
EDU-450 Procedures
Program of Study:
Procedure 1 title: Starting/Entering Class
Objective: Students will enter the classroom in an orderly fashion and prepare themselves for
class to begin.
When procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced: The first day of class, as soon
as students enter the classroom. Modeling will occur through watching their peers, one group at a
time. Students’ will practice until they are completely familiar with the procedure.
Frequency of modeling and practice: This will be practiced each time students enter the
classroom. Additional modeling will occur if students have difficulty preparing themselves for
class to begin.
Assessment and Feedback: This procedure will be reinforced each time students enter the
classroom, if they cannot follow the procedures then they will continue to exit and re-enter the
classroom until they can. Repetition will be the consequence, practice makes progress. Student
feedback will be welcomed as an exit ticket.
Procedure Steps or Activity: Students will enter the classroom in an orderly fashion; place their
backpacks in designated areas, sit in assigned seats, putting all materials for class on their desk,
and read the board for further instruction.
Procedure 2: Sound Level
Objective: Students will communicate and function at designated sound levels.
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When procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced: Students will be introduced to
the procedure on the first day of class, I will model the levels. Then students can practice the
sound levels with their peers.
Frequency of modeling and practice: If required, modeling and practice will occur when
students need to be reminded.
Assessment and Feedback: Students who can consistently follow the procedure will be
rewarded with positive feedback and allowing them to be in control of their own sound levels.
Meanwhile, student who require constant reminder will lose their sound level privileges.
Students will grade each group based on sound level at the end of the week. Based on grade,
groups will receive classroom points.
Procedure Steps or Activity:
0 = Silence; no talking
1 = Whispering
2 = Standard voice
3 = Raised voice, oral presentations
4 = Yelling; outside or emergency
I will inform the class what sound level is expected from them by posting it on the board. Each
number will be above what is allowed, on a laminated piece of paper. Making this visible for all
students, no excuses for not knowing.
Procedure 3: Classroom helpers
Objective: Students will be actively involved in their classroom environment, meanwhile
learning responsibility.
When procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced: Jobs will be described and
designated during the first week of class. I will model each job and my expectations. Students
will have the opportunity to practice their roles with permission. Jobs will be re-distributed at the
beginning of each month.
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Frequency of modeling and practice: Modeling will occur during the first week of class. As a
class, we will take the time to practice each of the responsibilities. However, further practice is
unlikely because each student will have a handout with each job and its’ description.
Assessment and Feedback: Motivation, students will be assessed by their motivation and
signing off on their responsibilities. At the end of the month, each student will write about their
job, whether they liked it or not, and which jobs they would prefer.
Procedure Steps or Activity: I will randomly select students for class jobs, privately. Students
will be notified by being posted on the board in front of the classroom. If students have further
questions, extra assistance will be available.
Procedure 4: Bathroom
Objective: Students will take the appropriate action for leaving the classroom to use the
When procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced: Bathroom procedures will be
discussed at the beginning of the school year. Basic modeling will occur because it is a basic
procedure. Practice will probably not be required.
Frequency of modeling and practice: Modeling and practice will not be completely necessary,
unless students require extra attention in this area.
Assessment and Feedback: Students will have an allotted time to leave the classroom in order
to leave the classroom and return. If students are gone longer than the amount of time they will
lose their privileges. Students who execute the procedure appropriately will have an unlimited
amount of opportunities to use the restroom. Unlike students who abuse this privilege will be
Procedure Steps or Activity: Students will not be allowed to use the restroom during lecture. At
all other times, students will ask to use the restroom, receive a signature in their handbook, and
take the obnoxious bathroom pass with them.
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Procedure 5: Attention
Objective: When I need the attention of the students I will use verbal signals and students will
give me their full attention.
When procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced: This procedure will be
introduced in the beginning of their, modeled and practiced every-day.
Frequency of modeling and practice: I plan on using this procedure nearly every day in the
classroom, modeling and practice will be a frequent activity in the classroom.
Assessment and Feedback: Looking around the classroom and seeing which students are
completely aware and giving me their full attention will receive classroom points, meanwhile
distracted students will not receive any points.
Procedure Steps or Activity: I will say “class, class” and students will respond with “yes, yes”
signaling students to stop their current actions and give me their undivided attention.
Procedure 6: Oral presentation
Objective: Students will support their fellow classmates during presentations.
When procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced: Students will be introduced to
this procedure upon upcoming assignments. Students will practice and model this procedure with
a partner a week before oral presentations begin.
Frequency of modeling and practice: Modeling and practice will occur before upcoming oral
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Assessment and Feedback: The audience will be assessed in two aspects, their undivided
attention on the speaker and the notes they took on the speaker’s presentation. The notes will be
their exit tickets.
Procedure Steps or Activity: Before oral presentations begin, students will put all their items
under their desk, aside from a writing utensil and a piece of paper or notebook. The audience
members will applause after each speaker, showing respect and appreciation for their fellow
classmates. Each audience member will write notes for each presentation.
Procedure 7: Ending class
Objective: Students will properly prepare themselves for the end of class.
When procedure will be introduced, modeled, and practiced: End of class procedures will be
introduced at the end of the first day of class. I will model for the students and it will be directly
followed by student practice.
Frequency of modeling and practice: Students will model and practice every-day after class,
because it is an every-day procedure.
Assessment and Feedback: End of class procedures will be assessed by their ability to clean up
and prepare themselves to leave. The first group to finish will raise their hands and receive
classroom points.
Procedure Steps or Activity: Students will collect all their supplies and store them in their
backpacks, stack chairs on top of the desks, and pick up trash on the floor in their area. Students
will have the opportunity to leave class early if room is cleaned to standards.
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