Castle Bell, G. - Communication Studies | West Chester University of

Gina Castle Bell, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vita
Intercultural Communication, Co-Cultural Communication, Research Methodology,
Black and White Communication.
George Mason University, May 2012
Doctor of Philosophy in Communication
Dissertation: “I Still Have a Dream…:” Exploring Black and White
Communication Challenges in 21st Century United States.
Advisor & Mentor: Dr. Mark C. Hopson
Committee Members: Drs. Anita Taylor, Carl Botan, and Tim Gibson
University of Central Florida, December 2008
Major: Interpersonal Communication
Thesis: Examining Racism and Racial Tensions as Potential Face Threats
in Black and White Interracial Relationships.
Advisor & Mentor: Dr. Sally O. Hastings
Committee Members: Drs. Harry Weger, Jr. and Jonathan Matusitz
University of Central Florida, December 2006
Major(s): Interpersonal Communication, BA & Political Science, BA
Minor: French Language Minor
Advisor & Mentor: Dr. Harry Weger, Jr.
West Chester University, West Chester, PA: Tenure-Track, Assistant Professor
Department of Communication Studies
July 1, 2013-Present
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX: Tenure-Track, Assistant Professor
Department of Communication Studies
August 1, 2012 – August 4, 2013
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA: Doctoral GTA/GRA
Department of Communication Studies
August 1, 2009 – June 30, 2012
Graduate Teaching Interests
Intercultural Communication
Qualitative Research Methods
Communication Research Methods
Human Communication Theory
Undergraduate Teaching Interests
Public Speaking
Communication Research Methods
African American Communication
Intercultural Communication
Persuasion & Rhetoric of Social Movements
Interracial Communication
2014 Internal Grant at West Chester University, College of Arts and Sciences: Submitted a
Graduate Assistantship Proposal. Not Funded.
2012 Dissertation Finishing Grant, George Mason University: College of Humanities and
Social Science. Funded: Full tuition & graduate stipend during Spring 2012 semester.
Castle Bell, G. (2016). Blacks and Whites: On Communication and Each Other. Lanham, MD:
Lexington Books.
Castle Bell, G., Hopson, M. C., Weathers, M. R., & Ross, K. A. (2014). From “laying the
foundations” to building the house: Extending Orbe’s (1998) co-cultural theory to include
‘rationalization’ as a formal strategy. Communication Studies, 66(1), 1-26. ** LEAD
Castle Bell, G., Hopson, M. C., Craig, R., & Robinson, N. W. (2014). Exploring Black and
White Accounts of 21st Century Racial Profiling: Riding and Driving While Black.
Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 15(1), 35-44.
Castle Bell, G., Weathers, M. R., Hastings, S. O., & Peterson, E. (2014). Investigating the
Celebration of Black Friday as a Communication Ritual. Journal of Creative
Communications, 9(3), 1-17. ** LEAD ARTICLE
Robinson, N. W., & Castle Bell, G. (2014). Rating Slam Dunks to Conceptualize the
Mean, Median, Mode, Range and Standard Deviation. Communication Teacher, 28(4), 16. doi: 10.1080/17404622.2014.939672 ** LEAD ARTICLE
Weger, H., Jr., Castle Bell, G., Minei, E. M., & Robinson, M. C. (2014). The Relative
Effectiveness of Active Listening in Initial Interactions. The International Journal of
Listening, (28), 13-31.
Ross, K. A., Scholl, J., & Castle Bell, G. (2014). Shaping Self with the Doctor: The
Construction of Identity for Trans Patients. In V. Harvey & T. Housel Health Care
Disparities and the LGBT Population. Plymouth, UK: Lexington Books.
Robinson, N. W., & Castle Bell, G. (2013). Effectiveness of Culture Jamming in Agenda
Building: An Analysis of the Bhopal Disaster Prank. Southern Communication Journal,
78(4), 352-368.
