THE SYLLABUS OF LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS Applicable Students: Six-year system oversea students in the department of clinical medicine. Class Hours: It takes 56 hours to study this course. The study of theory needs 34 teaching hours, the study of experimental skill needs 22 teaching hours. Teaching Hours Distribution Chapter Contents Diagnostic Test Theory Use and Practice Chapter 15 Principles of Interpretation Chapter 16 Laboratory Examination of Hematology 6 Chapter 17 Urinalysis and Renal Function 4 Chapter 18 Blood Chemistries 12 Chapter 19 Clinical Common Assay in Immunology 2 Chapter 20 Clinical Tests of Etiologic Agents 1 Chapter 21 Laboratory Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases 1 Chapter 22 Tests of Excretion, Secretion and Body Fluid 3 4 Total 34 22 4 8 10 PART I: THEORY CHAPTER 15: PRINCIPLES OF DIAGNOSTIC TEST USE AND INTERPRETATION 15.1: BENEFIT, DISADVANTAGES AND RISKS [Objectives] 1. Know screening tests, diagnostic tests and management tests 2. Master accuracy and precision 3. Know the reference ranges 4. Master sensitivity and specificity [Contents] 1. General introduction to laboratory diagnosis 2. General introduction to screening tests, diagnostic tests and management tests 3. Definition and significance of accuracy and precision 4. Definition and significance of sensitivity and specificity 5. Reference ranges 15.2: PERFORMANCE OF LABORATORY TESTS [Objectives] 1. Understand the factors affecting both the patient and the specimen 2. Know the odds-likelihood ratios 3. Master the principles of specimen collection. 4. Master the interfering factors of the results of diagnostic tests 5. Know sequential testing [Contents] 1. General introduction to factors affecting both the patient and the specimen. 2. General introduction of odds-likelihood ratios 3. The principles of specimen collection. 4. The interfering factors of the results of diagnostic tests. 5. General introduction to sequential testing. CHAPTER 16: LABORATORY EXAMINATION OF HEMATOLOGY 16.1: BLOOD SMEARS [Objectives] 1. Red blood cell test (1) Master the referential values of Hemoglobin and RBC (2) Master the referential values of Hemoglobin and RBC (3) Master the clinical significance of the abnormal Hemoglobin and RBC (4) Master the clinical significance of anemia (5) Know the red cell morphology (6) Know the normal peripheral blood smear (7) Master the clinical significance of reticulocyte (8) Master the clinical significance of Howell—Jolly Bodies (9) Master the clinical significance of Basophilic Stippling 2. White blood cell test (1) Master white blood cell count (2) Master white cell differential count (3) Know the 5 main white cell subtypes, percentage and absolute value (4) Know WBC differential neutrophils (5) Master the clinical significance of neutrophilia and neutropenia (6) Master leukocyte inclusions and nuclear contour abnormalities (7) Master the clinical significance of dohle bodies (8) Know the morphology and clinical significance of small lymphocytes and large lymphocytes (9) Know the morphology and clinical significance of monocytes (10) Know the morphology and clinical significance of eosinophil (11) Know the morphology and clinical significance of basophils (12) Master platelets thrombocytes (13) Master the clinical significance of thrombocytosis and Thrombocytopenia [Contents] 1. Red blood cell test (1) The function of Hemoglobin and RBC (2) The referential values of Hemoglobin and RBC (3) The clinical significance of abnormal Hemoglobin and RBC (4) The clinical significance of anemia (5) Red cell morphology (6) Normal peripheral blood smear (7) The clinical significance of reticulocytes (8) The clinical significance of Howell-Jolly Bodies (9) The clinical significance of basophilic stippling 2. White blood cell test (1) White Blood Cell Count (2) White cell differential count (3) 5 main white cell subtypes, percentage and absolute value (4) WBC differential neutrophils (5) The clinical significance of Neutrophilia and Neutropenia (6) Leukocyte inclusions and nuclear contour abnormalities (7) The clinical significance of Dohle Bodies (8) The morphology