SACE Industry Pathways Program – Certificate II Information, Digital Media and Technology with a VET Pathway This model demonstrates how a student could complete the SACE and complete Certificate II Information, Digital Media and Technology (ICA20111) by incorporating VOCATIONAL COMPETENCIES delivered by the school, purchased from an RTO or undertaken as part of a training plan in a school based apprenticeship arrangement. It contains a mix of vocational competencies & SACE subjects that will develop industry relevant skill sets. Students will build the skills, knowledge and abilities required to enter & be successful employees of their chosen industry. This model has been constructed based on 70 VET competency hours is equal to 10 SACE credits. Possible entry to: Research Project (10 credits) The Research Project should be related to the chosen industry Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Computer Science Bachelor of Information Technology Bachelor of Media Bachelor of Creative Arts Bachelor of Media Arts Stage 2 Subjects and Courses (60 credits) Subject Choice – Mathematical Studies Sems Credit 2 20 Stage 2 VET Certificate II Information, Digital Media and Technology Competencies should be delivered in the order below. Code Descriptor Hours Personal Learning Plan (PLP) (10 credits) Students will complete a Personal Learning Plan with a career focus, which enables them to evaluate their literacy and numeracy needs, identify their skills, values and interests, research career pathways, set goals, develop an action plan for their chosen pathway, carry out their plan and reflect on their progress. Competency Nominal Hours Additional work placement, & non-contact hours SACE Credits Numeracy (10 credits) Students will undertake a contextualized industry numeracy program through Mathematics or Mathematics Pathways. They will build the skills, knowledge and abilities required to enter the workforce and be a successful employee within their chosen industry. XXX XXX XXX Stage 1 or 2 Subjects and courses (90 credits) Subject Choice - Mathematics Literacy (20 credits) Students will undertake a contextualized industry literacy program through English or English Pathways. They will build the skills, knowledge and abilities required to enter the workforce and be a successful employee within their chosen industry. Sems Credit 1/2 10/20 Stage 1 VET - Certificate II Information, Digital Media and Technology Competencies should be delivered in the order below. Code Descriptor Hours Stage 1 or 2 Subjects (additional 30 Credits from subject outlines) The Stage 1 subjects that would support the student in both their entry into the industry and their future progression could be additional English, Mathematics, Science, Physics, Technology or Small Business Management. Competency Nominal Hours Additional work placement, & non-contact hours SACE Credits DECD Student Pathways – SACE - Industry Pathways Program 2014 XXX XXX XXX