Weathers, M., R., & Castle Bell, G. (2013). Assessing Health Disparities through
Communication Competence, Social Support, and Coping Among Hispanic Lay
Caregivers for Loved Ones with Alzheimer’s Disease. In M. Dutta & G. Kreps, Reducing
Health Disparities: Communication Interventions. New York, New York: Peter Lang
Hopson, M. C., Hart, T., & Castle Bell, G. (2012). Meeting in the middle: Fred L. Casmir’s
contributions to the field of Intercultural Communication. International Journal of
Intercultural Relations, 36, 789-797.
Castle Bell, G., & Hastings, S. O. (2011) Black and White interracial couples: Managing
Relational Disapproval Through Facework. Howard Journal of Communications, 22, 121.
Castle Bell, G. (2010 ). “WHAT is SHE doing here—And WHAT did SHE say SHE Studies?:”
Exploring conflicting schemas associated with White skin in the graduate classroom.
MOSAIC, 3(1), 43-52.
Weger, H., Jr., Castle, G., & Emmett, M. C. (2010). Active listening in peer interviews: The
influence of paraphrasing on perceived understanding, conversational satisfaction, and
social attractiveness. The International Journal of Listening, 24, 34-49.
Hopson, M. C., Castle Bell, G., & Craig, R. Driving While Black (DWB) (2014). In J. Stone, R.
Dennis, P. Rizova, A. Smith and X. Hou (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and
Nationalism. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Hopson, M. C., Castle Bell, G., & Craig, R. Race and crime. (2014). In J. Stone, R. Dennis, P.
Rizova, A. Smith and X. Hou (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and
Nationalism. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Castle Bell, G., & Robinson, N. W. (2013). African American Categorization throughout US
Census History. The Multicultural America: A Multimedia Encyclopedia. Thousand
Oaks, CA: SAGE Reference.
Ross, K. A., & Castle Bell, G. Improving healthy trans-patient-doctor-communication: Applied
recommendations and advice for doctors communicating with trans community members.
Health Communication.
Castle Bell, G., & Harris, T. M. Exploring Representations of Black Masculinity and
Emasculation on NBC’s Parenthood. Journal of International and Intercultural
Castle Bell, G., & Hastings, S. O. Exploring the role of parental approval and disapproval for
Black and White interracial couples. Journal of Social Issues.
Hastings, S. O., & Castle Bell, G. Extending the Conceptualization of Positive Face: Character
and Social Face.
Weger, H. Jr., Castle Bell, G., Robinson, N. W., Ross, K. A., & Bennett, L., K., Investigating
Race and Vocalic Intensity as Expectancy Violations for Public Arguers.
Robinson, N. W., Castle Bell, G., & Boyle, M. Comparing the Agenda Setting Effects of
Comedy News Programming.
Bennett, L., K., & Castle Bell, G. “You’re spending too much time with them:” An exploration
of romantic jealousy of opposite-sex best friends.
Hopson, M. C., Castle Bell, G., & Craig, R. Revisiting the talk: A critical collaborative
autoethnographic reflection on racial and cultural talk surrounding Trayvon Martin’s
death and George Zimmerman’s murder trial.
Castle Bell, G. From the Mountains of Columbine, to the Hills of Virginia Tech, to the Valley
of Newtown, CT – Changing the Dialogue on Gun Control, Announcing the Learn, Lock,
and K(no)w Campaign.
Castle Bell, G. The only colors I see are red, white, and blue: An exploration of race in the
2015 Ross, K. A., & Castle Bell, G. Improving healthy trans-patient-doctor-communication:
Applied recommendations and advice for doctors communicating with trans community
members. Submitted for presentation at the 106th annual meeting of the Eastern
Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA.
