September - River Valley Ranch

Record of Proceedings
Regular Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, September 28, 2011, 5:00pm
The Ranch House Meeting Room
A regular meeting of the Executive Board Members of the River Valley Ranch Master Association, in the county
of Garfield, State of Colorado was held on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at 444 River Valley Ranch Drive,
Carbondale, Colorado 81623 with the following people present:
Executive Board of Directors
Jim Noyes, President
Peter Frey, Vice-President
Bill Grant, Treasurer
Lani Kitching, Director-at-Large
Ted Stude, Director-at-Large
Amy Harvey, Director-at-Large
Management Representatives
Ian Hause, Community Manager
Suzie Matthews, Controller
Homeowner Attendees
Norma Dolle
Roy Davidson
Ed Shadduck
Stan Kleban
Kathryn Rooney
Call to Order
RVR Executive Board President, Jim Noyes called the meeting to order at 5:00pm. A quorum was established.
Approval of Agenda
Director Lani Kitching moved and Director Ted Stude seconded to approve the agenda. The motion passed
Consent Agenda
Directors Lani Kitching and Bill Grant moved and seconded the adoption of the meeting’s consent agenda and to
approve the Community Meeting minutes of August 31, 2011. The motion passed.
Public Comment
Homeowner Ed Shadduck offered kudos to the Board and the staff for “… all the hard work and all the vitality
and all that has gone on this summer. I have heard for years about what we were going to do. It has now all
come together. We have a great Board and Staff. I for one appreciate it.”
Norma Dolle thanked the staff for making the doors to the lap pool easier to get in and out of. Ian indicated that
staff has had a demo of a battery operated automatic door opener that we are considering for possible
installation on some of the Ranch House doors.
Tennis Member Appreciation Event – September 25th, 12-3pm – There were 51 adults and 16 kids at
the Tennis Member Appreciation event, ending the tennis season on a very positive note. The event
served not only to express appreciation to RVR’s tennis community, but also to drive memberships for
2012. We are looking forward to a strong 2012 season.
The Settlement Annual Meeting – October 3rd – 5pm – The annual meeting for the Settlement will be
held on October 3rd at which time feedback on this year’s operations and the 2012 budget for the
Settlement will be discussed.
October Wine Tasting – October 6th, 5-7pm - The next wine tasking of the season will be October 6th, 5 –
7 pm. The featured artist will be RVR’s own Bob Boylan. There will be a wine tasting every month going
Old Town Annual Meeting – October 5th - The annual meeting for Old Town will be held on October 5th
at which time feedback on this year’s operations and the 2012 budget for Old Town will be discussed.
RVRMA Annual Meeting – December 14th, 6-8pm – The RVRMA Annual Meeting will be held on
December 14th from 6:00 – 8:00pm.
Homeowner Stan Kleban said that he understood the annual meeting was going to be changed to the
spring. Jim said that the meeting will continue to be in December because it coincides with the budget
approval process; however, we do have a summer Community Gathering in July as a mid-year
informational event.
Committee Reports
Landscape Committee – Jim commented that the Landscape Committee has done a magnificent job with the
landscape improvements that have been implemented this year, particularly correcting some deteriorating
situations that needed to be addressed. The committee will identify the remaining project options, costs, and
benefits and make recommendations on what should be included in the 2012 Capital Budget.
Facilities Committee - Ian indicated that he is in the process of creating a summary document that will identify
the remaining facilities questions that we have for the engineers we have been working with, and a summary of
the options available, associated costs and benefits, and the Community Manager’s recommendations for
inclusion in the 2012 capital reserve budget. Ian indicated that we will take a cautious, phased approach to
implementing any improvements and find the options that provide the best return on our investment
DRC Committee - The DRC Minutes of September 1, 2011 were reviewed by the Board; no comments
Tennis Committee - The Tennis Committee Meeting Minutes of August 30, 2011 were reviewed by the Board;
no comments.
Management Update
Jim began by saying he would like to compliment Ian and his staff for the work they have done this
year. Jim said that he has gotten unsolicited input that the hospitality equation has been increased
palpably. Jim expressed appreciation for what Ian and his team have accomplished in such a short
period of time. Ian then offered to answer questions on his Community Manager report.
Bill Grant noted that a winter cover has been placed over the kiddie pool, (primarily to keep leaves out
and prevent leaf staining) and thinks that is a good idea.
