
9/10 Weight Training Unit Notes
What is Physical Fitness? Physical Fitness is having enough energy to get through the day; with enough energy left over for
daily exercise: and still having energy left over to meet unexpected situations.
Three (3} Main Components of Physical Fitness
1. Strength: The ability to exert maximum force against resistance in one repetition.
* Strength is muscle group specific.
2. Flexibility: The ability of a body joint to move freely through its full range of motion.
* Elasticity of muscle, ligaments, & tendons.
3. Endurance: The ability of a muscle to exert force repeatedly over a period of time
* 20-30 minutes of rhythmic, repetitive, low intensity movement.
Three (3) Secondary Components of Physical Fitness
1. Agility: The ability to quickly change body position and direction.
2. Mental Awareness: A person's state of mind.
3. Behavior: A person must decide to be fit. Making choices; forming habits.
Good Health Habits Include:
Nutrition: maintaining a good diet (food pyramid)
Sleep: getting enough each day; 7-8 hrs./ night
Hygiene, good personal care and cleanliness
Check-ups: medical and dental
Components of a Proper Exercise Program Workout
Emphasize reaching "Steady State" = Increases heart rate = increases body temperature which increases range of motion in
joints, reduces risk of pulling of tearing muscle.
**Walking, jogging, jumping rope, cycling, swimming 
NOTE: Stretching - helps prevent injuries and cramping but should be done after reaching "Steady State"
Exercise / Workout -- Aerobic –vs- Anaerobic Activity
1. AEROBIC Exercise: utilizes oxygen to produce energy; 20-30 minutes of rhythmic, repetitive, low intensity
**walking, logging, jumping rope, cycling, swimming
2. ANAEROBIC Exercise: does not utilize oxygen to produce energy - can be done for only a short period of time.
**weight training, many track and field events
ISOMETRIC Exercise: creates a muscular contraction through little or no movement — pushing or pulling against an immoveable object.
ISOTONIC Exercise: creates a muscular contraction through the full range of motion with mechanical advantage present.
ISOKENETIC Exercise: creates a muscular contraction with equal resistance throughout the full range of motion.
Cool Down (Warm Down): Emphasize flexibility.
PRINCIPLE OF INDIVIDUALITY: what works for me might not work for you. You need to choose a program you enjoy
and one that will help you attain the goals you set for yourself.
NO PAIN / NO GAIN: This slogan is not necessarily true.
*Pain that produces positive muscular growth - is a slow, bearable burn. This is good pain.
*Pain that produces injury - intense pain that inhibits movement / range of motion. This is not good pain.
Safety Points While Weight Training
Warm-up before each workout. Reach "Steady State".
Use proper form while lifting. Ask questions of the instructor.
Go through the full range of motion on each exercise / each repetition.
Exhale while exerting force: continue to breathe while lilting; don't hold your breath while exercising.
Always lift with a partner, spot each other and stay alert.
Never try to impress anyone by lifting too much weight or doing too many repetitions.
No horseplay or fooling around in the weight room.
Watch head, hands, and feet around weight plates - stay clear.
Warm-down after each workout.
Circuit Training for Toning or Strength
Use LOW (light) weight and do a HIGH number of repetitions at 30% to 50% of your maximum effort possible.
Perform 2-3 sets of a minimum of 15 reps but try to do 25 reps / set.
Notes: ** Lift with a partner doing sets alternately at each station. Finish 2-3 sets at each station before moving onto the next
station. Because of time limitations in class we will do only 2 sets at each station.
** Each new workout, start with the stations not done in the previous workout before you repeat a station that was done
in your last workout. Your goal should be to do all stations in your workout each class, time may not permit this.
Use HIGH (heavy) weight and do a LOW number of repetitions starting at 70% of your maximum. Number of sets will vary,
anywhere from 4 to 7 sets.
Notes: Do 4-7 sets at varied increasing weight or Do Progressive Resistance: increase weight each set and reduce the number
of repetitions each set. [Some people will go up and back down on this ladder workout.]
ie: Set# l -- 70% max. at 12 reps. Set #2 -- increase weight at 6 reps. Set# 3 -- increase weight at 3reps.
STEROIDS: How Do They Work??
