Annual Monitoring process - University of Bedfordshire

Faculty Monitoring Report Template
Please remove in-template guidance as you write
All data tables provided by Planning must be included as an appendix
1. Summary of coverage and provision
a) Introductory information
Sub-Dean (Quality)
Academic Year
b) Portfolios and courses
List Portfolios covered in this report
A compiled set of Portfolio monitoring report course listings should be attached as appendix 1
c) Changes to provision
Please provide an overview of terminated (i.e. no longer operating), new and modified course provision
(where that modification has required Faculty/University approval of provision, mode, cohort-start,
partner involvement and/or delivery site) including any attempts to gain approval for new courses.
2. Course and cohort viability
Reviewing section 2 within Portfolio monitoring reports, please evaluate the potential and/or current
impact of significant changes and trends in cohort size on the nature and quality of the learning
experience, and/or measures required/taken to maintain academic standards.
Where reference is made in this section to a course, please provide the associated Portfolio AMR data in
3. Learner retention and performance
Reviewing section 3 of relevant portfolio monitoring reports, please comment on changes in learner
retention and performance in courses that are currently priority areas for Faculty monitoring, and
identify any courses to be subject to such monitoring on the basis of this year’s portfolio monitoring
In each case identify key actions currently/to be taken, and where relevant note the evidenced impact of
previous and currently ongoing actions.
In addition, please provide comment on
 Any courses showing significant improvement in retention and performance patterns and,
where possible, identify possible causes.
 Any courses showing significant or sustained reduction in retention and performance patterns
but which are not identified as priority areas for Faculty monitoring, and explain this decision.
4. Graduate outcomes
a) Academic outcomes
Reviewing section 4a) of relevant portfolio monitoring reports, please comment on changes in academic
outcomes in courses that are currently priority areas for Faculty monitoring, and identify any courses to
be subject to such monitoring on the basis of this year’s portfolio monitoring reporting.
In each case identify key actions currently/to be taken, and where relevant note the evidenced impact of
previous and currently ongoing actions.
In addition, please provide comment on
 Any courses showing significant improvement in outcome patterns and, where possible,
identify possible causes.
 Any courses showing significant or sustained reduction in academic outcomes but which are
not identified as priority areas for Faculty monitoring, and explain this decision.
Where reference is made in this section to a course, please provide the associated Portfolio AMR data in
b) Employment
Please review the DLHE data and analysis within Portfolio monitoring reports and provide comment on
 Any courses/portfolio showing significant change in employment outcome patterns and,
where possible, identify possible causes.
 Any courses/portfolios for which Portfolio AMRs provide evidence of enhanced practice that
can be demonstrated to correlate with improved employment outcomes and/or which the
Faculty wishes to identify as emerging practice, to be evaluated in future reports
 The impact of any changes in practice identified in previous Faculty AMRs.
5. Enhancement, good practice and innovation1
a) Curriculum
Please comment on any curriculum changes (new courses/curriculum areas within courses) operating
within the reporting year that represent significant developments in curriculum range and/or the
integration of research and teaching activity, employability, assessment innovation, interdisciplinary
working or practice-based learning.
Please comment on any developments in teaching that can be evidenced to have or are expected to
have a positive impact on learner performance, experience or employability.
Learner experience
Evidence for this section is likely to come from sources such as course journals and unit reports
Annual Reporting and Monitoring
For use in reporting on academic year 2012-13 onwards
Faculty Monitoring Report Template - 1314 - QAP0014
Please comment on any developments in the support or management of learners that can be
evidenced to have or are expected to have a positive impact on learner performance, experience (e.g.
changes in personal tutoring) or employability.
6. Responding to feedback
a) On-campus provision
Reviewing section 6a) of relevant Portfolio AMRs, please identify and comment on
Any matters of Faculty-level interest or concern
Any emerging themes to be explored further during the forthcoming year
The operation of feedback systems across the Faculty and within the reporting remit
Collaborative provision
Reviewing 6b) of Portfolio AMRs, please identify and comment on the development of collaborative
provision during the reporting year (operational developments and changes; enhancements of practice
and emerging trends or issues)
Any matters of Faculty-wide interest or concern
Annual Reporting and Monitoring
For use in reporting on academic year 2012-13 onwards
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7. External verification and review
External Examiner Reports
Reviewing Portfolio AMRs please identify any issues (particularly those that have the potential to put
academic standards at risk) requiring cross-Portfolio or Faculty-level action and monitoring
Reviewing External Examiner reports, identify significant areas of good practice, and any areas for
Faculty-level action particularly relating to academic standards
Please provide as appendix 2 a list of any External Examiner reports not available at the time of writing
(and therefore for comment through the External Examiner Sub-Committee at a later stage.
b) External engagements [Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies etc]
Please summarise engagements with PSRBs etc, including external annual monitoring reviews and
applications for the accreditation of courses. Comment on outcomes of visits, responses to reports, any
concerns relating to academic standards and identify key issues for future monitoring, based on relevant
Portfolio monitoring reports (section 7 b).
Please list engagements expected/scheduled in the forthcoming academic year.
Course(s) covered
Action plan
attached ()
Annual Reporting and Monitoring
For use in reporting on academic year 2012-13 onwards
Faculty Monitoring Report Template - 1314 - QAP0014
Section 8 Quality management
a) Annual Monitoring systems
Please evaluate the operation of Faculty annual monitoring systems, to include commentary on
any changes, problems or omissions requiring future action and the completion of Portfolio
b) Action Planning and implementation
Please evaluate the effectiveness of action planning and monitoring across the Portfolios
covered by this report, based on action plans provided in relevant Portfolio AMRs
Please identify:
Any Portfolio actions not completed within deadline and requiring Faculty action
Any Faculty actions required on the basis of Portfolio planning and reporting
Any issues to be raised at University level on the basis of Portfolio or Faculty reporting
9. Action plans
Attach all current action plans, in most recently updated form, and in particular the following:
a) action plan for previous Faculty report, with all actions identified either as completed or transferred
to the action plan arising from the current report
b) action plan arising from the current report, including any actions from previous portfolio monitoring
report currently incomplete
c) action plans arising from PSRB engagement, course approval, periodic review etc., in which actions
remain ongoing.
Any issue included in the current action plan(s) should appear in the relevant section of the report. The
associated required actions should be included throughout the body of the report. Actions relating to
External Examiners should be summarised at the end of the associated section.
10. Authorised by:
Faculty Academic Board (Chair):
Annual Reporting and Monitoring
For use in reporting on academic year 2012-13 onwards
Faculty Monitoring Report Template - 1314 - QAP0014
Dean of Faculty:
Annual Reporting and Monitoring
For use in reporting on academic year 2012-13 onwards
Faculty Monitoring Report Template - 1314 - QAP0014