TENANCY APP for internet

Tenancy Application
PLEASE NOTE: Each prospective tenant must complete the
application form.
Complete and either:
Fax to: 630 2654
Email to: rentals@spectrumrentals.co.nz
Address of property applied
for:_________________________________________________________Rent per week $________
When can you move by:______________________ Expected length of tenancy: (e.g .6 mths,12 mths etc)___________________
No. of Adults (including applicant)_________________No. of children_________________Ages:__________________________
Reason for moving:_________________________________________________________________________________________
Last Name:____________________First name:________________Middle name:__________Date of birth:__________________
Are you currently renting/boarding/living with family/own your own home (please circle one)
Current address:__________________________________________________________How long have you lived there:________
If less than two years previous address:_________________________________________________________________________
Contact details: home____________________work__________________mobile______________________
Email address:________________________________________Drivers license no:_______________________Version no:______
NZ citizen: Y/N
NZ resident: Y/N
Work permit: Y/N (please provide proof)
Name of current employer:___________________________________________Occupation:______________________________
Address:__________________________________________________________Annual income:___________________________
Telephone number:_________________________________________________Duration of employment:___________________
If less than 6 months previous employers name_______________________________________
Beneficiary NZISS Card Number____________________________________Type of benefit:__________________________
Will you be parking a motor vehicle on the property: Yes No How many?______________
If yes give details:
Make:__________________Model:______________________________Reg No:___________________
Make:__________________Model:______________________________Reg No:___________________
*Spectrum Rentals Ltd* Office 7, 465 Mt Eden Rd, Mt Eden, Auckland 1024* PO Box 67-027, Mt Eden 1349*
T:630 2655 or 021 503664 F: 630 2654*E: admin@spectrumrentals.co.nz*
Do you or any other proposed occupants have any pets? Yes No
Do you or any other proposed occupants smoke?
Yes No
Please list:______________________________________
Outside Only
Landlords name:______________________________________ph:________________________mobile:___________________
May I contact this person for a reference: Yes No
Previous Landlords name:______________________________ph:________________________mobile:___________________
May I contact this person for a reference: Yes No
How long did you rent there:______________________________
Have you ever had a tenancy terminated before? Yes/No
Have you previously had money deducted from your bond or have you left a tenancy owing the Landlord rent or other money? Yes/No
If yes give reason why__________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please provide two referees that I can contact. Referees can be a friend, co-worker, your employer or someone who knows you well. One of the referees should
be able to provide a reference about your credit worthiness. You give your consent for these referees to be contacted.
NAME OF RELATIVE: in case of emergency (not living with you)
Address:_________________________________________________________Phone no:___________________________________________
Please attach identification either a copy of your drivers license or passport plus proof of income. If you
are NOT an NZ resident please attach a copy of your visa
I/We authorize any person or company to provide Spectrum Rentals Ltd and/or associated agent with such information as may be required in
response to my credit and/or employment enquiries. I/we further authorize Spectrum Rentals Ltd to furnish to any third party details of this
application and any subsequent dealings that I/we have with Spectrum Properties as a result of this application being actioned by Spectrum
Rentals Ltd. I/we agree to pay $25 per applicant for the cost of the creditcheck upon acceptance of this application. I acknowledge that should
I/we decide not to proceed with the application after I/we have verbally agreed to take the property this fee will be non-refundable.
I/we appoint Spectrum Rentals Ltd to be my/our agent and agree to pay a non-refundable letting fee of one weeks rent plus GST upon
acceptance of this application to ASB 12-3020-0485918-02. I acknowledge to Spectrum Rentals Ltd that should I decide to withdraw after I
have verbally agreed to take the property, that I am liable for a cancellation fee, not exceeding two weeks rent plus GST.
*Spectrum Rentals Ltd* Office 7, 465 Mt Eden Rd, Mt Eden, Auckland 1024* PO Box 67-027, Mt Eden 1349*
T:630 2655 or 021 503664 F: 630 2654*E: admin@spectrumrentals.co.nz*