2014 Robinson, N. W., & Castle Bell, G. Comparing the Agenda Setting Effects of Comedy
News Programming. Presented at the 100th Annual Convention of the National
Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
2014 Castle Bell, G., & Harris, T. M. Exploring Representations of Black Masculinity and
Emasculation on NBC’s Parenthood. Presented at the 100th Annual Convention of the
National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
2014 Ross, K. A., Scholl, J., & Castle Bell, G. Shaping Self with the Doctor: The
Construction of Identity for Trans Patients. Presented at the 105th annual meeting of the
Eastern Communication Association, Providence, Rhode Island.
2013 Hastings, S. O., & Castle Bell, G. Advancing facework theory: Extending positive face
to include an additional dimension, character face. Presented at the 99th Annual
Convention of the National Communication Association, DC.
2013 Castle Bell, G., Weathers, M. R., Roberts, T. L., Ross, K. A., & Robinson, N. R. From
“Laying the Foundations” and “Building the House” to Structural Renovations: Exploring
Dominant Group Members’ Utilization of Co-Cultural Strategies in Intercultural
Contexts. Presented at the 99th Annual Convention of the National Communication
Association, DC.
2013 Castle Bell, G., Weathers, M. R., Hastings, S. O., & Peterson, E. B. Consumer and
Marketing Implications Surrounding the Celebration of Black Friday as a
Communication Ritual. Presented at the 99th Annual Convention of the National
Communication Association, DC.
2013 Robinson, N. W., & Castle Bell, G. Effectiveness of Culture Jamming in Agenda
Building: An analysis of the Bhopal Disaster. Presented at the 99th Annual Convention of
the National Communication Association, DC.
2013 Castle Bell, G., Hopson, M. C., & Craig, R. Exploring Black and White Accounts of 21st
Century Racial Profiling and Prejudice: Riding and Driving While Black. Presented at
the 99th Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, DC.
2013 Castle Bell, G., Weathers, M. R., Hopson, M. C., & Ross, K. A. From “laying the
foundations” to building the house: Extending Orbe’s (1998) co-cultural theory to include
‘rationalization’ as a formal strategy. Presented at the 2013 Annual Convention of the
International Communication Association.
2012 Castle Bell, G. What happens in Sanford, FL stays in Sanford, FL? Or Does It?: How
discourse shaped a COMMunity. Presented at the 98th Annual Convention of the
National Communication Association, Orlando, Florida.
2012 Castle Bell, G. Considering the role of curriculum design in fostering collaboration
between stakeholders of the learning process. Presented at the 98th Annual Convention of
the National Communication Association, Orlando, Florida.
2012 Castle Bell, G., Celentano, S., Canzona, M. R., Chang, W., Pyle, A. Too much
information: Examining the relationship between anxiety and information- seeking
behaviors among cancer patients and their families. Presented at the 98th Annual
Convention of the National Communication Association, Orlando, Florida.
2012 Castle Bell, G, & Hopson, M. C. Negotiating the Colorline: Teaching a Black
Communication and Identity Course in Racially Mixed Company. Presented at the 103rd
annual meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, Boston, MA.
2012 Castle Bell, G. “Still Getting Ovah? A Conversation Between and With Black Scholars.”
Presented at the 103rd annual meeting of the Eastern Communication Association,
Boston, MA. ** Top Panel in Voices of Diversity Division.
2012 Castle Bell, G., & Hopson, M. C. Liberating or Stereotypical Representations?:
Exploring Images of Black Women and Black Men as Presented on NBC’s Parenthood.
Presented at the 103rd annual meeting of the Eastern Communication Association,
Boston, MA.
2011 Castle Bell, G., Hopson, M. C., & Weger, H. Jr. Investigating Race and Vocalic
Intensity as Expectancy Violations for Public Arguers. Presented at the 97th annual
meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans.
2011 Castle Bell, G. American Uprising: The Untold Story of America's Largest Slave
Revolt." Presented at the 97th annual meeting of the National Communication
Association, New Orleans.
2011 Castle Bell, G. Beyond Truth, Personhood, and Cyberspace: Revisiting and Extending E.
K. Watts's Voice and Voicelessness Ten Years Later. Presented at the 97th annual
meeting of the National Communication Association, New Orleans.
