Supplementary Material for Modeling the dynamics of DDT in a remote tropical floodplain: indications of post-ban use? Annelle Mendez1, Carla A. Ng1*, João Paulo Machado Torres2, Wanderley Bastos3, Christian Bogdal1,4, George Alexandre dos Reis2, and Konrad Hungerbuehler1 Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, ETH Zurich, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland Institute of Biophysics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 3 Department of Biology, Federal University of Rondônia, Porto Velho, Brazil 4 Agroscope, Institute for Sustainability Sciences ISS, CH-8046 Zurich, Switzerland 1 2 Contents S1 Field Measurements ............................................................................................................................. 2 S1.1 Sample Collection ......................................................................................................................... 2 S1.2 TOC Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 2 S1.3 DDX Extraction, Clean-up and Quantification ............................................................................. 2 S1.3.1 Institute of Biophysics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IBFRJ) ......................... 2 S1.3.2 Safety and Environmental Technology Laboratory, ETH Zürich .......................................... 3 S1.4 S2 Quality Assurance/Quality Control ............................................................................................... 3 Multimedia Model Development ......................................................................................................... 4 S2.1 Description of Flooding................................................................................................................. 4 S2.2 Water Level and Rainfall............................................................................................................... 5 S2.3 Calculation of Degradation Half-lives in Sediments ..................................................................... 6 S2.4 Model Equations............................................................................................................................ 7 S3 Results ................................................................................................................................................ 13 S3.1 Model........................................................................................................................................... 13 S3.2 Comparison of DDX measurements ............................................................................................ 15 S3.3 Sensitivity Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 15 S1 S1 Field Measurements S1.1 Sample Collection Surface soil and sediment samples from the top 5 cm were collected using a metal scoop. All samples were oven-dried at 30°C, ground, and sieved (1000 μm mesh for soils and 212 μm mesh for sediments). Samples were stored in glass jars with metal caps, covered with aluminum foil, and stored at -20°C until analysis. S1.2 TOC Analysis Approximately 100 mg of dried, pulverized sample were analyzed in a TOC-L Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (2011 TOC-L v 1.03.01) with a Solid Sample Module SSM-200. Inorganic carbonates were removed by in situ acidification with 1M HCl. The total organic carbon in each sample was calculated as the difference between the amount of total carbon and total inorganic carbon. S1.3 DDX Extraction, Clean-up and Quantification S1.3.1 Institute of Biophysics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IBFRJ) All glassware was pre-rinsed three times with acetone. All solvents used were of residue grade. Approximately 3 g of dried sample were extracted in a Soxhlet apparatus over 8 h with dichloromethane. PCB-103 and 198 were added as internal standards prior to extraction. Potential interferents were removed by passing the extract through a glass column with a desulfurizing agent (Na2SO3-NaOH- Al2O3 mixture, 11% H2O