Protocol Review: ACLS- 01 and SC -05 What is A-Fib/A

Protocol Review: ACLS- 01 and SC -05
1. What is A-Fib/A-Flutter?
2. What are some of the Signs and Symptoms of A-Fib/A-Flutter?
3. What are some of the Differential Diagnosis for A-Fib/A-Flutter?
4. What is the difference between Stable and Unstable A-Fib/A-Flutter.
5. What is the initial dose for Synchronized Cardioversion?
6. What Calcium Channel Blockers do we carry and what is the doses for AFib/Flutter?
7. Per SC-05 what is our first priority for any call?
8. Does all of SC-05 have to be performed by a Paramedic?
9. Describe what an “appropriate” facility would be in relation to patient transport.
10. What does GCS/AVPU stand for?