LCAP Year 1-3 Template for Action 71 Aligned Support

Increase student achievement and other pupil outcomes to prepare all students for
college, career and citizenship in the 21st century.
Identified Need
Related State and/or Local Priorities:
1_x_ 2_x_ 3_x_ 4_x_ 5_x_ 6_x_
7_x_ 8_x_
COE only: 9__ 10__
Local : Specify
Which data are we using to demonstrate to ourselves and stakeholders the need for this goal?
Schools All Schools k-12
Applicable Pupil
Goal Applies to:
LCAP Year 1: 2015-16
These metrics need new targets for the 15-16 plan after considering the following “Actual Outcomes” from the Annual Update:
Will set California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) baseline and goals for Math and ELA after release
of 2015 assessment results. Summer 2015
Expected Annual
Will set goals as new API is defined.
Reclassification rate: 8% down .9%
English Language Proficiency: 28.3 down 5.8%
All Student A-G completion: 32.1 up 4.6%
SED A-G Completion: 35.6 up 7.7%
EL A-G Completion: 10.9% up 6.7%
CTE skills attainment rate: Needs to be reported
AP pass rate: Needs to be reported
EAP ELA College Readiness: 7.8% down .1%
EAP math College Readiness: 2.9% down 2.8%
We will explore alternative program for measuring k-12 literacy instead of DIBELS
We will identify current status of additional dual/concurrent enrollment classes
FAFSA completion: 60.4% up 7.7%
Scope of
Pupils to be served within identified scope of
There will be many actions listed prior to Action 71. Each
action already has a draft set of steps written into last
year’s plan in the “Year 2” column. Each action from last
year should be considered. Is it continued, grouped
elsewhere, revised, dropped. The Annual Update is a
critical resource.
Action 71: Designated Integrated ELD
Strategies to support site Designated ELD Leads and
Structured English Immersion (SEI) Department after
completing SEI Department Trainings during June-August
A. A design team of EL Director, trainers, TOSAs,
teachers, bargaining unit, principals and district
administrators directly connected to ELD Integrated
and Designated Training, collaborate to write
research-based performance assessments for use in
measuring degree of implementation of ELD
Integrated Designated instructional practices linked
to units of study in elementary and secondary
B. 2 EL Services Department professional development
trainings provided to all sites: Integrated/Designated
ELD & Reclassification
C. 4 site SEI Department-led staff development trainings
to address CELDT/2012 CA ELD proficiency levels,
instructional strategies, vocabulary tiers, literacy
D. Designated TOSA will collaborate with site SEI
Department to develop and present 4 staff
development trainings No additional cost
E. Structured English Immersion (SEI) Department
 Principals, district administrators
 Designated ELD Lead: 1 per elementary site and 2
Designated ELD leads per secondary site (14
elementary; 12 secondary)
__ALL Each action identifies specific subgroups. Many of
CVUSD plan’s actions are “All”. Actions targeting subgroups
from last year’s plan (Section 3b) should indicate for whom
they are targeted below.
__Low Income pupils __English Learners
__Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient
__Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________
example in
next box.
EL Services
substitute pay: 2
trainings x 21
sites x average 7
subs x
__Low Income pupils _x_English Learners
__Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient
__Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________
SEI Department
Stipend= 177
teachers x
SEI Department
Part 1: 2 days x
177 teachers =
$70,800 Title III
Part 2: 5 days x
177 teachers +
single days for
specific staff =
$226,000 Title III
Follow-up gradelevel/C-G
Integrated ELD Lead: 1 per grade at each
elementary site (7 per site x 14 sites= 98); 1 A-G
with additional ELA & Math lead per secondary
site; A-D at La Familia (9 per site x 6 sites=54 + 4=
Part 1: 2 days online preparation for designated
and integrated ELD
Part 2: 4 days working on existing ELA and Math
UoS; begin secondary UoS for C-G content
One grade-level/C-G content follow-up during
school year as part of stipend
(counselors, instructional support staff)
F. Design Team of TOSAs, coaches, trainer, EL
Director collaborates with district Family Involvement
lead to develop ELD and integrated/designated
materials/resources for parents use at home and
establishes training schedule.