w/w) and eluting with n-hexane (Japenga et al. 1987). Fractionation was performed using a glass chromatographic column packed with Florisil at the bottom and anhydrous sodium sulfate on top. The first fraction containing o,p’-DDE and p,p’-DDE was eluted with n-hexane. The second fraction containing the remaining analytes was eluted with n-hexane/petroleum ether (1:1). The purified extracts were concentrated and the recovery standard (2,4,5,6-Tetrachloro-m-xylene) was added prior to quantification. The samples were analyzed by gas chromatography equipped with an electron capture detector (GC/ECD) with a 63Ni electron source (Shimadzu GC-14B and GC-2010). The GC was equipped with a 60m fused silica capillary column coated with a cross-linked 5% phenyl-/95% dimethylpolysiloxane stationary phase. Samples were injected in splitless mode at an injector temperature of 300°C. Hydrogen was used as a carrier gas at a flow of 35 ml/min at the septum and 15 mL/min at the injector. Initially, the oven was kept at 110°C for 1 min, followed by a 15 °C/min increase until reaching a temperature of 170 °C. The temperature was then increased at 7.5 °C /min until 290 °C, and kept at that temperature for 10 minutes. The detector was kept at a constant temperature of 310 °C during the analysis and nitrogen was used as a makeup gas with a flow of 35 mL/min. S2 S1.3.2 Safety and Environmental Technology Laboratory, ETH Zürich Glassware was washed in a glassware washer with detergent and immersed in an alkaline bath (5% Potassium Hydroxide) for 12 hours and then heated to 450°C overnight. All glassware was rinsed twice with acetone before use. All solvents used were of residue grade. Approximately 5 g of sediment were filled into Soxhlet thimbles and spiked with 13C12-labeled p,p’-DDT as an internal standard. Activated copper was added to remove sulfur and anhydrous sodium sulfate to remove any humidity. Soxhlet extraction was carried out for 8 hours using nhexane/dichloromethane (1:1). Extracts were concentrated with a rotary evaporator and then cleaned-up with silica gel chromatography (neutral silica at the bottom, and acidic on top). Analytes were eluted with n-hexane. The eluate was reduced in volume with a rotary evaporator first and then with a gentle stream of nitrogen. The concentrated extracts were transferred to GC vials, and 13C6-labeled hexachlorobenzene was added as a recovery standard. The purified samples were analyzed with a gas chromatograph (HRGC HP 5890 II, Hewlett Packard, Palo Alto, CA, USA) coupled to an electron ionization high-resolution mass spectrometer (Thermo Finnigan MAT95, Bremen, Germany) (GC-EI/HRMS). The GC was equipped with an autosampler (A200S CTC Analytics, Zwingen, Switzerland). Samples were injected in splitless mode (split closed for 1 min.) at an injector temperature of 240 °C. The GC was equipped with a fused silica capillary column (30 m, 0.25 mm inner diameter) coated with 0.25 µm of crosslinked 5% phenyl- / 95% dimethyl-polysiloxane stationary phase (RTx-5ms, Restek Bellefonte, PA, USA). Helium was used as a carrier gas at a constant pressure of 150 kPa. The temperature program started at 110 °C, was held for 1 min, increased to 140°C at 10°C/min, then increased to 226 °C at 2.2°C/min, and finally increased to 300°C at 20°C/min. The transfer line temperature remained constant at 290°C. The ion source was operated at 180 °C, the electron energy was 70 eV, and the HRMS was tuned to a mass resolution of at least 10,000. For all compounds the two most abundant signals of the fragment ion clusters were recorded, including [M-CCl3]+ for DDT (native DDT: m/z 235.0076/237.0046 u/e; 13C12-labeled DDT: 247.0478/249.0449 u/e), [M-CHCl2]+ for DDD (235.0076/237.0046 u/e), and [M-CCl2]+ for DDE (245.9997571/247.996807 u/e). S1.4 Quality Assurance/Quality Control All samples were analyzed in duplicate or triplicate, when the sample amount was sufficient. A blank was analyzed in parallel to each batch of 4-5 samples. For the blanks, Soxhlet extractions were carried out