February 23, 2015
7:00 pm |
Nicole Judice, Co-Chair | Aimée Hobby Rhodes, Co-Chair | Gina Rhoades, Committee Coordinator | Casey Russell,
Committee Coordinator | Jennifer Juhlin, Room Parent Coordinator
| Heather Rael, Room Parent Coordinator |
Charity Mathews, Community Liaison | Jonathon Weisenfeld, Communications Coordinator
| Alison Quillin,
Secretary | Bonnie Cadyln, Treasurer |
|Also Present: Leigh Anne Weisenfeld and Beth, Read-A-Thon Co-Chairs; John Holden, Parent |
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
Read-a-thon: Details, including a timeline of events and request for volunteers Leigh Anne & Beth
Committee Discussion:
Review committees: Do we have the right committees in place?
Should there be others?
Review committee guidelines: number of chairs, requirements for committee meetings (time, place, minutes, etc.), communications with committee members and all-community
Review how chairs are selected
Create a job description for committee chairs
Aimée & Nicole
8:15 pm
8:55 pm
9:00 pm
Review and Approve Master TESCA Calendars: FY15 and FY16
Review upcoming TESCA meetings: March 16 th , April 13 th , May 11th (allcommunity with formal nomination of candidates). Discussion the call-in option.
Aimée & Nicole
Aimée & Nicole
Aimée & Nicole
Read-A-Thon (RAT) Leigh Anne & Beth
(See Attachment #3).
Online donations via Paypal are expected to bring in the majority of money raised by the RAT. Of major concern to the RAT co-chairs is the fact that donations to TESCA will not be considered tax exempt as TESCA has not yet obtained tax exempt status. According to Aimee, the application is complete, but needs to be reviewed before it’s turned in. There is no estimate for how long it will take to obtain 501c3 status after the app is turned in. According to Leigh Anne, Patricia is speaking with the accountant to determine if there is a way to “hold” the money on TESCA’s behalf. If there is a way to do this, donors can receive a letter crediting their tax exempt donation to TES. Aimee pointed out that this is a problem because TESCA is expecting the money raised through the RAT to constitute a significant portion of the Association’s operating budget next year and having to frequently go through TES to obtain funds could be problematic. Aimee and
Nicole will talk with Patricia directly about this in their Friday meeting.
The RAT kick off is scheduled for April 7 th . Leigh Anne and Beth are planning a song parody. Tammy said that she’s willing to do something entertaining, so the co-chairs are working to come up with something (ideas that were mentioned included reading from the roof, being taped to the wall). Information and pledge packets will be distributed at this time.
This year’s RAT theme is “Race into Reading.” The RAT co-chairs have been able to utilize the free items Scholastic sent with the book fair materials.
John Holden has volunteered to maintain the RAT Minutes spreadsheet; Matt Andrade will maintain the record of the money raised and collected. Leigh Anne and Beth will work with the Room Parent Coordinators to solicit parent volunteers for keeping minutes, etc.
The co-chairs are determining if it’s feasible to move the Book Swap to a date earlier than May 1 st , as well as whether or not they need to solicit book donations.
Beth would like to schedule next year’s RAT to earlier in the year (sometime in Q1, but no later than October). Aimee stated that teachers/admins had requested the RAT to be held in Q3 this year because they felt that kids would be more likely to stay in and read in the colder months. Also, in looking at the plans submitted by the other working committees, there are more events planned for Q1 than the other quarters. Nicole stated that we’re not at a point where we can promise parents only 1 fundraiser during the year, as some other established schools are able to do, especially as new programs are added (art program next year). Everyone agreed that scheduling next year’s event would require a bigger conversation.
Nicole mentioned that Tammy was in a coin drive leading up to the RAT (perhaps a March Madness theme?).
Committee Updates: Aimee & Nicole
Attachments 1 and 2 include the drafted mission statements and plans for the rest of this year and duration of next from all of the current working committees.
One of the Social Committee chairs resigned within the last two weeks. Amy Carabetta has stepped in as the sole chair, but the Social committee needs to seek another co-chair to assist with the remaining 2014-2015 events. Tiffany will not be returning as Chair of the Arts Committee after this year. Gina and Casey will survey the remaining committee members to solicit for a chair.
Gina and Casey are working on a general, detailed job description for committee chairpersons. This will be given to the
Steering Committee for review, then distributed to committee chairs.
