Wednesday 18 March 2015 - Suffolk Beekeeper`s Association

Suffolk Beekeepers’
(An Area Association of the British Beekeepers’ Association)
County Committee Meeting
Wednesday 18th March 2015
The Oak Room, The Limes Hotel, 99 High Street, Needham Market, IP6 8DQ,
Zac Blackmore (West Suffolk), Steve Carter (Ipswich), Jason Coward (UEA), Peter Girling
(Leiston), Liz Marley (Show), Ian McQueen (Secretary), Jackie McQueen (Vice Chairman),
Tony Payne (President), Alan Seager (Chairman), Lee Smith(Show), Bob Spruce (Waveney),
Sally Spruce, Jane Tuke (NHS), Paul White (Treasurer).
Apologies for Absence:
Adrian Howard (Examinations), Jeremy Quinlan (Education), Laurie Wiseman (ADM),
Stella Zethraeus(Stowmarket).
Minutes of last meeting: 7th January 2015
Signed as a true record.
Matters arising:
The Chairman asked Liz Marley to invite Martha Kearney to speak at the next
AGM, as she will also be contracting her with regard to next year's Suffolk Show.
Suffolk Show Secretary 2016
Liz Marley & Lee Smith
Education Secretary
Jeremy Quinlan
Examination Secretary
Adrian Howard
BBKA ADM Delegate
Laurie Wiseman
National Honey Show Representative
Jane Tuke
County Membership Secretary
Jackie McQueen
Area Spray Liaison
Ian McQueen
A discussion was had on the merits of having local area spray liaison
representatives, and it was decided to keep as we are.
AGM Minutes:
The draft minutes were agreed as factual.
AGM Feedback:
The number of attendees were
West Suffolk
The Chairman thanked Liz Marley for all her efforts with the Logo Competition and
encouraged all the branches to make use of it.
Jason Coward thought the buffet was very good. It was agreed that the 2016 AGM
would be hosted by the Waveney Group. Ian McQueen asked whether the order of the
AGM should be revised and Tony Payne asked whether it was worth having a speaker.
After much discussion, the Chairman said that it should be left to the hosting
Association to decide.
Suffolk Show:
Liz Marley reported that with new Logo decided, she would be able to order the new
materials. The Honey Show schedule and entry form were now online. The steward
rotas are now being organised. A door count will be had to evaluate the footfall. Liz
Marley was concerned about the accounting procedure, after a short discussion, Paul
White volunteered to organise the accounts for the show.
Suffolk Beekeepers Annual Seminar:
Alan Seager reported that the idea previously discussed at committee for Suffolk County
Beekeepers to arrange an annual educational seminar had reached fruition this year with
the presentation on 1st March at Henley Community Centre of the ‘Bee Improvement
Day’ by Roger Patterson. The day had been attended by 40 members from Suffolk and
surrounding area. The day had been a success and Jeremy and Alan are now discussing
the 2016 event which is proposed for the first weekend in March with a topic of
‘Beyond The Basic’. Alan explained that this was at the early stages of planning and
suggestions for other topics were welcome from all other committee members.
Branch Reports:
Formal Branch reports had not been itemised on the agenda for this meeting but the
following informal reports were offered
a) Leiston: Peter Girling reported that they had 111 members, with the basic
training courses run by David Burns being well supported. He asked for a
breakdown of subscription, which was supplied.
b) Norwich: Jason Coward said that they had now 25 members and for the first
time had social members.
c) Ipswich: Steve Carter reported that the branch ended the year with 201
members, 25 people are attending an introductory course. At a recent branch
meeting talks were given by members on manual lifting, on which a paper had
been produced. (This was available to the meeting), and a talk on bee stings and
their effect on people, including the cost of having EpiPens available at apiary
meetings. A lengthy discussion ensued on the use of EpiPens with Jason
Coward and others expressing concerns over the use of them. Concerns have
been raised within the branch on the H & S aspects of the general public
attending apiary meetings, a report is being prepared. Zac Blackmore asked for
a copy of the H & S report when it was ready.
d) Stowmarket: Tony Payne advised that Stowmarket Beekeepers have recently
had some members events including a crafts and skills meeting in Jan and there
was an event on 19th March to encourage last year's intake of Beekeepers to
reconvene to compare notes on their first season as Beekeepers. Tony advised
that Stowmarket now had 113 members on its books and had 21 interested
parties signed up for the 2015 beginners training course.
National Honey Show:
Jane Tuke said she wanted to encourage members who entered in the Suffolk Show to
also enter in the National Show. Liz Marley said that she would include a reference to
the National Honey Show in the email that she was sending to all members about the
Suffolk Show.
a) Paul White said that the 'Bee Improvement' day made £250 which goes back to
b) Jackie McQueen reported that BDI are now giving feedback on emails that bounce.
c) Ian McQueen thanked the committee on behalf of Jackie and himself for the gift in
recognition of the work they had done for the Association in organising the Suffolk
Show over the past 25 years.
d) Ian McQueen, the Secretary, drew the committee attention to an email received
from Wally Thrale regarding a petition to 'Ban importation of honeybees from Italy'.
This will be forwarded to all committee members.
e) Jeremy Quinlan had asked whether the automatic forwarding of emails from the
BBKA should continue as they are now sending the same information directly to the all
members. After a discussion it was decided to continue our current practice.
f) Alan Seager said that Stowmarket members had asked whether information on the
area covered by a branch was available. Paul White said that this was being incorporated
in the new website.
Next Meeting:
To be held Wednesday 24th June 2014 at the Oak Room, The Limes Hotel, 99 High
Street, Needham Market, IP6 8DQ, starting at 7.30pm,
Parking is available at the rear of the hotel.
The Meeting closed at 9.00pm,
Distribution: Zac Blackmore, Steve Carter, Jason Coward, Peter Girling, Adrian Howard,
Liz Marley, Ian McQueen, Jackie McQueen, Tony Payne, Jeremy Quinlan, Alan Seager, Lee
Smith, Bob Spruce, Jane Tuke, Paul White, Laurie Wiseman, Stella Zethraeus
For Information: Mike Graystone, Sue Haynes, Dick Houghton, Malcolm Marchant,
Penny Robertson, Rebecca Vowles, Carol Williamson.