Community Manager’s Report
Management –Summer Camp is over. Performance/Exit reviews with seasonal staff have been
completed. A new staff organizational chart is being developed. We are capturing the plus/deltas from
2011 and planning accordingly.
The 2012 Budget process has commenced.
The Settlement Annual/Budget Meeting is set for Monday, October 3rd at 5 p.m. as of the writing of this
report the Old Town Annual/Budget meeting has not been set. However, it is targeted for Wednesday,
October 5th.
Management is proceeding with the following timeline and road map for the 2012 Budget process;
o Week of October 2nd – The Settlement and Old Town Annual Budget Meetings
o Week of October 10th – DRAFT Budget work sessions with Finance Committee and Staff
o October 26th – Executive Board Review/Approval of 2012 Budgets for RVRMA, The
Settlement and Old Town
o Week of November 14th – Deliver Approved 2012 Budget(s) and Notice to the Owners in
anticipation of the RVRMA Annual Meeting to be held on Wednesday, December 14th at
6 p.m. immediately following the regularly scheduled Executive Board Meeting.
Staff will capture the 2011 actual revenues and expenses to date at the end of September, project the
4th quarter of 2011 and develop the proposed 2012 operational budget based on these financials. The
proposed reserve expenditures will be the result of staff and committee analysis and recommendation.
Reserve areas of interest are remaining beautification projects, energy efficiencies at the Ranch House
and the capital expenses anticipated by the Crown Golf Water Agreement.
The Master Action Plan is available upon request.
Management Staff will be taking vacation days in the “off-season”. Suzie Matthews will be out from
September 9th thru the 22nd. Ian Hause will be out November 1st thru 11th.
Member Services, Hospitality and Public Relations – Remaining communication efforts for 2011 will
include but not be limited to, on-going web-blasts, posting, display and verbal communications. The
remaining functions for the balance of 2011 are monthly wine tastings, RVaRt, a Halloween function and
a Holiday Party. Tennis and Fitness Programming will round out the schedule. All functions have a
summary narrative, action plan, and budget and are documented regarding attendance, actual costs and
hits and misses. This documentation will serve as the template for 2012 Planning and Budgeting.
The RVRMA is sponsoring Carbondale’s Potato Day and held a raffle of the BBQ tickets at the last wine
The RVRMA Sheep dog, Griz, made it to the semi-finals.
The RVRMA is sponsoring the RF Valley Special Olympics squad with use of the yoga room in the
evenings 1 night /week for November and December. Owner and Instructor, Kallie Carpenter, is
volunteering her time and expertise to bring yoga to these young athletes.
We have introduced RVaRt at the Ranch House. Local oil/landscape artist, Mark Simpkins, is featured
for the Month of September. Currently we have artists booked through January 2012 and for Summer
Camp 2012.
Although Tennis Pro, Evan Wharton, unilaterally termed his contract early, Pam Britton has quickly
placed a substitute tennis program with local pros. This has been well received by the tennis community
and provides additional insight into what the 2012 Tennis Program may look like.
The Member Packets are largely distributed for 2011 and will be refined in 2012.
Fitness and lap pool programming/operations have been adjusted.
Political –
The Town of Carbondale has its new Manager on Board. The Community Manager has now met with
him twice. Management has proposed a meeting with the Town Parks and Rec Department to discuss
refined operations at Triangle Park. This meeting will occur in October.
Technical –
Ranch House Mechanical – Staff has reviewed the report internally and with consultants and other
interested parties. We have determined additional questions and clarifications that will be required
from Big Horn Engineering. These requests for additional information will be delivered to the
Consultant by 10/1. The plan is to have Facilities Committee recommendations incorporated into the
proposed 2012 Capital Reserve Budget. Capital costs and returns analysis vis-a vis proper operation and
maintenance of the existing equipment is being carefully considered.
Management is reviewing all proposed capital reserve expenses in the context of new irrigation water
responsibilities and associated costs that would materialize with a completed agreement with Crown
The rec pool closed Labor Day. The lap pool and spas are open year round. The lap pool is covered
during off-peak hours.
Neighborhood Painting – The Settlement Painting Program 2011 scope of work is 100% complete and
the warranty period has commenced. The Old Town Painting Program 2011 is 100% complete and the
warranty period has commenced. Both 2011 programs have met their respective target completion
Irrigation System O&M and A/R transfer – Final terms and Conditions have been negotiated. Crown
Golf has committed to delivery of a draft Agreement by September 23rd. Management hopes to deliver
the draft to the Board by 10/14 for final approval at its regularly scheduled meeting to be held on 10/26.
