Santa Snow Hike Introduction: Santa walks across a snowy

Santa Snow Hike
Santa walks across a snowy landscape and the game is to make sure he doesn’t
go too deep and above all keeps his big shiny nose free of snow. You control the
height at which Santa walks across the snow. His boots must be touching the
snow to score but not above the knee or the scoring stops. If he walks into a
snow drift and it touches his nose you lose points and Santa turns into a
snowman for a short while.
Step 1 - Create project background
1. Start a new project.
2. Select Save as from the File option on the main menu and save your
project in a sensible folder with a sensible name like SantaSnowHike.
From now on save you project regularly to avoid losing any work. You can
press Ctrl-S as a quick way of saving your work each time.
3. Click on the stage next to the sprite and switch to the backgrounds tab
and then select Paint. Then select the Fill tool and set the colour to a
light blue colour. Then fill the background blue and click on OK.
4. Then select the standard scratch cat sprite and right click to delete it.
5. Save your project.
Step 2 – Create snow flakes
1. Select Paint a new sprite. Then select the Elipse tool, set the colour to
white and draw a snow flake shape on the editor grid. Change the sprite
name to snowflake.
2. Create two variables just for this sprite (you must tick the box) called
xcoord and ycoord.
3. Create the script below for your snowflake sprite.
4. Test your project and see if the snowflake moves slowly down the screen.
5. Save your project.
Duplicate your snow flake sprite to create a snow shower.
How do you stop all of the snowflakes falling at the same time and then ending
up with a blank sky. Can you improve the snowflake sprite code to fix this
Test your project.
Step 3 – Create moving snow
1. Create a new sprite called snow by selecting Paint new sprite. Zoom out
so that the whole sprite edit window can be seen.
2. Use the drawing tools to draw a drift of snow across the bottom of the
screen the full width of the screen.
3. Then set the Costume center to be the bottom left hand corner.
4. Rename the sprite as snow1.
5. Then create two variables xcoord and ycoord just for this sprite.
6. Then create the script below.
Then repeat steps 1-5 again to create a second snow sprite called snow2.
Then for this sprite create the following script after first creating two
variables for this sprite called xcoord and ycoord.
Test your project.
Step 4 – Create moving Santa
Create a new sprite by painting it. You can draw your own Santa costumes or
you can use mine. Give the Santa sprite three costumes that can be imported
from the Resources: costume1, costume2 and snowman1.
Add the following script to the sprite so that Santa walks in the same way that
Felix the Scratch cat does.
Test you project.
Santa should be walking across a snowy landscape with snow flakes falling from
Step 4 – Create a challenging game
The challenge now is to make a game of Santa walking
in the snow by doing the following.
1. Get Santa to move up and down when you press the arrow keys (Clue: Use
the Sensing and motion blocks).
2. Introduce a scoring system. Only if Santa’s black boots are touching the
white snow should he earn points (Clue: Use Sensing block and a variable
for score).
3. However if the gold brade on the top of his boots is touching snow he
should stop earning points as he is too deep in the snow.
4. Finally, if Santa’s big pink nose should touch any snow at all. Take points
off the score and change Santa into a snow man and stop him moving for a
few seconds.
5. Make your game extra hard by making the player to play against the
Good luck! The exact script needed to make Santa
do all this is included on the next page. However, the
adults have been asked not to give this out until you
have tried to do it yourself.
Santa script.