G. EL Staff schedules, trains, and coaches principals
and district administrators in using performance
assessment in classroom walkthoughs. Explore use
of technology for wireless aggregation and reporting
of data.
H. EL Staff collaborates with principals to create and
implement a coaching schedule and keep, report,
and log data on a coaching for all teachers of
integrate/designated ELD
I. Education Services collaborates with principals to
establish minimum number of weekly ELD integrated/
designated performance assessment walkthroughs.
J. Principals schedule and conduct an established
minimum of walkthroughs of all teachers of ELD
integrated/designated. Principals use performance
assessment walkthroughs to collect data on areas of
growth and need for focus, adjusting support where
K. Principals share trends at least monthly with staff to
obtain feedback on progress, support, and to clarify
and refine the performance assessment.
L. Principals report performance assessment
content subs:
Elem: 19 subs x
$127 = $2,413 x
7 days =$16,891
Sec: 14 subs x
$127= $1,778 x
6 days = $10,668
TOSA will
collaborate with
site SEI
Department to
develop and
present 4 staff
walkthrough data quarterly with site ELAC, SSC for
feedback and support.
M. Principal meetings feature designated block of time
to debrief walkthrough experiences, troubleshoot
problems, share solutions with EL staff and discuss
explicit ELD connections to Units of Study.
N. Principals deploy district and site resources for
parent support of Integrated/Designated ELD within
units of study.
O. Design Team of EL Director, TOSAs, coaches,
trainer, assessment director, principals, teachers
explore and recommend by April, 2016, a quarterly
benchmark assessment to measure individual
student progress, guide instruction, and provide extra
student support to be deployed in 2016-17.
Last year’s 3a Section of the plan focused on
actions/services for “all students.” 3b focused on
actions/services for “unduplicated students.” All revised
Actions for goal 1 from last year’s 3a or 3b section go into
one section. Don’t separate them into different sections.
See box to the right.
__ ALL Each action identifies specific subgroups. Many of
CVUSD plan’s actions are “All”. Actions targeting subgroups
from last year’s plan (Section 3b) should indicate for whom
they are targeted below.
__Low Income pupils __English Learners
__Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient
__Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________
LCAP Year 2: 2016-17
Expected Annual
Project what you want these targets to be in 2016-17
Will set California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) baseline and goals for Math and ELA after release
of 2015 assessment results. Summer 2015
Will set goals as new API is defined.
Reclassification rate: 8% down .9%
English Language Proficiency: 28.3 down 5.8%
All Student A-G completion: 32.1 up 4.6%
SED A-G Completion: 35.6 up 7.7%
EL A-G Completion: 10.9% up 6.7%
CTE skills attainment rate: Needs to be reported
AP pass rate: Needs to be reported
EAP ELA College Readiness: 7.8% down .1%
EAP math College Readiness: 2.9% down 2.8%
We will explore alternative program for measuring k-12 literacy instead of DIBELS
We will identify current status of additional dual/concurrent enrollment classes
FAFSA completion: 60.4% up 7.7%
Scope of
There will be many actions listed again prior to Action 71.
Each action already has a draft set of steps written into
“Year 3” of last year’s LCAP. Each action should be
reconsidered – Is it continued, grouped elsewhere, revised,
Action 71: Designated Integrated ELD
A. Refine performance assessments, and explicit
connections to units of study.
B. Maintain support for strategies 1-2 teacher leads
per site.
C. District EL Teacher on Special Assignment support,
coach, guide and model strategies.
D. Trainers provide training at their sites.
E. EL Staff collaborates with principals to create and
implement a coaching schedule and keep, report,
and log data on a coaching for all teachers of
integrate/designated ELD.
