Windsor Gardens Vocational College SENIOR SCHOOL COURSE INFORMATION STAGE 1 & 2 2015 Windsor Gardens Vocational College was established as a vocational college in South Australia in 1999. We lead the state in VET with SACE results. We provide a broad and balanced learning program to all students from Years 8-13. The implementation of the Australian Curriculum guides our Respect Trust Teamwork work and students in the senior school are equipped to achieve the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). Introduction Our Aims At Windsor Gardens Vocational College we aim to support every student to develop and achieve his/her own educational goals. As students move through the college we work with both them and their families to plan their program. We value and emphasize this joint planning approach involving the student, family and the care group teacher as a central part of ensuring all students are progressing successfully toward their future. The success of students future choices is also due to our strong partnerships with industry, TAFE, universities and community groups. It is through these partnerships that our students gain a far more comprehensive picture of what their futures can hold. We support students to plan toward their future, aim high and achieve success. In the Middle School students begin to plan and think about their future and this is continued with a sharper focus in Years 10, Stage 1 and Stage 2. All students have the opportunity to gain Vocational Education and Training (VET) Certificates (which have national accreditation) as part of their SACE. The dual accreditation of VET and SACE allows students to keep their future options as broad as possible while, at the same time, ensuring they are eventually prepared to make a well-informed choice for their post-school destination - be that continuing with vocational training, entering university, on-the-job training or moving directly into employment. In the senior school we offer ten Vocational Education pathways as part of the broad educational program: University Pathway Construction – Certificate I Business – Certificate II Community Services – Certificate II Hospitality – Kitchen Operations – Certificate II Hospitality – Restaurant Operations – Certificate II Creative Industries (Media) – Certificate II Skilled Metals – Certificate I in Engineering Sports & Recreation – Certificate II Laboratory Skills (partial)– Certificate III This booklet provides an outline of these pathways as well as each subject taught in the senior school at Windsor Gardens Vocational College. If you require further information or wish to discuss anything in relation to our offerings please do not hesitate to contact us. Paulette Sargent Principal Contents Introduction to the SACE 4–5 Section 1 Introduction to the Senior School Curriculum 6 Section 2 VET Stand Alone Courses Certificate II Community Services Certificate I Building & Construction Certificate II Business Certificate II Hospitality / Restaurant Operations Certificate II Commercial Cookery Certificate II Creative Industries (Media) Certificate I Engineering - Skilled Metals (Cert 1) 8 – 17 SACE University – Stage 1 Certificate II Sports & Recreation Certificate III Laboratory Skills Section 3 SACE Curriculum Offerings Stage 1 19 – 37 Stage 2 38 – 52 Certificate II Sports & Recreation (Stage 2) 47 WGVC – SACE/VET Curriculum Choices 53 – 54 WHAT IS THE SACE? Students who successfully complete their senior secondary education are awarded the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). The SACE is an internationally recognised qualification that paves the way for young people to move from school to work or further training and study. The new SACE was progressively introduced from 2009 to ensure that students gain the skills they need for the future, as citizens and employees. The SACE was updated and strengthened to ensure it meets the needs of students, families, higher and further education providers, employers and the community, whether they are headed for further education and training, university, an apprenticeship or straight into the workforce. The certificate is based on two stages of achievement: Stage 1 (normally undertaken in Year 11) and Stage 2 (Year 12). WHAT ARE THE SACE SUBJECTS? For a full list of the SACE subjects, including brief summaries for use in curriculum handbooks, visit: HOW DO STUDENTS GET THE SACE? To gain the SACE, students complete about two years of full-time study which most students spread over three years. There are two stages: Stage 1, which most students do in Year 11, apart from the Personal Learning Plan, which most students are likely to do in Year 10. Stage 2, which most students do in Year 12. Each subject or course successfully completed earns ‘credits’ towards the SACE, with a minimum of 200 credits required for students to gain the certificate. Students will receive a grade from A to E for each subject. For compulsory subjects, they will need to achieve a C grade or better. The compulsory subjects are: Personal Learning Plan - (10 credits at Stage 1) Literacy – at least 20 credits from a range of English subjects or courses (Stage 1) Numeracy – at least 10 credits from a range of Mathematics subjects or courses (Stage 1) Research Project – an in-depth major project (10 credits at Stage 2) Other Stage 2 subjects totalling at least 60 credits The remaining 90 credits can be gained through additional Stage 1 or Stage 2 subjects or Board-recognised courses of a student’s choice. UNIVERSITY and TAFE ENTRY TafeSA recognises the SACE as meeting the entry requirements for most of its courses. It also considers a variety of other qualifications and experiences in its entry and selection processes. Students who complete the SACE are eligible for university entry, provided they meet certain requirements. Stage 2 students who are completing the SACE/NTCET in 2015 will need to undertake 90 credits of study to achieve a university aggregate and an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR). The new rules were published in last year’s Tertiary Entrance booklet and are also available at Universities also specify required subjects for some of their courses. Full details of university entry requirements for 2013 onwards is included in the Tertiary Entrance Booklet by the South Australian Tertiary Admissions Centre. Go to the SATAC website for more information STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES The SACE caters for students with special needs. The SACE offers a range of modified subjects as options for students with significant disabilities. The subject outline for the Personal Learning Plan: Modified is available for use. There will also be a modified subject in each of the learning areas. Modified subject outlines and summaries of these are expected to go to the SACE Board for accreditation in July. Introduction to SACE FURTHER INFORMATION Visit the SACE Board website at for more information about the SACE. To download the Powerpoint presentation about the SACE go to: Section 1 Introduction to the Senior School Curriculum Curriculum in the Senior School The Windsor Gardens Vocational College curriculum is based on the three curriculum frameworks: The South Australian Curriculum, Standards and Accountability (SACSA) framework. The South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). The Australian National Training Authority (ANTA) Certificates I & II in the National Accredited Training packages. The learning areas described by the SACSA are directly linked to the courses offered through the SACE. The SACE also includes courses under the Vocational Education and Training (VET) banner in order to enable students the best possible transition to the world of work. SACE Curriculum Framework The South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) is a certificate awarded to students who successfully complete a compulsory pattern of study at Stage 1 and Stage 2. Students at Windsor Gardens Vocational College have access to a very broad range of fully accredited subjects across all learning areas. These courses are taught in recently refurbished work areas where students have access to modern technology and learning approaches aimed at maximising student success. Job Pathways Program (accessed via an appointment with Student Counsellors) Career and Recruiting Centres SATAC University Guide and TAFE Course and Admission Guide TafeSA Selection Criteria Guide Open Days and information evenings at various institutions Employer and employer groups Work Experience/Work Education programs Private Training providers Apprenticeship Broker for North East Subjects offered in the course booklet are offered subject to student enrolment. The VET Curriculum What is VET? Vocational Education and Training or VET enables students to gain employment skills while they are still at school and undertaking studies towards their SACE. In Stage 1 and 2, students may be studying at school some days and be involved in training at other venues on other days. It provides students with the opportunity to gain TAFE qualifications while still at school and gain valuable skills which will prepare them for future employment. WGVC offers 10 pathways, each one is setup to deliver certificates as part of the Nationally Accredited Training Packages. This college also offers a range of Stand Alone certificates within curriculum areas. AUSLAN at WGVC At WGVC we offer Auslan as a second language from Years 8 - 12. Students can select courses which: Meet the pattern expected for completion of the South Australian Certificate of Education. Allow them to pursue subjects in which they have shown interest and ability. Meet subject pre requisites for entry to Tertiary Education courses through the Tertiary Admissions process. Pursue subjects that may be of future relevance for post secondary employment and training options. Gain dual status for those courses which satisfy both SACE and TAFE criteria. Engage in specific Vocational Education and Training courses including Australian School Based Apprenticeships (ASBA) The subject choices students make need to be carefully considered and discussed and relate to both the current interests and the longterm goals of the student. A comprehensive course counselling process is undertaken throughout the year, but specifically in Term 3, for the following year’s course. This allows students and parents to access information and support appropriate to the students course selection. This is particularly relevant to Year 11 as students select subjects which may have a direct impact on selection for tertiary education options, (both University and TAFE). Year 12 students receive 1 – 1 support throughout the tertiary education application process. Parents are encouraged to attend the course counselling interview with their student during Term 3. Prior to their course-counselling interview, students are encouraged to consult widely and seek information and advice from a range of other sources eg. Job Guide Job and Course Explorer/Career Voyager (career computer programs) 6 Options available through the School of Languages SACE beginners level language courses are an alternative pathway for students who wish to pick up an additional language at senior level, or wish to begin studying a language for the first time in Year 11. Year 10 students can also enrol and capitalise on two units of SACE early. Languages offered in 2015 Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Persian, Serbian, Spanish and Vietnamese, Croatian, Kaurna, Polish, Pitjantjatjara. All courses are after hours, one lesson per week and at a range of locations. Employability Skills Skills that underpin the transition from school to work, training and lifelong learning. These combine with essential learnings to promote a range of “Employability Skills” considered to be essential for future, socially active citizens. 1. Communication 2. Teamwork 3. Problem Solving 4. Initiative and Enterprise 5. Planning and Organising 6. Self-Management 7. Learning 8. Technology Section 2 VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS INFORMATION 2015 Contents Community Services Pathway 8 Building & Construction Pathway 9 Business Pathway 10 Creative Industries (Media) Pathway 11 Hospitality Pathways: Restaurant Operations 12 Kitchen Operations 13 Engineering (Skilled Metals) Pathway 14 Sports & Recreation Pathway 15 University Pathway 16 Laboratory Skills 17 7 COMMUNITY SERVICES PATHWAY CERTIFICATE II in Community Services LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year (1 day per week) PRE-REQUISITES: A genuine interest in community service VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: Community Services NATIONAL CODE: CHC20112 VENUE FOR COURSE: WGVC Community Services Centre PATHWAY OVERVIEW The Community Services Vocational Pathway will lead to employment opportunities in the areas of Aged Care, Youth Work, Community Development, Child Care and Disability Services. The Pathway is designed for students who are interested in working in the community at a trainee level or as an introduction for further training. This Vocational Pathway provides a range of the skills, knowledge and attitudes required by the Community Services and Health Industries. VET STAND ALONE COURSE CONTENTS Units COURSE INFORMATION Employability Skills: 1. Communication 2. Teamwork 3. Problem Solving 4. Initiative and Enterprise 5. Planning and Organising 6. Self-Management 7. Learning 8. Technology Assessment Methods: Written and practical. Competency based assessment. Accredited by: TafeSA HLTWHS200A Participate WHS Processes CHCORG201C Follow Policies, Procedures & Programs of the Organisation CHCCOM201C Communicate with People Accessing the Services of Organisation CHCCS308B Provide First Point of Contact CHCCS211B Prepare for Work in the Community Sector CHCORG202C Work with others CHCGROUP201C Support the Activities of Existing Groups HLTFS302D Prepare Foods Suitable for a Range of Service Settings HLTFA311A Apply First Aid HLTF5207C Follow Basic Food Practices CHCCOM302D Communicate Appropriately with Clients and Colleagues TOTAL HOURS : 293 Entry: Entry into the course is done with Round Table Assessment at Year 10. This is an interview that requires a letter of application and a demonstration