REFERENCES AND FURTHER READINGS EC, IMF, OECD, UN & WB. 2009. System of national accounts. New York. FAO. 1982. Estimation of crop areas and yields in agricultural statistics. FAO Economic and Social Development Paper, No 22. Rome. FAO. 1983. Community-level statistics. FAO Economic and Social Development Paper, No 33. Rome. FAO. 1996a. Conducting agricultural censuses and surveys. FAO Statistical Development Series 6. Rome. FAO. 1996b. Multiple frame agricultural surveys. Vol.1. FAO Statistical Development Series 7. Rome. FAO. 1996c. A system of economic accounts for food and agriculture. FAO Statistical Development Series 8. Rome. FAO. 1997. Guidelines on the collection of structural aquaculture statistics. FAO Statistical Development Series 5b. Rome. FAO. 1999. Agricultural censuses and gender considerations: concepts and methodology. Rome. FAO. 2000. Assessment of the world food security situation. Suggested core indicators for monitoring food security status. Committee on World Food Security, 26th Session. Rome. Unpublished. FAO. 2005. A system of integrated agricultural censuses and surveys Vol. 1. World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010. FAO Statistical Development Series 11. Rome. FAO. 2008. Guide to laboratory establishment for plant nutrient analysis. FAO Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Bulletin 19. Rome FAO. 2009. The state of food and agriculture. Livestock in the balance. Rome. (available at FAO. 2011. Green manure/cover crops and crop rotation in Conservation Agriculture on small farms. (available at ). FAO & UNFPA. 2012. Guidelines for linking population and housing censuses with agricultural censuses. Special Issue of the FAO Statistical Development Series. Rome. FAO. 2013 (Gerber et al). Tackling climate change through livestock – A global assessment of emissions and mitigation opportunities. FAO. 2015. AQUASTAT, FAO’s Global Water Information System. (available at FAO & WHO. 1999. Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme Codex Alimentarius Commission. Report of the 30th Session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues, 20 - 25 April 1998. Hague. Global Strategy. 2014. Providing access to agricultural microdata: A guide. (available at Haug, R. T. 1993. The practical handbook of compost engineering. Florida. World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020 IHSN. 2009. Principles and good practice for preserving data. International Household Survey Network, IHSN Working Paper No 003, December. ILO. 1993. International Classification of Status in Employment (ICSE), 1993. ILO. 2009. Report of the conference. 18th International Conference of Labour Statisticians 24 November - 5 December 2008. Geneva. ILO. 2013. Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization. 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians 2 - 11 October 2013. Geneva. UN. 2008. International standard industrial classification of all economic activities, Revision 4. Statistical Papers, Series M No.4/Rev.4. New York. UN. 2014. Central product classification (CPC) version 2.1 expanded. Statistical Commission 44th Session, 26th February - 1st March 2013. New York. UN. 2015. Principle and recommendations for population and housing censuses, revision 3. New York. UN, EU, FAO, IMF, OECD & WB. 2014. System of environmental and economic accounting 2012 (SEEA). New York. UNECE. 2011. Handbook on household income statistics (2nd ed.). Geneva. UNESCO. 2011. International standard classification of education. Montreal. WB, FAO & UN. 2010. Global strategy to improve agricultural and rural statistics. Report No. 56719GLB. WCO. 2012. Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) Edition 2012. World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020