2011 Castle Bell, G. Enough Already! Blowing the Whistle on Workplace Bullying: An
Analysis of a Personal Narrative. Presented at the 102nd annual meeting of the Eastern
Communication Association, Arlington, VA.
2011 Castle Bell, G., & Hastings, S. O. Examining married couples’ money management
discourse through a relational dialectics perspective. Paper presented at the 102nd annual
meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, Arlington, VA.
2011 Castle Bell, G., Whittington, E. O., & Nogueira, K. Awareness Enhances Prevention: An
Organizational Discourse Analysis of Sexual Assault Services. Paper presented at the
102nd annual meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, Arlington, VA.
2011 Keefe, B. P., & Castle Bell, G. Threat appraisal and skin cancer prevention information
seeking: Examining protection motivation theory. Paper presented at the 102nd annual
meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, Arlington, VA.
2011 Castle Bell, G. “WHAT is SHE Doing Here and What Did She Say SHE Studies?:”
Exploring Conflicting Schemas Associated With White Skin in the classroom. Paper
presented at the 97th annual meeting of the Western Communication Association.
2010 Castle Bell, G., & Hastings, S. O. A bridge can be built: Black and White interracial
couples’ facework in response to relational disapproval. Paper presented at the 96th
annual meeting of the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.
2010 Castle Bell, G., Weathers, M., & Hull-Ryde, L. Examining Black Friday as a
communication ritual. Paper presented at the 96th annual meeting of the National
Communication Association, San Francisco, CA. ** Competitive Papers in the
Ethnography of Communication Division.
2010 Castle Bell, G. Black and White interracial relationships in the “era of Obama”:
Reflecting on a personal narrative and charting a course for the future. Paper presented at
the 101st annual meeting of the Eastern Communication Association.
2010 Castle Bell, G., & Hastings, S. O. Exploring the role of family approval in mitigating
face threats for Black and White interracial couples. Paper presented at the 101st annual
meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, Baltimore, MD.
2009 Castle Bell, G. Experiencing racism in Black and White interracial relationships: An
analysis of a personal narrative. Paper presented at the 95th annual meeting of the
National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois.
2008 Weger, H., Jr., Castle Bell, G., Emmett, M. C., & Minei, E. M. Active Listening in initial
interactions: Perceptions of perceived understanding, social attraction, and conversational
satisfaction. Paper presented at the 94th annual meeting of the National Communication
Association, San Diego, CA.
2007 Weger, H., Jr., Castle, G., & Emmett, M. Active listening in peer interviews: The
influence of paraphrasing on perceived understanding, conversational satisfaction, and
social attractiveness. Paper presented at the 93rd annual meeting of the National
Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois.
2007 Emmett, M. C., Weger, H., Jr., & Castle, G. R. Relational uncertainty, satisfaction,
romantic intent, and partner’s maintenance behaviors as predictors of one’s own
relationship maintenance behaviors in cross-sex friendships. Paper presented at the 93rd
annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois.
2007 Castle Bell, G. Social constructionism: How perception constructs reality within the
workplace system. Paper presented at the Florida Communication Association.
Fall 2014 – Spring 2015: Communication Studies Search Committee Member
o Drafted the job call for the department; distributed the job call to CRTNET,
and to colleagues at national and regional conferences via visiting NCA
division meetings; Organized and alphabetized all job candidate
recommendation letters; Drafted candidate itineraries; hosted candidates; airport pick ups;
Fall 2013 – Fall 2015: Faculty Organization Advisor, Lambda Pi Eta
o Directly advised the LPE President and VP regarding LPE operations
o Renewed LPE membership for 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 with the National
Communication Association
o Examined 500 Communication Majors & invited those who met the criteria to
join LPE: Fall 2013; Spring 2014; Fall 2014; Spring 2015
o Examined degree audits for interested LPE students on a semester basis and
extended them an invitation to join if qualified
o Spearheaded the LPE Fall Fundraising Initiative which included organizing
and advising students regarding coordinating several bake sales with students
o Collected monetary donations from faculty and staff
o Coordinated the Spring 2014 Initiation Ceremony
o Coordinated the Spring 2015 Initiation Ceremony
Spring 2014: Graduate Student Workshop Coordinator
o I created, planned, and facilitated a graduate student workshop on several
necessities of graduate student life including: navigating relationships with
your advisor, going on for a PhD program, how to network at academic
conferences, how to network when considering a PhD program, and how to
develop a curriculum vitae. Fellow colleagues, Dr. Meghan Mahoney, Dr.