of the students’ portfolio. Leads to careers in: A wide range of careers in: Community Services, Medical Sciences, Nursing, Child Care, Aged Care, Counselling, Youth Work, Social Work, Community Work, Teaching. ACHIEVEMENT 40 SACE Credits Can be achieved by successfully completing these competencies. KEY COMPETENCIES All 7 competencies covered. Leads to Careers in: University Degrees in: Social Science Social Work Social Work & Business Teaching Nursing TAFE Certificate, Diploma and Degree courses in: Community Services and Health FURTHER INFORMATION INDUSTRY PARTNERS Kindergarten Centres Aged Care Centres Day Care Centres Community Centres WGVC TEACHERS OF THE COURSE: Jacqui Hart RTO CONTACT: Marden Senior College COMMUNITY SERVICES PATHWAY DRESS CODE: School uniform while at WGVC Work placement – clothing appropriate to placement Examples of VET Pathways Traineeships Aged Care Worker Child Care Correctional Practice Health Care Support Youth Worker Community Housing Office Administration Some Pathways may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 8 BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION PATHWAY CERTIFICATE I in Construction Doorways to Construction (D2C) LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year (1 day per week) PRE-REQUISITES: A genuine interest in the building industry VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: Building Construction (General) NATIONAL CODE: CPC10111 VENUE FOR COURSE: WGVC & 4 weeks Work Placement PATHWAY OVERVIEW The Building and Construction Vocational Pathway is designed for students who are interested in a career in the Building Industry. This program provides the opportunity for participants to experience, first hand, work in the building industry and to gain a Vocational Certificate. It provides participants with industry accepted skills that may benefit them in the transition from school to work. Some joint delivery with Gilles Plains TAFE occurs. Participants are required to complete 20 days work placement within this program. VET STAND ALONE COURSE CONTENTS Units COURSE INFORMATION Subjects recommended for this Pathway: Maths English CAD Any other Technology Studies (if it can be fitted in – not essential). Employability Skills: 1. Communication 2. Teamwork 3. Problem Solving 4. Initiative and Enterprise 5. Planning and Organising 6. Self-Management 7. Learning 8. Technology Assessment Methods: Competency based assessment. Accredited by: TafeSA Partners: CPCCCM1014A Conduct workplace communication CPCCCM1013A Plan and organise work CPCCCM2001A Read and interpret plans and specifications CPCCCM1012A Work effectively and sustainably in the construction industry CPCCOHS2001A Apply OHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry CPCCCM2005B Use Construction tools and equipment CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry (White Card) CPCCVE1011A Undertake a basic Construction Project ELECTIVE UNITS: CPCCCM1015A Carry out measurements and calculations CPCCCM2006B Apply basic levelling procedures CPCCCM2004A Handle Construction materials TOTAL HOURS : 240 ACHIEVEMENT 40 SACE Credits CITB Doorways 2 Construction Can be achieved by successfully completing these competencies. Entry: KEY COMPETENCIES All 7 competencies covered. Entry into the course is done with Round Table Assessment at Year 10. This is an interview that requires a letter of application and a demonstration of the students’ portfolio. Leads to Careers in: Leads to careers in: Building Industry eg: various trades, management positions. FURTHER INFORMATION INDUSTRY PARTNERS: HOMESTEAD AWARD WINNING HOMES (Domestic) BRIMBLECOMBE CONSTRUCTION (Commercial) BIANCO CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TRAINING BOARD WGVC TEACHER OF THE COURSE: Paul Manser TAFE CONTACT: TafeSA University Building Management Degree. TAFE Leads to students taking electives in specific competencies at: Certificate III - Trades Certificate IV - Post Trades or Advanced eg: (Drafting, Computer Aided Design CAD Quantity Surveying etc in Building). Apprenticeships and Traineeships Bricklaying Carpentry/Cabinet Making Tiling Plastering Painting & Decorating Roof Tiling Roof Plumber Gyprocker CONSTRUCTION PATHWAY DRESS CODE: Clothing appropriate for outdoor worksite – long pants Steel capped boots Shirt provided by CITB (Yellow Hi Vis) 9 BUSINESS PATHWAY CERTIFICATE II in Business Services LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year (1 day per week) [Part Completion Of Certificate] PRE-REQUISITES: A genuine interest in the world of Business & Work VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: Business Pathway NATIONAL CODE: BSB20112 VENUE FOR COURSE: WGVC Virtual Enterprise PATHWAY OVERVIEW The Business Management Pathway is designed for students who are interested in acquiring the skills and knowledge to operate their own business, be employed in a business or office environment or would like to pursue a career in the management of a business or in Information Technology. Students can achieve Certificate II in Business. The course is undertaken in the Virtual Enterprise, a simulated business setting and trade with other virtual enterprises across Australia. Students will gain a better understanding of their personal skills, abilities and possible employment opportunities in their selected vocational field. VET STAND ALONE COURSE CONTENTS Units of Competence COURSE INFORMATION Subjects recommended for this Pathway: Sound Year 10 standard in English Employability Skills: 1. Communication 2. Teamwork 3. Problem Solving 4. Initiative and Enterprise 5. Planning and Organising 6. Self-Management 7. Learning 8. Technology BSBOHS201A Participate in OHS Processes BSBITU203A Communicate Electronically BSBCMM 201A Communicate in the Workplace BSBITU305A Conduct Online Transactions BSBCUS201A Deliver a Service to Customers BSBINM202A Handle Mail BSBITU101A Operate a Personal Computer BSBWOR202A Organise and Complete Daily Work Activities BSBINM201A Process and Maintain Workplace Information BSBITU201A Produce Simple Word Processed Documents BSBADM101A Use Business Equipment and Resources BSBWOR204A Use Business Technology BSBIND201A Work Effectively in a Business Environment BSBWOR203A Work Effectively with Others Assessment Methods: Competency based assessment while carrying out practical and theoretical tasks within the daily operations of the Virtual Enterprise. Accredited by: TafeSA Entry: Entry into the course is done with Round Table Assessment at Year 10 and Senior School. This is an interview that requires a letter of application and a demonstration of the student’s portfolio. TOTAL HOURS : 385 ACHIEVEMENT 50 SACE Credits Can be achieved by successfully completing these competencies. Leads to Careers in: A wide range of careers in: I.T., Marketing, Retail, Business Management, Sports & Recreation, Hospitality, Tourism, Community Services and Manufacturing. FURTHER INFORMATION INDUSTRY PARTNERS: Various WGVC TEACHER OF THE COURSE: Miriam Spizzo TAFE CONTACT: TafeSA BUSINESS PATHWAY DRESS CODE: Suitable business clothing in the Virtual Enterprise: Black trousers – Enterprise shirt with Logo (hired from the College). Footwear: Comfortable leather/leather like shoes not sneakers. 10 KEY COMPETENCIES All 7 competencies covered. University Bachelor of Business: International Business Banking and Finance Administrative Management TAFE Certificate II in Information Technology Certificate III in Network Administration Certificate II, III, & IV in Business Diploma in Business Apprenticeships and Traineeships I.T. / Business Management Marketing Retail / Hospitality Sports & Recreation CREATIVE INDUSTRIES PATHWAY CERTIFICATE II in Creative Industries (Media) LENGTH OF COURSE: Full year (1 day per week) PRE-REQUISITES: A genuine interest in the multimedia industry VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: Multimedia NATIONAL CODE: CUF20107 VENUE FOR COURSE: WGVC Multimedia Centre PATHWAY OVERVIEW The Multimedia Vocational Pathway has many facets offering a diverse range of career and employment opportunities. Students have the opportunity to complete Certificate II in Multimedia. It provides participants with industry accepted skills. Students will also gain accreditation for SACE Media Studies. Other subjects are suggested to students to support the work they do in this Pathway. VET STAND ALONE COURSE CONTENTS Units COURSE INFORMATION Subjects recommended for this Pathway: Multimedia English Employability Skills: 1. Communication 2. Teamwork 3. Problem Solving 4. Initiative and Enterprise 5. Planning and Organising 6. Self-Management 7. Learning 8. Technology Assessment Methods: Competency based assessment while carrying out practical tasks. Evidence Portfolios Design Briefs Log Books/Journals Accredited by: TafeSA – Tea Tree Gully Campus Entry: Entry into the course is done with Round Table Assessment at Year 10. This is an interview that requires a letter of application and a demonstration of the students’ portfolio. Leads to careers in: Multimedia Industry eg: I.T., Advertising, Graphic Design FURTHER INFORMATION INDUSTRY PARTNERS tafeSA Channel 9 Studios WGVC TEACHERS OF THE COURSE: Aaron Davis TAFE/RTO/UNIVERSITY CONTACT: TafeSA – Tea Tree Gully Campus CREATIVE INDUSTRIES PATHWAY DRESS CODE: The pathway shirt is hired and handed in at the end of the year (can be purchased) Black pants or skirt Black enclosed shoes BSBCRT101A Apply Critical Thinking Techniques CUFIND201A Develop & Apply Creative Arts Industry Knowledge CUSOHS301A Follow in OHS procedures BSBWOR203B Work Effectively with others CUFRES201A Collect & Organise Content for Broadcast or Publication CUFPOS201A Perform Basic Vision & Sound editing ICAICT204A Operate a Digital Media Technology Package CUVDIG301A Produce Digital Images TOTAL HOURS : 215 ACHIEVEMENT 30 SACE Credits Can be achieved by successfully completing these competencies. KEY COMPETENCIES All 7 competencies covered. Leads to Careers in: University Degree Bachelor of I.T. (Computing and Multimedia) Bachelor of Visual Communication Bachelor of Visual Arts (specialisation) TAFE Diploma courses in: Multimedia Visual Communication and Graphic Design Commercial Music (Performance) Entertainment Sound Production Visual Arts and Applied Design Printing and Graphic Arts Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information Technology Multimedia Examples of Employment Graphic Designer Fashion Industry/Theatrical Design Worker Artist Multimedia Producer Computer Animator Interaction/Interface/Information Designer and Producer 11 HOSPITALITY PATHWAY CERTIFICATE II in Hospitality Operations – Restaurant Operations LENGTH OF COURSE: 1.5 years (3 semesters) (1 day per week) PRE-REQUISITES: Nil VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: Food, Hospitality / Tourism Pathway NATIONAL CODE: SIT20212 VENUE FOR COURSE: WGVC Parndendi Café PATHWAY OVERVIEW Food, Hospitality & Tourism is a growing industry, offering a diverse range of career and employment opportunities. This program provides the opportunity for students who are seeking employment in the Hospitality or Tourism Industry at a basic level, or as an introduction to further TAFE commercial cookery or food, hospitality/tourism courses. The vocational pathway aims to provide a broad introduction to the many areas served by the Hospitality and Tourism Industries. VET STAND ALONE COURSE CONTENTS Units COURSE INFORMATION Subjects recommended for this Pathway: Home Economics Employability Skills: 1. Communication 2. Teamwork 3. Problem Solving 4. Initiative and Enterprise 5. Planning and Organising 6. Self-Management 7. Learning 8. Technology SITHIND201 Source and use Information on the Hospitality Industry SITXCC202 Interact with Customers SITXWHS101 Participate in Safe Work Practices SITXFSA101 Use Hygiene Practices for Hospitality Services SITHIND202 Use Hospitality Skills Effectively BSBWOR203B Work Effectively with Others SITHFAB203 Prepare and Serve Non-Alcoholic Beverages SITXFIN201 Process Financial Transactions SITHFAB206 Serve Food and Beverage SITHFAB204 Prepare and Serve Espresso Coffee SITHFAB201 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol Assessment Methods: TOTAL HOURS : 302 Competency based assessment while carrying out practical tasks. Accredited by: TafeSA – Regency Campus Leads to careers in: Food & Beverage industry as: Waitress/Waiter, Restaurant Manager, Kitchen Hand, Chef/Cook, Hotel / Motel Manager. ACHIEVEMENT 40 SACE Credits Can be achieved by successfully completing these competencies. KEY COMPETENCIES All 7 competencies covered. Leads to Careers in: FURTHER INFORMATION INDUSTRY PARTNERS ADELAIDE CONVENTION CENTRE BUON GIORNO NORWOOD CIBO FASTA PASTA – Gilles Plains WGVC TEACHERS OF THE COURSE: Leni Caputo TAFE CONTACT: TafeSA – Regency Campus HOSPITALITY PATHWAY DRESS CODE: Black shirt loaned by WGVC Black trousers by student Closed in black footwear 12 University Degree Food Technology Business Management Hotel Management TAFE Certificate, Diploma and Degree courses in: Hospitality and Tourism Apprenticeships and Traineeships Chef Pastry Cook/Baker Food & Preparation Service Accommodation Food and Beverage Kitchen Hand Tour Operator Retail and Wholesale Travel Convention/Events Management Information Services HOSPITALITY PATHWAY CERTIFICATE II in Hospitality Kitchen Operations LENGTH OF COURSE: 1.5 years (3 semesters) (1 day per week) PRE-REQUISITES: Nil VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: Food, Hospitality / Tourism Pathway NATIONAL CODE: SIT20312 VENUE FOR COURSE: WGVC Parndendi Café PATHWAY OVERVIEW Food, Hospitality & Tourism is a growing industry, offering a diverse range of career and employment opportunities. This program provides the opportunity for students who are seeking employment in the Hospitality or Tourism Industry at a basic level, or as an introduction to further TAFE commercial cookery or food, hospitality/tourism courses. The vocational pathway aims to provide a broad introduction to the many areas served by the Hospitality and Tourism Industries. VET STAND ALONE COURSE CONTENTS Units COURSE INFORMATION Subjects recommended for this Pathway: Home Economics Employability Skills: 1. Communication 2. Teamwork 3. Problem Solving 4. Initiative and Enterprise 5. Planning and Organising 6. Self-Management 