F. Principals schedule and conduct an established
minimum of walkthroughs of all teachers of ELD
integrated/designated. Principals use performance
assessment walkthroughs to collect data on areas of
growth and need for focus, adjusting support where
G. Principals share trends at least monthly with staff to
obtain feedback on progress, support, and to clarify
and refine the performance assessment.
H. Principals report performance assessment
walkthrough data quarterly with site ELAC, SSC for
feedback and support.
Pupils to be served within identified scope of
__ALL Depends on the action
See next box
__Low Income pupils __English Learners
__Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient
__Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________
__Low Income pupils _x_English Learners
__Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient
__Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________
Site Training
Stipend for
21,000 Title III
Materials and
63,000 Title III
Principal meetings feature designated block of time
to debrief walkthrough experiences, troubleshoot
problems, share solutions with EL staff and discuss
explicit ELD connections to Units of Study.
J. Principals deploy district and site resources for
parent support of Integrated/Designated ELD within
units of study.
K. Consider alternative performance assessments for
instructional support staff and counselors.
L. Train, coach and implement quarterly student
benchmark assessment system and how educators
collaborate in teams to use reports to guide
reteaching, and to provide extra instructional support
for students.
__Low Income pupils __English Learners
__Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient
__Other Subgroups:(Specify)________________________
LCAP Year 3: 2017-18
Project what you want these targets to be in 2017-18
Will set California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) baseline and goals for Math and ELA after release
of 2015 assessment results. Summer 2015
Expected Annual
Will set goals as new API is defined.
Reclassification rate: 8% down .9%
English Language Proficiency: 28.3 down 5.8%
All Student A-G completion: 32.1 up 4.6%
SED A-G Completion: 35.6 up 7.7%
EL A-G Completion: 10.9% up 6.7%
CTE skills attainment rate: Needs to be reported
AP pass rate: Needs to be reported
EAP ELA College Readiness: 7.8% down .1%
EAP math College Readiness: 2.9% down 2.8%
We will explore alternative program for measuring k-12 literacy instead of DIBELS
We will identify current status of additional dual/concurrent enrollment classes
FAFSA completion: 60.4% up 7.7%
Scope of
There will be many actions listed again prior to Action 71.
There is no text from the previous 15-16 LCAP plan from
which base the actions/services for this year. Project to
2017-18. What actions do you foresee including in this
third year?
Action 71: Integrated and Designated ELD
Pupils to be served within identified scope of
__ALL Depends on the action
__Low Income pupils __English Learners
__Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient
__Other Subgroups: (Specify)________________________
A. Refine performance assessments, and explicit
connections to units of study.
B. EL Staff collaborates with principals to create and
implement a coaching schedule and keep, report,
and log data on a coaching for all teachers of
integrate/designated ELD
C. Principals schedule and conduct an established
minimum of walkthroughs of all teachers of ELD
integrated/designated. Principals use performance
assessment walkthroughs to collect data on areas of
growth and need for focus, adjusting support where
D. Principals share trends at least monthly with staff to
obtain feedback on progress, support, and to clarify
and refine the performance assessment.
E. Principals report performance assessment
walkthrough data quarterly with site ELAC, SSC for
feedback and support.
F. Principal meetings feature designated block of time
to debrief walkthrough experiences, troubleshoot
problems, share solutions with EL staff and discuss
explicit ELD connections to Units of Study.
G. Principals deploy district and site resources for
parent support of Integrated/Designated ELD within
units of study.
__Low Income pupils _x_English Learners
__Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient
__Other Subgroups: (Specify)________________________
H. Consider explicit connection of ELD to of districtlevel multi-tiered systems of support.
I. Consider explicit links of ELD
integrated/designated to instructional technology.
__Low Income pupils __English Learners
__Foster Youth __Redesignated fluent English proficient
__Other Subgroups: (Specify)________________________