The major side effects from abusing anabolic steroids can include liver tumors and cancer, jaundice (yellowish pigmentation of
skin, tissues, and body fluids), fluid retention, high blood pressure, increases in LDL (bad cholesterol), and decreases in HDL
(good cholesterol). Other side effects include kidney tumors, severe acne, and trembling. In addition, there are some genderspecific side effects: For men-shrinking of the testicles, reduced sperm count, infertility, baldness, development of breasts,
increased risk for prostate cancer. For women-growth of facial hair, male-pattern baldness, changes in or cessation of the
menstrual cycle, enlargement of the clitoris, deepened voice. For adolescents-growth halted prematurely through premature
skeletal maturation and accelerated puberty changes. This means that adolescents risk remaining short the remainder of their
lives if they take anabolic steroids before the typical adolescent growth spurt. In addition, people who inject anabolic steroids
run the added risk of contracting or transmitting HIV/AIDS or hepatitis, which causes serious damage to the liver. Scientific
research also shows that aggression and other psychiatric side effects may result from abuse of anabolic steroids. Many users
report feeling good about themselves while on anabolic steroids, but researchers report that extreme mood swings also can
occur, including manic-like symptoms leading to violence. Depression often is seen when the drugs are stopped and may
contribute to dependence on anabolic steroids. Researchers report also that users may suffer from paranoid jealousy, extreme
irritability, delusions, and impaired judgment stemming from feelings of invincibility. The short-term physical effects of
anabolic steroids are well documented. Some are temporary, but others could pose a significant threat to long-term health,
especially if the associated risk factors are sustained for long periods of time. This possibility is real because some steroid users
become psychologically dependent on these drugs just like any other addictive drug. Any athlete, or even the average person,
would be stupid to think that taking anabolic steroids will not have side effects and long term consequences.
NOTE: Anabolic Steroids will result in significant strength and body growth if all of the following are satisfied:
The individual must use the chemical either orally or through injection.
The individual must train intensively in weight lifting immediately before the start of a steroid regimen and continue
this intense lifting while using the drug..
The individual must maintain a high protein diet.
Psychological Effects:
Mood Swings (Roid Rage; constantly angry) and Aggressiveness
Physiological Effect:
ANABOLIC (Constructive) Activities: Causes an increased rate of Amino Acid transfer into the cells.
This results in: * Increased musculature
* Increase Calcium deposition and increased bone length & size
* Earlier unity of the bone epiphysis (growth stops)
ANDROGENIC ( Secondary Sex Characteristics) Activities:
Atrophy of Genitalia
Facial & Body Hair
Acne / Cardiac Ailments
Abnormal.Breast Develop. Enlarged Clitoris
Baldness / Inc. Cholesterol
Lowered Sperm Count
Bad Breath / Voice
Irregular Menstrual Cycle
Diet (MyPlate) -- Let's eat for the health of it! (Information from
Before you eat, think about what goes on your plate or in your cup or bowl. Foods like vegetables, fruits, whole
grains, low-fat dairy products, and lean protein foods contain the nutrients you need without too many calories.
Try some of these options.
Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.
Switch to skim or 1% milk.
Make at least half your grains whole.
Vary your protein food choices.
Keep your food safe to eat - learn more at
Cut back on foods high in solid fats, added sugars, and salt
Many people eat foods with too much solid fats, added sugars, and salt (sodium). Added sugars and fats load
foods with extra calories you don't need. Too much sodium may increase your blood pressure.
Choose foods and drinks with little or no added sugars.
Look out for salt (sodium) in foods you buy - it all adds up.
Eat fewer foods that are high in solid fats.
Eat the right amount of calories for you
Everyone has a personal calorie limit. Staying within yours can help you get to or maintain a healthy weight.
People who are successful at managing their weight have found ways to keep track of how much they eat in a
day, even if they don't count every calorie.
Enjoy your food, but eat less.
Cook more often at home, where you are in control of what's in your food.
When eating out, choose lower calorie menu options.
Write down what you eat to keep track of how much you eat.
If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so sensibly - limit to 1 drink a day for women or to 2 drinks a day
for men.
Be physically active your way
Pick activities that you like and start by doing what you can, at least 10 minutes at a time. Every bit adds up,
and the health benefits increase as you spend more time being active.
Note to parents: What you eat and drink and your level of physical activity are important for your own health,
and also for your children's health.
You are your children's most important role model. Your children pay attention to what you do more than what
you say.
You can do a lot to help your children develop healthy habits for life by providing and eating healthy meals and
snacks. For example, don't just tell your children to eat their vegetables - show them that you eat and enjoy
vegetables every day.
FRUIT & VEGETABLE GROUP: Simple Carbohydrates (quick energy), high in Vitamins, Minerals, & Fiber. Low in Fat;
Calories; Sodium. No Cholesterol.