with thimbles containing copper and sodium sulfate only, and the blank extracts were processed exactly as the field sample extracts. The limit of detection for each target analyte was calculated as two times the standard deviation of two analytical blanks, considering a typical sample amount of 5 g. Table S1 Limits of detection (ng/g) IBFRJ ETH Zürich o,p’-DDD 0.31 0.14 p,p’-DDD 1.9 0.88 o,p’-DDE 0.22 0.20 S3 p,p’-DDE 1.4 1.18 o,p’-DDT 0.67 0.42 p,p’-DDT 4.2 2.64 Recovery of the isotope labeled internal standard was 130% for soil samples and 86% for sediment samples analyzed at ETH Zürich. Recovery of the internal standards ranged from 70110% for the samples analyzed at IBFRJ. S2 Multimedia Model Development S2.1 Description of Flooding Fig. S1 Map of Puruzinho from the Program for the Estimation of Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon (PRODES 2014). The lake flows from the Puruzinho River into the Madeira River and is additionally fed by two tributaries: Igarapé Onça and Igarapé Crato. It is assumed that at the minimum water level, the shape of the water compartment is a rectangle with an area calculated from the PRODES map, shown in Fig. S1. Since the floodplain soil is sloped, the cross-section of the water body above the minimum water level is modeled as an isosceles trapezoid, whose legs represent the floodplain. The width of the flooded floodplain is calculated by assuming that the difference between the maximum water level and the current water level is proportional to the difference between the maximum floodplain width and the width of the currently flooded soil (Fig. S2). Thus, based on the daily water level measurements, the cross-sectional area of the water body is calculated and multiplied by the length of the lake to obtain the daily water volume. The width of the aerated floodplain soil is then the difference between the maximum floodplain width and the currently flooded width. The widths of the aerated and flooded components of the floodplain soil can then be multiplied by the length of the lake to calculate the variable areas of the flooded and aerated floodplain soils. S4 Fig. S2 Diagram showing a cross-section of the lake. At time t, if the water level is above the minimum, a fraction of the floodplain width is flooded, while the rest is aerated. When the maximum water level is reached, the entire floodplain is flooded. S2.2 Water Level and Rainfall The water levels measured in Puruzinho from 2011-2013 are shown in Fig. S3. A characteristic lag is observed between the rainfall and the water level, suggesting that water level changes are driven by regional precipitation. This delay describes a long-lasting flood pulse of low amplitude, typical of shallow lakes in South American lowlands (Junk and Piedade 2011). A comparison of water volumes calculated with and without the contribution of direct precipitation to the daily water levels revealed that the influence of direct precipitation on the overall change in water volume is insignificant, accounting for less than 0.1 percent of the volume change. Tributary discharge into Lake Puruzinho results from the collection of rain over a larger drainage area. Thus, while direct, local precipitation does not contribute significantly to the change in the volume of Lake Puruzinho, regional precipitation drives the floodplain dynamics. Fig. S3 Rainfall data (10-day average) from the municipality of Humaitá (blue) and daily water level data from Lake Puruzinho (green). S5 S2.3 Calculation of Degradation Half-lives in Sediments The majority of reported degradation rates for DDT and its transformation products are for nonflooded soils. Almost no measurements are available for degradation rates in sediments under tropical conditions, and those available for temperate conditions span large ranges. Therefore we used data on studies comparing degradation rates in flooded and non-flooded tropical and subtropical soils in order to estimate DDT degradation rates in sediments. DDT dissipation half-lives in flooded