February 28, 2012 Work Session The Work Session of the Township

February 28, 2012 Work Session
The Work Session of the Township Committee of the Township of Franklin was called to order by Mayor Petsch at
7:07 p.m. in the Municipal Building. The following Committee members were in attendance: Mr. Genna, Mrs.
Pfrommer, Mr. Deegan, Mr. Dougherty and Mayor Petsch. Mr. DiGiorgio, Administrator, Mr. Ziegler, Solicitor,
Mr. Nese, DPW, and Lt. Rock, Police, were also in attendance.
Mrs. Toy reviewed the following:
1. From TRICO JIF notifying that the Township has earned $3,575.00 as a result of our outstanding
performance in the 2011 TRICO JIF Safety Incentive Program.
2. From NJDEP providing an update on suppression efforts and best management practices for the southern
pine beetle infestation. DEP also asked the municipality to designate a SPB liaison for
coordinating suppression information with the State Forestry Services.
Request from Rich Daubenspeck, Recreation Commission Chairman, to make new appointments to the
Commission and to move others to different positions. Mayor Petsch asked Mr. Deegan and Mrs.
Pfrommer to confirm those changes with the members of the Commission. Action was tabled until next
2012 License Renewals – Mrs. B’s Fun Treats – Mobile Food Handling; and Papa Luigi Pizza – Food
Mr. DiGiorgio distributed a disk of the USEDA Application Route 40 Food Center produced by TRIAD. He also
handed out a preliminary site plan for the Route 40 site. Mr. DiGiorgio advised that the street has to be named for
the final application and asked the Committee for suggestions. Mr. Deegan recommended the names be submitted
by next meeting. Mr. Ziegler said that the list of names should go to the 911 Coordinator for review.
Mr. DiGiorgio said the same farmer wants to lease the land there again, saying we can lease it, however it would be
up in the air on crop times. Mayor Petsch asked if last year’s lease contained the condition about the
Redevelopment Project moving forward and crop harvesting, and Mrs. Toy answered yes. Mayor Petsch said the
lease could be renewed with the same conditions as last year. Mr. DiGiorgio advised that it has to be put out to bid
first. Mr. Deegan asked if the lease agreement offsets the price of advertising, and the reply was yes.
Mr. DiGiorgio referred to page two of the spreadsheet showing to purchase two trucks, the first year’s payment on
the bond would be $80,000, saying the wildcard is the fuel, but showing a total of $1,438,612 - $4.66 per stop.
Snow Removal
Mr. DiGiorgio said there would be a savings on insurance in the amount of $15,597 if we privatize, but we would
also lose Newfield revenue in the amount of $43,492.80.
Mr. DiGiorgio said that Rob Allen is here from Waste Management. Mr. DiGiorgio said that if we privatize, Waste
Management would own the entire trash and recycling program. He referred to the cost of trash truck purchase on
page 1 - $435,000. Mr. DiGiorgio said that by 2018 we would need to replace three trash trucks. He said a decision
has to be made soon.
Mr. Genna said that snow removal is a problem and asked Mr. Allen how have other towns handled this. Mr. Allen
said some are working with contractors and some have DPW workers. Mr. Genna felt that the snow removal
numbers, based on 100% privatization, is probably low. Mr. DiGiorgio advised that it takes 14 men and trucks to do
snow removal on township roads. Mrs. Pfrommer asked the total manpower now. Mr. Nese answered eleven on
staff, plus himself and Mr. Paollili. Mr. Nese said that he has to have a loader and operator in the yard all the time
for salt.
Mayor Petsch said there would be $1.3 million plus $77,000 in savings by privatizing trash and recycling; however,
the obstacle is snow removal cost totaling $987,000. He said privatize or use ½ the existing workforce costing
$500,000 plus losing the revenue source from Newfield and shared service. The issue is still $500,000. Mayor
Petsch said we need an answer, how do we remove the snow, the numbers don’t work.
Mr. Nese said that the Public Works Department is not just trash and recycling and snow removal, they do mowing,
park maintenance, road repair, stormdrain cleaning, etc. He said it is a 56 square mile township and there are a lot
of needs out there.
Mr. DiGiorgio said that if we continue to pick up trash and go to automated recycling pickup there would be a
benefit. He said at a recent JIF meeting he learned the Number 1 cause of loss was police chases, and the Number 2
cause of loss was workers on the back of trash trucks getting hurt.
Mr. Ziegler stated it is a hard decision, it is a dollars and cents decision. Mr. Allen advised the deadline for a
decision is March 18th. Mr. Ziegler advised that the Committee’s next move would be yes or no decision, which
could be done tonight or at the next meeting. Mr. Dougherty stated there will be a motion tonight.
Mr. DiGiorgio reported on the Egg Hunt, scheduled for March 31 st at 10:00 am, probably at Delsea. He asked that
it be posted on the website and Channel 9, and that Mrs. Freijomil is doing letters, and acknowledged all her help.
Mrs. Pfrommer wanted to publicly thank Mrs. Freijomil, saying she has been a lifesaver.
Mr. Ziegler reviewed the resolutions on the agenda tonight.
Mr. Ziegler reported on the following:
1. Iona Lake Dam – the township received a letter from DEP about violations. There is a meeting within the
next week with the County Engineer and Township Officials to determine what to do going forward and
address the $15,000 fine. Mr. Ziegler said the Township did emergency work after the hurricane. Mr.
DiGiorgio felt the dam and the road are in better shape now than they have ever been. Mr. Ziegler said the
County has been most helpful.
2. On March 22nd there is Court ordered mediation with New Greenways
Zoning Violation – for removing dirt from a farm and the party appealed to the County Agricultural Board
and a meeting is scheduled for March 8th. Mr. Ziegler said that the Tax Assessor said it is a commercial
farm, however the property was not farmed last year. Mr. Ziegler said he will attend the second hearing.
Mr. DiGiorgio reported on the following:
 JIF and MEL Loss Ratio Snapshot handout
 Municipal Court – the AOC recommended closing the office to the public every day at 3:00 pm except on
Court day. Hopefully, when they get caught up, they can go back to being open until 4:00 pm. Mr.
Dougherty wanted to clarify that the window closes at 3 pm but the staff is here until 4 pm.
 Little League Request – Mr. Deegan advised that Little League requested some of the previously
appropriated funds to upgrade the fields where they hold water and purchase new scoreboards. Mr. Deegan
advised they solicited bids, have appeared before the Planning Board, and received their approval. They
are requesting $30,000 and have also requested help from the public and local businesses. Little League is
asking the Township Committee to appropriate the $30,000 tonight.
Mr. Dougherty said he wanted it to be clear that this is not taxpayers’ money, it is from the Recreation Trust Fund
money. He said they appeared before the Planning Board and are now asking the Township Committee to reallot
this money. Mr. Ziegler advised that R-54-12 will authorize the $30,000 for Little League.
Land Use Committee Meeting
1. Reviewed the Forseman’s request to vacate Rosewood Avenue, and the Committee recommended the
vacation of Rosewood Avenue from University Street to Mt. Carmel St.
2. Reviewed Mr. Melleady’s request to purchase lots in Newfield Terrace. Mr. DiGiorgio will send him
a letter advising that the properties will be sold at the upcoming land sale.
3. Land Use Committee members each got a list of properties to review for the land sale.
The work session meeting was ordered adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
All members voted in the affirmative.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Toy
Township Clerk