Elizabeth Munz, Dr. Theon Hill, Dr. Mary Braz, and myself were contributing
guest speakers at this two-hour workshop event.
Spring 2014: MA Comprehensive Exam Committee Member
o Alicia Talucci, Communication Theory Question
o Chelsea Palo, Communication Theory Question
o Whitney, Communication Theory Question
Fall 2013: Faculty Chaperone, Students In Communication New York City Trip
Spring 2015: Black History Month Event Coordinator & Guest Speaker Host
 On February 17, 2015 noted scholar, Dr. Rachel Alicia Griffin, will deliver a
Black History Month guest lecture: “Sport, Gender Violence, and Black Female
Survivors: The Offensive Pedagogy of Mike Tyson’s Sustained Fame.” I planned,
organized, and hosted this event in collaboration with my Department Chair Dr.
Tim Brown.
Fall 2014: February 2015 Black History Month Event Planner
 On February 17, 2015 noted Black Feminist scholar, Dr. Rachel Griffin, will
deliver a Black History Month guest lecture. I planned and organized this event in
collaboration with my Department Chair Dr. Tim Brown.
Spring 2014: Black History Month Event Coordinator & Guest Speaker Host
 Hosted visiting scholar Dr. Mark Hopson, including travel accommodations,
transportation to and from meetings and events/meals with faculty and graduate
students; Coordinated Event Set-Up.
Fall 2013: Black History Month Event Planner
 On February 3, 2014 noted scholar, Dr. Mark C. Hopson, will deliver a Black
History Month guest lecture: “Critical Intercultural Communication in the 21st
Century.” I planned and organized this event in collaboration with my Department
Chair Dr. Tim Brown.
ECA Officer, Voices of Diversity Interest Group Chairperson
Jackson For NCA 2nd VP: Campaign Chief of Staff, Logistics
Editorial Board Member, Iowa Journal of Communication
Associate Editorial Board Member, Communication Studies
National Communication Association, African American Communication &
Culture Division, Secretary
National Communication Association, African American Communication &
Culture Division, Nominating Committee Officer
ECA Officer, Intercultural Division Secretary
ECA Officer, Voices of Diversity Interest Group Vice Chair
Jackson For NCA 2nd VP: Campaign Manager, Image Consultant
Editorial Board Member, Iowa Journal of Communication
Associate Editorial Board Member, Communication Studies
NCA, African American Communication & Culture, Nominating Committee
ECA Officer, Intercultural Division Secretary
ECA Officer, Voices of Diversity Interest Group Vice Chair Elect
NCA, African American Communication & Culture, Secretary
Spring 2013: Faculty Debate Judge, Speak Up
Spring 2013: Debate Judge: Lincoln-Douglas and Prose, Texas Tech Forensics
Union/University Interscholastic Leagues State Qualifying Contests.
Spring 2013: Undergraduate Recruitment TTU Communication Department
Committee Member
Spring 2013: Research Mentor to senior undergraduate student, Laci Kennedy
Spring 2013: Research Mentor to senior undergraduate student, Enrique Luna
2012: Faculty Debate Judge, Speak Up: Undergraduate Public Speaking Contest
2012-2013: Faculty Organization Advisor, Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc.
