failure (final)

Failure for success
Mr. deGroof
Grade 11 composition
Tina 13 IEP
Everyone likes success more than failure. Actually, failure is more
precious than success. Although the process might be dishonor, it is still
valuable. No one will succeed in one try. Before we become successful, we
need to do a lot of improvements. In the process, we will learn from many
failures which guide us to the successes. Failure is one part of the process
before you succeed; every successful and famous writers or statesmen never
succeed in just one try.
The definitions of failure are “a person or thing that is unsuccessful or
disappointing.” and “the fact of not reaching the required standard in an
examination, text, course, etc.” Failure is a noun. It comes from Anglo-French
failer and Old French falir in 1640s. “Bankruptcy”, “collapse”, “decline”, “loss”
and “defeat” are the synonyms of failure. Conversely, the antonym is success.
After undergoing several times of failure, the door of the wonderland is
closer and closer. No one will succeed in one try. We can prove it from the
history. Benjamin Franklin wasn’t born in a wealthy family. His family couldn’t
afford education to every children, but he never gave up learning. He kept
seeking out knowledge wherever he could and made the connections with
different kinds of people. When Benjamin was working hard to succeed, he
might face some difficulties, like people couldn’t accept his ideas. Benjamin
Tina 13 IEP
was never defeated by those difficulties or failures. The failures make
Benjamin Franklin improve continually. He kept thinking new ideas and trying
new things to improve and achieve to succeed. To Benjamin Franklin, failure
won’t make him feel disappoint. “I didn’t fail the test, I just find 100 ways to do it
wrong.” He said.
The famous writer, JK Rowling, also succeeded from several different
failures. Because of the unfortunate things happened one by one, JK Rowling
was in a deep depression before she overcame the sorrow. At the beginning,
Rowling was a depressed, suicidal, unemployed single mother. Although she
was desperate and despondent, she still determined to achieve her goalFinish the story. When she finished the first three chapters, she sent it to
several publishers. Only one publisher accepted her work. The publisher took
her story to his daughter, and asked her to look at it. Rowling’s story is
attractive to the publisher’s daughter. Therefore, he told Rowling to
accomplish the story and complied to publish her story. Finally, Rowling
succeeded from her failure. If Rowling didn’t walk out her abyss, she will
achieve her success. “ I mistakes like the next man. In fact, being- forgive merather cleverer than most men, my mistakes tend to be correspondingly
hunger.” she said.
Tina 13 IEP
Everyone will face their failure in their lives. Failure is to help people
become successful. From the two examples of Benjamin Franklin and JK
Rowling, we can prove that failure is a process before you succeed and people
can’t be successful and famous in one try. Failure helps you to understand
where you should improve. Those improvements build a road for you to
Tina 13 IEP
"The Source of Enlightenment: How Franklin Achieved Success." Web. 08 Nov. 2013.
Cuthrell, Anna. "Woman on Top." - JK Rowling (The Biggest Failure You Know).
Debbie Brannigan. Web. 08 Nov. 2013.
"Failure." Web. 10 Nov. 2013.
"" Web. 07 Nov. 2013.
"Quotes About Failure." (536 Quotes). Web. 10 Nov. 2013.
"Online Etymology Dictionary." Online Etymology Dictionary. Web. 10 Nov.