Strategic Manufacturing Award:

Media Information
Strategic Manufacturing Award:
Werum’s PAS-X is part of prize-winning
IT program of Rottapharm | Madaus
Award honors Continuous Improvement Program of pharmaceutical
manufacturer / with Werum’s PAS-X Manufacturing IT Business
Platform to paperless factory
Lueneburg, Germany, 19 December 2012 – The pharmaceutical
company Rottapharm | Madaus has won the 2012 Strategic Manufacturing
Award in the category “Outstanding Achievement in Continuous
Improvement” and the cross-competition “SMA e-F@ctory Hall of Fame”
award for its Irish production plant in Dublin. The prizes pay tribute to the
Continuous Improvement Program of Rottapharm | Madaus, in which the
PAS-X Manufacturing IT Business Platform of Werum plays an important
Werum had rolled out PAS-X step by step at the Dublin plant since 2009. It
began with the warehouse implementation, followed by the manufacturing
and packaging areas. PAS-X integrates Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) and several Distributed Control Systems (DCS).
“Our goal is to achieve a paperless factory. For this purpose, we automated
the processes in the warehouse, in our manufacturing and packaging areas
and reduced the number of manual entries,” said Áine Tobin, Project
Manager, Rottapharm | Madaus Ltd. “With PAS-X we were able to
eliminate over 720,000 wet signatures and to release batches in less than
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half the original time. On the other hand, the inventory accuracy has now
increased to 99 percent.”
Werum’s PAS-X is a major building block within Rottapharm's Continuous
Improvement Program with which the pharmaceutical manufacturer
continually reduces non-value-added activities and lastingly expands its
Production in Dublin, Source Rottapharm | Madaus
Rottapharm Intermediates, Source Rottapharm | Madaus
About Rottapharm | Madaus Ltd.
Rottapharm | Madaus is a multinational pharmaceutical group based in Italy with its
headquarters and research centre in Monza and possessing branches in over 85
countries. Rottapharm‘s long history of success began in 1961 with the creation of
a small laboratory of independent research. From then on, the company has
always invested in research, innovation, development and distribution on a global
scale of new products mainly in the field of pharmaceuticals and, in the following
years, also in the fields of parapharmaceuticals and neutraceuticals.
About Werum Software & Systems AG
With over 40 years of software development experience, Werum Software &
Systems AG is known worldwide for partnering with its global customers to create
state-of-the-art software products and solutions. Werum is the internationally
leading supplier of Manufacturing IT / Manufacturing Execution Systems for the
pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. Its Manufacturing IT Business
Platform PAS-X is used by 16 of the world’s top 30 pharmaceutical and biotech
companies in more than 600 installations. Founded in 1969, the IT company
employs about 470 people at its headquarters in Lueneburg, Germany, and at
eight other locations in Germany, France, the United States, Japan, and
Singapore. For more information take a look at our websites at
Dirk Ebbecke
DirectorCorporate Communications
Werum Software & Systems AG
Wulf-Werum-Strasse 3
21337 Lueneburg, Germany
Tel. +49 4131 8900-689
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Fax +49 4131 8900-20
For further information, visit Werum’s press center at
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