ANDERSON OB/GYN, PLLC NEW PATIENT QUESTIONNAIRE Name:____________________________________________________________________ D.O.B.______________ Age: _____ Addresss:________________________________________________________________Phone: __________________________ Were you referred from another physician? __yes __no Name of referring physician_________________ Primary Physician: _________________________________________________ First day of your last menstrual period? ___/___/______ How often do you have periods? _____________ How long do your periods last? ________ At what age did your periods start/stop? ________/_________ Current contraceptive method(s): ___________________________________________________________ Allergies to medications: __yes __no If yes, which medications? __________________________________ Other allergies(latex, foods): ________________________________________________________________ Which response describes your general health? EXCELLENT GOOD FAIR POOR REASON FOR YOUR VISIT TODAY: _________________________________________________________________________ GENERAL HEALTH Do you exercise regularly? __yes __no Self Breast examination monthly? __yes __no Do you follow a special diet? __yes __no If yes, please specify? ________________________________________________ Do you have a problem with any of the following? __Seeing __Hearing __Reading __Moving __Walking PLEASE CIRCLE ANY SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS BELOW THAT YOU CURRENTLY HAVE CONSTITUTIONAL Fever Chills Night sweats Hot flashes Weight changes Appetite changes BREAST breast pain breast lump breast discharge breast swelling MUSCULOSKELETAL joint pain joint swelling back pain weakness difficulty walking numbness/tingling CARDIOVASCULAR Chest pain Palpitations Heart condition High blood pressure RESPIRATORY shortness of breath cough sputum production asthma PSYCHOLOGICAL Depression Anxiety Mood swings Nervousness ENDOCRINE excessive thirst excessive urination heat/cold intolerance diabetes GASTROINTESTINAL nausea vomiting constipation diarrhea Abdominal pain Bloating/cramping Food intolerance Bloody stool Black, tarry stool NEUROLOGIC headaches seizures weakness GENITOURINARY abnormal bleeding bleeding between periods painful periods irregular periods bleeding after intercourse vaginal discharge/odor Vaginal itching sores abnormal growths pelvic pain pelvic fullness/pressure change in sexual desire change in sex partner sexual difficulty SOCIAL HISTORY Tobacco use Alcohol use Drug use __yes __yes __yes __no __no __no How much? ______packs/day How much? ______drinks /day _______________________________________________________________________________ Caffeine use Sexually active __yes __yes __no __no How much? Patient Signature/Date: ______cups/day Physician Signature/Date: 1 of 3 ANDERSON OB/GYN, PLLC NEW PATIENT QUESTIONNAIRE OB/GYN HISTORY Number of pregnancies_____ Number of live births _____ Number of Living Children _____ Number of miscarriages _____ Number of ectopics _____ Number of elective terminations _____ Weight of Largest baby _______________ Age and sex of Living Children: _________________________________________________________________________________ Date of last delivery: ____________ Number of vaginal deliveries: _____ Number of cesarean deliveries _____ Any pregnancy complications? __________________________________________________________________________________ Date of last Pap smear: ________________ Where was last Pap smear done? _____________________________________________ Have you ever had an abnormal Pap smear: __ Yes __ No If yes, when? _______________________________ Was it treated with any of the following? __Frequent follow-up Pap smears __Colposcopy __ Biopsy __Cone biopsy __Hysterectomy __ LEEP __Cryotherapy Date of last Mammogram: _______________ Where was your last Mammogram done?_____________________________________ Have you ever had chronic pelvic pain? __Yes Do you have pain now? __Yes __No __No If yes, location:_____________________________________________________________ On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate your pain? No pain 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Worst possible pain Have you ever had a sexually transmitted infection? __Yes __No If yes, please list: _____________________________________ Have you ever had pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)? __Yes __No If yes, when: _________________________________________ Are you currently using hormone replacement therapy? __Yes __No If yes, what type: ______________________________________ Are you able to perform normal activities at home? __Yes __No If no, explain: ________________________________________ Are you currently or have you ever experienced mental, physical, emotional, or sexual abuse? __Yes __No If yes, please explain: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you currently feel safe in your home? __Yes __No MEDICATIONS NAME OF MEDICATION Patient Signature/Date: DOSE WHAT DO YOU TAKE IT FOR? Physician Signature/Date: 2 of 3 ANDERSON OB/GYN, PLLC NEW PATIENT QUESTIONNAIRE FAMILY AND MEDICAL HISTORY Is your Mother alive? __yes __no If no, age and cause of death: ________________________________________________ Is your Father alive? __yes __no If no, age and cause of death: ________________________________________________ How many brothers do you have? _____ How many sisters do you have? ______ LIST ALL RELATIVES WHO HAVE HAD A MAJOR ILLNESS (DIABETES, HEART DISEASE, CANCER, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE…) RELATION TYPE OF ILLNESS AGE AT DIAGNOSIS LIST ALL MEDICAL PROBLEMS THAT YOU CURRENTLY HAVE OR HAVE HAD DATE MEDICAL PROBLEM PHYSICIAN LIST ANY SURGERIES THAT YOU HAVE HAD DATE Patient Signature/Date: SURGERY/PROCEDURE Physician Signature/Date: 3 of 3 HOSPITAL AND/OR PHYSICIAN