BIS BOARD MEETING MINUTES July 21, 2015 6:15-8:04pm With optional meeting with Ché Garcia 8pm-8:30pm. Members Present: Bruce Abernethy, Edie Jones, Meera Dayal Rup Kerani Mitchell, Flora Morales, Gonzalo Morales New Member: Rhea Grogan to attend future meetings. I. Moment to Mission: Photos of outreach events to Latino Thurston families. 100% turnout! / Field Rap II. Accept Minutes from June meeting- Kerani BA moves to accept minutes, JM seconds. All board members approve. III. Accept Board Policies sent for review and discussed in June Board policies reviewed, and accepted by board, with the ability to revise at future date. JM moves to accept BA seconds. All board members approve. IV. Facility Update- Meera- Timeline (ugh!) Some delay on the facility, but things are looking good. Plan to open school in mid-August, with the ability to use Amity Cree elementary as backup for training with staff and Seattle Public schools, if needed. V. Field Updatea) Landscape Architect is Project Manager: Greg Schmidt Greg Schmit, of BIS community is leading landscaping, donating his time to lead. Needs volunteers to help. b) Field Work Schedule and Budget- Meera/Greg Field schedule is being outlined—need more money. c) We have currently raised $8,330. We need at least $12,700. d) Permits & more- Julie: researching all required permits and securing them, as needed. e) Bruce passes out letter for support for board members to distribute. f) Work party to lay sod- Mid August: will do email blast and invite the community to help out. VI. Hiring Committee Update- Julie/Kerani **All positions hired! 7 FT teachers, PT teachers, and VII. Student Family Handbook and Calendar/ Kim and Meera Handbook will feature student artwork and quotes. It will follow BendLapine school district for holidays. Conferences will be different than district, as will early release, which will happen on Fridays for BIS students. VIII. Evaluation Contract- Dr. Chet Edwards/Dr. Changhua Wang: in order to fulfill the grant funding requirements, BIS needs to be evaluated. At this date, as is in order for 2016 school-year funding. IX. IX. X. Enrollment Update: Coordinator Rebecca Hoshi We’re officially full. No publicizing few vacancies, as we think they will fill by words of mouth. New Board Member: Rhea Grogan, licensed teacher and administrator will serve on the Board as our Community Relations position. She will help us develop a strong PTO for BIS. JM moves to accept Rhea Grogan. BA seconds. Board approves. Fundraising Plan: Per Rhea a) One World Gala is already in full swing. It will be at the end of January and be an adult only venue this year (with a video clip of our students performing and our school and work). Post Gala Volunteer meeting provided this feedback from our last year’s event. Rhea already has a committee going. Change of venue to: Gala may be held at Boys and Girls Club—TBD. Board will brainstorm. b) Fall Educational Movie Fundraiser: Julie Movie fundraiser set for October with intention of being first Central Oregon School to review Beyond Measure the Follow up to educational documentary movie Race To Nowhere . c) Becca Costello’s idea of the yard sale seemed too much to pull off this year, with construction, timing, etc.: Board discusses and plans to revisit at later date. d) Open House for a weekend in September- get ideas from the BoardMeera (tours, donations, ribbon cutting, tree planting ceremony, invite/involve the community.): Not weekend of 9/11 due to firs week of school. Kerani will investigate ribbon cutting and optional dates. Preferred dates, 9/15/15. e) Family Friendly Fundraiser in the Spring: current ideas are1) Dance-a-thon 2) Mercado (PTO will plan this one!) e) E-scrip and rewards programs from Target, Fred Meyer, Newport Market, Safeway, and more. Currently being set up by Fundraising Committee Members. To be reviewed and possibly expanded as these programs develop momentum. f) Strictly Organic Fundraiser- will begin in September (need coordinator). $5 bag profit for BIS. Strictly Organic will donate money to BIS. Put PTO member/leaders in charge. g) E Commerce Site – (by Ché Garcia)- Bruce reviews and board comments. Board accepts this, and stays after meeting (optional) to learn more about the program. Will require separate accounts for Ché Garcia to operate under BIS. XI. Upcoming Events: a) 1st week of August: Paint facility/ trim?: Volunteers needed b) August 10-28: BIS Staff and Professional Development 1. TRIBES- Social Emotional Learning 3 day training 2. INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION- Seattle International Schools comes to BIS! Workshop for our staff on how to teach international education, promote global competence, diversity and cultural awareness, and be successful with hands-on projects, activities, units, and examples. 3. BIS STAFF Planning Time- schedules, logistics, report cards, curriculum, school set-up and more 4. BIS STAFF RETREAT- hiking Monkey Face, rock climbing 5. AUGUST 19: KINDERGARTEN SOCIAL 6. AUGUST 27TH: BACK TO SCHOOL SOCIAL 5-6 pm c) September 9th- First Day of School XII. THANK YOU’s a) Kerani for taking on the website b) Bruce for donation and completing CSP report c) Julie for helping with paint and everything d) Flora for helping with paint and Global Lunch Program e) Edie for being supportive f) Gonzalo for time on Sister School Project advice and Security System XIII. VOLUNTEERS/HELP: a) Prepare staff handbook with Meera b) Plaque of founding fathers for school c) Field founders bricks?/ideas: Board discusses, talks about possibly getting a bench in the playground area. XIV. NEXT MEETING a) Present BIS Evaluation Plan- Dr. Chet Edwards b) Review Family Handbook and Calendar- board comments