Hydrosol Uses and Applications spread sheet

Hydrosol Therapeutic Actions
Calendula officinalis
Theobroma Cacao
Cucumis sativus
Lavendula angustifolia
Boswellia sacra
Lemon Balm
Melissa officinales
Citrus aurantium
Mentha piperita
Skin Applications
Anti-inflammatory, anti-viral,
anti-bacterial, astringent, cell
regenerative, anti-oxidant,
Vulnerary (wound healing)
Anti-oxidant (4x more than
green tea) Moistening, helps
resist and repair damage from
free radicals, wrinkles, dryness
Calming, soothing, relaxing
nervine, eases mental tension
Anti-inflammatory, soothing,
cooling, decreases puffy eyes
and wrinkles, tones and firms
face, neck and décolleté,
reduces redness
Cell regenerative, antiinflammatory, balancing for all
skin types, cooling, anti-itch,
hydrating, heals skin condition
Good for all skin types.
Hydrating and creates a finer
skin texture, great for
wrinkles, mature and dry skin,
Use in face mask for instant
lift. Creates a “radiant” look.
Anti-aging, anti-inflammatory,
anti-oxidant, anti-fungal ,antiviral, helps skin infections and
breakouts, calms rashes and
irritations, heals herpes
Good for delicate, sensitive
oily,irritated, acneic skin, very
astringent -low dose with dry skin
Moves fluid – helps tears to
flow, freeing blocked
emotions, resolves past hurts
and trauma, clears negative
and harmful energies.
Clears and clarifies grounding
and good to use prior to
meditation to support
heightened states of
awareness, powerful with
energy work.
Calming to the body more
than the mind, use for stress
and anxiety, helps childhood
hysteria, soothes anger and
helps with insomnia.
Anti-stress, calming to CNS
with being sedative, uplifting,
aids hysteria and ADHD
Diuretic and very drying, good
for conditions where pus and
discharge are present, mouth
or gum infections as well as
infections of reproductive and
urinary systems.
Helps digestion, reduces
intestinal spasms and cramps,
positive results for ADHD,helps
morning sickness and water
retention, Immune stimulating
Digestive aid, stimulating bile
and reducing spasms, supports
body during detoxification.
Cooling, combats itching and
burning and relieves allergic
reactions, bites and stings, hot
flashes, used in hydrotherapy
for stiff muscles & joints.
Uplifting, calms and cools the
nerves, stimulates the brain,
aid for concentration when
studying or writing
Aids digestion, heartburn,
reflux, indigestion, symptoms
of Crohn’s disease, IBS, colitis,
bloating. Helps bad breath
and acne as a liver cleanser,
Reduces stress and anxiety,
promotes feeling of wellbeing
releasing neurotransmitters.
Stimulating, uplifting
Soothing, relaxing, calming,
anti-depressant, Relieves
mental anxiety and fatigue
Liver cleanser, heals the gut,
Slight Emmonogogue effect, so
good for women’s health avoid (internally) if pregnant or
(pms, menopause )moistening, nursing or bleeding disorders.
Stimulates lymphatic system
Rich in magnesium, calcium,
iron, zinc, copper, potassium
None known – may be
manganese. Vitamins –A, B1,
stimulating for some, avoid
B2,B3, C, E, vasodilatorlate in the evening.
promotes heart health.
Reduces appetite and
improves digestion, flushes the
renal system, reduces or
None known
moves fluid, becomes a
electrolyte with honey and salt
Cooling, relaxing, revitalizing,
Can lower blood pressure –
careful if you are hypotensive
None Known
Can lower blood pressure,
careful if hypotensive can act
as a laxative for people with
bowel disorders – go slowly.
None Known
Avoid with children under 5
old – too stimulating.
Aromatherapy Institute of Colorado www.aromaincolorado.com 303-619-8604
Rose Geranium
Pelargonium capitatum
Rosemarinus officinalis
CT verbenone
Rosa damascena
Victorian Blend
Rose, Lavender,
Lemon Verbena -Lippia citriodora
Skin Applications
Perfect for all skin types,
balancing & adaptogenic for
oily, dry, acneic and sensitive
skin. Combats dry rough skin
on elbows, knees and calluses.
Use as make-up remover, acts
as humectant, use after clay
mask for a glow, soothes
burns, bites, irritations, rashes.
couperose skin, rosacea
removes heat stops bleeding,
Clarifies and brightens all skin
types. It brings impurities to
the surface and decongests
clogged pores, toning and
refining (use in a steam or hot
compress). Helps to balance
oil production. Has strong
anti-oxidant properties
Divine! A humectant that adds
and retains moisture. Perfect
for normal, dry, mature,
sensitive, devitalized skin.
Cooling and mildly astringent.
Use it in masks, steams and
compresses. Great antiwrinkle treatment. Calming
Emotionally this is a “feel
good” hydrolat balancing the
male and female energy. It
works as an anti-depressant,
and relieves moodiness,
especially related to hormone
imbalance. Children love the
scent of it, so it is eases the
stress off scabbed knees and
to clean out wounds
Combats heat, good for
menopausal hot flashes.
Adaptogenic and balancing to
the emotions and endocrine
system. Eases PMS and
hormone related moodiness
especially when used with
Rose has an affinity with the
heart and the emotional
spheres of the mind, body and
spirit. The EO has been said to
exhibit the highest vibration.
It promotes balance and aids
emotional processing. Rose
lets you love yourself.
Treats the respiratory system
and conditions of congestion
and mucous. A three week
protocol can help clear
mucous from the digestive
tract, improve liver function
and digestion and clear the
Hormone balancer for all ages.
Combats menopausal and pms
symptoms- cramps,
moodiness. Soothes the
autonomic nervous systemmakes you “feel good”. Works
as a first aid treatment cooling and mildly astringent
For rose and lavender see above
Lemon Verbena-The Ph is very
For rose and lavender see above
Lemon Verbena – A powerful
For rose and lavender see above
Lemon Verbena- A strong anti-
close to the skins acid mantle.
A clarifier for normal or
combination skin. Refines skin
texture and reduces pore size
mental relaxant and stress
buster, also sedative and
soothing to the nerves. Boosts
self esteem and confidence
inflammatory and general
tonic. Aids PMS symptoms,
Stimulates the endocrine
system ( esp. thyroid and pancreas)
A mental and physical
stimulant. It is uplifting and
imparts a feeling of brightness.
Helps one feel lighter.
None Known
None Known
Non Known
For rose and lavender see above
Lemon VerbenaNone Known
Sources: Suzanne Catty “ Hydrosols the next aromatherapy”, Jeanne Rose “375 essential oils and hydrosols and Hydrosols & aromatic waters”
Len and Shirley Price “ Hydrolats: The specific hydrosols for aromatherapy, a guide for health professionals”