and non-flooded soils derived from microcosm and field studies carried out in tropical regions (Castro and Yoshida 1971; Samuel and Pillai 1988; Xu et al. 1994), assuming first order kinetics, are summarized in Table S2. It can be observed that the dissipation half-life is shorter under flooded than under non-flooded conditions. Thus, in the model we used a ratio to describe how much faster degradation was under flooded conditions in the sediment and the flooded floodplain compared to the terra-firme soil, which is not flooded. This ratio was calculated by taking the geometric mean of the ratio of dissipation half-lives in flooded vs. non-flooded soil (Table S2). The dissipation half-lives reported represented not only losses through degradation but also through volatilization and leaching. The latter has been observed to be negligible in field DDT dissipation studies in the tropics (Enan 1988; EspinosaβGonzález et al. 1994; Hussain et al. 1988; Samuel and Pillai 1988; Tayaputch 1988; Zayed et al. 1994), and is irrelevant in microcosm studies. However, not enough data to discretize the contribution of different loss processes to dissipation, and hence calculate the degradation half-life, were available for all studies. Therefore, to account for potentially over-estimating degradation rates by using the dissipation half-life as a proxy of the degradation half-life, the assumption that degradation in sediments is the same as in soils (1025 days) was also included in the calculation of the geometric mean of the degradation ratio between non-flooded and flooded soils. Table S2 Derivation of ratio between degradation half-life in the sediment and degradation half-life in the soil. Half-life flooded (d) 5.9 Half-life non-flooded (d) 202 Ratio non-flooded/flooded 35 18 202 11 56 202 3.6 140 202 1.5 17 209 12 36 167 4.7 11 108 9.5 China 33 437 13 Xu et al. 1994 Assumption 1025 1025 1 Schenker et al. 2008 Location Philippines India Geometric Mean 6 S6 Reference Castro and Yoshida 1971 Samuel and Pillai 1988 S2.4 Model Equations A detailed description of models using the fugacity approach is presented in Mackay 2001. In brief, the environment is divided into a number of well-mixed compartments (boxes) with homogeneous environmental properties linked by inter-compartmental transfer processes. The concentration of a chemical in a compartment is the product of the fugacity and the bulk fugacity capacity (Z) of that compartment. Z values describe equilibrium partitioning between phases. Fugacity, which is the partial pressure of a chemical in a phase, describes the escaping tendency of a chemical from a particular phase. The transfer rate of a chemical from one phase to another is driven by the fugacity difference between these phases (Mackay 2001). Based on these concepts, the change in the amount (M) of chemical over time (t) can be described as: ππ π =πΈ+π·β ππ‘ πβπ where M, V, E, and Z are vectors with the masses, volumes, emissions, and bulk fugacity capacities of each compartment, respectively. For DDT, the emissions term refers to direct emissions from IRS. For DDE and DDD, the emissions term refers to their formation from the degradation of DDT, described by a D-value (see Table S5). D is a matrix in which the rows and columns represent the compartments, the diagonal contains the permanent losses from each compartment, and the off-diagonal terms represent inter-compartmental processes. Each of these processes is described by a first-order rate constant or by a mass transfer coefficient. The parameters and equations used to derive fugacity capacities and D-values are shown in Tables S3, S4, and S5. Except for the organic carbon content and the dimensions (given in Table S4), the flooded floodplain soil was parameterized in the same way as the sediment, while the aerated floodplain was parameterized in the same way as the terra-firme soil. Therefore, the chemical properties, and the equations for the fugacity capacities and D-values assigned to the terra-firme soil and sediment also