TA application Form

Cover Page:
TA Positions
Appointments are made depending on the needs of the department and may include the responsibilities
of supervision, preparation and clean-up, field work, grading, and the proctoring of tests.
Appointments are normally ½ or ¼ time. A ½ time appointment usually consists of an assignment to 3 or
4 lab sessions (20 hours per week), whereas a ¼ time appointment consists of a 2 lab section assignment
(10 hours per week).
To apply please fill out the attached form:
Application for Appointment as Teaching Assistant
Semester: ________ 20_____
Please print all information, and return this form to the Civil Engineering Department when completed.
Last Name: ______________________________ First Name: _______________________
UTEP ID: ____________________________ E-mail:___________ Phone No.: _____________________
Date Completed B.S: ________ Major: ___________________ University: _____________________
Date First Enrolled in M.S: ________ Area of Concentration: ________ Degree Plan: ______________
No. of hours completed ________ Current GPa? ________
No. of hours you will enroll this semester ________
Which classes do you plan to take during this semester?
List the area in which you would most like to TA: ________________________
How many semesters have you been a TA? __ How many semesters have you been an RA? __
List the classes and professors that you acted as TA previously.
Semester No. ________ Class: ___________________ Professor: _____________________
Semester No. ________ Class: ___________________ Professor: _____________________
Semester No. ________ Class: ___________________ Professor: _____________________
Semester No. ________ Class: ___________________ Professor: _____________________
Semester No. ________ Class: ___________________ Professor: _____________________
Semester No. ________ Class: ___________________ Professor: _____________________
Semester No. ________ Class: ___________________ Professor: _____________________
Semester No. ________ Class: ___________________ Professor: _____________________
Semester No. ________ Class: ___________________ Professor: _____________________
Semester No. ________ Class: ___________________ Professor: _____________________
Semester No. ________ Class: ___________________ Professor: _____________________
TOEFL Score:__________
GRE Verbal (V) Score: __________ GRE Quantitative (Q) Score: __________
GRE Analytical Score: ___________ Current GPA: ___________