and clinical significance of small lymphocytes and large lymphocytes (9) The morphology and clinical significance of monocytes (10) The morphology and clinical significance of eosinophils (11) The morphology and clinical significance of basophils (12) Platelets thrombocytes (13) The clinical significance of thrombocytosis and thrombocytopenia 16.2 BONE MARROW [Objectives] 1. Grasp the definition and clinical application of bone marrow examinations; 2. Master the development rules of hematocytes; 3. Understand the features of blood and bone marrow in anemia and leukemia; 4. Know the aspiration of bone marrow and the preparation of marrow smears. [Contents] (1) The definition and clinical application of bone marrow examinations; (2) The attention points for bone marrow examinations; (3) Aspiration of bone marrow and preparation of bone marrow smears; (4) The development rules of hematocytes and the changes in the process of development; (5) The morphology of marrow cells; (6) The definition and classification of anemia; (7) The features of blood and bone marrow in anemia; (8) The definition and classification of leukemia; (9) The clinical and laboratory features of leukemia. 16.3: BLEEDING AND THROMBOTIC DISORDER [Objectives] 1. Know the progress of intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation. 2. Know the function of the blood vessel walls and platelets. 3. Master the clinical significance of APTT, PT and Fg. 4. Master hemostasis defect of the first and second stage. [Contents] 1. Causes of bleeding 2. The function of the blood vessel walls and platelets. 3. The principle, control value and clinical significance of every method to test bleeding and thrombotic disorder. (1) Blood vessel wall test: capillary resistance test (CRT), bleeding time (BT). (2) Platelets test. (3) Blood coagulation factors test: activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), prothrobin time (PT), fibrinogen (Fg). 4. Hemostasis defect of the first and second stage. CHAPTER 17: URINALYSIS AND RENAL FUNCTION 17.1: URINALYSIS [Objectives] 1. Know the general properties of urine 2. Master the chemical examination of urine 3. Master the observation under the microscope of urine 4. Master the referential values and clinical significance of the urine routine test. [Contents] (1) The general properties (color, acidity, gravity) of urine (2) Chemical examination (protein, glucose, ketone) of urine (3) Observation under the microscope (erythrocytes, leukocytes, casts ) of urine (4) Referential values and clinical significance of the urine routine test 17.2: RENAL FUNCTION [Objectives] 1. Understand the principles and clinical significance of renal tubular function, renal blood flow and acid-base balance. 2. Know the glomerular filtration rate. 3. Master the normal range and clinical significance of Ccr. 4. Master the normal range and clinical significance of Urea [Contents] 1. Principles and clinical significance of renal tubular function, renal blood flow and acid-base balance. 2. Normal range and clinical significance of the tests of renal glomerular function (Ccr, Urea, uric acid). 3. The notes of collection of urine specimen CHAPTER 18: BLOOD CHEMISTRIES 18.1: LIVER FUNCTION TESTS [Objectives] Master the reference interval and clinical significance. [Contents] 1. Know the protein metabolism test. 2. Master the bilirubin metabolism test. 3. Master the enzyme tests. 18.2: SERUM CARDIAC MARKERS [Objectives] Master the clinical significance of the serum cardiac markers. [Contents] 1. Master the cardiac muscle enzyme test. 2. Know the cardiac protein test. 18.3: PLASMAPROTEIN [Objectives] 1. Grasp the normal range of total protein and albumin. 2. Grasp the clinical occurrence of hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia. 3. Understand the results of SPEP. [Contents] Total serum protein, albumin, globulins and SPEP andα1-antiprotease. 18.4: GLUCOSE [Objectives] 1. Grasp the normal range of fasting plasma glucose and 2 hour plasma glucose, the diagnostic standard of diabetes, IFG and IGT. 2. Grasp the clinical occurrence of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. 