Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice COURSE INFORMATION: Course Description: Nursing 231 is a clinical course which students are paired with RN clinical preceptors in various local and regional health care agencies. The students have been placed in areas of interest to them after graduation. The 6th quarter student is ready to expand their role as a professional nurse and is expected to function as a team member on their assigned unit. A major goal for the student is to become clinically proficient on that unit and to assimilate into the role of the professional nurse. Instructional methods include: clinical practice, group discussion, clinical seminar and reflective journaling. Credits: 8 Quarter Credits Class Hours/Locations: 160 clinical hours Location to be arranged Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or above in Nursing 220 and Nursing 222, a “satisfactory” grade in Nursing 221 and Nursing 223, level C CPR card, current TB test, Hepatitis B vaccination or waiver. Health insurance may be required. Linked Courses: NURS 230, 231, 232, and 264 are linked. Failure in one course requires repeat of all concurrent courses. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: Professor: Becky Ellis MN, RN Office Hours: Wednesdays 9-12pm and Thursdays 2-4pm Phone: 360-992-6090 E-mail address: bellis@clark.edu Mailstop: CCW 224 Office Location: CCW 225G Instructor: Linda Valenzuela MPH, BSN, RN Office Hours: Tuesdays 9-12pm and Thursdays 2-4pm Phone: 360-992-6026 E-mail address: lvalenzuela@clark.edu Mailstop: CCW 224 Office Location: CCW 220H ~1~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice PROGRAM OUTCOMES: 1. Knowledge: Synthesizes all previous skills and theoretical knowledge into the care of groups of patients. 2. Clinical Judgment: Synthesizes all previous knowledge using critical thinking, the Nursing Process, and Evidence-Based Practice into the clinical decision making process. Functions as a graduate nurse 3. Caring: Incorporates principles of diversity, holism, stewardship, dignity, and respect to reflect an environment of care. 4. Teamwork and Interprofessional collaboration: Models open communication, mutual respect and shared decision making. 5. Professionalism: Role models professionalism in the clinical setting. Practices ethically; is accountable for own practice and demonstrates continuing competence in nursing. 6. Patient Safety: Performs safe patient care and promotes the safety of the staff as well as the entire nursing unit. COURSE OUTCOMES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ASSESSMENT OF COURSE OUTCOMES: SUPPORTED PROGRAM OUTCOMES: Synthesizes all previous skills and theoretical knowledge into the management and care of groups of patients. Satisfactory completion of the bolded behaviors on the evaluation form and reflective learning journal entries Synthesizes all previous knowledge using critical thinking, the Nursing Process, and evidence based practice into the clinical decision making process and functions as a graduate nurse Satisfactory completion of the bolded behaviors on the evaluation form and reflective learning journal entries Incorporates holistic nursing concepts when providing care to the patient, family and community Is proficient and functions as a team member when communicating and collaborating with patients, families and all members of the health care team Role Models professionalism in the clinical setting. Practices ethically and is accountable for own practice and demonstrates continuing competency in nursing. Performs safe patient care and promotes the safety of the staff as well as the entire nursing unit. Satisfactory completion of the bolded behaviors on the evaluation form and reflective learning journal entries Satisfactory completion of bolded behaviors on the evaluation form and reflective learning journal entries Satisfactory completion of bolded behaviors on the evaluation form and reflective learning journal entries Satisfactory completion of all Bolded behaviors on the evaluation form and reflective Learning journal entries ~2~ Knowledge Clinical Judgment Knowledge Caring Team work and Interand Professional Collaboration Professionalism Patient Safety Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice GRADING SYSTEM: A. The grade for NURS 231 is a Pass or Fail grading system. A passing grade is based on the achievement of satisfactory performances in all the bolded behaviors on the evaluation form. One or more unsatisfactory performances on any of the bolded behaviors will result in a failing grade for NURS 231. B. NURS 230, 231, 232, and 264 are linked courses a failure in one course requires the student to repeat all concurrent courses. COURSE POLICIES: Clinical and Lab Course Policies: 1. All clinical labs are required. Arrangements for make-up work for missed labs are the responsibility of the student in conjunction with faculty and the clinical facility. 2. It is unethical, unprofessional and cheating to: Fail to make-up missed days, Fail to inform instructor of absences, skip a clinical day without permission from the instructor telling preceptor permission was granted by instructor when in fact it was not. Any such behavior is unethical and unprofessional and will be grounds for immediate disciplinary action 3. In Nursing 231, students will continue to use the ID badge issued for senior students. 4. Students will be provided with feedback either verbally or in writing from the clinical preceptor and faculty. In the event the student's performance falls below acceptable, the student will be notified. 