APPENDIX II. Chronic Pain Physician Perspectives Questionnaire I

APPENDIX II. Chronic Pain Physician Perspectives Questionnaire
1. I am knowledgeable diagnosing and differentiating chronic pain syndromes.
2. I am aware of gaps in my knowledge regarding the comprehensive treatment of patients with chronic pain.
3. I feel stressed when seeing patients with chronic pain.
4. My knowledge base is adequate when it comes to providing ongoing care to patients with chronic pain.
5. My knowledge of the spectrum of choices of analgesics in treating patients with chronic pain is current.
6. I have difficulty diagnosing the emotional consequences faced by patients with chronic pain.
7. I have difficulty managing the emotional consequences faced by patients with chronic pain.
8. I have difficulty diagnosing the functional consequences of chronic pain in my patients.
9. I have difficulty managing the functional consequences of chronic pain in my patients.
10. I am comfortable prescribing different classes of medications simultaneously in the management of chronic pain.
11. From a legal perspective, I feel comfortable prescribing opiates to my patients with chronic pain.
12. From a medical perspective, I feel comfortable prescribing opiates to my patients with chronic pain.
13. I do not find it satisfying to treat patients with chronic pain.
14. I believe there are strategies for managing chronic pain that have been proven to be effective.
15. I have difficulty recognizing when disincentives impede my patients' function.
16. I am comfortable assessing drug seeking behavior.
17. Overall, I am very satisfied with my current approach to pain management.
18. I am very satisfied with the way my patients respond to my pain management approach.
19. I find it useful to refer my patients with chronic pain to:
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Note: Measure uses a 6-point scale: Strongly Disagree, Moderately Disagree, Slightly Disagree, Slightly Agree,
Moderately Agree, Strongly Agree