The agreed upon goal between the Parties is to have a final agreement executed immediately following
the October Board meeting. The process and system for the Reimbursement Assessment and Service
Fees is still being evaluated for recommendation to the Executive Board.
A proposed irrigation reimbursement assessment and on-going fee structure is being analyzed. The goal
is a structure that is fair, defendable, simple and communicable which requires the lease amount of
administrative process time. This proposed assessment and fee structure will be delivered with the
DRAFT Agreement in mid- October.
Irrigation Operations – Standard R&M for the balance of the season. Blow-out is scheduled to
commence on 10/17/11.
Grounds – RVRMA Crews have completed removing the 45 identified trees reflected in the approved
plan. Replacement of 15 of the 45 removed is planned to occur in November. All mulch rings have been
re-mulched. Seasonal pruning has commenced. Tree cages will be placed in the next few weeks.
Turf – We are evaluating winter/summer phased release “spread it and forget it” products for cost
savings and better results. The turf has been aerated. Broad Leaf control commenced the week of 9/19.
Winter fert is scheduled to commence the week of 10/3. Leaf pick up will be coordinated with when the
leaves fall, fert placement and final mow operations.
Facilities – Scott Mattice and Juan Carlos are becoming a Certified Pool Operator. Rich Myers is
pursuing his chemical applicators license. The tennis hard court parking lot has been re-striped. The
open space bridges have been completed by our crews.
The remaining Ranch House “low hanging fruit” energy efficiency efforts including door sealing,
condenser maintenance, fitness center blinds, attic access and insulation are underway.
Budget and Finance
Budget – Based on my review of the operating budget and planned reserve allocation expenses, I am
confident that the operation can remain within budget for 2011 with the exception of past dues
collection. This matter will be discussed in Executive Session. This will also require diligence in revenue
enhancement and cost control. A budget v actual variance report will be handed out at the meeting as
Suzie Matthews is out of the office at the time of packet production and delivery.
Finance – Collection matters will be addressed in Executive Session. An Accounts
Receivable/Foreclosure spreadsheet will be handed out at the meeting. These accounts will be
discussed in Executive Session.
Old Business
New Business
Ian led a discussion on the following proposed resolution related to the consolidation of lots.
Draft Resolution A: Resolved that the Manager may approve these lot consolidations subject to the Design
Guidelines and Master Declaration and that there be no net reduction in dues obligation for any Owner, as
referenced above, to the RVRMA. The Manager is not required to get Design Review Committee approval but
may seek Design Review Committee guidance on a case by case basis. The Manager’s approval is subject to
the Town of Carbondale’s re-plat process and resulting public notification.
Ian indicated that this issue is being raised because of recent interest by potential buyers who want to purchase
and combine two lots.
The current process to purchase and combine two lots involves first, review and approval by the DRC, second,
review and approval by the RVRMA Executive Board, and third, a formal noticing and review process by the
Town of Carbondale. Ian indicated that this process may discourage sales at a time when it might serve RVR’s
best interests to encourage sales. The intent of this proposed Resolution is to both provide appropriate
oversight and encourage sales by expediting the approvals process.
Discussion followed on this proposal. Some key questions/statements that were raised included:
1. Is it a good practice for a Community Manager to unilaterally make this kind of decision?
Ian responded by saying that he and Jim have discussed this question and to that end, Ian was
recommending that the proposed resolution be amended to include approval by the DRC, followed by
CM approval, and then the issue would go to the TOC. It is important to have appropriate review for a
proposed lot combination but at the same time avoid a process that is so cumbersome that it
discourages potential buyers. This discussion is about how to achieve that balance point.
2. Lani Kitching reminded that as we have found in a recent DRC decision, view planes are not protected,
but protection is considered in our Design Guidelines. View corridors/easements were not incorporated
in Final Plats. The question was raised that if this was passed, could view corridors be further
This resolution doesn’t deal with any specific issues like protection of view planes. It really is just about
expediting the approvals process.
3. Would it be a good idea to notice anyone within 300 feet of the proposed lot combination as part of the
RVR approvals process (like the Town of Carbondale does in their formal process)?
