Analysis of eteRNA MS2 lab results 2015-01-07 for the improvement of scores in future rounds By Lars Rose (salish99) Same State1 Lab - First, I have summarized here the shape results graphically to better compare them. At the end of the table, please see my own conclusions for an improvement on these labs. Feel free to comment / edit / further these analyses. User Name Given Lab Condition Target shapes Shape State2 Score comments 100 x Good hysteresis mat747 Mat - Mod of Eli 77 Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Page 1 Good hysteresis Eli Fisker Mod of Meechl's design Meec.. 76 Tesla'sDisci ple Ex5 sub 1 75 ElNando88 8 Normal (21/22) 72 lroppy Same State of Confusion2 71 Omei Same State 1 Omei 2 71 Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Page 2 machinelve s mod of top voted: #3 69 JR JR_SameState1_Su b5 68 Hyphema Pariah 3 (MS2 Riboswitches .. 68 mat747 Mat - Mod of Nando 68 Mayanne Same State #2 67 Good hysteresis starryjess Mod of Nando 67 Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Page 3 Mayanne Same State #3 66 Hyphema Pariah 2 (MS2 Riboswitches .. 66 janetmason Gold Rush Omei Same State 1 Omei 3 65 65 SameState1 salish99 Note: Original shape achieved in lab 64 Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Molecule bound (-2.51kcal), and target shape kept. As the molecule is bound in predicted shape, there is no variation on the fluorescent signal / NCI. Bears further Page 4 thought. Longer strands of A’s on right ring. Mayanne salish99 Redo SameState1NO 62 62 Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Mol. bound, but rest of RNA diverges from target shape. Also no variation in fluorescent levels – FMN bound as per lab definition. Longer strands of A’s on right ring. Page 5 Only very minor NCI variations here. wateronthe moon something completely differ.. janetmason Meow 62 62 lroppy Same State of Confusion 60 hoglahoo Flamingo 59 Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Only little variation on NCI levels determined Longer strands of A’s on right ring. (this seems to be a correlation – leave a strand of A’s to prevent binding there into a different shape and the NCI remains lower across all MS2 concentrations. Page 6 S oolong ss1-2 58 oolong ss1-3 58 Omei Same State 1 Omei 1 58 Longer strands of A’s across RNA molecule wateronthe moon I 'NO' this state well 2 57 Meechl Meechl MS2 SS1 3 56 Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Page 7 Longer strands of A’s across RNA molecule wateronthe moon hoglahoo I 'NO' this state well GU on the end 56 56 good “hysteresis”. A bit of a surprise that the overall score is so low Longer strands of A’s across RNA molecule eternacac SameState1-cac2 55 Jieux Louisiana 1 - Jieux Same .. 53 Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Page 8 oolong ss1 52 Malcolm SameState1-03 51 Longer strands of A’s across RNA molecule Malcolm SameState1-02 50 Longer strands of A’s across RNA molecule ViennaUCT Bexeusisus 50 High foldchange in Kd,obs jnicol 4736272_48166_2 48 Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Page 9 Jieux Louisiana 2 - Jieux Same .. 47 Longer strands of A’s across RNA molecule eternacac cipheralex SameState1-cac1 quick and simple 45 44 Longer strands of A’s across RNA molecule Almost all of the two loops left as A’s Longer strands of A’s across RNA molecule Malcolm SameState1-01 43 Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Page 10 Good hysteresis (Delta G high Jieux Louisiana 3 - Jieux Same .. 42 neo1096 SameState_Neo 41 No variations on the NCI Ανώνυμος Αλκαλικός Same State 1 40 jandersonle e Mod of JR 39 machinelve s mod of top voted: #2 37 Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Longer strands of A’s across RNA molecule. Almost all of the two loops left as A’s Page 11 jandersonle e crooked 36 JR JR_SameState1_Su b3 35 mat747 Mat - Mod 35 Eli Fisker Inspired by JR and Meechl 34 Tesla'sDisci ple Ex5 sub 3 34 Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Longer strands of A’s across RNA molecule. Little variation in NCI Page 12 lroppy Same State of Confusion3 mo.. 32 JR JR_SameState1_Su b1 30 kawasakiqr o Same Satate 1 30 Eli Fisker Inspired by JR's SameStare1.. 30 Longer strands of A’s across RNA molecule Beginner Chemist Default title 30 Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Page 13 Meechl Meechl MS2 SS1 2 30 machinelve s mod of top voted: #1 30 Tesla'sDisci ple Ex5 sub 2 30 Longer strands of A’s across RNA molecule jnicol 4736272_48166_3 30 hoglahoo Mongoose 28 Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Page 14 Longer strands of A’s across RNA molecule garydfisher SS 1.1 27 Hyphema Pariah 1 (MS2 Riboswitches .. 27 Meechl Meechl MS2 SS1 22 jnicol 4736272_48166_1 22 janetmason I'm in a state 10 Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Page 15 jandersonle e Mod of Eli's Mod 6 Not sure is the formation of the 1-8 hairpin is the sole reason for this design to score that low? Open for discussion A note: I am aware that the delta G calculations as per Johan’s Is not a true hysteresis (merely a representation of the three sub scores calculated) but I used the term here when writing together my comments and thoughts in the table above, just in case you wonder where that terminology comes from. Ideal: Ending up high on the graph overall, and with a large separation of the two score results. Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Page 16 Findings and conclusions so far 1) Only one design successfully reflected the actual shape required by the lab (Same State 1 by salsish99) 2) Only two designs (Same State 1 and Same State 1NO by salsish99) had a bound molecule in the actual lab using the actual FMN docking shape set by the design. How did those two designs fare? Their folding score is mediocre at best. The correct shape “Same State 1” also seems to have little fold change in KD,obs One conclusion one could draw from this is that achieving the actual desired shape does not result in a good molecule. Or, the binding energy provided by the correct FMN docking is insufficient to boost actual binding. 3) Leaving a long set of A’s (I will label these as “stretches of desert”) untouched may result in desired shapes. Such deserts simply won’t bind well (except maybe to the few U’s strewn around). However, the overall score of all these molecules is in the lower midrange of all the submissions analyzed here. So, leaving a maximum of 5 A’s in a row is desirable, if not even less. 4) Maximizing the energy difference between the states seems to result in higher scores, as the FMN seems to really bind well, even if the target shape does not coincide (even remotely) with the predetermined binding site. Ultimately, all submissions that were created using this strategy had a vastly different shape than the one required, but all score better than average, with a maximum of 80/100. 5) However, high fold-change in Kd,obs alone also does not necessarily result in a good binding site. Take, for example, 4736272_48166_2 by jnicol, which has a fairly high delta Kd,obs, but scores low (48). With an average set of values (GC 11 (55%), AU 9 (45%), GU0 (0%), ΔG=-33.5 kcal), this design also does not fall out of the average submission values. The Tmelt=107 °C is around the maximum of the submitted designs, so another rule to maximize the score seems to be to keep the melting point between 67 and 87 °C. 6) Geometric arrangements of non-A’s as in Mod of Eli's Mod by jandersonlee seems to result in very low folding score and for some reason no differentiation between state energies. So, another conclusion seems to be to avoid regular arrangements of blocker (i.e. non-A) bases. Thoughts on MS2 labs 2015-01-07 by salish99 Page 17