5. Unless a student's clinical practice is declared unsafe, the student will have until the end of the scheduled clinical to resolve identified deficiencies. Repetition of previously documented unsatisfactory behaviors will be viewed as failing clinical behaviors in NURS 231. A student not meeting the standard for passing clinical will receive a clinical grade of “U” and receive a D for NURS 230 regardless of the earned theory grade. Please see policy on unsafe clinical practice located in the student nurse handbook. 6. Assignment of the clinical grade will include input from the preceptor and the student. 7. Students are expected to use the practice lab as appropriate during the quarter to refresh prior skills and for IV start practice. Students are expected to take advantage of any skills available in the clinical setting. 8. Students are expected to follow the dress code as stated in the Student Handbook and that of the facility where the clinical occurs. Sixth quarter students may wear scrubs of their choice in the clinical setting with a Clark school Patch affixed to the sleeve or a white lab coat with the school patch sewn on the sleeve can be worn over the scrubs. 9. Students are expected to model professional behavior and a positive attitude in the classroom and in clinical settings. ~3~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice Student Responsibilities and Medication Guidelines in the Clinical Setting Please note that these are the goals that must all be satisfactory in order to pass this quarter. 1. Students are expected to establish goals for the day and discuss them with their preceptor and instructor weekly. 2. Adhere to client confidentiality and practice professional boundaries. 3. Evaluate the legal responsibilities of the healthcare team. Adhere to the clinical facility, nursing department and college policies. 4. Apply theoretical concepts in the clinical settings. 5. Utilize appropriate channels of communication for personal and professional problem solving. 6. Show respect for others in all settings 7. Safely manage a group of clients as a direct caregiver with minimum RN supervision. 8. Request assistance for new skills or skills not yet mastered. Demonstrate increasingly independent practice 9. Demonstrate good critical thinking and problem solving. 10. Model positive attitude toward the profession of nursing. 11. Accept responsibility for own learning and behavior. 12. Attends all clinical days arrives on time and stays the entire clinical time. Notifies instructor and preceptor is they are not going to be at clinicals. 13. Students will be well groomed and appropriately attired in the clinical setting. 15. FOLLOWS THROUGH WITH SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT GIVEN BY FACULTY, AND. /OR PRIMARY PRECEPTOR. 16. Students assigned to PHSWMC for their practicum may be allowed to start IV’s per hospital policy and their nurse is willing to supervise the procedure. Legal Concerns: 1. Verbal and telephone orders may be taken ONLY WITH YOUR PRECEPTOR ON THE EXTENSION WITH YOU. Preceptors must co-sign any telephone or verbal orders. 2. Students may not administer any chemotherapeutic agents or experimental drugs. In some setting students are not allowed to give IV Dilantin or Valium. Know and follow the policy of the facility. 3. You may change IV bags with common additives (potassium, vitamins) without supervision when cleared by your preceptor. IV bags must be compared against the physician’s orders in the chart. All IV push medications must be directly observed by a RN. 4. All insulin’s and anti-coagulants must be checked by an RN. 5. Conscious sedation will not be administered by the student. Any drug given for the purpose of conscious sedation, i.e. IV Propofol, Fentanyl, Versed will not be administered by the student nurse. ~4~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice Clinical Hours Breakdown: Total Hours required = 160 hours Break down of Hours Clinical Hours with preceptor = 134 or 142 hours Hospice/Home Health = 16 or 8 hours Weekly Clinical Seminar =10 hours Total Hours = 160 hours Learning Activities: The student will: Write Weekly Goals 1. Construct three goals each clinical week. 2. New goals must be written as others are met. 3. Goals must be correctly written (i.e. Who, What, When). 4. Goals must reflect course, clinical, or personal goals. 5. Goals are to be evaluated in the journal every day. 6. Share goals with preceptor and instructor. 7. Utilize the Daily Learning Goals record for this activity. Reflect Upon the Clinical day utilizing a journal. The journal will: 1. Assist the student to remain focused on meeting course, clinical and personal learning goals. 2. Is private and confidential communication between student and faculty. 3. Analyze and document activities of how goals were met (clinical, personal, unit). 4. Analyze and document problems, situations, issues, and conflicts etc. encountered in the clinical setting. 