APWH Lesson September 24 for B DAY

APWH 9/24- B DAY
Key Concepts 2.1- The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural Traditions
 New belief systems and cultural traditions emerged and spread- universal truths
 Belief systems affected gender roles
Key Concept 2.2- The Development of States and Empires
 The number and size of imperial societies grew and dramatically by imposing unity on areas where
previously there had been competing states
 Empires and states developed new techniques of imperial administration
 Imperial societies displayed unique social and economic dimensions
 The Roman, Han, Maurya and Gupta empires created political, cultural and administrative difficulties they
could not manage, which led to decline, collapse, and transformation into successor empires and states.
Warm-Up Questions:
1. Which of the following does not belong in a list military tactics or
equipment employed by the Mongol Armies?
A. Combination of light and heavy cavalry
B. Use of the crossbow and short bow
C. Phalanx infantry formation
D. Lightweight armor of leather, iron or silk
2. Which statement comparing classical Chinese civilization with
contemporary Western civilization is most accurate?
A. The Chinese economy relied on slavery to greater extent than Western
civilization did.
B. China set an enduring pattern of more sophisticated agricultural,
metallurgical, and textile production techniques than Western
C. Women had markedly greater maneuverability within Chinese
civilization to achieve positions of high social status.
D. The Chinese developed a simplified phonetic writing system similar to
E. In China agriculture was replaced by handcraft manufacturing as the
main economic base of society.
Review Warm-Up Questions
Class Discussion on Persia and China
 Unification of China presentation- Review
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKIEms-vb4I
Analects- Activity- Pair- read/re-write and explain how analects impacted Chinese
culture and how it remains relevant today.
Chapter 7- Empires of Persia
Create a poster that represents Zoroastrianism, based on the “Sources
from the Past” selection on page 144. Work in small groups and produce a map of the key regions of ancient
Persia, the neighbors, and the trade routes and cities that linked the
empire within and outside its borders. Make sure you include the Royal
Road. (Locate at least 7 key features on the map and explain their
significance in the development of Persia.- in color, legend. Blue or
black ink.
Chapter 8- Unification of China
1 Students will break into small groups, and research one of the
Chinese philosophies. Group will make inspirational posters
illustrating why the tenets of that philosophy would be the best
ones to adopt.
2 Students will research one of the Confucian ideas of ren,
li, or xiao. Create inspirational posters illustrating the meaning
of the term.
3. Students will research a verse from the Analects or from
Laozi’s writings, and have them illustrate and explain it. Poster,
in color 14 font, Times New Roman.
4. Organize a debate between the supporters of Daoism,
Legalism, and Confucianism. Group will explain why their way
of looking at the role of the individual, government, and human
society as a whole are more appropriate to China (during the
Period of the Warring States) and why the others won’t work as
well. Research notes and debate in class
5. Students will research silk, iron, or paper. The group will
develop a five-minute presentation on the basic technology
involved in producing each product and the uses to which the
product was put in the Qin and Han eras. Power-point prezi, etc.
with assessment worksheet.
6. Students will discuss and research gender issues. What role
were women to have in the philosophies of the time? How did
opportunities and limitations vary by social class? Create a
power-point, prezi, visual aid and worksheet assessment.
Homework: Chapter 8- Unification of China
Study for chapter 7 and 8 M/C Quiz- Review Power-points Slide Shows
and videoB DAY Monday and A DAY Tuesday