We probably don’t want to mandate that as a process, but rather do on a case-by-case basis. It is the
kind of action that we would expect the DRC would do if it made sense to get neighbor input. Ian also
noted that we could provide this kind of notice of when the DRC will be reviewing everyone within 300
feet. Jim noted that we want to be careful not to create a situation where a neighbor can ‘black ball’ a
project just because they don’t like it. Ted indicated that his experience is the DRC doesn’t typically
involve homeowners in decisions. Jim stated that the DRC has solicited input from my neighborhood a
number of times. Ian offered that staff could certainly monitor and encourage the DRC to solicit
homeowner input when appropriate.
4. If a buyer didn’t change the building envelope, does this proposed dual lot purchase process apply?
No, in that case it is just a straight DRC process.
5. Can the owner re-subdivide the property once it is combined?
It would be an extremely difficult process and would have to be done through the DRC and the Town of
Carbondale. A buyer should confident they want to do a lot combination before they go forward.
6. Can you subdivide a lot in RVR
a. No.
Ted Stude stated that lot combining will not happen so often that is would be a problem for the
Executive Board to continue to be a part of the approval process.
We probably don’t want to turn the Board into a ‘Super DRC’. Generally the DRC does a great job and
the Board is in agreement with their decisions. In addition, the Board only meets once a month which
just complicates the process which we are trying to simplify.
8. Does combining lots mean that the owner could qualify to put in an ADU?
Only if one of the lots was already designated for an ADU. All those allowances have already been
assigned to specific lots.
9. Does combining lots mean that the approved size of the building envelope would double?
Not necessarily. We could designate that, for example, the building envelope could not exceed 1.5 times
the combined size of the original building envelopes for the two lots and that the front, side and rear
set- backs cannot be reduced.
10. Does the owner of combined lots pay two sets of HOA dues?
a. Yes.
11. Does the owner of combined lots have one or two Association votes?
a. One.
The decision was made for Ian to revise the resolution based on feedback that was offered and present the
revised resolution next month.
Crown Golf/RVRMA Water Update
Ian, Kathyrn Rooney, and Jim provided and update to the Crown Golf/RVRMA water issue
Essentially we are buying the rights to discounted past due receivables and then assuming ownership and
control of the community irrigation system, including all future operations and maintenence and billing of
wholesale irrigation water. The Association will recover the purchase of the discounted receivables through a
reimbursement assessment of all beneficial irrigation water users who, like the RVRMA, stopped paying their
water bills when the method that Crown Golf was using for billing came under dispute.
The reimbursement assessment is projected to represent about a 22.5% discount of what an individual would
have paid. All future billing from RVRMA will have absolute transparency as to how the fee was calculated
(which was not the case when Crown Golf was billing) and the rate should represent a significant reduction from
previous fees.
Ian, Kathryn and Jim estimate that for most custom lots, the annual wholesale water bill will be around $ 300
per home. The fee is not based on the irrigation water usage) but rather the delivery of water to specific
residential product types. The water cost for common areas, parks, ROW’s and Open Space is included in
Association dues as is the costs for irrigation maintenance staff.
More complete numbers will be available that will help homeowners full understand what their water bills will
look like.
Jim pointed out that one of the important things that has been accomplished is for the Association to own and
gain complete control over something that affects us all a lot. When this contract is finalized, RVRMA will own
everything from the isolation valves above the Cla-Valves to the valves located at each residential property. This
protects us financially and in terms of a secure access to water.
Jim reiterated that billing is not based on water flow or usage, it is based on access. There are two levels of cost
allocation. First is residential vs. golf usage. The breakdown based on analysis of water flow through the Clavalves is: roughly 50% residential usage and 50% golf. That ratio will be used to determine how RVRMA
participates in Crown Golf’s actual costs for wholesale water delivery. The second allocation is Master
Association vs. homeowner usage. The breakdown there is: 30% Master Association and 70% for the residential
zones of the previously referenced 50% of wholesale water.
Lani asked if there is still a dedicated escrow fund to cover at least in part any deficit homeowner fees that are
due. Jim, yes, there is a fund in Alpine Bank that will be turned over to RVR as a credit at closing the deal.
Executive Session
Lani and Bill moved and seconded that the Board move to Executive Session at 6:15 pm. Motion passed. Board
left Executive Session at 6:30 pm.
It was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 6:35pm.