apply to the aerated and flooded floodplain, respectively (however, the organic carbon contents and the dimensions specific to the flooded and aerated floodplains are used in the calculation of Z and D-values). Table S3 Chemical-specific parameters Parameter log Kow log Kaw t1/2a Description log octanol-water partition coefficient log air-water partition coefficient degradation half-life in air [d-1] p,p’-DDT 6.41 -3.31 1.43 p,p’-DDE 1.05 -2.77 0.660 p,p’-DDD 0.612 -3.74 1.13 t1/2s t1/2sed degradation half-life in soil [d] degradation half-life in sediment [d] 1025 171 828 138 916 153 ffa ffaer fraction of formation in the air fraction of formation under aerobic conditions in soil and sediments fraction of formation under anaerobic conditions in sediments fraction of DDT in the active ingredient molecular weight – – 0.9 0.7 – 0.3 Reference Schenker et al. 2009 Schenker et al. 2009 USEPA 2014, Bahm and Kahlil 2004 Schenker et al. 2009 Xu et al. 1994, Castro and Yoshida 1971, Samuel and Pillai 1988 Schenker et al. 2007 own assumption – 0.3 0.7 own assumption 0.75 – – ASTDR 2002 354 319 321 Kuo-Ching Ma et al. 2006 ffana fDDT Mw S7 Table S4 Parameters used to derive fugacity capacities and D-values. In the values column, wet refers to December to May, while dry refers to June to November. For parameters with a higher temporal resolution than seasonal, the median value (in italics) followed by the range is reported. Dimensions Variable Description ltot length of the lake wts width of terra-firme soil wfsmax maximum floodplain width ww width of the lake at maximum water level hts depth of the terra-firme soil hsed depth of the sediment hfs depth of the floodplain hw height of the water column ha height of the air compartment above the terra-firme soil Environmental parameters Variable Description focsp fraction of organic carbon in suspended particles in water focsed fraction of organic carbon in sediment solids focts fraction of organic carbon in terrafirme soil solids focfs fraction of organic carbon in floodplain soil fomq fraction of organic matter in aerosols ρom ρmm ρq ρsp ρsosed ρsots cq csp density of organic matter density of mineral matter density of aerosols density of suspended particles in water density of sediment solids density of terra-firme soil solids concentration of aerosols in the wet season concentration of suspended particles Unit m m m m Value 4.742β103 60 16 589.5 Ref. PRODES 2014 PRODES 2014 this work this work m m m m m 0.1 0.02 0.02-0.1 6.4, 1.08-11.8 eq. (1) Mackay 1991 Mackay 2001 this work* this work McKone et al. 1997 Unit – Value 0.05-0.2 Ref. Moreira-Turcq et al. 2004 – 0.02-0.04 this work, Almeida 2006 – 0.028 this work – 0.054 this work* – 0.3-0.8 kg m-3 kg m-3 kg m-3 kg m-3 1000 2500 1400 eq. (2) Graham et al. 2003, Artaxo et al. 2002 Mackay 2001 Mackay 2001 Rissler et al. 2006 kg m-3 kg m-3 kg m-3 eq. (3) eq. (4) 0.006 (dry), 4.7β105 (wet) 0.018 (dry), 0.006 (wet) 0.8 0.2 kg m-3 volume fraction of water in sediment m3 m-3 volume fraction of air in terra-firme m3 m-3 soil vwts volume fraction of water in terram3 m-3 firme soil vsorun volume fraction of solids in runoff m3 m-3 Mass transfer coefficients (U) and advective parameters Variable Description Unit da molecular diffusivity in air m2d-1 vwsed vats this work*, Almeida 2006 Mackay et al.1996 Mackay et al.1991 0.3 Mackay et al. 1991 2β10-4 Lal 1995 Value eq. (5) Ref. Schwarzenbach et al. 2005 Schwarzenbach et al. 2005 Mackay 2001 McLachlan et al. 2002 Mackay 2001 Mackay 2001 dw molecular diffusivity in water m2d-1 eq. (6) Uas Ussoa Usaa Uswa air-side air-soil diffusion soil-side solid phase air-soil diffusion soil-side air phase air-soil diffusion soil-side water phase air-soil m3m-2d-1 m3m-2d-1 m3m-2d-1 m3m-2d-1 24 1.09β10-5 eq. (7) eq. (8) S8 Artaxo et al. 2002 Urain diffusion water-side air-water diffusion water-side sediment-water diffusion air-side air-water diffusion sediment-side water phase sedimentwater diffusion sediment-side solid phase sedimentwater diffusion rain rate Usorun