Teacher Education Council Minutes April 7, 2010, 3:30 p.m. Rader Hall 216 Call to Order: Chair Gunn called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. Approval of Minutes March 3, 2010: Minutes were approved as corrected (the word Agenda was in the heading instead of Minutes. Carol Wymer moved to approve with the change; Karen Lafferty seconded. MOTION PASSED. Voting Members Present Erin Ashcraft Robert Boram Teri Cundiff Donna Everett June Grice Cathy Gunn Melanie Jones (Tim Simpson) Non-Voting Members Present Jerry Brunker Lynne Fitzgerald Jim Knoll Karen Lafferty Monica Magner Elizabeth McLaren Clarenda Phillips (Alana Scott) Lisa Sorrell Carol Wymer Belinda Hitch Joyce A. Stubbs (Mike Phillips, Ahmad Zargari) Action Items Type I Proposals EDEE 305-Learning Theories and Practices in Early Elementary. An alternative prerequisite of EDEC 253 was added to this course so that Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education students who are required to take this course but are not required to take EDF 211 are not blocked from the course. The pre-requisites for this course are EDF 207 and EDF 211 or EDEC 253. Monica Magner moved to approve the changes; Elizabeth McLaren seconded. MOTION PASSED. EDEL-302-Integrating Technology into the Classroom. Minor revisions of this course are submitted to reflect recent revisions of general education requirements and the middle school curriculum. Robert Boram moved to approve the revisions; Monica Magner seconded. MOTION PASSED. EDSP 350-Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. The proposal simply renames the course to bring it in line with contemporary terminology and makes minor modifications in the wording of the course description. As with most courses, this course has evolved over time and the content of the course has remained current in terms of the terminology, understanding of these conditions, and appropriate interventions. What has not evolved is the title of the course; this proposal rectifies that situation. Elizabeth McLaren moved and Carol Wymer seconded to approve the proposed updates. MOTION PASSED. EDSP 363-Assistive Technology. The prerequisites for this course are revised to reflect recent revisions in the requirements for the Moderate and Severe Disabilities and Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education programs. June Grice moved and Carol Wymer seconded to approve the revisions. MOTION PASSED. Monica Magner moved and Carol Wymer seconded to consider the 5 proposals from HPE and PHED together. MOTION PASSED. The purpose of these proposals is to request a Lab section to each class. The classes have already been approved as a course with a 2-2-3 delivery. A laboratory component is included and therefore it is important to have the option of building a Laboratory Section to this class. Carol Wymer moved and Robert Boram seconded to approve the proposals. MOTION PASSED. HPE 300L-Methods of Teaching Elementary Physical Education. HPE 302L-Methods of Teaching Elementary Health Lab HPE 303L-Methods of Teaching Secondary Physical Education Lab HPE 304L-Methods of Teaching of Secondary Health Lab PHED 475L-Adapted Physical Education Lab IECE 345-IECE 301-At-Risk Infants and Toddlers. June Grice moved and Karen Lafferty seconded to consider the two proposals together. MOTION PASSED. Both proposals request that graduate students be allowed to enroll “with instructor permission” in these two undergraduate courses per program requirements without enrolling in the prerequisite courses. Robert Boram moved and June Grice seconded to approve the proposal. MOTION PASSED. Type III Proposals Studio Art Major with Teacher Certification -12 and Studio Art Area of Concentration with Teacher Certification P-12. Donna Everett moved and Carol Wymer seconded to consider the two proposals together. MOTION PASSED. The purpose of the revised programs is to provide up-to-date curricula as required in the Art and Design Mission Statement: The mission of the Art and Design (B.A.) program is to provide up to date curricula, cutting edge studio technology, art exhibitions, visiting artists, field trips, and community outreach. The program will also support teacher education programs and will provide quality-learning experiences in a variety of general education courses. The two proposals have already passed through the University Undergraduate Committee approval process; however, since both of the proposals pertain to teacher certification, the TEC members were asked to approve the two proposals. Karen Lafferty moved and June Grice seconded to approve the two proposals. MOTION PASSED. Discussion Items Dispositions Status Report – process for review. Dean Gunn reported that she had met with the College of Education leadership team to come up with a strategy to review dispositions: when to review posted dispositions, how to take action if a student needs counseling, and how to make the whole process meaningful and effective. A work group has been set up to look at the process and report back in Fall 2010. Assessment Committee Report and NCATE report were delayed until the May meeting since Kathryn Polmanteer could not be at the meeting. By-laws: At the beginning of the academic year, the Bylaws Committee looked at the membership of the TEC and suggested that more members may be needed. In Fall 2010, Dean Gunn will send a notice to deans about additional members. The bylaws also state that the meetings of the TEC be set in the spring semester. To this end, Chair Gunn stated that the meetings will remain on the first Wednesday of each month. Lynne Fitzgerald brought up the issue of having to complete a lot of substitution forms due to the new General Education curriculum being put in place in Fall 2010 and delivery of courses are out of cycle. Feedback from P-12 Members. Chair Gunn asked if the P-12 TEC members had any feedback from colleagues. The only item that was mentioned was lack of practice in writing lesson plans as mentioned by student teachers. Chair Gunn thanked the member for the input and encouraged more comments at each meeting. Robert Boram moved and June Grice seconded that the meeting adjourn. MOTION PASSED. Meeting was adjourned at 4:16 p.m. Respectfully submitted Donna R. Everett Secretary Approved May 5, 2010