Yr 3 Programming

Assessing Primary Computing
Exemplification: Programming Year 3
End of year statements:
 I can break an open-ended problem up into smaller parts.
 I can put programming commands into a sequence to achieve a specific outcome.
 I keep testing my program and can recognise when I need to debug it.
 I can use repeat commands.
 I can describe the algorithm I will need for a simple task.
 I can detect a problem in an algorithm which could result in unsuccessful programming.
Description of Activity: (this activity is taken from Y3 Term 1 of the Wessex Computing Planning)
Children discussed how dancers create a choreographed sequence to music, and how the
sequence often features repeated movements. They acted out a simple dance sequence with a
partner and discussed the algorithm of the dance e.g. I take two steps left, then turn right, then
Children had previous experience of using Scratch to make a sprite move across a screen.
They learnt how to add sound from the library to a sprite in Scratch. They then discussed what
the algorithm would be to create a dance for their sprite, and acted this out with a partner.
From their algorithm, they worked with a partner to develop a
program in Scratch for their sprite. They experimented with
sound blocks to alter the rhythm and effect. Using the repeat
block extended their program into a dance. They continually
tested their program and debugged the program where it
wasn’t doing what they wanted to achieve. Some children
added another sprite to their dance and copied and pasted
their first program to the second sprite, so the sprites were
dancing in synchronisation.
Age expected achievement (including statements indicating mastery)
The learner talked about how they wanted their sprite to move, and they developed an
algorithm that would achieve this outcome. They shared their ideas with a partner and learnt
from their partner’s ideas, recognising when they would need to use a repeat command.
The learner used their algorithm to write a program in Scratch, and showed perseverance by
keeping going when their sprite wasn’t doing what they expected, and they debugged their
The learner extended their program by adding another sprite to the dance, and considered the
program they had written already and how they could use it again for another purpose.
For children exceeding age related expectation, consider using questions on Computational Thinker document to
support them in developing mastery