CIRCUS MACHINE RUBRIC The Circus Arts Conservatory 2 Points 1 point 0 points CAUSE AND EFFECT The machine moved through all four cause and effects. The machine successfully moved through two cause and effects. The machine did not successfully create one cause and effect. DID THE CONTRAPTION PERFORM THE TASK? The contraption successfully performed the task the machine was set up to do. The contraption partially performed the task the machine was set up to do. The contraption was not able to complete the task the machine was set up to do IS THE MACHINE STABLE AND ABLE TO STAND ON ITS OWN? The machine was able to stand on its own and in the allotted space. The machine mostly stood by itself. The machine was not stable. BLUEPRINT Blue print includes a drawing of the proposed machine, materials list and arrows showing direction of force, start and stop and kinetic and potential energy labeled. Blueprint is missing drawing of proposed machine or any of the following: materials list, arrows showing direction of force, start and stop, kinetic and potential energy labeled. Blueprint does not include a model drawing or any of the following: materials list, arrows showing direction of force, start and stop, kinetic and potential energy labeled. SET UP IN 10 MINUTES Machine was set up in or under 10 minutes. Machine was set up just over 10 minutes. The machine took much longer than 10 minutes to set up. PRESENTATION Presentation included: description of path of force, 4 causes and 4 effects, a description of problems and solutions the team encountered. Presentation included some of the following but not all: description of path of force, 4 causes and 4 effects, a description of problems and solutions the team encountered. Presentation did not include any of the following: description of path of force, 4 causes and 4 effects, a description of problems and solutions the team encountered