5. Address weekly goals. Were your goals met? If not, why? Attend and participate in weekly clinical seminars which are held every Wednesday after our theory class from 11am-12pm or 12-1pm. The weekly Clinical Seminar is mandatory since it is considered part of your total clinical hours. ~5~ SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Fall Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice 231 CLINICAL COURSE OUTCOME BEHAVIORS Behaviors that are essential to the safe and competent practice of nursing are identified in bold print. At the completion of this course the graduate will: I. KNOWLEDGE: SYNTHESIZES ALL RELEVANT THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE AND PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR INTO PRACTICE SYNTHESIZES ALL PREVIOUS SKILLS AND THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE INTO THE MANAGEMENT AND CARE OF GROUPS OF PATIENTS A. ACCURATELY ASSESSES PATIENTS’ HEALTH STATUS AND FUNCTIONAL ABILITY IN A TIMELY MANNER B. EVALUATES THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CLIENT CARE AND NURSING THERAPIES BASED ON CLIENT’S RESPONSE TO INTERVENTIONS AND PROGRESS TOWARD MEETING DESIRED OUTCOMES. C. CONSISTENTLY APPLIES THE NURSING PROCESS TO THE CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF PATIENT CARE D. FORMULATES CLINICAL CARE PLANS, CARE MAPS, OR CLINICAL PATHWAYS ACCORDING TO FACILITY PROTOCOL E. MODIFY THE CARE PLANS, CARE MAPS, OR CLINICAL PATHWAYS ACCORDING TO FACILITY PROTOCOL F. EVALUATE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF NURSING THERAPIES BASED ON CLIENT’S RESPONSE TO INTERVENTIONS AND PROGRESS TOWARDS MEETING DESIRED OUTCOMES G. APPLY THEORETICAL CONCEPTS IN THE CLINICAL SETTING H. INTEGRATE ALL PREVIOUS LEARNING AND NEW LEARNING INTO THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CLIENT AND/OR FAMILY I. ASSIMILATE CULTURAL AND SPIRITUAL BELIEFS AND PRACTICES INTO THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CLIENT OR FAMILY J. MODEL MEDICAL AND SURGICAL ASEPSIS IN ALL SETTINGS II. CLINICAL JUDGMENT: DEMONSTRATES EFFECTIVE PROBLEM SOLVING AND DECISION MAKING. SYNTHESIZES ALL PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE USING CRITICAL THINKING, THE NURSING PROCESS, AND EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE INTO THE CLINICAL DECISION MAKING PROCESS AND FUNCTIONS AS A GRADUATE NURSE A. ACCEPTS AND ADJUSTS TO CHANGE ~6~ SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Fall Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice B. CONSISTENTLY DEMONSTRATES DEVELOPMENT OF INCREASINGLY INDEPENDENT PRACTICE C. D. E. F. REQUIRES MINIMAL SUPERVISION DEMONSTRATES GOOD CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING DEMONSTRATES GOOD JUDGMENT CORRECTLY DELEGATES TO QUALIFIED STAFF APPROPRIATE TO THE CLINICAL SETTING AND ACCORDING TO THE NURSE PRACTICE ACT G. SUPERVISES THE PRACTICE OF OTHERS H. EVALUATES THE PRECEPTOR, THE FACILITY, AND SELF OBJECTIVELY I. PROVIDES POSITIVE FEEDBACK AND CONSTRUCTIVE SUGGESTIONS AS APPROPRIATE TO THE CLINICAL SETTING J. MAKES ASSIGNMENTS BASED ON CLIENT NEED AND QUALIFICATIONS OF AVAILABLE STAFF WHEN AVAILABLE K. FOLLOWS THROUGH WITH SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT GIVEN BY FACULTY, PRIMARY CARE NURSE AND/OR PRECEPTOR L. COMES TO CLINICAL EXPERIENCE WITH APPROPRIATE RESOURCES FOR THE EXPECTED LEARNING EXPERIENCE III. CARING: INTEGRATE PRINCIPLES OF DIVERSITY, HOLISM, STEWARDSHIP, DIGNITY, AND RESPECT TO REFLECT AN ENVIRONMENT OF CARE. INCORPORATES HOLISTIC NURSING CONCEPTS WHEN PROVIDING CARE TO THE PATIENT, FAMILY, AND COMMUNITY A. COMMUNICATES CARING COMPASSION, WARMTH, RESPECT, AND GENUINE INTEREST USING VERBAL AND NON-VERBAL SKILLS B. TAKES BREAKS AS APPROPRIATE. RESPONDS TO PATIENT REQUESTS IN A PRIORITIZED MANNER C. ESTABLISHES RAPPORT WITH STAFF, CLIENTS AND PEERS D. DEMONSTRATES RESPECT FOR EVERYONE E. DEMONSTRATES ACCEPTING ATTITUDE OF OTHERS REGARDLESS OF THE DIVERSITY F. APPROPRIATELY DEMONSTRATES EMPATHY G. ADVOCATES FOR CLIENTS AND FAMILIES IN A VARIETY OF HEALTH CARE SETTINGS H. UTILIZES THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION SKILLS EFFECTIVELY ~7~ SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Fall Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice IV. TEAMWORK AND INTERPROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION: MODELS OPEN COMMUNICATION, MUTUAL RESPECT AND SHARED DECISION MAKING IS PROFICIENT AND FUNCTIONS AS A TEAM MEMBER WHEN COMMUNICATING AND COLLABORATING WITH THE PATIENTS, FAMILIES, AND ALL MEMBERS OF THE HEALTH CARE TEAM A. SHARES WRITTEN DAILY GOALS WITH PRECEPTOR B. MODELS GOOD LISTENING SKILLS C. ALL WRITTEN WORK IS CLEAR, CONCISE, AND ARTICULATE D. ASSESSES PATIENT’S CONDITIONS AND EFFECTIVELY AND ACCURATELY DOCUMENTS AND COMMUNICATES PERTINENT OBSERVATIONS OR CHANGES IN PATIENT HEALTH CARE STATUS AND NEEDS TO APPROPRIATE PERSONNEL IN A TIMELY MANNER E. PROVIDES APPROPRIATE AND ACCURATE TEACHING TO PATIENTS, FAMILIES, STAFF, AND PEERS F. UTILIZES APPROPRIATE CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION FOR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL PROBLEM SOLVING G. CLEARLY VERBALIZES CONCEPTS, THOUGHTS AND OBSERVATIONS H. PARTICIPATES APPROPRIATELY WITHIN THE GROUP I. COLLABORATES WITH MULTI-DISCIPLINARY AND INTER-DISCIPLINARY HEALTH CARE TEAMS V. PROFESSIONALISM: ROLE MODELS PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY, ETHICAL PRACTICES AND CONTINUING COMPETENCY IN NURSING. ROLE MODELS PROFESSIONALISM IN THE CLINICAL SETTING A. MAINTAIN PROFESSIONAL BOUNDARIES, DOES NOT SHARE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION B. ACTS IN A PROFESSIONAL AND ETHICAL MANNER AT ALL TIMES C. IDENTIFIES ETHICAL ISSUES AND DISCUSSES THE SITUATION D. EVALUATES THE PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT OF HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS IN A VARIETY OF SETTINGS E. F. G. H. IS DEPENDABLE, PUNCTUAL, AND RELIABLE ACTS RESPONSIBLY FOR WON PRACTICE MODELS POSITIVE PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR EVEN WHEN OTHERS ARE NOT QUESTIONS AND ADDRESSES THE LEGAL CONCERNS OF THE HEALTH CARE TEAM I. ADHERES TO THE CLINICAL FACILITY POLICY AND PROCEDURES, AND THE NURS 231 SYLLABUS ~8~ SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Fall Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice J. IS WELL GROOMED AND APPROPRIATELY ATTIRED IN THE CLINICAL SETTING K. ATTENDS AND/OR MAKES UP ALL CLINICAL DAYS. ARRIVES ON TIME AND STAYS THE ENTIRE CLINICAL TIME. CONFORMS TO THE PROCEDURE FOR REPORTING ABSENCE OR TARDINESS TO THE FACULTY L. MAINTAINS PROFESSIONAL DEMEANOR IN THE CLINICAL SETTING M. ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR OWN PRACTICE N. ADHERES TO POLICY AND PRACTICES AS OUTLINED IN THE NURSING PROGRAM HANDBOOK O. COMPLETES THE PORTFOLIO ACCORDING TO ESTABLISHED GUIDELINES P. CONTINUALLY SEEKS SELF-IMPROVEMENT AND NEW EXPERIENCES Q. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL IS THOROUGH, DESCRIPTIVE OF HOW GOALS AND/OR OUTCOMES WERE MET, INCLUDES APPROPRIATE REFLECTION AND ANALYSIS CLINICAL LEARNING VI. PATIENT SAFETY: MINIMIZES RISK OF HARM TO PATIENTS AND PROVIDERS THROUGH BOTH CLINICAL SYSTEMS EFFECTIVENESS AND INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE. PERFORMS SAFE PATIENT CARE AND PROMOTES THE SAFETY OF THE STAFF AS WELL AS THE ENTIRE NURSING UNIT. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. ORGANIZES WORK SO THAT CARE AND CHARTING ARE COMPLETED ON TIME CONSISTENTLY PROVIDES SAFE CARE CONSISTENTLY CORRECTS OR MODIFIES PRACTICE TO ENSURE SAFE CARE SAFELY MANAGES A GROUP OF CLIENTS AS A DIRECT CAREGIVER ALTERS CARE BASED UPON ASSESSMENTS ORGANIZES CARE ACCORDING TO HIGH PRIORITIES USES TIME EFFICIENTLY REQUESTS APPROPRIATE ASSISTANCE FOR NEW AND/OR SKILL NOT YET MASTERED I. RECOGNIZES PERSONAL LIMITATIONS J. ADMINISTERS MEDICATIONS SAFELY AND ADHERES TO ALL NURS 231, NURSING PROGRAM AND HEALTH CARE FACILITY’S POLICIES/GUIDELINES REGARDING SAFE MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION. ~9~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice SUPPORT SERVICES: ADA Accommodations: If you have emergency medical information which should be shared; or if you require assistance in case the building should be evacuated; please make an appointment to see me as soon as possible during the office hours indicated in this syllabus. Any student with a disability who may require accommodation in order to fully participate in this class should contact the Disability Support Services Office at (360) 992-2314 or (360) 991-0901 (VP) or stop by GHL 137. COLLEGE-WIDE POLICIES: Non-discrimination Policy: Clark College affirms a commitment to freedom from discrimination for all members of the college community. The college expressly prohibits discrimination against any person on the basis of: Race, color, national origin, disabled veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, age, gender identity, creed, gender expression, Vietnam-era veteran status, religion, marital status, and presence of physical, sensory or mental disability. The responsibility for, and the protection of, this commitment extends to students, faculty, administration, staff, contractors, and those who develop or participate in college programs. It encompasses every aspect of employment and every student and community activity. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Important College-Wide Student Information: Visit www.clark.edu/cc/syllabi for important college-wide student information. ~ 10 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice NURSING 231 CLINICAL ORIENTATION Welcome to your leadership and advanced nursing concepts clinical. The focus this quarter is for you to become a productive member of the health care team in the role of the professional nurse. You will have the opportunity to work with multiple members of the health care team. You will be expected to apply content from previous courses as well as practice previously learned skills. You will be expected to progressively increase your knowledge and skill in the management of groups of clients and the health care team. YOUR LEARNING IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. I am here to facilitate that learning. Please remember your preceptor and instructors are your resource persons. Feel free to ask questions. We may choose to answer questions directly or may direct you to an appropriate source to learn the answer for yourself. PARKING Students are expected to park only in facility designated areas. You will need to determine the location when you orient to each facility. DRESS CODE You will be expected to follow the Clark College student nursing dress code. ID badges must be worn whenever you are in the clinical area. ASSIGNMENTS You will be expected to arrive at the clinical facility prior to the scheduled report time in order to prepare your daily schedule and make appropriate staff assignments with your preceptor. Whether or not advance preparation is required for your specialty clinical will depend on the type of experiences available. COMMUNICATION Always keep your preceptor informed of your patient’s status throughout the shift. Always consult your preceptor prior to leaving the unit for any reason. Use your preceptor as a consultant to assist you in decision making. NEVER HESITATE TO ASK QUESTIONS. WHEN IN DOUBT--ASK! Asking a question, even if embarrassing, is preferable to making a mistake. You are expected to give end of shift report according to facility protocol and ~ 11 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice within the time parameters of your clinical experience. Consult with your preceptor prior to delegating activities to others. TELEPHONE AND VERBAL ORDERS Verbal and telephone orders may be taken ONLY WITH YOUR PRECEPTOR ON THE EXTENSION OR WITH YOU. Your preceptor must cosign any telephone and/or verbal orders. If you encounter patient/client problems that require notification of a physician, you may call the physician to discuss the problem. Be VERY CLEAR that you are a student. Be sure you have ALL the pertinent information regarding the situation. Anticipate questions they may ask and have your answers ready. TEAM WORK Remember