7. Learning 8. Technology Assessment Methods: Competency based assessment while carrying out practical tasks. Accredited by: TafeSA - Regency Campus. BSBWOR203B Work Effectively with others SITXFSA101A Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety SITXWHS101 Participate in Safe Work Practices SITHCCC201 Produce Dishes using Basic Methods of Cookery SITHCCC207 Use Cookery Skills Effectively SITHKOP101 Clean Kitchen Premises and Equipment SITXINV202 Maintain the Quality of Perishable Supplies SITHCCC101 Use Food Preparation Equipment SITHCCC202 Produce Appetisers and Salads SITHCCC203 Produce Stocks, Sauces and Soups SITHCCC204 Prepare Vegetable, Fruit, Egg and Farinaceous SITHCCC103 Prepare Sandwiches SITHCCC306 Handle and Serve Cheese TOTAL HOURS : 300 Leads to careers in: Hospitality industry as: Chef/Cook. FURTHER INFORMATION INDUSTRY PARTNERS ADELAIDE CONVENTION CENTRE BUON GIORNO NORWOOD CIBO FASTA PASTA – Gilles Plains CAFE VA BENE ACHIEVEMENT 40 SACE Credits Can be achieved by successfully completing these competencies. KEY COMPETENCIES All 7 competencies covered. Leads to Careers in: University Degree Food Technology Business Management Hotel Management WGVC TEACHERS OF THE COURSE: Leslie Wilson TAFE Certificate, Diploma and Degree courses in: Hospitality and Tourism TAFE CONTACT: TafeSA – Regency Campus Apprenticeships and Traineeships Chef Pastry Cook/Baker Food & Preparation Service Accommodation Food and Beverage Kitchen Hand Tour Operator Retail and Wholesale Travel Convention/Events Management Information Services HOSPITALITY PATHWAY DRESS CODE: White shirt by students, Black trousers by student Kitchen loan uniforms available Closed in black footwear Students have the option to buy kitchen uniform 13 SKILLED METALS PATHWAY CERTIFICATE I in Engineering LENGTH OF COURSE: Full Year (1 day per week) PRE-REQUISITES: Nil VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: Engineering welding NATIONAL CODE: MEM20105 VENUE FOR COURSE: WGVC / TAFE SA VET STAND ALONE PATHWAY OVERVIEW COURSE CONTENTS This vocational pathway is designed for students with an interest in the Manufacturing industries. A joint delivery of competencies is undertaken with Regency TAFE through which students may achieve all or part of Certificate I in Engineering. Units COURSE INFORMATION Subjects recommended for this Pathway: Mathematics Technology Studies including CAD English Employability Skills: 1. Communication 2. Teamwork 3. Problem Solving 4. Initiative and Enterprise 5. Planning and Organising 6. Self-Management 7. Learning 8. Technology Assessment Methods: Competency based assessment while carrying out practical tasks. Written tests. Practical skill competency tests. Accredited by: TafeSA School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. Entry: Entry into the course is done with Round Table Assessment at Year 10, Year 11 & Year 12. This is an interview that requires a letter of application and a demonstration of the students’ portfolio. Leads to careers in: Manufacturing & Engineering Industry eg: various trades and management positions. FURTHER INFORMATION INDUSTRY PARTNERS DIVERSE INDUSTRIES TESLA FARAD BIANCO CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES D & D TOOLING WGVC TEACHERS OF THE COURSE: Mark Damm TAFE/RTO/UNIVERSITY CONTACT: Principal Lecturer Regency Campus / TAFE SA Tel: 8207 9791 SKILLED METALS PATHWAYS DRESS CODE: Steel capped boots Full cover overalls (Not bib and brace) or School Work Shirt Welding masks / gloves are supplied. For personal hygiene reasons students may wish to supply their own Safety glasses 14 MEM13014B Apply Principles of OH&S in the Work Environment MEM15024A Apply Quality Procedures MEM14004A Plan to Undertake a Routine Task MEM16007A Work with Others in a Manufacturing Engineering or Related Environment MEM16008A Interact with Computing Technology MEM09002B Interpret Technical Drawing MEM12023A Perform Engineering Measurements MEM05012C Perform Routine Manual Metal Arc Welding MEM05050B Perform Routine Gas Metal Arc Welding MEM03003C Perform Sheet and Plate Assembly MEM18001C Use Hand Tools MEM18002B Use Power Tools/Hand Held Operations MEM07032B Use Workshop Machines for Basic Operations HLTFA301C (delivered by an accredited first aid trainer) Apply First Aid TOTAL HOURS : 312 ACHIEVEMENT 40 SACE Credits Can be achieved by successfully completing these competencies. KEY COMPETENCIES All 7 competencies covered. Leads to Careers in: University Students who undertake TAFE units or modules at Stage 1, and who then decide to go onto University directly or indirectly can find the practical components useful. TAFE Students can complete further elective units to gain Certificate II or III in Engineering at TAFE. Examples of VET Pathways CERTIFICATE II – IV in: Engineering Mechanical / Fabrication Engineering Electrical / Production Electronics Higher Engineering Tradespeople Examples of Employment Aircraft Mechanic Boilermaker / Welder Electrical Fitter Refrigeration Mechanic Sheetmetal Worker Toolmaker SPORT AND RECREATION PATHWAY CERTIFICATE II in Sport and Recreation LENGTH OF COURSE: 1 year (1 day per week) PRE-REQUISITES: Nil VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: Sport and Recreation NATIONAL CODE: SIS20313 VENUE FOR COURSE: WGVC Sport and Recreation Centre PATHWAY OVERVIEW The Sport and Recreation Vocational Pathway will lead to employment opportunities in the areas of various Sports, Community Sports Development, Community Recreation, Event Management, Personal Fitness Training and Recreation Management. The Pathway is designed for students who are interested in working in the Sport and/or Recreation community at a trainee level or as an introduction for further training. This Vocational Pathway provides a range of the skills, knowledge and attitudes required by the Sport and Recreation Industries. VET STAND ALONE COURSE CONTENTS Units COURSE INFORMATION Subjects recommended for this Pathway: PE Employability Skills: 1. Communication 2. Teamwork 3. Problem Solving 4. Initiative and Enterprise 5. Planning and Organising 6. Self-Management 7. Learning 8. Technology Assessment Methods: Written and practical. Competency based assessment. Accredited by: SPORTSA Entry: Entry into the course is done with Round Table Assessment at Year 10. This is an interview that requires a letter of application and a demonstration of the students’ portfolio. Leads to careers in: A wide range of careers in: the Sports Industry, Fitness Instructor, Recreation Community Work, Teaching and Event Management. BSBWOR202A Organise and complete daily work activities HLTAID003 Apply first aid SISXEMR201A Respond to emergency situations SISXIND211 Develop and update Sport, Fitness and Recreation Industry Knowledge SISXWHS101 Follow Work Health & Safety Policies SISXCAI101A Provide equipment for activities SISXCAI102A Assist in preparing and conducting sport and recreation sessions SISXFAC207 Maintain sport & recreation equipment for activities SISSSCO101 Develop & update knowledge of coaching practices SISSSPT201A Implement sports injury prevention SISSSPT303A Conduct basic warm-up and cooldown programs SISFFIT304A Instruct and monitor fitness programs SISSBSB201A Teach Fundamental Basketball skills SISSRGL204A Teach the skills of Rugby League for modified games TOTAL HOURS : 300 ACHIEVEMENT 40 SACE Credits Can be achieved by successfully completing these competencies. KEY COMPETENCIES All 7 competencies covered. FURTHER INFORMATION Leads to Careers in: INDUSTRY PARTNERS SA Rugby League Secondary School Sport of South Australia South Australian Primary School Sport Association Local Primary and Secondary Schools University Degrees in: Physiotherapy Sports and Mechanical Engineering Teaching - PE Sports Business and Marketing Sports Management WGVC TEACHERS OF THE COURSE: Troy Edwards TAFE Certificate, Diploma and Degree courses in: Sport and Recreation RTO CONTACT: SportsSA SPORTS AND RECREATION PATHWAY DRESS CODE School uniform while at WGVC – Sport and Recreation pathway polo shirt Work placement – clothing appropriate to placement - Sports wear clothing Examples of VET Pathways Traineeships Sports traineeships Sport and Recreation Community Sport and Recreation Sports Business Office Administration 15 UNIVERSITY PATHWAY University Experience Pathway Course SACE PATHWAYS STAND ALONE LENGTH OF COURSE: Full Year PRE-REQUISITES: Selection of subjects leading to university courses VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: University Pathway VENUE FOR COURSE: Resource Centre, Flinders University, University of SA & Adelaide University PATHWAY OVERVIEW COURSE CONTENTS Units The University Pathway aims to provide confidence at University. This pathway is designed for students wishing to pursue a diverse range of higher level career and employment opportunities demanding tertiary skills beyond secondary school. This Vocational SACE Pathway provides students with the opportunity to select subject patterns that satisfy the prerequisite subject demands of various University degrees. Each university has its own specialist areas and every course has a required pathway. Attending lectures and tutorials at the University sites. Open Day and Enrichment Day. The University Pathway aims to provide confidence at University. INTERGRATED LEARNING COURSE INFORMATION Subjects recommended for this Pathway: ACHIEVEMENT 20 SACE Credits UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE: As specified by individual universities Can be achieved by successfully completing all work set. Employability Skills: 1. Communication 2. Teamwork 3. Problem Solving 4. Initiative and Enterprise 5. Planning and Organising 6. Self-Management 7. Learning 8. Technology Assessment Methods: CD for the University experiences. All students will produce a journal of observation notes and a CD Rom presentation for the universities and SACE accreditation. Accredited by: SACE INTERGRATED LEARNING. Entry: Entry into the course is done with Round Table Assessment at Year 10. This is an interview that requires a letter of application and a demonstration of the student’s portfolio. Leads to careers in: See examples of careers displayed in the next column. FURTHER INFORMATION In Stage 2 the University Pathway students will be supported in: Study Skill Development, tuition, attending Enrichment Days at university, advice on careers. INDUSTRY PARTNERS FLINDERS UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF SA ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY WGVC TEACHERS OF THE COURSE: Carol Matoga TAFE/RTO/UNIVERSITY: Flinders University Adelaide University University SA UNIVERSITY PATHWAY DRESS CODE: School uniform when attending school Neat casual dress when attending university 16 Leads to Careers in: University Music International Studies Law Education Economics/Commerce Business Journalism Architecture Social Studies Degree in Sciences Medicine Nursing Allied Specialist Health Engineering Dental Agriculture Diploma/Degree Course Facilities Adelaide University Flinders University University of South Australia Adelaide, Douglas Mawson, Regency & Torrens Valley TAFE’s Examples of Employment Consultant Journalist Nurse Computer Systems Doctor Lawyer The following items are not acceptable in this workplace: Exposed/bare stomachs. Casual street or beach wear. Low cut tops/sleeveless Tshirts. LABORATORY SKILLS - This is not a Thursday Pathway (delivered in 1 afternoon and 1 double lesson) CERTIFICATE III Laboratory Skills (Partial) LENGTH OF COURSE: Full Year (Year 11 – 4 units, Year 12 – 2 units) PRE-REQUISITES: Pass in Year 10 Science (recommended) VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: Laboratory Technicians in various fields NATIONAL CODE: MSL20109 VENUE FOR COURSE: WGVC Science Labs PATHWAY OVERVIEW The Laboratory Skills course provides participants with skills and experiences aligned to the work of laboratory technicians which involves the collection, preparation and analysis of a wide range of samples. Usually working as part of a research team, their results are used to check the quality of foodstuffs and manufactured products, to detect pollution in air, water and soil and to help with diagnosing diseases. Laboratory technicians perform routine, repetitive tests. In addition, they clean glassware and equipment, maintain inventories of samples, and deliver work reports to supervisors. Laboratory technicians participate in research, design, development and the manufacture of scientific products and equipment, as well as the testing of raw materials, processes and finished products. COURSE INFORMATION The Laboratory Skills course is not offered on Thursdays. Rather it is conducted over four lessons during the week. It consists of four independent semester units to be completed over two years. Students wishing to undertake this course need to have successfully completed Year 10 Science and continue to have a keen interest in Science. The course complements other VET courses to be studied at Stage 1. Year 10 students can be recommended by their Science teacher to begin the Lab Skills course in semester 2 of that year. VET STAND ALONE COURSE CONTENTS Units Semester 1 MSL913001A Communicate with other people MSL933001A Maintain the laboratory/field workplace fit for purpose Semester 2 MSL912001A Work within a laboratory/field workplace (induction) MSAENV272B Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices Semester 3 – Offered in following year MSL922001A Record and present data MSL973001A Perform basic tests Employability Skills: 1. Communication 2. Teamwork 3. Problem Solving 4. Initiative and Enterprise 5. Planning and Organising 6. Self-Management 7. Learning 8. Technology Assessment: A range of assessment tasks could include: Competency based assessments whilst carrying out practical tasks Written tests Practical skill competency test Evidence portfolio Accredited by: TafeSA - Gilles Plains campus FURTHER INFORMATION This is presented as a 4 semester rotation of units covering the course content. It may be studied at Year 10 (by invitation), Year 11 and/or Year 12 in addition to the other Pathways offered on Thursdays. It is complimentary to the other pathways and may enhance the qualifications in those fields. Registered Training Organisation TafeSA Industry Partnership Women’s and