxcar averaging. Pulsed boxcar averaging is a complementary variation on the established lock-in homodyne [9] and lock-in heterodyne [10] thermoreflectance imaging algorithms. For the purposes of this 4 study both heterodyne and boxcar averaging provide similar efficacy. We have focused on the latter method because it offers a combination of good temperature resolution, transient capability (the subject of a future study for the same network structures), and relatively simple experiment configuration. Homodyne, heterodyne and boxcar averaging offer similar temperature resolution (signal to noise ratio.) Extensive comparison of the homodyne and boxcar methods by analyzing thermal images of microrefrigerators on a chip are presented in [12, 13]. Both heterodyne and boxcar averaging are capable of high speed transient characterization. The former is implemented using stroboscopic illumination and analyzed in the frequency domain [14] and the latter by time-gating the illumination pulse with respect to the boxcar waveform. [11] The resulting thermoreflectance image is a pixel for pixel map of temperature induced reflectance change amplitude (ΔR/R) for the sample surface material in response to the applied bias pulse. This raw thermoreflectance image is converted to a map of sample surface temperature change by scaling with appropriate thermoreflectance coefficient (CTH). Thermoreflectance coefficients are material specific parameters that describe optical reflectance dependence on temperature. Because the amplitude of the thermoreflectance change (for most metals and semiconductors) is small, typically on the order of 10-4-10-5 K-1, acquisition of thermoreflectance images with good signal to noise ratio requires averaging over many device excitation cycles. This method of extracting small signals from background noise by use of an external reference excitation is commonly called ‘lock-in’ amplification. [10] Thermoreflectance coefficient, CTH, varies with both illumination wavelength [4, 16] and as a function of objective magnification (numerical aperture). All measurements were obtained with a monochromatic LED source centered at 530 nm wavelength. However, unique thermoreflectance 5 coefficients had to be estimated for the silver nanowires at the two different numerical apertures used: 20 X with NA = 0.22, and 100 X with NA = 0.75. In both cases, CTH for the silver nanowires was estimated indirectly from the measured temperature change on the gold electrode visible in each thermoreflectance image. For low magnification (20 X) the value of C TH used for the gold electrode was 2.34 x 10-4/K. This value for CTH_Au was obtained using the experiment calibration method described in [15] with a gold calibration sample. Our experimentally calibrated CTH_Au is similar to values reported in other thermoreflectance studies. [4] The calibrated thermoreflectance coefficient for gold was used to estimate temperature change on the gold inner electrode for thermoreflectance images acquired at 20 X magnification. Because of the high thermal conductivity of silver, temperature at the interface of the gold electrode and adjoining silver nanowires is assumed to be very similar over very short distances (less than 100 nanometers) at thermal steady state. Using this assumption, we estimated temperature change for the silver nanowires in close proximity to the gold electrode, which was then used to estimate CTH for the silver nanowires based on the measured thermoreflectance amplitude in those regions. At 20 X and 530 nm illumination, CTH_Ag was estimated to be 1.7 ± 0.3 x 10-4/K. The same method was used to estimate CTH_Ag at 100 X, assuming temperature change on the gold electrode is identical at both magnifications for identical applied bias. At 100 X, CTH_Ag was 1.1 ± 0.5 x 10-4/K. The percolation network structures (nanowire network and the hybrid network) were probed on the quartz substrates on which the devices were fabricated. An SRS DS345 function generator supplied a voltage waveform to the pulsing circuit. Amplitude of current across the sample was monitored precisely on an oscilloscope by measuring the voltage drop across a sense resistor connected in series with the sample. Quartz substrate was thermally bonded to a large copper 6 heat sink maintained at room temperature. System timing, CCD acquisition, sample bias waveforms, and custom hardware triggers are controlled by a LabVIEW program. IV. Self-heating model in resistor networks With a simple resistor network model, this section qualitatively describes that the hot spots are formed at high resistance points in the hybrid network. We show that the maximum heating occurs at the weak links in the most conductive paths. This implies that a low-resistance junction would actually be a cold spot. Case 1: 1-D networks in parallel Consider the case shown in figure S4.1. Here, ‘W’ implies ‘Wire’ and ‘J’ implies ‘Junction’. We wish to compare two pathways, 1 and 2. In path 1, two crossed NWs form a junction, with resistance RJ1. In path 2, the junction resistance is RJ2. Supplementary Figure 3: Resistor network model for 1-D networks in parallel Path 1 has total resistance of R1 = RW1 + RJ1 +RW1 and a total current of I1 = V/R1 Path 2 has a total resistance of 7 R2 = RW2 + RJ2 +RW2 and a total current of I2 = V/R2 If we assume that R1 > R2, then we have I1 < I2. Power (P) = I2 R, so P2 > P1, i.e. the power is largest within the most conductive path. Within path 2, I2 is constant. If RJ2 > (RW2+RW2), PRJ2 > PRW2. Therefore, power (and therefore T) is largest in the weakest links within the most conductive paths. Case 2: 2-D network Next, consider the simple 2-D network shown in figure S4.2. In this case, the resistors represent junctions, rather than wires; i.e., R1 = RW1 + RJ1 + RW1 RJ1 If we assume that R1<< R2 and R3 << R2, R4, and R5 << R4, then the dominant pathway is R1 – R3 – R5. The current flowing through R3 as a function of R3 is then I3 = V/ (R1+R3+R5) P3 = I32 R3= V2 R3 / (R1+R3+R5)2 Supplementary Figure 4: Resistor network model for 2-D networks 8 P3 is maximized when R3 = (R1+R5), obtained by setting (dP3/dR3) = 0 (see figure S4.2). In contrast, the total power in R1 and R5 (denoted “P1_5” in the figure S4.3), the maximum occurs at R3=0; Indeed P1_5 > P3 until R3 > (R1+R5). As in the 1-D case, we can conclude that the maximum power (and therefore maximum T) occurs in the weakest link(s) within the most conductive pathway. We will explore the generality of the conclusion within the framework of percolation theory in a future publication [9]. Supplementary Figure 5: Plot of power in R3 (i.e., P3) and combined power in R1 and R5 (i.e., P1_5) vs R3 for R1+R5=1 k 9 V. 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