you are part of a team. When supervising the care of others, make yourself available to assist as appropriate. Although the focus is leadership and management, look for new learning experiences or those that will further expand your knowledge and skill base. If you find yourself falling behind, consult with your preceptor. If organization proves to be difficult for you, arrange a time when it can be discussed with your preceptor or instructor. DOCUMENTATION Students are required to chart according to facility policy. Charting must be complete, organized and recorded in a timely manner. Nurses’ notes must include appropriate assessments, any change in condition and the patient response to interventions. Recording is done only in black ink. You may find yourself in a facility that uses computer documentation. Be sure to request the appropriate assistance. If you are at a Legacy facility (Good Samaritan, Salmon Creek or Emanuel) you are required to complete electronic documentation online orientation. CONFERENCES You can expect to see your instructor in the clinical setting at least once during each week of clinical. Should there be any concerns regarding your progress or interactions with your preceptor, you can at any time request a three-way conference to resolve the problem. We will be having clinical seminars weekly on campus. This is the forum for identifying general nursing care /leadership problems with a focus on problem solving and critical thinking. In order to discuss your progress towards meeting course and clinical objectives, individual conferences will be arranged with your instructor. ADMINISTRATION OF THERAPEUTIC AGENTS Policies regarding administration of therapeutic agents vary from facility to facility. You are expected to review and be familiar with the policy in the clinical facilities to which ~ 12 ~ SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Fall Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice you are assigned. Safe administration of therapeutic agents is expected. Students are expected to request the appropriate assistance in administering any drug by any route when necessary. STUDENTS MAY NOT ADMINISTER ANY CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC AGENTS OR EXPERIMENTAL DRUGS. In some facilities, students are not allowed to give IV Dilantin or Valium. KNOW YOUR FACILITY’S POLICY. You may change IV bags with common additives (Potassium, vitamins) without supervision when cleared by your preceptor. IV bags must be compared against the physician’s order. Be sure to look for changes in rates and additives. All other IV solutions must be checked with your preceptor. ALL IV PUSH MEDICATIONS MUST BE DIRECTLY OBSERVED BY THE RN. You may NOT flush dialysis access devices. Feel free to accompany and watch this activity with your preceptor. You are not permitted to work with arterial or SWAN lines without direct RN supervision. All Insulin and anticoagulants must be checked by an RN. Conscious sedation will not be administered by the student. Any drug given for the purpose of conscious sedation i.e. IV Propofol, Fentanyl, and Versed will not be administered by the student nurse. ERRORS OCCUR If you make a mistake, first assess your patient for adverse effects. Immediately notify your preceptor of the problem so that together you can determine if intervention is appropriate. Once the patient has been cared for and is no longer at risk for injury, discuss the error with your preceptor. Identify what led up to the mistake and why you think the error occurred so that you can take steps to prevent similar mistakes in the future. Call your instructor to discuss the situation and what has been done. In your Clinical Log record your error, your analysis of why/how it happened, the consequence to your patient and how you plan to prevent this type of error in the future. LEADERSHIP/MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES (goal ideas for day with charge)) 1. Make assignments. 2. Provide patient care for an RN assignment with preceptor. 3. Make rounds with physicians as available and appropriate. 4. Transcribe orders and obtain supplies with unit secretary and/or preceptor. 5. Give end of shift or transfer report. 6. Practice new skills as available in the clinical setting. 7. Do appropriate patient and family teaching. 8. Give assistance as needed to others on the unit. ~ 13 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice 9. Participate in decision making with preceptor. 10. Attend meetings and conferences with preceptor. Although you are NOT expected to go to the facility the evening before in order to prepare, you ARE expected to establish goals for the day and week to discuss them with your preceptor. POINTS TO REMEMBER: 1. Don’t hold back, this is not an observational experience! 2. Keep your preceptor up to date with respect to your learning needs. 3. Do your own problem solving and request validation from preceptor. 4. Take advantage of all learning opportunities. If your preceptor asks if you want to do something you haven’t done before, it usually means they have the time to supervise you so go for it. 5. Confer with other health care providers. 