Uwrun soil solids runoff soil water runoff m3m-2d-1 m3m-2d-1 eq. (10) eq. (11) Uleach Usobur Usedbur soil water leaching soil solids burial sediment solids burial m3m-2d-1 m3m-2d-1 m3m-2d-1 eq. (12) 5.47β10-7 1.30β10-6 Usedres Uspdep uspdep sediment solids resuspension suspended particle deposition suspended particle deposition velocity aerosol deposition velocity wind velocity m3m-2d-1 m3m-2d-1 md-1 eq. (13) eq. (14) 1 md-1 md-1 259.2 1.62β105, 1.46β1051.76β105 4.47β104, 0-4.27β106 Mackay 2001 INMET 2012 Value 2β10-5 25 Ref. Mackay et al. 1991 INMET 2012 Uwa Uwsed Uaw Usedww Usedsow uqdep uwind m3m-2d-1 m3m-2d-1 m3m-2d-1 m3m-2d-1 0.72 0.24 72 eq. (9) Mackay et al. 1991 Mackay et al. 1991 Mackay et al. 1991 Mackay 2001 m3m-2d-1 8.64β10-6 Thibodeaux et al. 2010 m3m-2d-1 5.00β10-4, 0-7.44β10-2 INMET 2012, INMET 2015 Mackay et al. 1992 Lal et al. 1995, Mackay et al.1991 Mackay 1991 MacLeod et al. 2011 Smith 2003, MoreiraTurcq et al. 2004 Ruiz et al. 2001 Mackay 2001 Mackay 2001 Gw volumetric flow rate of water m3d-1 Others Variable Description Unit Q scavenging ratio – T temperature °C *Estimated as explained in Methods section in main text The equations associated with Table S3 are: 0.8 (1) βπ = 0.22 β (√π΄π‘ππ‘ ) (2) πsp = 2 β πocsp β πom + (1 − 2 β πocsp β πocsp ) β πmm (3) πsosed = 2 β πocsed β πom + (1 − 2 β πocsed ) β πmm (4) πsots = 2 β πocts β πom + (1 − 2 β πocts ) β πmm (5) πa = 1.55/ππ€ 0.65 β 36/100 β 24 (6) πw = 2.7 β 10−4 /ππ€ 0.71 β 36/100 β 24 (7) πsaa = πa β π£ats 0.33 /(π£wts + π£ats ) β 2/βts (8) πswa = πw β π£wts 0.33 /(π£wts + π£ats ) β 2/βts (9) πsedw = πw β π£wsed 0.33 β 2/βsed (10) πspdep = πsp β π’π ππππ /πsp S9 this work* (11) πsedres = ( πspdep β πsp − ππ ππππ’π ∗ πsosed )/πsosed (12) πtsrun = 0.4 β πππππ (13) πtsrun = 0.4 β πππππ β π£π πππ’π (14) πleach = 0.4 β πππππ Table S5 Equations for calculating the fugacity capacities Fugacity Capacity (mol m-3 Pa-1) Pure Phase air water aerosol suspended particles in water solids in sediment solids in terra-firme soil Bulk Phase air water sediment terra-firme soil πππ = 1/(π β π) πππ€ = πππ /πΎππ€ πππ = πππ β 1.22 β πΎππ€ /πΎππ€ β ππππ β ππ /1000 πππ π = πππ€ β 0.35 β πΎππ€ β ππππ π β ππ π /1000 πππ ππ ππ = πππ€ β 0.35 β πΎππ€ β ππππ ππ β ππ ππ ππ /1000 πππ ππ‘π = πππ€ β 0.35 β πΎππ€ β ππππ‘π β ππ ππ‘π /1000 ππ = (1 − ππ /ππ ) β πππ + ππ /ππ β πππ ππ€ = (1 − ππ π /ππ π ) β πππ€ + ππ π /ππ π β πππ π ππ ππ = (1 − π£π€π ππ ) β πππ ππ ππ + π£π€π ππ β πππ€ ππ‘π = (1 − π£π€π‘π ) β πππ ππ ππ + π£π€π ππ β πππ€ S10 Table S6 Equations for calculating D-values Process Intermedia Exchange Air-Water diffusion wet gaseous deposition wet aerosol deposition dry aerosol deposition Air-soil diffusion D-value (mol Pa-1 d-1) −1 π·dif_aw = (1/(πππ€ β π΄π€ β πππ ) + 1/(ππ€π β π΄π€ β πππ€ )) π·π€ππππ_ππ€ = π΄π€ β πππππ β πππ€ π·π€ππππ_ππ€ = π΄π€ β πππππ β π β ππ /ππ β πππ π·π€ππππ_ππ€ = π΄π€ β π’ππππ β ππ /ππ β πππ π·dif_as = (1/(ππ€π ππ β π΄π β πππ ) + 1/(ππ π€π β π΄π β πππ€ + ππ ππ β π΄π‘π β πππ + ππ π ππ β π΄π‘π β −1 wet gaseous deposition wet aerosol deposition dry aerosol deposition Water-Air diffusion Water-Sediment diffusion πππ ππ‘π )) π·π€ππππ_ππ = π΄π‘π β πππππ β πππ€ π·π€ππππ_ππ = π΄π‘π β πππππ β π β ππ /ππ β πππ π·π€ππππ_ππ = π΄π‘π β π’ππππ β ππ /ππ β πππ π·dif_wa = π·difaw π·dif_wsed = (1/(πππ β π΄π ππ β πππ€ ) + 1/(ππ πππ€π€ β π΄π ππ β πππ€ + ππ πππ ππ€ β π΄π ππ β −1 πππ ππ ππ )) π·πππ_π€π ππ = ππ ππππ β π΄π ππ β πππ π particle deposition Sediment-Water diffusion π·dif_sedw = π·dif_wsed resuspension π·πππ _π πππ€ = ππ πππππ β π΄π ππ β πππ ππ ππ Soil-Air π·difsa= π·dif_as diffusion Soil-Water solids runoff π·π πππ’π = ππ πππ’π β π΄π‘π β πππ ππ‘π water runoff π·π€ππ’π = ππ€ππ’π β π΄π‘π β πππ€ Losses from the system Air π·dega = ln(2)/π‘1/2π β ππ β πππ Degradation Advection π·adva = π’wind ∗ (βa β (wts + ww ) + (π΄π₯wmax − π΄π₯w )) β πa Water π·degw = ln(2)/π‘1/2π β ππ€ β ππ€ Degradation Advection π·advw = πΊπ€ β ππ€ Sediment π·degsed = ln(2)/π‘1/2π ππ β ππ ππ β ππ ππ Degradation Burial π·ππ’ππ ππ = ππ ππππ’π β π΄π ππ β