3. Grasp the clinical occurrence of HBA1c. 4. Understand the results of OGTT. [Contents] Glucose, OGTT, insulin and HBA1c. 18.5: Lipids [Objectives] 1. Grasp the normal range of TC (desirable, borderline and high risk), LDL (optimal, desirable, borderline and high risk) 2. Grasp the clinical occurrence of increased level of TC and TG. [Contents] Total cholesterol and triglycerides. 18.6: ELECTROLYTES [Objectives] 1. Understand which organs and hormones participate in controlling the serum levels of calcium and phosphorus. 2. Grasp the normal range of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and chloride. 3. Grasp the clinical occurrence of hypercalcemia, hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypophosphatemia, hyperkalemia and hypokalemia. [Contents] Calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and chloride. CHAPTER 19: CLINICAL COMMON ASSAY IN IMMUNOLOGY Immunoglobulins (Ig) tests, Cellular immunity tests, Tumor markers tests [Objectives] Master the reference value of Ig (IgG、IgA and IgM), the clinical significance of tumor markers, the clinical significances of HBsAg, HBeAg, HBsAb, HBeAb and HBcAb. [Contents] 1. Serum immunoglobulins tests. 2. Cellular immunity tests. 3. Tumor markers tests. 4. Hepatitis markers tests. 5. Immunologic tests of infection. CHAPTER 20: CLINICAL TESTS OF ETIOLOGIC AGENTS [Objectives] 1. Understand the pathogens that cause different illnesses 2. Master the tests that diagnose illnesses [Contents] 1. Pathogenic diagnosis of bacterial infection: causative organisms 2. Causative pathogens, laboratory tests, diagnosis, treatment of different bacterial infections (1) Pathogenic diagnosis of bacterial infections in the respiratory tract: Pharyngitis and Laryngitis, Community-Acquired Pneumonia(CAP), Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia (HAP), Mycobacterial Pneumonia (2) Pathogenic diagnosis of bacterial infections in the urinary tract: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)/Cystitis/Pyuria-dysuria Syndrome, Prostatitis, Pyelonephritis (3) Pathogenic diagnosis of bacterial infections in the gastrointestinal tract: Gastritis, Infectious Colitis/Dysentery, Antibiotic-Associated Pseudomembranous Colitis CHAPTER 21: LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS OF GENETIC DISEASES [Objectives] 1. Grasp the modern concept of genetic diseases and the laboratory diagnosis of genetic diseases; 2. Understand the essence of the number of chromosomes, structures, molecular techniques, etc. [Contents] 1. The modern concept of In humans, the normal diplod number of chromosomes; genome, cytogenetics/chromosomal disorders, chromosomes complex structures, genetic diseases diagnosed by molecular techniques, cystic fibrosis mutation, fragile X syndrome, hemophilia, huntington disease; α-thalassemia; β-thalassemia. 2. Laboratory diagnosis of genetic diseases, the number of chromosomes, structures, molecular techniques, etc. CHAPTER 22: TESTS OF EXCRETION, SECRETION AND BODY FLUID [Objectives] 1. Understand the production and absorption of CSF 2. Master the tests of CSF, effusion and feces [Contents] 1. Cerebrospinal fluid: definition, functions, purposes and routine examinations 2. Serous body fluids: routine examinations of pleural effusions and peritoneal effusion 3. Feces tests: general tests, occult blood test and microscopic examination Part II: Practical Part No. Contents Teaching Hours 1 Experiment 1: General examination of blood 1 4 2 Experiment 2: General examination of blood 2 4 3 Experiment 3: Examination of hemostasis and blood coagulation 5 4 Experiment 4 : Examination of fluids 4 5 Experiment 5: Tests on the liver and renal functions 5 Total 22 REFERENCES 1. 《临床血液学和血液检验》 ,谭齐贤主编, 人民卫生出版社,2003 2. 《临床检验基础》 ,熊立凡主编,人民卫生出版社,2003 3. 《临床基础检验学实验指导》 ,朱立华主编,人民卫生出版社,1999 4. 《临床生物化学及生物化学检验》,周新,涂植光主编,人民卫生出版社,2003 5. 《生物化学实验讲义》 ,天津医科大学基础生化教研室,1996 6. 《免疫学和免疫学检验》 ,陶义训主编,人民卫生出版社, 1999 7. 《临床微生物学和微生物学检验》,张卓然主编, 人民卫生出版社, 2003 8. 《临床微生物和微生物检验实验指导》,洪秀华主编.人民卫生出版社,2003 9. A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Test, 7th Edition, Frances T Fischbach RN. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publisher, 2003