Pedagogical / Psychological Concept, Health 25 Project

Instructions for Peer Reviewers:
Pedagogical / Psychological Concept, Health 25 Project
Background to project and work package:
Health25 is a project part-funded by the European Union to promote the health of disadvantaged young
people. Health25 aims to improve levels of health literacy and promote healthy lifestyles amongst young
people who are either unemployed or are not engaged in any formal education or training, often referred to
by the acronym ‘NEET’ (Not in Employment, Education or Training). The project will develop and pilot a
concept promoting healthy lifestyles that considers the key socio-economic factors such as geographical
location, individual lifestyles, living conditions, and the influence of local communities and peer groups. To
meet the complex requirements of the project, an interdisciplinary approach is being taken to create a
holistic health training and intervention training programme.
The attached concept has been developed in response to the brief for one element of the Health 25 project
- Work Package 5. The brief asks for the development of a pedagogical and psychological concept that can
be used by coaches, stakeholders and NEET participants who will be participating in a sports-based
‘Health Training and Intervention Programme’ that will be developed for Work Package 6 of the Health 25
Project. The pedagogical and psychological concept has drawn on preliminary research in to the NEET
target group in Work Package 4, in particular a literature review of NEET interventions and projects from
partner countries, and a field survey of NEET groups from partner countries.
Key Information:
Please keep your reviews to between 500 and 750 words (1-2 pages maximum)
Please state your name, organisation and your position / title within organisation
Please return your review by 17th May at the latest directly to:
Key Questions – please give feedback and additional comments concerning the following themes in
relation to the draft concept presented:
Structure and clarity of the concept presented
Applicability of the concept for the proposed Health Training and Intervention Programme
Suitability of the psychological method (talking therapies) and practical guidelines for the NEET
target group
Usefulness of the exercises and tools presented within the concept
Which part of the concept could be improved and how (please make reference to specific sections)
Any other comments
Project "Health 25" has received funding from the European Union, in the framework of the Health Programme