2012-2013: Faculty Organization Advisor, African Student Association
2012-2013: Graduate Research Mentor to first-year MA student, Katy Ross
2012-2013: Graduate Research Mentor to first-year MA student, Nick W. Robinson
2012-2013: Colloquium Committee Presenter: How to Present at a Conference
2012-2013: Colloquium Committee Member
2013 ECA Secretary, Voices of Diversity Interest Group
2011-2012: Chair of CGSA, Graduate Student Mentorship and Academic
Development Committee: Implemented the Graduate Student Mentorship and Buddy
2011: Panelist, Basic Course Teaching Academy: Teaching Challenges for G.T.A.s
2011-2012: CGSA MA and PhD Graduate Student Mentor
2011: Guest Lecturer for Dr. Mark C. Hopson, The Black Family and Intercultural
and Interracial Relationships
2011: Black History Month Panelist, “Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King: Have we
realized his dream or romanticized him?”
2010-2011: Director of Graduate Mentorship and Development Committee: Created
and Developed the Graduate Student Mentorship and Academic Development
2010-2011: CGSA MA and PhD Graduate Student Mentor
2009-2010: CGSA MA and PhD Graduate Student Mentor
2010-2011: Representative (GAPSA), Communication Graduate Student Association
2010-2011: Graduate and Professional Student Association, Event Organizer: George
Mason University’s 2nd Annual Graduate Student NCA Brown Bag Practice
2010: Panelist, Basic Course Teaching Academy: Teaching Challenges for G.T.A.s.
2009: NCA PhD Student Communication Department Representative for Graduate
Fall 2009: Guest Lecturer for Professor Placid, Culture & Interpersonal
Fall 2009: Guest Lecturer for Professor Placid, Confronting Stereotypes
Fall 2009: George Mason University, Communication Career Day Representative
November 2008: Speech Coach at the Bernard C. Kissel Outstanding Student Speaker
November 2008: Session Moderator at the Bernard C. Kissel Outstanding Student
Speaker Competition
Fall 2008: Guest Lecturer for Dr. Sally Hastings, Challenges in Black and White
Fall 2008: Guest Lecturer for Professor MJ Wagner, ‘Language’
Summer 2008: Guest Lecturer for Dr. Harry Weger, Facework, Accounts,
Disclaimers, & Impression Management
Summer 2008: Guest Lecturer for Professor MJ Wagner, Defending the Self:
Impression Management
October 2007: Session Moderator, Florida Communication Association
October 2007: Communication Department Representative, College Day
August 2012, Article Editor, for SAGE Open on manuscript
2012 NCA Reviewer, African American Communication and Culture Division
2010 NCA Interpersonal Communication Division Chair * Burning Bridges in the
21st Century: The Dark Side of Mediated Interpersonal Interaction.
2010 NCA PhD Student Communication Department Representative for Graduate
Fair, George Mason University
2010 NCA Reviewer, African American Communication and Culture Division
2009 NCA Interpersonal Communication Division, Chair: “I never considered not
sleeping with you a sacrifice”: Physical attraction as a force for stability and change
in cross-sex friendships
Lance K. Bennett, West Chester University, JANUARY 2014- PRESENT
o Networking at academic conferences; developing a CV; Getting funded for your
MA degree program; navigating academic life; publication training; conference
presentations; conference panel chair how-to; comprehensive exam preparation.
Nick W. Robinson, Texas Tech University, AUGUST 2012-PRESENT
o Networking at academic conferences; developing a CV; Getting funded for your
MA degree program; navigating academic life; publication training; conference
presentations; conference panel chair how-to; comprehensive exam preparation;
PhD program interview coach
o PhD Program Placement:
Katy Ann Ross, Texas Tech University, AUGUST 2012-PRESENT
o Networking; Networking at academic conferences; Developing a CV; Getting
funded for your MA degree program; Navigating academic life; Publication
training; Comprehensive Exam Preparation; Qualitative Data Analysis;
Publication revision process.
o PhD Program Placement: Ohio University Fall 2014, full ride.
