Critical appraisal checklist: Case-control study Gwasanaeth Tystiolaeth Evidence Service Questions to assist with the critical appraisal of a case-control study (Type IV evidence)1 Paper citation: A. What is this paper about? Yes Can’t tell No 1. Is the study relevant to the needs of the Project? 2. Does the paper address a clearly focused issue? In terms of: aims of the investigation? setting (location and dates)? the population studied? case definition explicit and confirmed? the outcomes considered? 3. Is the choice of study method appropriate to the study question? ie is the outcome rare or harmful? 1 Sources used: Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP, Anglia and Oxford RHA) questions and Polgar A, Thomas SA. Chapter 22. Critical evaluation of published research in Introduction to research in the health sciences. 3rd edition. Melbourne: Churchill Livingstone, 1995; Undertaking systematic reviews of research on effectiveness. University of York: NHS Centre for Reviews & Dissemination, 2001; Weightman AL, Barker, JM, Lancaster J. Health Evidence Bulletins Wales Project Methodology 3. Cardiff: UWCM, 2000. V0a 1 December 2014 Critical appraisal checklist: Case-control study Is it worth continuing? Yes/No/Discuss Only complete the next section if the answer to the question above was ‘Yes’ B. Can I trust this paper? Yes Can’t tell No 4. Were the cases recruited in an acceptable way (was there selection bias)? Are the cases defined precisely? Is there anything special about the cases? Were the cases representative of a defined population (geographically or temporally)? Was there a clear and reliable system for selecting all the cases? Are they incident or prevalent? Is the time-frame of the study relevant to the disease/exposure? Did the study have enough participants to minimise the play of chance – was a power calculation made? Were the controls randomly selected from the same population as the cases? 5. Were the cases recruited in an acceptable way (was there selection bias)? Were the controls randomly selected, matched or population-based? Were they from a defined population? Was there anything special about the controls? V0a What was the response rate? Could non-respondents be 2 December 2014 Critical appraisal checklist: Case-control study different in any way? Was there a sufficient number of controls recruited? 6. Have confounding and bias been considered? Have all possible explanations of the effects been considered? Were sources of data and method of measurement comparable across groups cases and controls? Were methods of measurement Objective? Subjective? Validated? Yes Did the study incorporate blinding where appropriate and feasible? Did the exposure of interest precede the outcome? What confounding factors have been considered? Have the authors missed any potential confounders? How comparable are the cases and controls with respect to potential confounding factors (case-control study)? Can’t tell No 7. Is the study design and/or execution flawed to the extent that the results are unreliable? Is it worth continuing? Yes/No/Discuss. Only complete the next two sections if the answer to the question above was ‘Yes’ V0a 3 December 2014 Critical appraisal checklist: Case-control study C. What did they find? Yes Can’t tell No 8. Are tables/graphs adequately labelled and understandable? 9. Are you confident with the authors' choice and use of statistical methods, if employed? If sub-group/interactions analyses have been undertaken is there an explanation of how/why sub-groups have been formed? Have all important variables been considered? Is there an explanation of how potential confounding factors have been controlled/adjusted for? Is there an explanation of how missing data/loss to followup have been handled? Are both unadjusted and adjusted results given? Is the precision of estimates (95% CI) given? Yes Can’t tell No 10. How strong is the association between exposure and outcome (look at the odds ratio)? How precise is this (p-value, CI)? 11. Has adjustment for confounding made any difference? Might confounding still explain the association? 12. Do you believe the results? Can they be due to chance, bias or confounding? V0a 4 December 2014 Critical appraisal checklist: Case-control study Do the results meet Bradford-Hill’s criteria: time-sequence, dose-response, strength, biological plausibility)? D. Are the results relevant locally? Yes Can’t tell No 13. Can the results be applied to the local situation? Consider differences between the local and study populations (eg cultural, geographical, ethical) which could affect the relevance of the study. 14. Were all important outcomes/results considered? 15. Is any cost-information provided? 16. Accept for further use as Type IV evidence? If the answer to question 16 above was ‘Yes’ then record this study as ‘Included’ and proceed to data extraction Comments: V0a 5 December 2014