Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic School Advisory Board Agenda

Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic School
21201 Church Avenue, Rogers
Members in
Trustee in
Advisory Board Executive Session
July 22, 2014 8:00 PM
Alex Marquette, Larry Koshiol, Jen Riegel, Marilyn Truwe, Matt Christopherson, Terri Broberg
George Gmach
Marilyn Truwe and Matt Christopherson agreed to join the Advisory Board
Minutes from last year’s advisory board meetings are not on the school website. Minutes were
approved; therefore, Jen and Terri will send the final copies to the school office. Genna or Lisa
will put them on the website
The pre-K teacher has signed her contract. The position is full-time; therefore, she will assume
some other duties. Details are not yet available. She will be contacting all enrolled pre-K
families in the near future
 70 students are confirmed for this fall (pre-K thru 5th)
 An ad has been placed in the Crow River News. Pre-K is the focus, but all grades
openings are being advertised
Principal search
 3 applications have been received
 Jack Hines has formed the search committee
 Posting is currently on the Archdiocese website. Reposting on other websites is being
A new distributor for MQP spirit wear is needed. Terri Broberg will contact a local company
called Great Garments Plus
Open forum / discussion with all parents
 It was decided to have an open forum meeting with all school parents in August
 Topic of discussion is ideas for MQP school’s future in order to become stable / viable.
o Expand our marketing plan and continue as MQP school
o Combine classes and continue as MQP school
o Become a regional school through partnerships with local schools / parishes
Next Meeting
Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 21st at 7pm in the church basement.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00pm.