πππ ππ ππ Soil π·degts = ln(2)/π‘1/2π β ππ β ππ‘π Degradation Burial π·ππ’ππ‘π = ππ πππ’π β π΄π‘π β πππ ππ‘π Leaching π·ππππβ = πππππβ β π΄π‘π β πππ€ Formation (applicable to DDE and DDD) π·afor = π·πππππ·π·π β πππ Air π·wfor = π·ππππ€π·π·π β πππππ Water π·sedfor = π·ππππ πππ·π·π β πππππ Sediment (anaerobic) π·sedfor = π·ππππ πππ·π·π β πππππ Sediment (aerobic) π·tsfor = π·ππππ‘π π·π·π β πππππ Soil S11 Table S7 Uncertainty distributions of parameters included in Monte Carlo simulations. The range is given for triangular and uniform distributions, while the standard deviation (σ) is given for normal distributions and for the log-transformed values when the distribution is log-normal. For normal, log-normal, and triangular distributions, the mean, geometric mean, and peak, respectively, are the values given in Tables S2 and S3. Distribution σ or Range log Kow (p,p’-DDT) normal 0.44 log Kaw (p,p’-DDT) normal 0.10 log Kow (p,p’-DDE) normal 0.43 log Kaw (p,p’-DDE) normal 1.3 log Kow (p,p’-DDD) normal 0.67 log Kaw (p,p’-DDD) normal 1.3 kdega log-normal 0.50 kdegs log-normal 0.53 kdegsed log-normal 0.53 ffa triangular 0.7-1 ffaer triangular 0.5-0.9 ffana triangular 0.1-0.5 fDDT triangular 0.65-0.85 hfs uniform 0.02-0.1 focsp uniform 0.05-0.2 focsed uniform 0.02-0.04 focts log-normal 0.42 fomq uniform 0.3-0.8 ρom log-normal 0.2 ρmm log-normal 0.2 ρq log-normal 0.2 cq normal 7β10-6 (dry), 5β10-5 (wet) csp log-normal 0.2 (dry), 0.4 (wet) vwsed log-normal 0.05 vats log-normal 0.05 vwts log-normal 0.05 Uas log-normal 0.55 Uwa log-normal 0.55 Urain log-normal daily Usedbur log-normal 0.59 uspdep log-normal 0.55 uwind log-normal 0.55 *Estimated as explained in Methods section in main text. S12 Reference Shen and Wania 2005 Shen and Wania 2005 Shen and Wania 2005 Shen and Wania 2005 Shen and Wania 2005 Shen and Wania 2005 USEPA 2014 Schenker et al. 2009 this work* this work* this work* this work* ASTDR 2002 this work* Moreira-Turcq et al. 2003, Mackay 2001 this work, Almeida 2006 this work Graham et al. 2003, Artaxo et al. 2002 MacLeod et al. 2012 MacLeod et al. 2012 Rissler et al. 2006 Artaxo et al. 2002 own assumption, Almeida 2006 MacLeod et al. 2012 MacLeod et al. 2012 MacLeod et al. 2012 MacLeod et al. 2012 MacLeod et al. 2012 INMET 2012, BDMEP 2015 Smith 2003, Moreira-Turcq et al. 2004 MacLeod et al. 2012 BDMEP 2015 S3 Results S3.1 Model Fig. S4 Median p,p’-DDT concentrations in the model compartments (lines) assuming that 100% of the emissions occur into the air and DDT use in IRS stops after 1998, and median measured concentrations in the soils (circles) and sediments (squares). The whiskers show the range in the measurements. Concentrations in flooded and aerated floodplains were similar, so only the flooded floodplain is shown. Fig. S5 Mass of p, p’-DDT in the 6 model compartments under baseline scenario. The mass is shown from 19852015 only in order to illustrate the cyclical pattern. S13 Fig. S6 Median p,p’-DDE (a) and p,p-DDD (b) concentrations in the model compartments (lines) throughout the model run from 1960-2014 (assuming that DDT use in IRS stops after 1998) and median measured concentrations in the soils (circles) and sediments (squares). The uncertainty bands of the model results show the 95% confidence intervals, while the whiskers show the range in the measurements. Concentrations in flooded and aerated floodplains were similar, so only the flooded floodplain is shown. S14 S3.2 Comparison of DDX measurements Table S8 Results from Wilcoxon rank-sum tests comparing DDX concentrations in different years 2005 house soils vs 2011 house soils 2005 house soils vs 2014 house soils 2011 house soils vs 2014 house soils 2011sediments vs 2011 house soils 2011sediments vs 2014 house soils p,p’-DDT p WS 0.025 50 0.037 32 0. 83 37 0.025 50 0.006 29 p,p’-DDE p WS 0.005 49 0.60 51 0. 