6. Practice new and reinforce previous skills as available ~ 14 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice Senior Practicum Experience Clinical Overview RATIONALE: Our health care delivery system is dynamic. The current trend is towards greater complexity within the health care facilities. Consequently, the effective nurse must acquire the knowledge necessary to manage groups of clients and supervise ancillary personnel. OBJECTIVES: The student will: Provide patient care for an RN’s assignment with preceptor support. Work a minimum of 4 hours with the charge nurse (team manager/”desk” nurse). Collaborate with other health care workers. LEARNING ACTIVITIES: Orient to the facility and unit. Consult facility policy and procedure manual. Identify at least three weekly learning goals. Provide care to a group of patients as appropriate. Delegate care as appropriate. Make client care assignments with the appropriate assistance. Accompany preceptor to meetings/activities as appropriate. Transcribe orders. Analyze other RN duties and job descriptions. EVALUATION: The student is expected to: Satisfactorily meet N231 student goals/objectives. Share daily goals with the preceptor and instructor. Utilize the journal daily to evaluate your experiences and performance. Conference with faculty and preceptor as needed. ~ 15 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice Collaborate with the preceptor. Attend all clinical days. Participate in class and clinical seminar ~ 16 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice Self-Orientation Guide FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH THE FOLLOWING UNIT ROUTINES: 1. Locate the policy and procedure manuals. 2. Name of charge nurse responsible for the unit. 3. Room numbering system, bed numbering system, patient identification procedures. 4. Where report is given and the method. 5. Charting policies and procedures: 6. Unit routines. 7. Quality assurance memos and/or incident reports. 8. Emergency equipment. 9. Reference books 10. Code cart 11. Emergency suction 12. How to use telephones 13. Bedside commodes 14. Medication administration system 15. Where to pick up medications 16. Calling a cardiac or respiratory arrest 17. Parking ~ 17 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice Clinical Reflective Journal Guidelines Weekly Goals: Must be correctly written (i.e. Who, What, When). Must reflect course, clinical, or personal goals. Are to be evaluated in the journal every clinical day. Are to be shared with the preceptor and clinical instructor The Reflective Journal: Will help you remain focused on meeting course, clinical and personal learning goals. Is a private and confidential communication between student and faculty. Please do not bring your journal to the clinical site! Is used to analyze and document activities of how goals were met (clinical, personal, unit). Used to analyze and document problems, situations, issues, and conflicts etc. encountered in the clinical setting. Used to analyze and describe how you feel about what is learned. Please reflect on both positive and negative feelings. Goal and Journal Grading Weekly goals and Journal entries will be graded as satisfactory or unsatisfactory by the clinical instructor. Satisfactorily written goals and journal entries must be submitted for each clinical day in order to receive a passing grade for clinical. Goals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: Correctly written Correct number of goals. Remember 3 must be written for each clinical week. Goals must be shared with the preceptor, daily. Must be available in the clinical site and must be shared with the instructor. The Journal will be evaluated as satisfactory/unsatisfactory based on the following criteria: The quality and thoughtfulness of reflection upon the day, not on the quantity written. Evaluation of progress toward goals whether or not they were written. If a goal is not met, state why. The analysis of the student response to patient care, communication or management issues that arose during the day. What suggestions would you offer to improve the outcome? Reflection upon what you learned. Describe your feelings and the effect on your nursing practice. Hints: It’s recommended that you put down your thoughts in your journal as soon as you arrive home after your clinical shift. That way your thoughts are still fresh and you are less likely to forget important details. N 231 ~ 18 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice Weekly Learning Goals Name _______________________________ Date Goals RN 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. ~ 19 ~ Instructor Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Nursing Signatures Initials Name Initials ~ 20 ~ Name Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice NURS 231 FINAL CLINICAL SELF-EVALUATION Student name____________________________ Date______________ Knowledge: Describe your experience with applying content from your theory courses to your clinical practice. Clinical Judgment: Describe a clinical experience in which you are proud of your effective problem solving and decision making skills. ~ 21 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice Caring: Share how you have integrated principles of diversity, holism, stewardship, dignity and/or respect to create an environment of caring and reflect on how this has changed over the course of this quarter. Teamwork and Inter-professional Collaboration: Reflect on one of your experiences involving team-work and communication. How were the principles of open communication, mutual respect and shared decision making utilized or not utilized? Discuss how you have grown in this area over the course of this quarter ~ 22 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice Professionalism: Describe your professional goals. How has your experience this quarter contributed to your growth in the areas of personal accountability, ethical practice and competence in nursing as you work toward these goals? Patient Safety: Describe how your actions in your clinical experience helped to minimize the risk of harm to patients, yourself and other providers. How have your abilities in the area of patient safety improved over the course of this quarter? ~ 23 ~ SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Fall Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice NURS 231 FINAL CLINICAL EVALUATION SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY DIRECTIONS: Student is to 1. Evaluate your performance. 