Lauran Schaeffer, Texas Tech University, AUGUST 2012-PRESENT
o Networking at academic conferences; developing a CV; Getting funded for your
MA degree program; navigating academic life; publication training; conference
presentations; conference panel chair how-to; comprehensive exam preparation.
o 10-12 Minute Academic Conference Presentations; Navigating academic life
Andrew Kaiser, West Chester University, AUGUST 2013- PRESENT
o Networking at academic conferences; Developing a CV; Getting funded for your
MA degree program; Navigating academic life; Publication training; conference
presentations; conference panel chair how-to; Comprehensive Exam Preparation.
o MA Program Placement, Kansas Fall 2014, full-ride.
Steven Keating, West Chester University, October 2013
o Networking at academic conferences; Developing a CV; Getting funded for your
MA degree program.
Caroline Arce Stone, Texas Tech University, Spring 2013
o 10-12 Minute Academic Conference Presentations; Navigating academic life;
Comprehensive Exam Preparation.
Arti Nadkarni, Texas Tech University, August 2012-May 2013
o 10-12 minute academic conference presentations; Networking at academic
conferences; developing a CV; Navigating academic life.
Tasha Fowler, Texas Tech University, September 2013
o Comprehensive Exam Preparation.
Alyssa Fiebrantz, Texas Tech University, August 2012-May 2013
o August 2012-May 2013, Qualitative Data Analysis.
Laci Kennedy, Texas Tech University, August 2012-May 2013
o Navigating academic life; Getting funded for your MA degree program.
Henry Luna, Texas Tech University, August 2012-May 2013
o Co-cultural Communication; Academic networking; Developing a CV;
Navigating academic life; Getting funded for your MA degree program.
2014- Present: Thesis Chair, West Chester University, Lance K. Bennett
2012-2013: Thesis Chair, Texas Tech University, Katy Ann Ross: Queering the Doctor’s Office:
A Co-cultural Exploration of Trans-Patient-Doctor Communication. GRADUATED, MAY
2012-2013: Thesis Chair, Texas Tech University, Nick W. Robinson: Exploring the Agenda
Setting Effects in Comedy News Programming. GRADUATED, MAY 2014.
2012-2013: Committee Member, Texas Tech University, Aly Fiebrantz: Gender Disparity in
Debate: A Critical Analysis of Dominant Discourses in National Parliamentary Debate.
2012-2013: Committee Member, Texas Tech University, Amanda Schwartner: (Un)Natural
Athletes: The Rhetoric of Gender Performances in Sports and the Media. GRADUATED MAY
Spring 2016: MA Comprehensive Exam Committee Chair
 Marissa Rosenzweig, Communication Theory Question; Intercultural Specialization
Spring 2014: MA Comprehensive Exam Committee Member
 Alicia Talucci, Communication Theory Question, West Chester University
 Chelsea Palo, Communication Theory Question, West Chester University
 Whitney, Communication Theory Question, West Chester University
Freedom Church, Philadelphia, PA
Connection Team Manager, Dec. 2013 – Present
New Visitor Coordinator, Jan. 2014 - Present
Freedom Volunteer Coordinator, Jan. 2014 - Present
Small Group Co-Host and Co-Leader, April 2014 – June 2014
Small Group Co-Host and Co-Leader, “What in the world am I here for,”
October 2013-December 2013
Turning Point Community Church, Lubbock, Texas
 Children’s Church Teacher—Two-year old class, December 2012- July 2013
Capital City Church, Washington, DC
Co-director of A21 Campaign Catering Fundraiser, October 2010
Small Group Leader, Spring 2011
Greeter, August 2010-August 2011
Children’s Church Teacher—Two-year old class, July 2011- present
Monthly Host for Lunch Spots, July 2011- May 2012
Alpha Class Co-Teacher, March 2012- May 2012
Camp Patmos, Kelly Island, Ohio
 Guest Speaker: “Healthy Relationships”
 Completed 40 hours of community service mentoring girls, ages 12-18