17 45 0.005 49 0.60 51 p,p’-DDD p WS 0.005 49 0.0012 30 0.94 30 0.005 49 0.004 38 S3.3 Sensitivity Analysis Fig. S7 Spearman rank correlation coefficients for the 5 parameters with the largest contribution to variance to p,p’DDT concentrations in the air 7 years before (a) and after (b) the ban on DDT use for IRS in Brazil. Air In pre-ban years, at the peak of the rainy season, when water levels are the highest, aerosol concentrations and rain make a small contribution to the variance of DDT concentrations in the air. In all seasons before the ban, DDT concentrations in the air are more strongly negatively correlated with wind. This correlation decreases after the ban, and instead, DDT in air becomes increasingly sensitive to the Kow and the degradation half-life in the soil, as the soil is the main source of DDT after direct emissions cease. The same pattern is observed with the DDT S15 degradation products. However, the parameter with the largest contribution to the variance of DDE and DDD concentrations was the air-water partition coefficient (Kaw), with a large positive r in both pre- and post-ban years. Water While emissions are ongoing, there is a high negative rank correlation between Kow and the settling velocity of suspended particles in the water and DDT concentrations in the water. Kow is the most influential parameter for DDE and DDD concentrations in the water as well. The Kow dictates the partitioning of DDX into the organic carbon of solids, including suspended particles that are afterwards deposited into the sediments. Sediment burial also has a significant negative correlation with DDX concentrations in the water, particularly for DDE. In addition, DDE concentrations are positively influenced by the concentration of suspended particles in the water. Furthermore, the degradation half-life in sediments is also moderately negatively correlated to the concentrations of DDE and DDD. After the ban, the contribution of Kow to the variance of DDX concentrations in the water decreases, mostly for DDE and DDT. The degradation half-life in the terra-firme soil becomes the most influential parameter, with a large negative r, for DDE and DDT, and the second most influential parameter for DDD (as Kow remains the parameter with the largest contribution to variance). This is not surprising since most of the DDX accumulation occurs in the terra-firme soil and this compartment represents the main source of DDX for the water after the ban. Sediment burial and particle settling velocities have a lower negative contribution to variance of DDX concentrations in the water after emissions cease. Fig. S8 Spearman rank correlation coefficients for the 5 parameters with the largest contribution to variance to p,p’DDT concentrations in the water 7 years before (a) and after (b) the ban on DDT use for IRS in Brazil. S16 Floodplain Similar rank correlations are observed in the flooded and aerated floodplain soils, due to the close interactions between these compartments. The degradation half-life in the sediment was the most important parameter throughout the model run for concentrations of all compounds in the floodplain, followed by the degradation half-life in terra-firme soils (whose influence increases after the ban), both with a negative r. In the pre-ban years, the Kow also made a moderate positive contribution to the variance of DDT concentrations in floodplain soils, while the fractions of formation made a moderate positive contribution to the variance of DDE and DDD concentrations. Fig. S9 Spearman rank correlation coefficients for the 5 parameters with the largest contribution to variance to p,p’DDT concentrations in the floodplain 7 years before (a) and after (b) the ban on DDT use for IRS in Brazil. Terra-firme soil In the terra-firme soil, the single highest rank correlation (negative) throughout the simulation is that between each compounds and its degradation half-life in the soil. The fractions of formation also made a moderate contribution (positive) to the variance of DDD and DDE concentrations, particularly before the ban. The sensitivity of DDX concentrations in the terra-firme soil to other parameters is very low. 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