Children’s Hospital Healthscope SAWater Possible WGVC Teachers’ of the Course Tina Lindemann Sharon Robertson WGVC-based Industry Expertise Lindy McCallum Lab Skills Dress Code WGVC uniform Closed in shoes Hair pulled back PPE will be supplied as necessary for specific tasks TOTAL HOURS : 230 INTERGRATED LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT 10 SACE Credits per Semester Can be achieved by successful completion of a three semester rotation of units over 18 months. Leads to Education/Study Pathway Cert IV in Lab Techniques Diploma of Lab Technology o Some opportunities for specialisation e.g. environmental monitoring and pathology testing University based Bachelor of Science degrees Leads to Careers in: agriculture forestry fishing wine production manufacture mining medical scientific fields Diploma/Degree Course Facilities Gilles Plains tafeSA Barossa tafeSA Roseworthy tafeSA Port Augusta tafeSA Berri tafeSA Adelaide University University of South Australia Flinders University Examples of Employment Laboratory Technician in a wide range of fields 17 Section 3 SACE SUBJECT INFORMATION 2015 Contents Stage 1 Curriculum Offerings 19 - 36 Stage 2 Curriculum Offerings 38 - 52 SACE/VET Curriculum Choices 18 53 - 54 STAGE 1 Curriculum Offerings THE ARTS SUBJECT : Visual Art STAGE 1 LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: 10 Credits / semester Year 9 or Year 10 Art would be recommended and an advantage The Arts Stage 2 Visual Arts 1VAA10 FOCUS OF STUDY: SUBJECT OVERVIEW: This subject is designed so that students: In Visual Arts students express ideas through practical work using drawings, sketches, diagrams, models, prototypes, photographs and/or audio visual techniques leading to resolved pieces. Students have opportunities to research, understand and reflect upon visual art works in their cultural and historical contexts. Students will be required to complete: Assessment Type 1: Folio For a 10 credit subject, students produce one folio that documents their visual learning, in support of their one or two works of art or design. Assessment Type 2: Practical For a 10 credit subject, students produce one or two practicals. One must be a resolved work, one may be a minor work. Practitioner’s Statement For a 10 credit subject, students prepare a written practitioner’s statement for one resolved practical (maximum of 250 words). Assessment Type 3: Visual Study For a 10 credit subject, students produce one visual study. This should be between eight and twelve A3 sheets of practical study a maximum of 750 words if written or a maximum of 5 minutes if oral. Assessment: Folio 30% Practical 40% Visual Study 30% Leads To: Stage 2 Art THE ARTS SUBJECT : Creative Arts LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) Nil The Arts All 1CVA10 FOCUS OF STUDY: SUBJECT OVERVIEW: This subject is designed so that students: Have opportunities to specialise in study within and across the arts disciplines of dance, drama, music and the visual arts: art and design. Students participate in the processes of development and the presentation of finished or realised creative arts products. Creative arts products may take the form of musicals, plays or concerts, visual artefacts, digital media, film and video, public arts projects, community performances, presentations and installations, and in vocal groups or other ensembles. Students will be required to complete: Creative Arts Process Development and Production Core Concepts in Arts Disciplines Creative Arts in Practice Depending on what product or event students undertake, will determine how the assessment tasks are designed e.g. if students have an arts focus it may be an art work, music – music performance, media – web site. Assessment: Product Folio Leads To: Stage 2 Creative Arts Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 19 THE ARTS SUBJECT : Music Experience LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 or 20 Credits (1 or 2 Semesters) Successful completion of Year 10 Music 1 or 2 Semesters The Arts All 1MUE10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: with limited experience or knowledge in music theory, but have been learning their instrument for at least 3 years can be successful. pathways to selected Stage 2 music subjects, such as Stage 2 Ensemble Performance, Music Individual Study, and/or Solo Performance. Participate in class band, solo and small group performances and computer software compositions, use of Pro Tools and recording class band. SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete: 2 Class band assessments (summative) At least 1 performance at a Primary School Attend all instrumental lessons 2 small group assessments (summative) 4 assignments using computer software 2 assignments using Pro Tools demonstrating evidence of editing and recording techniques Assessment: Students will be required to perform on their instrument to an audience at least 2 times throughout the semester with the class ensemble Students will be required to perform in a small group or as a soloist 2 times throughout the semester to an audience Students will be required to complete compositions using the music software Students will record and edit class ensemble using Pro Tools Leads To: Stage 2 Music – Solo Performance, Ensemble Performance, Performance Special Study, Individual Study, Creative Arts BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE and TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT : CAD (Computer Aided Drawing) LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) Nil (however experience with CAD at Year 10 would be an advantage) Business, Enterprise & Technology Manufacturing / Engineering COMMUNICATION PRODUCTS / 1 CCA 10 FOCUS OF STUDY: Through the study of Design & Technology students develop the ability to identify, create, initiate and develop products, processes or systems. Students learn to use tools, materials and systems safely and competently to complete a product. They explore technologies in both contemporary and historical settings, and analyse the impacts of technology, including social, environmental, and sustainable consequences. In Communication Products – computer aided design, students use images and other data to design products that communicate information SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Using AutoDesk Inventor to complete a set of skills exercises in 3D modelling. Using AutoDesk Inventor to develop practical techniques and to use advanced modelling tools. Analysing products and processes using case studies involving real world design problems Completing a design brief using the DMA process Programming CNC lathe and/or CNC mill using Edgecam Assessment: Skills & Applications 20% Folio 20% Product 60% Leads To: May lead to further study for Certificate 2 in Engineering at a recognised Registered Training Authority eg. tafeSA Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 20 BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE and TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT : Personal Publishing LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) Nil Business, Enterprise & Technology All Information Processing and Publishing / 1IPR10 FOCUS OF STUDY: Students will learn to use word processing and publishing software to efficiently and accurately present information. Students follow the design process to produce, for personal use, paper-based publications such as essays, letters, reports, flyers, menus, and invitations. Students are encouraged to adopt an enterprising approach, including a design process, to tackle the tasks set. A student could also develop publications for another subject area. SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Develop skills in use of software and hardware in the publishing process. Develop skills in designing and producing documents. Analysing issues in the design and publishing process and world of work. Designing , making and evaluating published products such as: - Advertisements - Flyers - Invitations - Business letters and stationery - Tables - Digital presentations - Web-based pages - Reports, forms, or minutes Assessment: Designing & Skills Applications 30% Issues Analysis 10% Practical Skills 60% Leads To: Publishing/Electronic publishing/Personal and business documents in Stage 2 BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE and TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT : Metals LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) Nil (however experience with Metalwork at Year 10 would be an advantage) Business, Enterprise & Technology Manufacturing / Engineering MATERIAL PRODUCTS / 1 MMA 10 FOCUS OF STUDY: Through the study of Design & Technology students develop the ability to identify, create, initiate and develop products, processes or systems. Students learn to use tools, materials and systems safely and competently to complete a product. They explore technologies in both contemporary and historical settings, and analyse the impacts of technology, including social, environmental, and sustainable consequences. In Material Products – Metals students use a range of manufacturing technologies such as tools, machines, equipment, and/or systems to design and make products with resistant materials. SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Developing skills in using the centre lathe to perform basic turning operations on both ferrous and non ferrous metals. Developing skills in using hand/machine tools to perform basic fitting operations including tapping and threading. Developing skills in MIG welding. Analysing products and processes involving real world design problems. Designing, making and evaluating an integral part of a quick action clamp. Assessment: Skills & Applications 20% Folio 20% Product 60% Leads To: Further study for Certificate 1 to IV at a recognised Registered Training Authority eg. tafeSA Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 21 BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE and TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT : Photography LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) Nil (however experience with Photography at Year 10 would be an advantage) Business, Enterprise & Technology Multimedia COMMUNICATION PRODUCTS / 1 CCA 10 FOCUS OF STUDY: Through the study of Design & Technology students develop the ability to identify, create, initiate and develop products, processes or systems. Students learn to use tools, materials and systems safely and competently to complete a product. They explore technologies in both contemporary and historical settings, and analyse the impacts of technology, including social, environmental, and sustainable consequences. In Communication Products - Photography students use images and other data to design products that communicate information SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Developing skills in the use of the digital SLR Camera Developing skills in composing photographs. Digital manipulating of photographs. Analysing products and processes involving real world design problems. Designing, making and evaluating a product such as a child’s book. Assessment: Skills & Applications 20% Folio 20% Product 60% Leads To: Stage 2 Photography and can assist students taking Art at Year 12 . BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE and TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT : Material Products (Textiles) LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) Nil (however experience with CAD at Year 10 would be an advantage) Business, Enterprise & Technology Fashion Industry 1MMP10 FOCUS OF STUDY: Investigate the purpose, design concepts, processes and production techniques of existing textile products Apply appropriate knowledge to use a range of materials, components, techniques and equipment to create a product safely and accurately. Develop solutions to problems that arise during production and evaluate the effectiveness of the product Assessment: Skills & Applications 20% Folio 20% Product 60% SUBJECT OVERVIEW: In this practical hands-on program you will develop your drawing and fashion design skills. You will develop and produce a variety of textile items working from a design brief whilst creating your own portfolio to showcase your ideas and skills. Leads To: TafeSA Certificate 1 – Textiles, Clothing & Footwear, Certificate 2 – Applied Fashion Design & Technology, Diploma of Applied Fashion Design & Technology Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 22 BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE and TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT : Wood & Wood Products - Furniture Construction LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) Nil (however experience with Woodwork at Year 10 would be an advantage) Business, Enterprise & Technology Building Construction MATERIAL PRODUCTS / 1 MMA 10 FOCUS OF STUDY: Through the study of Design & Technology students develop the ability to identify, create, initiate and develop products, processes or systems. Students learn to use tools, materials and systems safely and competently to complete a product. They explore technologies in both contemporary and historical settings, and analyse the impacts of technology, including social, environmental, and sustainable consequences. In Material Products - Wood and Wood Products students use a range of manufacturing technologies such as tools, machines, equipment, and/or systems to design and make products with resistant materials. SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Developing, making and evaluating a product Developing skills in using both hand and power tools to manipulate manufactured boards. Analysing products and processes involving real world design problems. Designing, making and evaluating an item of furniture. Applying appropriate hardware and timber finish to the completed article. Assessment: Skills & Applications 20% Folio 20% Product 60% Leads To: Stage 2 Furniture Construction or tafeSA courses associated with furniture construction or the building trades. CROSS-DISCIPLINARY SUBJECT : Community Studies LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) Nil All See below FOCUS OF STUDY: In this course students will: Learn in a community context Interact with