sample solution

Homework # 24 sample solution:
part 1: LCS
First we use the dynamic programming technique to compute the length of the LCS of two input
strings x (of length m) and y (of length n), which is stored in the array C[0..m][0..n].
int lengthLCS (string x, int m, string y, int n) {
for i from 0 to m C[i][0] = 0;
for j from 0 to n C[0]j] = 0;
for i from 1 to m
for j from 1 to n
if x[i] == y[j]
C[i][j] = C[i-1][j-1] + 1;
C[i][j] = max(C[i][j-1], C[i-1][j])
return C[m][n];
The space complexity and time complexity of the above algorithm are both O(mn).
Next, we extract the solution by calling extractSolution(x, y, m, n), which is recursively defined as
string extractSolution(string x, string y, int i, int j) {
if (i == 0 || j == 0)
return “ ”;
else if x[i] == y[j]
return extractSolution (x, y, i – 1, j – 1) + x[i]; // append x[i]
else if (C[i][j-1] > C[i-1][j])
return extractSolution (x, y, i, j – 1);
return extractSolution (x, y, i –1, j);
The time complexity of the above algorithm is O(m+n).
Part 2: SCS
Using the array C[0..m][0..n] from the previous problem, it’s easy to get SCS by adding all the
symbols not appearing in the LCS of x and y, as long as it won’t break the order of characters in
their original sequences. That is, we call getSCS(x, y, m, n), which is recursively defined as follows:
string getSCS(x[], y[], i, j) {
if (j == 0) return substring(x, 1, i);
if (i == 0) return substring(y, 1, j);
if (x[i] == y[j]) return getSCS (x, y, i – 1, j –1) + x[i];
if (C[i][j-1] > C[i-1][j])
return getSCS (x, y, i, j –1) + y[j];
return getSCS (x, y, i –1, j) + x[i];
The time complexity of the above algorithm is O(m+n).
Prove that d(T, P) = |SCS(T, P)| – |LCS(T, P)|
Proof: Suppose m = |T| and n = |P|. We may prove the claim by induction on m+n.
Base case: m+n = 0, i.e., m = n = 0, or both T and P are empty. Then |SCS(T,P)| = |LCS(T, P)| = d(T,P)
= 0. The claim holds.
Inductive case: Assume as induction hypothesis that the claim is true for all m+n < k. Now we
consider m+n = k > 0. Suppose T = T’ + T[m] if m > 0 and P = P’ + P[n] if n > 0. There are five cases
to consider:
Case #1: m >= 0 and n = 0. |LCS(T, P)| = 0 and d(T,P) = |SCS(T, P)| = |T|. The claim holds.
Case #2: m = 0 and n > 0. |LCS(T, P)| = 0 and d(T,P) = |SCS(T, P)| = |P|. The claim holds.
Case #3: m > 0, n > 0, and T[m] = P[n]. Now d(T, P) = d(T’, P’), |LCS(T,P)| = |LCS(T’,P’)| + 1, and
|SCS(T,P)| = |SCS(T’, P’)| + 1. By induction hypothesis, d(T’,P’) = |SCS(T’,P’)| – |LCS(T’,P’)|, so we
have d(T, P) = |SCS(T, P)| – |LCS(T, P)|.
Case #4: m > 0, n > 0, T[m] != P[n], and C[m][n – 1] > C[m – 1][n]. Now d(T, P) = d(T, P’)+1,
|LCS(T,P)| = |LCS(T,P’)|, and |SCS(T,P)| = |SCS(T, P’)| + 1. By induction hypothesis, d(T,P’) =
|SCS(T,P’)| – |LCS(T,P’)|, so we have d(T, P) = |SCS(T, P)| – |LCS(T, P)|.
Case #5: m > 0, n > 0, T[m] != P[n], and C[m][n – 1] <= C[m – 1][n]. Now d(T, P) = d(T’, P)+1,
|LCS(T,P)| = |LCS(T’,P)|, and |SCS(T,P)| = |SCS(T’, P)| + 1. By induction hypothesis, d(T’,P) =
|SCS(T’,P)| – |LCS(T’,P)|, so we have d(T, P) = |SCS(T, P)| – |LCS(T, P)|.
In all the cases, the claim holds, so the claim is true for all m+n.