Assignment #2 – DES and RSA ECE428 – Computer Networks and Security 1. DES The DES algorithm was implemented in C++. The following is an outline of the DES implementation. A function was created for each step of the DES algorithm to ensure that the implementation was correct. boolpermute(char * text, intlen_in, char * out, intlen_out, ptbl table); intip_tbl[64]; intiip_tbl[64]; intep_tbl[48]; intp_tbl[32]; int pc1_tbl[56]; int pc2_tbl[48]; intls_tbl[16]; intsboxes[8][64]; intleft_shift_map[56]; voidp1(char * key, char * p); voidp2(char * shifted, char * p/*, int round*/); voidpi(char * word, char * p); voidexpand(char * h_word, char * p); voidsubstitute(char *e_word, char * p); voidpr(char * s_word, char * p); voidlast_swap(char * p_word, char * p); voidiip(char * word, char * p); voidf_box(char * text, int round); voiddes (char * msg_string, char * key, char * output, int size, int decrypt); voiddo_des (char * input, char * output, int decrypt); voidgenerate_keys(char * key); voidshow(char *object, size_t size); The implementation method is based on an observation made about the DES algorithm operation in general: the operation of the algorithm mainly involves permuting a string of bits in accordance to a permutation table. Because of this, a permute function was created that accepts a bit string and permutation table, and outputs the permuted bit string. This general function was used as a basis to almost all operations of the DES algorithm, from the bit shifting and PC1/PC2 permutations of the keys to the expansion and permutation of the message strings. Outside of this, there is a des function that breaks strings down into 64-bit chunks that can be processed through the DES algorithm, and a do_des function that will execute the DES algorithm on the input message. To verify the correctness of the DES implementation, debug statements were placed whenever a bit string was modified, and the changes were outputted in binary. This way, it is possible to verify – bit by bit – that a bit has moved from one position to its correct destination. Also, we were able to locate a 3rd party DES implementation “calculator”, which was able to accept a plaintext string as input, and output the encrypted message, as well as display each and every permutation and key that is generated during encryption, which we then used to verify our implementation. The calculator can be found at the following URL: The following plaintext and cryptext can be obtained when using the key (in hex) 3b 38 98 37 15 20 f7 5e. Using our implementation, the text can be encrypted and decrypted successfully in DES: Plaintext: The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a block cipher (a form of shared secret encryption) that was selected by the National Bureau of Standards as an official Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) for the United States in 1976 and which has subsequently enjoyed widespread use internationally. It is based on a symmetric-key algorithm that uses a 56-bit key. The algorithm was initially controversial with classified design elements, a relatively short key length, and suspicions about a National Security Agency (NSA) backdoor. DES consequently came under intense academic scrutiny which motivated the modern understanding of block ciphers and their cryptanalysis. Cryptext (string format): _¬µ_¬©hT_¬ø√ç h“ %<)H¬ø¬µ_¬©l∑√§O√µ√ܬ¥‹_√Æ__k ⁄√鬕”P∆¬ØJ˜{yh_√ç_Y√ú√é-TŸ ¬Æ_√ßZ¬∏√°-:√Ö√ç>_R0d._ M_√∫– _ƒ_6‡qN∏\™w√ä¬∏¬©∆√ج¥¬®√ïB√∏˝gJ‰¬©{.— ’¬•‘≤√≤√£¬ÆKL_9√†¬Ø√∑‹c,fi¬ªeh‹{√≤‰q˜√ü^~¬Ø∏¬†_√≠√ÆW_ √≠√µ√™d√µ7_∂fi√ì#J√ú–√£DZ‹∂√ò Cryptext (binary): 00010011 11000000 00111100 01101100 11011100 11011010 01001010 00010011 00001010 00101101 00110000 10011100 01110001 11111100 01000010 01111011 10011000 10001000 11001000 01110001 11001010 10010010 10110110 10110101 11101010 00101001 10110111 00000110 11101011 11110111 01011001 10101000 00111010 01100100 11010000 01001110 10101001 10111111 00101110 10001011 11111000 01100101 11110111 00000100 10011011 11011110 00001111 11110000 01001000 10001010 10010100 10110100 01111011 10000110 00010100 10000001 00101110 00000111 10111000 11000110 11111101 11010001 10101000 11010110 01101000 10100111 10010010 10010000 11101110 10101001 01101000 11000000 01001111 00010100 11010011 01111001 11101011 10001101 11101010 00000100 11000100 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01100100 11100011 01111000 01111001 01011000 01101101 00011111 10010000 11111001 01100101 10110011 00011000 11101000 11010010 01111111 10000011 11101011 10010010 11111110 00100111 00110000 00010011 10000011 11100000 00111011 10101001 01000111 11001100 00010100 10111101 01101111 11100101 01100000 10001011 00101000 01101110 01101001 00100011 When the 3rd bit of the 499th byte is flipped, the following plaintext message is obtained. Notice the error only affects a single word. One instance of “National Security Agency” becomes “a√µ{_≈√ú√¶F√Öl Security Agency”: The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a block cipher (a form of shared secret encryption) that was selected by the National Bureau of Standards as an official Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) for the United States in 1976 and which has subsequently enjoyed widespread use internationally. It is based on a symmetric-key algorithm that uses a 56-bit key. The algorithm was initially controversial with classified design elements, a relatively short key length, and suspicions about a√µ{_≈√ú√¶F√Öl Security Agency (NSA) backdoor. DES consequently came under intense academic scrutiny which motivated the modern understanding of block ciphers and their cryptanalysis. 2. RSA The RSA algorithm for this assignment was implemented in Java. The reason for this was to take advantage of the built in BigInteger class to process the large integers required by RSA. The algorithm was implemented using two classes: the RSA class and the RSAKey class. The RSAKey class was used to represent the keys, both private and public. The RSA class was responsible for all number generations and encryption and decryption calculations. A third class was also used to drive the RSA simulation. The correctness of our implementation was verified by checking the correctness of independent functions. For testing purposes small prime numbers were used. Also, the fact that a long message can be encrypted and successfully decrypted shows that the implementation is not incorrect. We also checked the crypt text against a third party RSA implementation to further verify the correctness. One of the samples that we ran on our RSA implementation is the following: Original message: ECE428: Assignment 2 - Implementation of RSA Encrypted message: 8077922667640783203 5046253358820482373 8077922667640783203 1712729367884595395 6519377116757479951 5208185422105530023 439297322082640741 3698387137592412698 4914288835186659083 522485690492515212 522485690492515212 6870139161631047745 5831946615431867907 5258601660850745835 690019284392425593 5508373806630766094 5258601660850745835 7250153813889153509 3698387137592412698 6519377116757479951 3698387137592412698 1500530885814479914 3698387137592412698 1040946361584735089 690019284392425593 8866940273540819672 8159042064335923026 5508373806630766094 690019284392425593 5508373806630766094 5258601660850745835 7250153813889153509 2594058306111789289 7250153813889153509 6870139161631047745 5806716958016824933 5258601660850745835 3698387137592412698 5806716958016824933 2376823557801398871 3698387137592412698 5672934259409692898 6673580357575861323 4914288835186659083 Decrypted message: ECE428: Assignment 2 - Implementation of RSA The keys used in the encryption are: Public key: (8934552687755886703, 6586553260683432281) Private key: (8934552687755886703, 3673604478326708129)