teachers, peers & people in the community Decide the focus of their community activity from a point of personal interest, skill or knowledge Set challenging & achievable goals Enhance their skills & understanding in a guided & supported learning program Develop the capability to work independently To apply their skills & knowledge in practical ways in the community SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students prepare a contract of work to develop a community activity from any of the ten areas of study: Arts & the Community Business & the Community Communication & the Community Design, Construction & the Community Environment & the Community Foods & the Community Health, Recreation & the Community Science & the Community Technology & the Community Work & the Community Assessment: Contract of Work Folio Community Activity Reflection Leads To: Stage 2 Community Studies Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 23 CROSS-DISCIPLINARY – INTEGRATED STUDIES SUBJECT : Individual Research Project LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) Nil Cross Disciplinary Supports all pathways 1ILG10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Communicate ideas and informed opinions Demonstrate self awareness in reflecting on, and critically evaluating learning Identify and investigate information, ideas from different perspectives, using a variety of sources Assessment: SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to: Develop research skills Produce an action plan and implement research project Produce a folio of work Present group findings Reflect on work in 500 words or a 3 minute oral Practical 50% Group Activity 20% Folio and Discussion 30% Leads To: Stage 2 Research Project ENGLISH STAGE 1 SUBJECT : English LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: 10 Credits / semester Year 10 English English All 1EGH10 FOCUS OF STUDY: Students: Read View Write and compose Listen and Speak Use information and communication technologies SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to: Explore a range of texts composed for different purposes, audiences and in a range of forms Compose their own texts Show knowledge and understanding of the ways in which the authors use language techniques to communicate Develop creative and critical literacy skills Assessment: Students will be required to complete: 2 text productions 1 text analysis 1 extended study Each semester Leads To: Stage 2 English Communications Stage 1 English allows students to achieve the compulsory literacy requirement of the SACE. Students need to complete 2 semesters of English to meet SACE literacy requirements. Students require a “C” grade or better. Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 24 ENGLISH SUBJECT : English Pathways LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits / semester Year 10 English English All 1EPW10 FOCUS OF STUDY: Students: Read Listen Speak Respond to and compose texts SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to: Explore a range of texts composed for different purposes and in a range of forms. Develop an understanding of how authors communicate. Compose their own texts. Learn that texts and language are situated in social and cultural environments. Learn the ways in which study of texts supports them to establish and maintain community connections. Assessment: Text Analysis Text Production There are 4 assessment tasks per semester Leads To: Stage 2 English Pathways Stage 1 English Pathways allows students to achieve the compulsory literacy requirement in the SACE. Students need to complete 2 ENGLISH SUBJECT : Literacy for Work & Community Life LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits / semester Nil English All 1LWC10 FOCUS OF STUDY: Students: Improve literacy skills Participate in practical activities Study everyday written, spoken, visual & multimedia texts Improve communication skills Read, view, listen, speak and write texts SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete: 1 oral presentation per semester 1 text analysis 2 text productions Assessment: 1 oral 3 written or multi modal products Leads To: This subject does not lead to Stage 2 English but does meet the Stage 1 Literacy requirements. Students need to complete 2 semesters of Literacy for Work and Community Life to meet SACE literacy requirements. Students require a “C” grade or better. ENGLISH SUBJECT : English as a Second Language LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits / semester Nil English All 1EGU10 FOCUS OF STUDY: Develop study skills Exchange opinions through writing and speaking Read, view, listen, speak, write and compose texts Conduct surveys, interviews and write reports Research and record information SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete: Various language assignments Text studies Communication studies Multimodal presentation An investigative study Assessment: 2 Oral products per semester 2 Written products per semester All assignments are equally weighted Leads To: Stage 2 ESL semesters of English Pathways to meet SACE literacy requirements. Students require a “C” grade or better. Stage 1 English as a Second Language allows students to achieve the compulsory literacy requirement in the SACE. Students need to complete 2 semesters of English as a Second Language to meet SACE literacy requirements. Students require a “C” grade or better. Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 25 HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUBJECT : Child Studies LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) Nil Health & Physical Education Community Services/Childcare/University 1CSD10 FOCUS OF STUDY: The nature of childhood and socialisation and development of children Children in wider society Children’s rights and safety (safety issues for children) SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students examine the period of childhood from conception to five years, and issues related to the growth, health and wellbeing of children. They will examine the diverse range of values and beliefs about childhood and the care of children, the nature of contemporary families and the changing roles of children. Assessment: Practical Activities 50% Group Activity 25% Investigation 25% Leads To: Stage 2 Child Studies HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUBJECT : Food and Hospitality A and B LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) Nil Hospitality and Tourism 1FOH10 FOCUS OF STUDY: Celebration food Small group enterprises Cultural influences on food in Australia Food as gifts – food presentation, preservation & storage Healthy eating & recipe adaption Planning Critical analysis of contemporary food trends Safety & hygiene WH&S Assessment: SUBJECT OVERVIEW: This topic investigates safe food handling issues. We also look at food preparation and presentation, including cultural influences on eating patterns in Australia. Investigate issues related to catering for small functions, as well as current trends in hospitality. We will develop practical and organisational skills working individually or working as part of a group. Practical Activity 50% Group Activity 25% Investigation 25% Leads To: Stage 2 Food and Hospitality Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class number 26 HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUBJECT : Physical Education A and B LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) Nil Health & Physical Education Any 1PHE10 FOCUS OF STUDY: By the end of the Stage 1 PE program, students should be able to: Demonstrate practical skills and techniques specific to a variety of physical activities Interpret and apply effective skills, strategies, techniques, rules, and guidelines independently, with groups, and teams Critically analyse, understand, and reflect on the personal and community implications of physical activity Apply specific concepts and ideas to the performance of practical skills and physical activities, and to the development of well-being Demonstrate a capacity to interact collaboratively with other people and to demonstrate self reliance, leadership and initiative Semester 2 Physical Education may include an Aquatics Camp SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Assessment Component 1: Practical skills and applications 60% Two practical modules for the 10 credit subject. Topics will be chosen from a wide variety of sports and activities. Assessment Component 2: Course work 40% Nature of Physical Activity: This module requires an experimental, analytical approach to physical activity and well-being. Topics could include, exercise physiology, skill acquisition, biomechanics, fitness, training principles, body systems Issues analysis: Allows students to pursue topics of interest. Students will be required to critically analyse issues that are relevant to local, regional, national or global communities. Topics may include, drugs, professionalism, corruption, sport in society, sport injuries, health risk factors etc. Assessment: Assessment Component 1 60% Assessment Component 2 40% Leads To: SACE Stage 2 Physical Education. HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES SUBJECT : Geography LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) None Humanities & Social Sciences All 1GEO10 FOCUS OF STUDY: In this course students will: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of geographical concepts Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the economic, social, natural, and built characteristics of the place(s) in which they live and other places with which they are linked Apply a range of geographical and inquiry skills, including the use of spatial technologies to identify and examine geographical features and issues Investigate spatial patterns and processes that operate in physical and human environments Analyse the interactions and interdependence of people and environments at local, national, and global levels Analyse information to determine a range of outcomes and make justifiable recommendations for improvements to human and physical environments Reflect on social justice, sustainability, and economic perspectives of geographical issues Communicate geographical information appropriately Assessment: Skills and Application Tasks 20% Inquiry 30% Investigation 30% Fieldwork 20% SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Study is focussed on 4 key themes: Key Theme 1: Location and Distribution Key Theme 2: Natural Environments at Risk Key Theme 3: People, Resources, and Development Key Theme 4: Issues for Geographers Leads To: Stage 2 Geography Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class number 27 HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES SUBJECT : History LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) Nil Humanities & Social Sciences All 1HIS10 FOCUS OF STUDY: In this course students will: Explain how particular societies in selected periods and places since 500 AD have been shaped by both internal and external forces Identify and explain historical concepts Apply hypotheses and/or focusing questions to guide historical inquiry Analyse and evaluate sources Understand and appreciate the role of particular individuals and groups in history Communicate informed and relevant arguments, using subjectspecific language and conventions SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Topics in the course can include: Issues: freedom or oppression; revolution; childhood; youth culture; globalisation; the colonial experience; exploration; migration; conflict; international crises; peacemakers; modernisation; social, political, cultural, economic and/or environmental impacts Creative works: literature; art; music; film; drama Regions: Africa; Asia; Australia; Europe; the Middle East; North America; Northern Ireland; the Pacific Islands; South America Local history: a local church, temple, or mosque; an institute; a botanic garden; an organisation; a person; an area; a street name; a design concept Special interest: an area of special interest to teachers and students Assessment: Sources Analysis 30% Folio 30% Investigation 40% Leads To: Stage 2 History LOTE (Languages Other Than English) SUBJECT : Auslan LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits / semester Satisfactory completion of Year 10 or entry through interview LOTE All 1AUC10 / 1AUC20 FOCUS OF STUDY: In this course students will: Develop their skills to communicate meaningfully Reflect on their own attitudes, beliefs and values Develop an understanding of how Deaf Culture and identity are expressed through sign SUBJECT OVERVIEW: This course is made up of: Three themes The Individual The Deaf & Hearing Communities The Changing World Under those themes the following topics may be developed: Personal Identity Relationships Lifestyles Arts & Entertainment Development of the Deaf Community Values, Attitudes, Beliefs Technology The World of Work Travel Social Issues Assessment: Informal Signed Assessment Formal Signed Assessment Text Analysis Investigation – Demonstrating Research and Reflection Leads To: Stage 2 Auslan Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 28 29 30 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT: Mathematics A LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 credits (1 Semester) Satisfactory completion of Year 10 Maths at an appropriate level of study (refer to flow chart) Mathematics All 1MAT10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Understand mathematical concepts and relationships, making use of electronic technology where appropriate to aid and enhance understanding Identify, collect, and organise mathematical information relevant to investigating and solving problems taken from social, scientific, economic, or historical contexts Recognise and apply the mathematical techniques needed when analysing and solving a problem in context Interpret results, draw conclusions, and reflect on the reasonableness of these in the context of a problem Communicate mathematical reasoning and ideas by using appropriate language and representations Work both independently and cooperatively in planning, organising, and carrying out mathematical activities. SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete tasks within the following topics: Topic 4: Networks and Matrices Topic 6: Simulating Random Processes Topic 7: Statistics Topic 8: Trigonometry Topic 9: Models of Growth Topic 10: Quadratic and other Polynomials Assessment: Folio 60% Skills and Applications Tasks 40% Assessment at Stage 1 is school based and may be moderated externally. Leads to: Semester 2 MATHEMATICS B and MATHEMATICS C (if required) The use of Graphic Calculators are a major part of this course. Loan Graphic Calculators can be borrowed from the Resource Centre for a reimbursable $20. Students are encouraged to purchase their own Graphics Calculator. Stage 1 Mathematics allows students to achieve the compulsory numeracy requirement of the SACE. Students who receive a ‘C’ grade or better meet the numeracy requirement. MATHEMATICS SUBJECT: Mathematics B LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 credits (1 Semester) Successful completion of Stage 1 Mathematics A in Semester 1 Mathematics All 1MAT10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Understand mathematical concepts and relationships, making use of electronic technology where appropriate to aid and enhance understanding Identify, collect, and organise mathematical information relevant to investigating and solving problems taken from social, scientific, economic, or historical contexts Recognise and apply the mathematical techniques needed when analysing and solving a problem in context Interpret results, draw conclusions, and reflect on the reasonableness of these in the context of a problem Communicate mathematical reasoning and ideas by using appropriate language and representations Work both independently and cooperatively in planning, organising, and carrying out mathematical activities. SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete tasks within the following topics: Topic 8: Trigonometry, Topic 9: Models of Growth, Topic 10: Quadratic and Other Polynomials Topic 11: Coordinate Geometry, Topic 12: Functions and Graphs, Topic 13: Planar Geometry, Topic 14: Periodic Phenomena Assessment: Folio 40% Skills and Applications Tasks 60% Assessment at Stage 1 is school based and may be moderated externally. Leads to: Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics (when Mathematics C is also completed), (this may be taught off campus), Mathematical Studies or Mathematical Applications The use of Graphic Calculators are a major part of this course. Loan Graphic Calculators can be borrowed from the Resource Centre for a reimbursable $20. Students are encouraged to purchase their own Graphics Calculator. Stage 1 Mathematics allows students to achieve the compulsory numeracy requirement of the SACE. Students who receive a ‘C’ grade or better meet the numeracy requirement. Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 31 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT: Mathematics C LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: STAGE 1 10 credits (1 Semester) Excellent result in Stage 1 Mathematics A in Semester 1 / should be enrolled in Stage 1 Mathematics B Mathematics All 1MAT10 AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Understand mathematical concepts and relationships, making use of electronic technology where appropriate to aid and enhance understanding Identify, collect, and organise mathematical information relevant to investigating and solving problems taken from social, scientific, economic, or historical contexts Recognise and apply the mathematical techniques needed when analysing and solving a problem in context Interpret results, draw conclusions, and reflect on the reasonableness of these in the context of a problem Communicate mathematical reasoning and ideas by using appropriate language and representations Work both independently and cooperatively in planning, organising, and carrying out mathematical activities SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete tasks within the following topics: Topic 8: Trigonometry, Topic 9: Models of Growth Topic 10: Quadratic and Other Polynomials Topic 11: Coordinate Geometry Topic 12: Functions and Graphs Topic 13: Planar Geometry Topic 14: Periodic Phenomena Assessment: Folio 40% Skills and Applications Tasks 60% Assessment at Stage 1 is school based and may be moderated externally. Leads to: Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics (this may be taught off campus), Mathematical Studies or Mathematical Applications * Students who wish to study Stage 2 Specialist Maths will need to study Mathematics C concurrently with Mathematics B at Stage 1 in Semester 2 The use of Graphic Calculators are a major part of this course. Loan Graphic Calculators can be borrowed from the Resource Centre for a reimbursable $20. Students are encouraged to purchase their own Graphics Calculator. Stage 1 Mathematics allows students to achieve the compulsory numeracy requirement of the SACE. Students who receive a ‘C’ grade or better meet the numeracy requirement. MATHEMATICS SUBJECT : Mathematical Applications A LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 credits (1 Semester) Satisfactory completion of Year 10 Maths at an appropriate level of study (refer to flow chart) Mathematics All 1MCN10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Understand mathematical concepts and relationships, making use of electronic technology where appropriate to aid and enhance understanding Identify, collect, and organise mathematical information relevant to investigating and solving problems taken from social, scientific, economic, or historical contexts Recognise and apply the mathematical techniques needed when analysing and solving a problem in context Interpret results, draw conclusions, and reflect on the reasonableness of these in the context of a problem Communicate mathematical reasoning and ideas by using appropriate language and representations Work both independently and cooperatively in planning, organising, and carrying out mathematical activities SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete tasks within the following topics over two semesters: Topic 1: Earning and Spending Topic 2: Measurement Topic 3: Data in Context Topic 4: Networks and Matrices Topic 5: Saving and Borrowing Topic 6: Simulating Random Processes Topic 7: Statistics Topic 8: Trigonometry Topic 12: Functions and Graphs Assessment: Folio 40% Skills and Applications Tasks 60% Assessment at Stage 1 is school based and may be moderated externally. Leads to: Semester 2 Mathematical Applications B ** Students are recommended to complete a full year of Maths in Stage 1 in preparation for Stage 2 Maths Study. Stage 1 Mathematics allows students to achieve the compulsory numeracy requirement of the SACE. Students who receive a ‘C’ grade or better meet the numeracy requirement. Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 32 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT : Mathematical Applications B LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 credits (1 Semester) Satisfactory completion of Year 10 Maths at an appropriate level of study (refer to flowchart) Mathematics All 1MAT10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Understand mathematical concepts and relationships, making use of electronic technology where appropriate to aid and enhance understanding Identify, collect, and organise mathematical information relevant to investigating and solving problems taken from social, scientific, economic, or historical contexts Recognise and apply the mathematical techniques needed when analysing and solving a problem in context Interpret results, draw conclusions, and reflect on the reasonableness of these in the context of a problem Communicate mathematical reasoning and ideas by using appropriate language and representations Work both independently and cooperatively in planning, organising, and carrying out mathematical activities SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete tasks within the following topics over two semesters: Topic 1: Earning and Spending Topic 2: Measurement Topic 3: Data in Context Topic 4: Networks and Matrices Topic 5: Saving and Borrowing Topic 6: Simulating Random Processes Topic 7: Statistics Topic 8: Trigonometry Topic 12: Functions and Graphs Assessment: Folio 40% Skills and Applications Tasks 60% Assessment at Stage 1 is school based and may be moderated externally. Leads to: Stage 2 Mathematical Applications, Mathematical Pathways Stage 1 Mathematics allows students to achieve the compulsory numeracy requirement of the SACE. Students who receive a ‘C’ grade or better meet the numeracy requirement. MATHEMATICS SUBJECT : Mathematics Pathways A LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 credits (1 Semester) Satisfactory completion of Year 10 Maths at an appropriate level of study (refer to flowchart) Mathematics All 1MPW10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Demonstrate an understanding of mathematical concepts and relationships, making use of electronic technology where appropriate to aid and enhance understanding Identify, collect, and organise mathematical information relevant to investigating and solving problems Recognise and apply the mathematical techniques needed when analysing and solving a problem in context Communicate mathematical reasoning and ideas to a variety of audiences, using appropriate language and representation SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete tasks from a selection of these topics: Topic 1: Earning and Spending Topic 2: Measurement Topic 3: Data in Context Topic 4: Networks and Matrices Topic 5: Saving and Borrowing Topic 6: Simulating Random Processes Topic 7: Statistics Assessment: Folio 40% Skills and Applications Tasks 60% Assessment at Stage 1 is school based and may be moderated externally. Leads to: Semester 2 Stage 1 Mathematics Pathways B ** Students are recommended to complete a full year of Maths in Stage 1 in preparation for Stage 2 Maths Study. Stage 1 Mathematics allows students to achieve the compulsory numeracy requirement of the SACE. Students who receive a ‘C’ grade or better meet the numeracy requirement. Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 33 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT : Mathematics Pathways B LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 credits (1 Semester) Satisfactory completion of any Stage 1 Mathematics during semester 1 Mathematics All 1MPW10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Demonstrate an understanding of mathematical concepts and relationships, making use of electronic technology where appropriate to aid and enhance understanding Identify, collect, and organise mathematical information relevant to investigating and solving problems Recognise and apply the mathematical techniques needed when analysing and solving a problem in context Communicate mathematical reasoning and ideas to a variety of audiences, using appropriate language and representation SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete tasks from a selection of these topics: Topic 1: Earning and Spending Topic 2: Measurement Topic 3: Data in Context Topic 4: Networks and Matrices Topic 5: Saving and Borrowing Topic 6: Simulating Random Processes Topic 7: Statistics Assessment: Folio 40% Skills and Applications Tasks 60% Assessment at Stage 1 is school based and may be moderated externally. Leads to: Stage 2 Vocational Maths (as a Community Studies subject) Stage 1 Mathematics allows students to achieve the compulsory numeracy requirement of the SACE. Students who receive a ‘C’ grade or better meet the numeracy requirement. MATHEMATICS SUBJECT : Numeracy for Work and Community Life Length of Course: Pre-requisites: Area of Study: Vocational Pathway: SACE Board of SA Code: STAGE 1 10 credits (1 Semester) Completion of Year 10 Semester 1 Maths at the appropriate level of study (refer to flowchart) Mathematics All 1NWC10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Understand and apply maths concepts, processes, and strategies in a variety of workplace and community contexts Develop skills in gathering, representing, analysing, and interpreting data relevant to everyday situations Use numeracy skills to investigate and solve practical problems in familiar and some unfamiliar everyday contexts Communicate maths processes and results using appropriate language, notation, and representations Use appropriate technologies to access, interpret, and communicate data and information Work individually and/or in groups to plan, organise, and carry out tasks SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete tasks within a selection of the following suggested topics: Numeracy for Work Numeracy for Community Life Numeracy for Daily Life Numeracy for Leisure Or a negotiated study Assessment: Investigations Folio 40% Skills and Applications Tasks 60% Assessment at Stage 1 is school based and may be moderated externally. Leads to: This subject provides opportunities for students to meet the SACE numeracy requirement, and to gain additional numeracy support for their studies and future pathways. It will lead to Stage 1 Mathematics Pathway in Year 11. Stage 1 Mathematics allows students to achieve the compulsory numeracy requirement of the SACE. Students who receive a ‘C’ grade or better meet the numeracy requirement. Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 34 SCIENCES SUBJECT : Biology A STAGE 1 LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: 10 Credits (1 Semester) Pass in Year 10 Science (strongly recommended) Sciences All 1BIO10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Undertake practical activities and design investigations Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of biology concepts Use knowledge of biology to make informed personal, social and environmental decisions Communicate ideas and reasoning and reasoning using biology terms SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete tasks within the following suggested topics: Cellular Biology Physiology Ecology Assessment: Investigations Folio 40% Skills and Applications Tasks 60% Assessment at Stage 1 is school based and may be moderated externally. Leads to: Stage 1 Nutrition or VET Laboratory Skills in semester 2 or Stage 2 Biology or Stage 2 Nutrition SCIENCES SUBJECT : Nutrition A LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) A Pass in Year 10 Science (strongly recommended) Sciences All but especially valuable for Hospitality and Community Services 1NUT10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Identify and formulate purposes etc which guide nutritional investigations Design and undertake practical activities and investigations Demonstrate knowledge, understanding and problem solving skills especially with respect for cultural influence Use knowledge of nutrition to make informed personal, ethical, economic, social and environmental decisions Communicate ideas and understanding of nutrition SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete tasks from the following suggested topics: Macronutrients and micronutrients Fresh versus processed foods Australian dietary guidelines Indigenous foods Safe food handling/contaminated food Water Genetically modified /organic foods Sustainable food futures Assessment: Investigations Folio 40% Skills and Applications Tasks 60% Assessment at Stage 1 is school based and may be moderated externally. Leads to: Stage 2 Nutrition or Stage 2 Biology Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 35 SCIENCES SUBJECT : Chemistry A LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 1 10 Credits (1 Semester) Sound pass in Year 10 Science and Maths (recommended) Sciences All 1CME10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Undertake practical activities and design investigations Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of chemical concepts Use knowledge of chemistry to make informed personal, social and environmental decisions Communicate ideas and reasoning and reasoning using chemical terms SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete tasks within the topics of: Matter Carbon chemistry Skills Assessment: Investigations Folio 40% Skills and Applications Tasks 60% Assessment at Stage 1 is school based and may be moderated externally. Leads to: Stage 1 Chemistry B in semester 2 Students who wish to study Chemistry in Stage 2, must successfully complete 2 semesters of Chemistry in Stage 1 SCIENCES SUBJECT : STAGE 1 Chemistry B LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: 10 Credits (1 Semester) A sound pass in Semester 1 Stage 1 Chemistry A (recommended) Sciences All 1CME10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Undertake practical activities and design investigations Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of chemical concepts Use knowledge of chemistry to make informed personal, social and environmental decisions Communicate ideas and reasoning and reasoning using chemical terms SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete tasks within the topics of: Chemical calculations Reactions Skills Assessment: Investigations Folio 40% Skills and Applications Tasks 60% Assessment at Stage 1 is school based and may be moderated externally. Leads to: Successful completion of Stage 1 Chemistry A and B in semester 1 and 2 can lead to Stage 2 Chemistry Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 36 SCIENCES SUBJECT : Physics A STAGE 1 LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: 10 Credits (1 Semester) Sound pass in Year 10 Science and Maths (recommended) Sciences All 1PYS10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Identify and formulate questions, hypotheses, concepts, and purposes that guide investigations in physics Design and conduct collaborative and individual investigations in physics Represent, analyse, interpret, and evaluate investigations in physics Select, analyse and critically evaluate the evidence of physics from different sources Communicate knowledge and understanding of the concepts and information of physics using appropriate physics terms and conventions Demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of physics SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete tasks within the following suggested topics: Energy - energy and work Electricity and Magnetism - DC circuits and motors Assessment: Investigations Folio (practical work & issues investigation 60%) Skills and Applications Tasks (test and end of semester exam 40%) Assessment at Stage 1 is school based and may be moderated externally. Leads to: Stage 1 Physics B in semester 2 Students who wish to study Physics in Stage 2, must successfully complete 2 semesters of Physics in Stage 1 SCIENCES SUBJECT : Physics B STAGE 1 LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: 10 Credits (1 Semester) A sound pass in Semester 1 Stage 1 Physics A Sciences All 1PYS10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Identify and formulate questions, hypotheses, concepts, and purposes that guide investigations in physics Design and conduct collaborative and individual investigations in physics Represent, analyse, interpret, and evaluate investigations in physics Select, analyse and critically evaluate the evidence of physics from different sources Communicate knowledge and understanding of the concepts and information of physics using appropriate physics terms and conventions Demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of physics SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete tasks within the following topics: Movement - motion in one direction Forces - forces & Newton’s Laws of Motion Waves - sound & light Assessment: Investigations Folio (practical work & issues investigation 60%) Skills and Applications Tasks (test and end of semester exam 40%) Assessment at Stage 1 is school based and may be moderated externally. Leads to: Successful completion of Stage 1 Physics A and B in semester 1 and 2 can lead to Stage 2 Physics Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 37 STAGE 2 Curriculum Offerings THE ARTS SUBJECT : Visual Art STAGE 2 LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Nil The Arts Leads to TAFE and University courses 2VAA10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: In Visual Arts students express ideas through practical work using drawings, sketches, diagrams, models, prototypes, photographs and/or audio visual techniques leading to resolved pieces Students have opportunities to research, understand and reflect upon visual art works in their cultural and historical contexts SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete: Assessment Type 1: Folio (40%) For a 10 credit subject, students produce one folio that documents their visual learning, in support of their one work of art or design. For a 20 credit subject, students produce one folio that documents their visual learning, in support of their two works of art or design. Assessment Type 2: Practical (30%) For a 10 credit subject, students produce one practical, which must be a single resolved work on a body of resolved work. For a 20 credit subject, students produce two practicals, which must be resolved works on a body of resolved work. Practitioner’s Statement For a 10 credit subject, students prepare a written practitioner’s statement for one resolved practical. For a 20 credit subject, students prepare two written practitioner’s statements, for each of the resolved practicals. Each practitioner’s statement should be a maximum of 500 words. External Assessment Assessment Type 3: Visual Study (30%) For both a 10 credit subject and a 20 credit subject, students produce one Visual Study Assessment: School-based Assessment Weighting Folio 40% Practical 30% External Assessment Visual Study 30% Leads To: Tafe and University Courses Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 38 THE ARTS SUBJECT : Music Ensemble Performance LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 10 Credits (full year) Successful completion of Stage 1 Music - Full Year Arts All 2MBL10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: This subject develops students’ performance skills on an instrument or voice, within a group Musicianship, technical proficiency, the ability to interact musically with others and to perform a range of works that engage an audience are all developed SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete: In general, students participate in one of the following: A band A choir, vocal ensemble, or with a solo performer A performing arts production (as a singer or an instrumentalist) Students perform on only one instrument or the voice. Students may perform as a vocalist and as an instrumentalist. They may also perform with recognised doublings such as saxophone and clarinet. Students prepare and present three public performances, comprising two initial performances and one final performance. Students must perform 3 times throughout the year for a minimum of 20 minutes. Assessment: School-based Assessment Weighting First Performance Second Performance 30% 40% External Assessment Final Performance 30% Leads To: TAFE Music courses OR some Music courses at University PLEASE NOTE: If students are wishing to study at University they must choose another music course to make up 20 credits. THE ARTS SUBJECT : Music - Individual Study LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 10 Credits (full year) Successful completion of Stage 1 Music Arts All 2MVS10 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: For this subject students undertake an individually negotiated study. Specific outcomes depend on the nature of the study, but skills in planning, negotiating, implementing, reviewing, adapting and evaluating could be developed SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to : Negotiate and plan with their teacher a topic they have chosen for their individual study. A proposal that includes a brief outline of the scope of the topic and the proposed format of the final product must be submitted to the SACE Board for approval. Suggested topics include: Tutoring – students teach a younger student on their instrument a series of instrumental lessons Community – allows students to investigate and experience the social, political, and/or cultural aspects of music in the community Musical Instrument – allows students to build or restore a musical instrument Music and Cultures – allows students to demonstrate their understanding of music in its diverse cultural contexts Music Industry – allows students to gain experience in the music industry. Work experience in the industry, to extend the student’s musical skills and/or understanding is recommended where possible Assessment: School-based Assessment Folio Practical Weighting 30% 40% External Assessment Report 30% Leads To: TAFE and some music courses at University Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 39 THE ARTS SUBJECT : Music – Solo Performance LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 10 Credits (full year) Successful completion of Stage 1 Music full year Arts All 2MFC10 1 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: This subject extends student musicianship and technical proficiency on either a chosen instrument or voice Students also develop skills in solo performance, engaging an audience, and preparing and presenting a repertoire SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to: Perform as an instrumental or vocal soloist or as a vocalist and instrumentalist Students will be required to perform 3 times throughout the year Students must perform 18 minutes of Year 12 standard music to an audience Assessment: School-based Assessment Weighting First Performance 30% Second Performance 40% External Assessment Final Performance 30% Leads To – TAFE music courses OR some music courses at University PLEASE NOTE: If students are wishing to study at University they must choose another music course to make up 20 credits. BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE and TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT : CAD (Computer Aided Design and Drafting) LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Successful completion of Stage 1 CAD Business Enterprise & Technology Engineering, Design and Construction 2CCA20 FOCUS OF STUDY: Through the study of Design and Technology students develop the ability to identify, create, initiate and develop products, processes or systems. STAGE 2 SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students develop skills in the use of CAD software. Develop skills in producing appropriate rendered images of designed products. Students learn to use tools, materials and systems safely and competently to complete a product. Analyse products and processes involving real world design problems. Students explore technologies in both contemporary and historical settings, and analyse the impacts of technology, including social environmental and sustainable contexts. Prototyping of designed products will utilise 3D printing technology. Completed work will be presented in digital format for marking. In Communication Products – CAD students will use software and appropriate hardware to produce designed outcomes. Students will have the opportunity to research, design and produce prototypes using additive manufacturing technology. Students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills associated with using CAD software to communicate design thinking in both 2D and 3D formats. Assessment: School-based Assessment Weighting Skills exercises, and Materials application task Product- Major and Minor External Assessment 20% 50% Folio - externally marked 30% Leads To: TAFE and university courses in Industrial Design and 3D Graphics/Employment in Design and Drafting Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 40 BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE and TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT : Photography LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Nil - however experience with Photography at Stage 1 would be an advantage Business, Enterprise and Technology Multi Media COMMUNICATION PRODUCTS / 2 CCA 20 FOCUS OF STUDY: Through the study of Design & Technology students develop the ability to identify, create, initiate and develop products, processes or systems Students learn to use tools, materials and systems safely and competently to complete a product They explore technologies in both contemporary and historical settings, and analyse the impacts of technology, including social, environmental, and sustainable consequences In Communication Products – Photography students