GRAIN GROUP: Complex Carbohydrates (energy source), Vitamin B, Iron, & Fiber.
MEAT GROUP: Protein, Iron, Zinc, and Vitamin B
** Protein provides Amino Acids to the body which are the building blocks of cell development and repair.
DAIRY Group: High in Protein, Calcium, Vitamin A & B.
FATS, OILS, and SWEETS GROUP: Provide calories low in nutrition.
Weight Control
Weight control is a matter of comparing caloric intake through one's diet verus calories burned through exercise and daily
activities. Simply put - YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. To lose weight one must eat a well balanced diet while controlling the
portions you eat to keep caloric intake down and increase your daily activity or exercise (Burn more calories than you take in).
1. Move carefully and slowly in the weight room. Watch where you are going.
2. Stay clear of other lifters and spotters. Avoid collisions with people and equipment.
3. Stay clear of weight machines when someone is lifting or in a position to lift.
4. Fix broken equipment immediately, or set it aside, or put a sign on it. Do not
attempt to use broken equipment.
5. Make sure you are in a stable position before you attempt lifting and perform all lifts using strict
exercise form.
6. Use collars or weight belts on all plate loading equipment such as barbells and
7. Warm up and stretch before lifting. Do not hold your breath and strain to lift a
8. Don't fool around in the weight room.
9. Lift within you ability. Do not try to lift more weight than you can handle
10. Do not bounce weights off your body or off a weight stack. If you have to bounce a weight to lift it,
then the weight is too heavy.
11. Store all weight training equipment properly. Do not leave it lying around on the floor.
12. Be very careful when loading and unloading barbells that are resting on a rack. More weight on one
side of the bar might tip it one direction or the other.
13. Always control the speed and direction of the lift.
14. Do not perform lifts where you could be trapped under the weight without
what to do.
15. Always be polite, courteous, and helpful in the weight room.
spotters who know
General Guidelines for Spotters
1) Be sure you are strong enough to help with the weight being lifted. If not, tell the lifter and try to
find more help.
2) Be sure you know how the lifter expects to be spotted. If not sure, ask the lifter before the lift is
3) Be sure you know what signs or signals the lifter will use to communicate during the lift. Know what
words and gestures the lifter will use to let you know what to do.
4) Stay ALERT! Give your full attention to spotting the lifter. Do not look away from the lifter. Do not be
distracted. Do not carry on a conversation with someone else during the lift.
5) Do not touch the bar during the exercise if the lifter can complete the lift without your help. By
doing so, you may decrease the overload stimulus the lifter needs to make the desired gains.
6) Check the bar before the lift for balanced loading and secure collars.
7) Move weight plates or anything else near your feet that might cause you to trip or lose your balance.
8) Stay in a proper spotting and lifting positions, throughout the attempt so you are ready immediately if
help is needed.
9) Do not jerk the bar away from the lifter or throw it off balance. Gently provide the amount of
help needed to complete the lift.
10) Be a responsible spotter. The lifter is depending on you to do the job right.
Exercises for Specific Target Areas
Shoulders (Deltoids)
Chest (Pectorals)
Stomach (Abdominals)
Military Press
Behind the Neck Press
Dumb Bell Raises
Bench Press
Dumb Bell Flyes
Incline Press
Decline Press
Bent-Knee Sit-ups
Partial Sit-ups
Leg Raises (bent knees)
Bicycle Exercise
Knee Lift (Hip Flexors)
Front of Arms (Biceps)
Back of Arms (Tricep)
Sides (Obliques)
Arm Curls
Tricep Extension (press)
Bench Press
Side Bends
Torso Twist (standing or
Upper Back (Trapezius)
Back (Latissimus Dorsi)
Lower Back (Erectors)
Up-Right Row
Shoulder Shrug
Narrow/Wide Grip Pulldown
Bent-Over Row
Seated Row
Good Morning Exercise
Back Hyperextension
Straight-Leg Deadlift
Inner Thigh (Adductors)
Outer Thigh (Ilotibial Band)
Hip (Faccia Lata)
Side-Leg Raiser
Scissor Exercise
Adductor Leg Pull
Abductor Leg Exercises
Side-Leg Raise
Leg Press
Thigh (Quadriceps)
Back of Thigh (Hamstring)
Buttocks (Gluteals)
Leg Extension
Leg Press
Leg Curl
Rear-Leg Kick
Calf (Gastrocnemius/Soleus)
Toe Raiser
*Information from Exercise-Anatomy Chart by Bruce Algra