1 Supporting information Table S1. Principal components analysis (PCA) of three metrics of pond hydrology derived from continuously recorded water depth. Days filled per annum, days until first drying and coefficient of variation (CV) of depth were reduced to one highly significant principal component (pond permanence index) that explained 91% of total variance. The analysis was conducted in Statistica, version 8 (StatSoft 2008). Pond name Days till Days filled CV depth Pond permanence first drying‡ per annum (mm) Fish taxa index (PC1) T3 61 97 1.62 -1.45 Fishless Goose 66 91 1.50 -1.35 Fishless BL1W 54 127 1.19 -0.90 Fishless Little Vagabonds 91 133 1.06 -0.70 Fishless Little Blackwater* 53 246 1.33 -0.57 Galaxias brevipinnis Craigieburn 79 136 0.86 -0.56 Fishless Goldney 142 334 0.66 0.71 Fishless Waimak Flat 365 365 0.57 1.79 Fishless Lyndon Tarn 365 365 0.42 1.92 Gobiomorphus breviceps Blackwater 365 365 0.11 2.18 G. brevipinnis, Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss Rhomulus 365 365 0.06 2.22 G. brevipinnis Marymere 365 365 0.04 2.24 G. brevipinnis, G. breviceps, S. trutta Component loadings 0.97 0.94 -0.95 ‡ arbitrary start date of 12/10/05. * Little Blackwater dries at approximately 5-yearly intervals, and this occurred during the study period. An intermittent outflow from an adjacent permanent lake during high water levels enables recolonisation by fish. Table S1 references StatSoft. 2008. STATISTICA (data analysis software system), Version 8. Tulsa, Oklahoma. 2 Fig. S1. Mesocosms used in the fish predation experiment showing (a) complex treatment with clumps of Carex emergent vegetation and Myriophyllum submergent vegetation, and (b) simple vegetation treatment with vegetation clumps cut to soil level. The potential prey community for fish consisted of five species that dominated the biomass of permanent ponds (Xanthocnemis zealandica (McLachlan) and Procordulia grayi (Selys) odonates, Triplectides cephalotes (Walker) caddisflies, Diaprepocoris zealandiae Hale water boatmen, Potamopyrgus antipodarum Gray snails) and six species that dominated temporary pond biomass (Sigara arguta (White) water boatmen, Anisops spp. backswimmers, larval and adult Rhantus suturalis Macleay and larval Antiporus spp. beetles, and Daphnia carinata King cladocerans). Small numbers of cyclopoid copepods and orthoclad chironomids passively colonized the tanks from soil clumps. a) b) 3 Fig. S2: (a) Mesocosms used in the predator diversity manipulation. (b) The 11 treatments were replicated 4 times in a fully randomised design. (a) (b) 4 Fig. S3. The impact of predatory fish on invertebrate biomass expressed as the log-ratio of effect strength. Negative values indicate a decrease in prey biomass cages with fish access relative to mesh cages that excluded fish; positive values indicate an increase in prey biomass with fish. Prey were separated into total invertebrate biomass, primary consumers only, and unprotected primary consumers (species without cases or shells). Means (± 95% CI) were calculated with ponds containing fish as replicates (n = 5). Predatory fish impact index -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 All prey Primary consumers Unprotected prey 5 Fig. S4. Predator biomass expressed as (a) ash free dry mass per 0.25m2, and (b) as a proportion of total invertebrate biomass in ponds varying in permanence due to drying. Higher values on the x-axis indicate more permanent ponds. Ponds with and without fish are indicated by triangles and circles, respectively. Linear regression revealed that predator biomass (R2 = 0.19, F1,10 = 2.39, P = 0.15) and the proportion of total biomass attributed to predators (R2 = 0.01, F1,10 = 0.12, P = 0.75) was not significantly influenced by pond permanence. Proportional predator biomass 0.8 (a) 0.6 0.4 0.2 2 Loge predator biomass (mg AFDM / 0.25 m ) 0.0 8 (b) 6 4 2 0 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 Pond permanence index 2.5