The Steering Committee agreed to move forward with the 6 standing committees, as well as the addition of the Enrichment
Committee. The role of this committee will be explored and defined with input from TES administration. Additionally, the
Steering Committee is working to adopt the following COMMITTEE GUIDELINES (not bylaws):
Official committee meetings should occur in a public place, such as TES or other “neutral ground,” etc.
There will be 2 coordinators of each event. One of these persons should be a NON-chairperson.
Event coordinators are required to attend a Steering Committee meeting when bringing forth a proposal.
Committee meeting minutes should be taken and made available.
A person may only serve as chair/co-chairperson of one committee at a time.
Financial guidelines are in development by Treasurer Bonnie Cady and will be available soon. Once adopted, they should be adhered to.
Aimee, Nicole and Jonathon are working to redesign the Event Proposal Form and set up a sample document to help guide event coordinators. Bonnie is meeting with Emilee Collins this week to seek advice regarding financial guidelines. Once those have been developed, Bonnie will submit them for inclusion on the new form.
Master Calendars FY15 and FY16:
See Attachment #2.
There are still several proposed events for FV15 that lack proposals.
Aimee & Nicole
Upcoming TESCA Meetings: Aimee & Nicole
March 16 th is the next Steering Committee meeting, followed by April 13 th . The all-community meeting is May 11 th .
Candidates for next year’s Steering Committee will be formally announced at this meeting.
Nicole and Aimee are working to set up a call in option for Steering Committee members who may not be able to physically attend a meeting.
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Attachment #1
Working Committee Tasking
Each working committee was asked to develop its own mission statement and to outline the events they would like to hold for FY15 and FY16. Below please find a summary of their submissions:
Hospitality Committee
Mission Statement: The hospitality committee plans and executes events and activities for staff to collectively demonstrate the Community Association's appreciation for staff, and creates creating a positive environment where staff want to work.
For FY15 and FY16, this committee planned the following events:
Teacher Workday Breakfasts - 7
Staff Appreciation Early Release Snacks - 11
Appreciation Events / Holiday Activities : Back to school breakfast, fall party, thanksgiving pies, holiday luncheon,
Valentine ’s Day - 6
Staff Appreciation Week - April 13th - 17th
For FY16, this committee would like 3 committee co-chairs and additional designated positions:
Early release snack coordinator/teacher workday breakfast coordinator
Staff Appreciation Week coordinator
Special event coordinator - fall party, thanksgiving, holiday luncheon, Valentine ’s day, etc.
Fundraising Committee
Mission Statement: The Fundraising Committee’s goal is to provide opportunities for the TES community that generate funds while providing maximum enjoyment and value.
For FY15, this committee has the following events planned:
3 Restaurant Nights
Food at Book Fair Event
Date night
3 Restaurant Nights
Read-A-Thon (Leigh Anne Weisenfeld & Beth Lundberg)
Seeds (Erica Allen & Michelle Ogden)
Yardsale (Beth Shout & Joey Carabetta)
For FY16, this committee has the following plan:
Read-A-Thon/Book Fair Event
Effortless Fundraiser
Barnes & Noble
3 Restaurant Nights
Page 3
Childcare/bakesale at TESCA meeting
Date night
3 Restaurant Nights
Food at Game Night
Childcare for Holiday Shopping
3 Restaurant Nights
Date night
3 Restaurant Nights
5k fun run
Yearbook Committee:
Mission Statement: To provide high-quality and affordable yearbooks to the students, staff, and families of The Expedition
School, full of photos and writings that highlight as many students and activities as possible, aiming to capture the mission and philosophy of the STEM-based school in our design and content.
For FY15 and FY16, this committee outlined these milestones:
August - September: Build our committee
Ensure individual & classroom photographs are scheduled
Issue call out to TES community for photographs
September-October: Yearbook ad sales
September-October: Plan page arrangement=ladder
October: Finalize yearbook publisher selection
January-February: Yearbook sales
March (end of month): Publisher deadline
May (end of month): Yearbooks arrive and distributed to students
June (first week): Yearbook signing in collaboration with Social Committee
This committee determined these priorities for their work:
It’s important that we retain extra yearbook funds reserved for our exclusive purposes in case the publisher details are different and so that we may be able to provide any of the below listed items when/if necessary or if deemed appropriate.