2. Have preceptor complete the evaluation forms. 3. Submit to faculty at the designated time. You may have more than one preceptor evaluate you. EVALUATION CODES: EVALUATOR CODES: Student Name: FACILITY: S = student self-evaluation P = preceptor evaluation of student F = Faculty evaluation of student S = satisfactory, meets objective U = unsatisfactory, fails to meet objectives NA=not applicable in particular clinical area PRECEPTOR: UNIT: Date: ABSENT OR LATE: EXPECTED BEHAVIORS I. COMMENTS Knowledge – Integrates relevant theoretical knowledge and professional behavior into practice. Synthesizes all previous skills and theoretical knowledge into the management and care of groups of patients A. Accurately assesses patients’ health status and functional ability in a timely manner B. Evaluates the effectiveness of client care and nursing therapies based on client’s response to interventions and progress toward meeting ~ 24 ~ S P F Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. desired outcomes Consistently applies the nursing process to the care and management of patient care Formulates clinical care plans, care maps, or clinical pathways according to facility protocol Modify the care plans, care maps, or clinical pathways according facility protocol Evaluate the effectiveness of nursing therapies based on client’s response to interventions and progress towards meeting desired outcomes Apply theoretical concepts in the clinical setting Integrate all previous learning and new learning into the management of the client and/or family Assimilate cultural and spiritual beliefs and practices into the management of the client and family Model medical and surgical asepsis in all settings II. Clinical Judgment: Demonstrates effective problem solving and decision making. Synthesizes all previous knowledge using critical thinking, the Nursing Process, and Evidence-Based Practice into the clinical decision making process and functions as a graduate nurse A. Accepts and adjusts to change B. Consistently demonstrates development of increasingly independent practice C. Requires minimal supervision D. Demonstrates good critical thinking and problem solving E. Demonstrates good judgment F. Correctly delegates to qualified staff appropriate to the clinical ~ 25 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice G. H. I. J. K. L. setting and according to the Nurse Practice Act Supervises the practice of others Evaluates the preceptor, the facility, and self objectively Provides positive feedback and constructive suggestions as appropriate to the clinical setting Makes assignments based on client need and qualifications of available staff when available Follows through with suggestions for improvement given by faculty, primary care nurse and/or preceptor Comes to clinical experience with appropriate resources for the expected learning experience III. Caring: Integrate principles of diversity, holism, stewardship, dignity, and respect to reflect an environment of care. Incorporates Holistic Nursing Concepts when Providing Care to the Patient, Family, and Community A. Communicates caring compassion, warmth, respect and genuine interest using verbal and non-verbal skills B. Takes breaks as appropriate. Responds to patient requests in a prioritized manner C. Establish rapport with staff, clients and peers D. Demonstrates respect for everyone E. Demonstrate an accepting attitude of others regardless of their diversity F. Appropriately demonstrate empathy. G. Advocate for clients and families in a variety of health care settings. H. Utilize therapeutic communication skills effectively. I. Collaborates with multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary health care teams ~ 26 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice IV. Teamwork and Interprofessional Collaboration: Model open communication, mutual respect and shared decision making Is proficient and functions as a team member when communicating and collaborating with patients, families and all members of the health care team A. Shares written daily goals with preceptor B. Models good listening skills C. All written work is clear, concise, and articulate D. Assesses patients’ conditions and effectively and accurately documents and communicates pertinent observations or changes in patient health care status and needs to appropriate personnel in a timely manner E. Provides appropriate and accurate teaching to patients, families, staff, and peers F. Utilizes appropriate channels of communication for personal and professional problem solving G. Clearly verbalizes concepts, thoughts and observations H. Participates appropriately within the group I. Collaborates with multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary health care teams V. Professionalism: Demonstrate personal accountability, ethical practices and continuing competency in nursing Models Professionalism in the Clinical Setting A. Maintains professional boundaries, does not share confidential information B. Acts in a professional and ethical manner at all times C. Identifies ethical issues and discusses the situation ~ 27 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice D. Evaluates the professional conduct of health care providers in a variety of settings E. Is dependable, punctual, and reliable F. Acts responsibly for own practice G. Models positive professional behaviors even when others are