how you feel about the issue

Bullfight—La Fiesta Brava
1. Where did bullfighting (or jumping) originate? Crete and Greece
How did it arrive to be such a tradition in Hispanic society? Came from Greece, to Rome, to Spain.
2. Do the Hispanic people have a long history of games, art forms, architecture, etc. that portrays bulls and
bullfighting? Yes
3. Who is the father of modern bullfighting? Joaquín Rodriguez Costillares What is the suit that he
wore called in Spanish? Traje de luces
4. Is bullfighting considered a sport to the Hispanic people? No, they consider it a form of art.
5. How are bulls bred for bullfighting? (3 terms used in the video)
Fierceness, physical perfection and bravery.
6. What is the tienta? The testing of young bulls.
7. Are fighting bulls ever tested by a man on foot before they go into the bullring in an actual bullfight? No
How do aspiring young bullfighters practice then? They practice on bulls that will never go into the ring,
ones that are too cowardly and imperfect.
8. How are the bulls picked at the bullfight? (in other words, How do they decide which matador gets which
bull?) They choose numbers out of a hat.
9. Do cheaters ever mess with the bulls before a fight? Why? Yes, but it is not common and usually if
someone is going to do that it is to ruin a breeder’s good name.
10. Do bulls charge when they see red? No. Please explain, They are color-blind. They charge anything that
11. Can you describe the tercios of the bullfight?
1. torero-men on foot whose purpose is to tire the bull.
2. capote- the large pink and yellow cape
3. Picador-is the man on horseback who softens the neck muscles of the
bull with the vara. The horse must wear heavy protective padding and blinders.
4. vara—Long, sharp pole that is used to poke the bull, but NOT pierce the skin.
1. banderillero—man on foot, whose purpose is to make the bull lower his head.
2. banderillas—six decorated, barbed sticks of the same length that are placed
two at a time into the bull’s neck.
1. matador—the man who kills the bull and has 12 minutes to do it.
2. muleta—the small, red cape the matador uses.
12. Why must all 6 bulls in a bullfight be from the same breeder? Otherwise, the bulls will attack (anything
that moves)
13. Are people ever killed in a bullfight? Yes….but mostly this happened in the past. Now, in bigger cities,
they have operating rooms right at the ring.
14. What are the criteria of a good fight by the bullfighter?
Stand firm (stand still) and allow for the bull
to pass without moving, control the bull (make it go where he wants it to go) and to be graceful and artistic
while he does all of this.
15. What are the trophies for the matador, and who decides on this?The ears and tail. One ear-good, two
ears-better, 2 ears and tail-best! The Presidente (which is usually the mayor of the town) and his consultants
(usually retired bullfighters) Think (Paula Abdul, former performer, judging American Idol)
16. What happens to the meat of the bulls after the bullfight?
Depends on the country….in Mexico it is given to charities and donated to the poor. In Spain, it is sold right
at the ring.
Writing Prompt: to be completed in English.
Congratulations and ¡Felicitaciones! You have just gotten married! You and your
little “hot tamale” are headed for sunny Cancún, México because you adored
taking Spanish during high school. Cancún has become quite a popular resort
area. Little did you know it, but your travel agent included 2 tickets to a bullfight
and now you will get to see one of the most famous matadors around. Your
“sweetie pie” took German in high school and wants you to explain all the details
as the two of you are watching.
Don’t forget to tell your little “red, hot chili pepper” how you feel about the
issue, as he/she will want to know. Be sure to impress your “sweet, little candyfilled piñata” by using the Spanish words for the men and the tools they use.