1) To be able to provide a higher-quality, low-cost hardbound book to all students (even those who may not be able to afford it) —we estimate approximately 7 students can be helped by this
2) To defray shipping costs, if applicable
3) To be able to purchase a software program, if necessary
4) To be able to purchase extra books for the school to have on hand for use in future ad sales as well as promoting the school
5) To be able to purchase yearbooks for teachers/staff to honor all the hard work, if financially feasible.
6) To be able to purchase equipment for future student yearbook programs for 6-8 grade students
7) To purchase additional stock photographs for design, if needed
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Social Committee
Mission Statement: To provide for the entire Expedition School community, which includes parents, teachers, administration, and both current and prospective families, the opportunity to gather for social events where members of said community can network socially, strengthen bonds, and grow into a positive and cohesive society for the school.
For FY15, this committee plans the following:
- Spring Fling Family Dance - 3rd quarter event - co-leads Amy Carabetta and Rosemary Wellons
- School-wide Potluck - Gold Park has been reserved for May 31st, 1-3 pm - co-leads Amy Carabetta and ???? - intention is to invite all TES staff and families as well as incoming families
- Last day of school Ice Cream Social and Yearbook Signing Party - co-leads Amy Carabetta and ??? - plan to have at Gold Park, hoping to hand out store-bought ice cream for little to no cost while kids play and sign each others' yearbooks.
For FY16, this committee plans the following:
- One school-wide social event per quarter.
- One evening event per quarter, possibly adults only (e.g., Hot Tin Roof)
- Possibly hold an activity on each teacher workday at the end of intersessions
- Several small events throughout the year - e.g., coffee socials after drop-off, skating at the Sportsplex, park playdates, etc.
- One summer event, for example a July food truck rodeo
- One end of school event
Arts Committee
Mission Statement: Our goal is to support and promote arts enrichment to the TES community.
For FY16, this committee plans the following:
1. Student art exhibit at Cup A Joe Coffee House. (month of October)
2. "Art by Me" Friday night, either Oct 23 or Nov 6.
3. Talent Show, January date pending.
4. Continue to support individual needs of TES teachers.
Grounds Committee
Information not yet submitted.
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Attachment #2
Here is a summary of the events the committee would like to hold by date.
Calendar of Events for FY15
25 Seed Fundraiser Begins (Fund)
Restaurant Night – HBBQ (Fund)
Spring Fling Family Dance (Social and Fund)
Steering Committee Meeting
Restaurant Night – Panera in CH (Fund)
13 Steering Committee Meeting
13-17 Staff Appreciation Week (Hosp)
Read-a-thon Kick-off (Fund) 24
Read-a-thon Concludes
All-Community Meeting – SC candidates introduced
TESCA SC Election
School-wide Pot Luck (Social)
End Yearbook Arrive (Year)
Last Day of School, Ice Cream Social & Yearbook Signing (Social and Year)
Fundraising also indicated plans for:
- Restaurant nights for April and May
- Date Night in Q3
- Yard Sale in Q4
We have not received information on these events.
Page 6
Proposed Events for FY16
Food truck rodeo for all TES families (Social)
One school-wide social event (Social)
One adults-only evening event (Social)
Sept – Oct: Yearbook Sales (Yearbook)
End Oct:
Student art exhibit at Cup a Joe (Arts)
Art by Me Friday Night (Arts)
Combined Read-a-thon/book fair event (Fund) (Note: Recommend moving this event in Q3)
“Effortless fundraiser” (Fund)
Barnes & Noble event (Fund)
One Restaurant Night per month (Fund)
Childcare/bake sale at initial TESCA all-community meeting (Fund)
Date Night (Fund)
Yard Sale (Fund)
One school-wide social event, probably Game Night (Social) with food sales (Fund)
One adults-only evening event (Social)
One Restaurant Night per month (Fund)
Childcare for Holiday Shopping (Fund)
One school-wide social event, probably Family Dance (Social) with food sales (Fund)
One adults-only evening event (Social)
Talent Show (Arts)
One Restaurant Night per month (Fund)
Date Night (Fund)
One school-wide social event (Social)
One adults-only evening event (Social)
One end of school event (Social)
One Restaurant Night per month (Fund)
Seeds Fundraiser (Fund) (Note: Recommend moving event to Q3)
Yard sale (Fund)
5k Fun Run (Fund)
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