not H. Questions and addresses the legal concerns of the health care team I. Adheres to the clinical facility policy and procedures and the NURS 231 syllabus J. Is well groomed and appropriately attired in the clinical setting K. Attends and/or makes up ALL clinical days. Arrives on time and stays the entire clinical time. Conforms to the procedure for reporting absence for tardiness to the faculty L. Maintains professional demeanor in the clinical setting M. Accepts responsibility for own practice N. Adheres to policy and practices as outlined in the Nursing Program Handbook O. Completes the Portfolio according to established guidelines P. Continually seeks self-improvement and new experience Q. Reflective journal is thorough, descriptive of how goals and/or outcomes were met, includes appropriate reflections and analysis of clinical learning VI. Patient Safety: Minimizes risk of harm to patients and providers through both clinical systems effectiveness and individual performance Performs safe patient care and promotes the safety of the patient, the staff as well as the entire nursing unit. A. Organizes work so that care and charting are completed on time ~ 28 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice B. C. D. E. Consistently provides safe care Consistently corrects or modifies practice to ensure safe care Safely manages a group of clients as a direct care giver Alters care based upon assessments F. Organizes care according to high priorities G. Utilizes time efficiently H. Requests appropriate assistance for new and/or skill not yet mastered I. Recognizes personal limitations J. Administers medications safely and adheres to all NURS 231, Nursing Program and Health Care Facility policies/guidelines regarding safe medication administration. INSTRUCTOR SIGNATURE: DATE_____________ PRECEPTOR SIGNATURE: DATE_____________ STUDENT SIGNATURE: DATE______________ ~ 29 ~ GRADE: Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice NURSING 231 Preceptor Mid-Term and PRN Evaluation of the Student The most important practical lesson that can be given to nurses is to teach them what to observe. ~Florence Nightingale Directions: Using this form, the preceptor is to complete a Mid-Term and PRN evaluation of the student. Use of examples is expected--especially for any areas of student weakness. The preceptor is then expected to verbally review this completed form with the student—indicating any areas of concern and ensuring the student’s daily goals are adjusted to permit opportunity to focus upon those concerns. Both the student and preceptor will sign the form daily, indicating that a review has occurred. Students are responsible for keeping a copy of the completed evaluations to share with their clinical instructor. Clark College clinical instructors will be notified by the preceptor or student immediately if any serious concerns occur. If no serious concerns exist, the clinical instructor will normally visit the clinical site every week, and will review the evaluation forms with the student and sign them. 1. How well did the student maintain professional boundaries with patients/families/members of the health care team? 2. Discuss student’s respect for maintaining confidentiality and adhering to HIPAA regulations? 3. Did the student demonstrate integrity and honesty in his/her care of and relationship with the patient/families/members of the health care team? 4. Describe the student’s communicate with the preceptor and other members of the health care team: a. Regarding keeping the preceptor and other health care team members appraised of potential patient problems or serious changes in patient status? ~ 30 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice b. Regarding professional nature of communication? 5. Describe student’s timeliness. (Was he/she late? Did he/she handle any necessary lateness responsibly?) 6. Explain a situation where the student demonstrated critical thinking and effective problem solving skills. 7. Explain the student’s ability to safely and efficiently manage the care of 3-4 patients with varying acuity levels. a. How well was he/she able to prioritize needs? b. 8. 9. Explain student’s effectiveness in demonstrating time management skills Medications: a. Explain student’s level of knowledge of medication side effects and action of the medications that she administered. b. Explain the student’s adherence to safe practices when administering medications? c. Describe any concerns: Describe student’s physical assessment of her patient or patients: a. How well did student prioritize the focus of the physical assessment for her patients’ condition? ~ 31 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice b. How well (accurately) did the student conduct the assessment? Was it conducted in timely manner? c. If any abnormalities were discovered, was appropriate documentation and intervention taken? 10. Did the student accept responsibility for her/his own learning and behavior? What suggestions for improvement were offered? 11. What did you observe as important strengths of this student? 12. What are the areas where this student needs the greatest focus on improvement? Additional comments: Student: Clinical Instructor: ______________________________________ Preceptor signature ___________________________ Date of clinical and review of eval. ______________________________________ Student Signature ____________________________ Date of clinical and review of eval. with preceptor ~ 32 ~ Fall SYLLABUS – Fall Quarter 2013 Department of Nursing NURS 231 Professional Leadership in Practice ______________________________________ Clinical Instructor ____________________________ Date of review with student ~ 33 ~