March 27, 2012 Work Session The Work Session of the Township

March 27, 2012 Work Session
The Work Session of the Township Committee of the Township of Franklin was called to order by Mayor
Petsch at 7:12 p.m. in the Municipal Building. The following Committee members were in attendance: Mr.
Genna, Mr. Deegan, Mr. Dougherty and Mayor Petsch. Mrs. Pfrommer was absent. Mr. DiGiorgio,
Administrator, Mr. Ziegler, Solicitor, and Lt. Rock, Police, were also in attendance.
Mrs. Toy reviewed the following:
4. Request from Kelly Smuzinsky to vacate a portion of Walnut Street directly behind her home at
535 Oak Avenue, Block 4409 Lot 4.
5. From Peter Scapellato, owner of Scapellato Farms, a bid in the amount of $2,000 to lease the
Meredith Farms property for the 2012 growing season.
6. Application for Raffles License for Franklin Township Youth Soccer
7. Application for Mobile Food Handling License for Chili’s Dog House
Upon motion by Mr. Deegan seconded by Mr. Dougherty and carried the street vacation request was
ordered sent to the Land Use Committee for review.
Genna-yes Deegan-yes Dougherty-yes Petsch-yes
Mr. DiGiorgio announced that the 2012 Franklin Township Budget would be introduced tonight at the
regular meeting.
Lt. Rock, Police, reported on the following:
1. 77 Kirsten Drive – Lt. Rock referred to a letter the Police Department received alerting neighbors
of possible illegal drug activity in that neighborhood. He was asked if there was a town watch in
that neighborhood and he said no. Lt. Rock said the Police Department did not send out the
letter, however, he did refer the letter to the Prosecutor’s Office and the Division of Youth and
Family Services. DYFS advised they have no open case. Lt. Rock said Zoning went out, the
homeowner was in the house at the time, not a squatter.
2. Newfield Terrace – Lt. Rock reported on a complaint the Department received about suspicious
activity in the vicinity of the Newfield Terrace Community Center concerning narcotics being
sold from a car. On Monday, March 26th, the police confiscated 24 oz. of marijuana and six
people were arrested, including juveniles.
3. License Plate Reader option – Lt. Rock advised that he could put the price of a reader into the
lease payment for car purchases and would receive $2,500 from the Prosecutor’s Office. $16,300
could be budgeted over four years. The first year’s cost of the cars is $31,884.83 plus $12,000.
He said the life expectancy of the reader is more than five years.
Mr. Deegan thanked the Police for a good job in Newfield Terrace.
Mr. DiGiorgio announced that the Public Works Dept. would start their summer hours on April 16th,
working from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Mr. Ziegler reviewed the Resolutions for this evening. He explained that R-74-12 accepting the bid by
Scapellato Farms and authorizing a lease for farmland at Meredith Farms had been modified to indicate
that the lease is subject to the Meredith Farms Redevelopment Project moving forward, and if so the
farmer will be notified 30 days prior to the project commencing and his crops must be harvested at that
Mr. Ziegler requested a closed session meeting to discuss litigation with New Greenways.
Upon motion by Mr. Dougherty seconded by Mr. Genna and carried Resolution R-75-12 entitled
“Resolution Authorizing A Closed Executive Session Of The Township Committee Of The Township of
Franklin” was ordered adopted.
Genna-yes Deegan-yes Dougherty-yes Petsch-yes
Mr. DiGiorgio reported on the following:
 Pinelands Ordinances – planning a meeting with the Pinelands Comm. the week of April 2nd, then
to the Planning Board on April 17th, and if all goes well, Public Hearing and Adoption on April
 CFO interviews conducted prior to this meeting
 Land Use Meeting March 13th – a very productive meeting. Mr. DiGiorgio advised that Marie is
researching additional information on some of the properties. When the list is complete it will be
a really good list of township-owned properties.
 RFP for Public Information person – three bids were received and he will interview soon
 Clean Communities – the funding hasn’t arrived yet, but the township has been awarded the
Mr. Deegan asked if the land sale will be by auction this time, and Mr. DiGiorgio replied that is one of the
options. Mr. Deegan said he had researched Warren, an auctioneer from Woodstown. Mr. DiGiorgio
said he would need authorization to go out for an RFP for an auctioneer.
Upon motion by Mr. Deegan seconded by Mr. Dougherty and carried the Administrator was authorized to
go out for RFPs for an auctioneer.
Genna-yes Deegan-yes Dougherty-yes Petsch-yes
The meeting was ordered adjourned at 7:28 p.m.
All members voted in the affirmative.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Toy
Township Clerk