use symbols, signs, behaviour, speech, images, sound, or other data to design and make products that communicate information Students demonstrate knowledge and skills associated with using manipulation of communication media, both manual and digital Assessment: School-based Assessment SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Developing skills in the use of the Digital SLR Camera including depth of field and motion photography. Developing skills in digital imaging. Developing skills in composing photographs. Analysing products and processes involving real world design problems. Designing, making and evaluating a product such as an illustrated calendar Weighting Skills and Applications Tasks 20% Product 50% External Assessment Folio 30% Leads To: Some tertiary entrances in Art, Graphic Arts and tafeSA courses in Photography BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE and TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT : Wood & Wood Products (Furniture Construction) LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Nil - however experience with Furniture Construction at Stage 1 would be an advantage Business, Enterprise and Technology Construction / Manufacturing MATERIAL PRODUCTS / 2 MMA 20 FOCUS OF STUDY: Through the study of Design & Technology students develop the ability to identify, create, initiate and develop products, processes or systems Students learn to use tools, materials and systems safely and competently to complete a product They explore technologies in both contemporary and historical settings, and analyse the impacts of technology, including social, environmental, and sustainable consequences In Material Products – Wood & Wood Products students use a range of manufacturing technologies such as tools, machines, equipment, and/or systems to make useful products Students demonstrate knowledge and skills associated with using systems, and processes with wood and wood composites Assessment: School-based Assessment SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Developing skills in using both hand and power tools to manipulate manufactured boards. Analysing products and processes involving real world design problems. Designing, making and evaluating an item of furniture Applying appropriate hardware and timber finish to the completed article. Skills and Applications Tasks Product Weighting 20% 50% External Assessment Folio 30% Leads To: tafeSA courses in areas such as Furniture, Building and Construction trades. Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 41 BUSINESS, ENTERPRISE and TECHNOLOGY SUBJECT : Workplace Practices LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Nil Business, Enterprise & Technology All 2WPC20 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Develop knowledge, skills and understanding of the nature, type and structure of the workplace Learn about the changing nature of work, industrial relations, legislation, safe and sustainable workplace practices, and issues in an industry and workplace context Students can undertake learning in the workplace and develop and reflect on their capabilities, interests and aspirations The subject will include the undertaking of vocational education and training (VET) The focus capabilities for this subject are personal development, work and learning SUBJECT OVERVIEW: There are three focus areas of study for this subject: Industry and Work Knowledge – you can select topics about your career or industry from: Work in Australian Society, The changing Nature of Work, Industrial Relations, Finding Employment Vocational Learning (Work Placement) Vocational Education and Training (VET) – if already enrolled Ideal for students who have or are looking for a traineeship, school-based apprenticeship, part-time job or VET courses. Assessment: School-based Assessment Weighting Folio 25% Performance 25% Reflection 20% External Assessment Investigation 30% Leads To: A wide range of tafeSA and University courses in Sports, Hospitality, Retail, Business, Financial Management, Office Administration CROSS DISCIPLINARY SUBJECT : Community Studies LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Nil Cross-disciplinary All (except University) See below FOCUS OF STUDY: SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will Develop a work contract Compile and maintain a folio of their work Complete a community presentation Reflect on their learning Students prepare a contract of work to develop a community activity from any of the ten areas of study: Arts & the Community Communication & the Community Foods & the Community Health, Recreation & the Community Science, Technology & the Community Work & the Community Assessment: School-based Assessment Contract of Work Folio Presentation External Assessment Reflection Weighting 70% 30% Leads To: Traineeships/Employment. Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 42 CROSS-DISCIPLINARY SUBJECT : Research Project LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 10 Credits (1 Semester) Nil Cross Disciplinary Supports all pathways 2RPA 2RPB FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Work independently Analyse information and explore ideas Develop and apply specific knowledge and skills Communicate and evaluate their Research Project SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to: Choose a topic of interest Learn and apply research processes and knowledge around their topic Record their research and evaluate what they have learnt Assessment: School-based Assessment Folio Research Outcome Weighting 30% 40% External Assessment Review (A) Evaluation (B) 30% Students can select Research Project A or B Research Project A (RPA) Folio - 10 pages of evidence or multi-model equivalent - 30% Outcome - Choice of written 1500 words/oral and/or multi-model 10 minutes – 40% Review - 150 – 200 word written summary Choice of written 1500 words/oral and/or multi-model 10 minutes– 30% Does not contribute to ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) Research Project B (RPB) Folio - 10 pages of evidence or multimodal equivalent –30% Outcome - 2000 word (maximum) or 12 minutes – 40% Evaluation – 150 – 200 word written summary Written 1500 words – 30% Does contribute to the ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) This is a compulsory unit. A “C” grade is required. Leads To: University and SACE completion ENGLISH SUBJECT : English Communications LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Stage 1 English English All 2ECS20 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Study audience, purpose and context in communication Identify language structures in texts Clarify ideas and values Analyse and compose a texts Demonstrate critical awareness SUBJECT OVERVIEW: 3 text analyses - responses to films, poetry, plays and novels 3 text production studies Communications unit - 1 comparative study & 1 practical application Independent folio (text production and communication study) Assessment Students will complete 10 assignments. Weightings for each assignment vary. Some assessment tasks are compulsory oral presentations. School Based Assessment Weighting Text Analysis 20% Text Production 20% Communication Study 30% External Assessment Weighting Folio 30% Leads To: University. Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 43 ENGLISH SUBJECT : English Pathways LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Stage 1 English OR English Pathways English All 2EPW20 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Identify language structures in texts Clarify ideas and values Analyse and compose texts Demonstrate critical awareness SUBJECT OVERVIEW: 3 text analysis - responses to texts suitable for the field of study 4 text production studies 1 Language study (externally moderated) Assessment Students will complete 8 assignments. Weightings for each assignment vary. School Based Assessment Weighting Text Analysis 30% Text Production 40% External Assessment Weighting Language Study 30% Leads To: University, TAFE and employment ENGLISH SUBJECT : English as a Second Language LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Nil English All 2EGA20 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Read/view and respond to a variety of texts Demonstrate clear and accurate language skills when reading, viewing, listening, speaking and writing Locate, record, analyse and synthesise information Conduct surveys and interviews SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete: 2 Communication studies – 1 written, 1 oral 2 Text Production studies – 1 written, 1 oral 2 Language applications 1 Investigative study Assessment: School-based Assessment Weighting Communication Study 20% Text Production 30% Language Application 20% External Assessment Investigation 30% There are 7 assessment tasks in the course, some of which are oral assessments. Leads To: University Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 44 ENGLISH SUBJECT : English as a Second Language Studies LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Nil English All 2ELG20 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed so that students: Examine and analyse texts and contexts for social and academic purposes Become critically aware of the language choices they make in the contexts in which they operate Solve problems by using contextual clues to predict and confirm the meaning of a text SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete: Interactive discussion with teacher Written response to Issue Essay Creative writing Investigation report and tutorial Examination Assessment: School-based Assessment Weighting Issue Analysis 20% Text Production 20% Investigation 30% External Assessment Examination 30% Leads To: University HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUBJECT : Food and Hospitality LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Stage 1 Food & Hospitality (strongly recommended) Health & Physical Education University FOOD AND HOSPITALITY STUDIES / 2FOH20 FOCUS OF STUDY: Methods of food selection, preparation and presentation. Investigate the food and hospitality industry Safe handling & storage of foods WH&S in hospitality industry Cultural influences & food trends Healthy eating practices Catering for small and large groups Effective team skills Students will also develop practical and organisational skills and research skills Assessment: School-based Assessment SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students work individually and in groups to plan, organise and implement a range of practical activities Students identify a relevant contemporary issue related to a selected area of study and state this issue as a research question or hypothesis Weighting Practical Assessment 50% Group Activity 20% External Assessment Investigation 30% Leads To: TAFE Hospitality Courses, University Entry Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 45 HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUBJECT : Community Studies Food and the Community LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Nil Health & Physical Education All FOOD AND THE COMMUNITY FOCUS OF STUDY: Students will: Develop a work contract Compile and maintain a folio of their work Complete a community presentation Reflect on their learning SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Six practical activities Complete a major work project of their own choice (eg. a cookbook or catering function) Reflect & evaluate on their learning experiences Assessment: School-based Assessment Weighting Contract of Work 20%* Folio 20%* Presentation 30%* External Assessment Reflection 30% * Subject to change Leads To: Traineeships/employment HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUBJECT : Physical Education LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Stage 1 Physical Education (strongly recommended) Health & Physical Education All PHYSICAL EDUCATION / 2PHE20 FOCUS OF STUDY: By the end of the Stage 2 PE program, students should be able to: Achieve a level of proficiency in physical activity specific to designated performance related criteria Critically analyse, understand and evaluate the personal and community implications of physical activity Apply and reflect on principles and issues related to physical performance and activity Demonstrate initiative, self reliance and effective interpersonal skills SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Assessment Component 1: Practical work 50%: 2 SSABSA developed practicals and 1 School developed practical. To be chosen from a range of sports and activities Assessment Component 2: Course work 20%: Modules from Exercise Physiology and The Acquisition of Skills and the Biomechanics of Movement. Issues Analysis: Investigation of a topic chosen by teacher or student. Topics focus on issues related to physical activity, and its affect on society. Assessment Component 4: Examination 30%: 2 hour external examination will cover the content of “Exercise Physiology and Physical Activity”, and “The Acquisition of Skills and the Biomechanics of Movement”. Exam will be set and marked by the SACE Board of SA Assessment: Assessment Component 1: Practical work 50% Assessment Component 2: Course work & Issues Analysis 20% Assessment Component 4: Examination 30% Leads To: TAFE Courses, University Courses. Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 46 HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUBJECT : Community Studies Physical Education LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Successful completion of Year 10 PE Health & Physical Education All Health & Recreation in the Community FOCUS OF STUDY: Students will: Develop a work contract Compile and maintain a folio of their work Complete a community presentation Reflect on their learning SUBJECT OVERVIEW: Students will be required to complete: Three sports practicals Complete a major work project of their choice (e.g. Cheltenham Exchange involvement) Reflect & evaluate on their learning experiences Assessment: School-based Assessment Weighting Contract of Work 20%* Folio 20%* Presentation 30%* External Assessment Reflection 30% * Subject to change Leads To: Traineeships / Employment HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUBJECT : VET: Sport & Recreation (Integrated Learning) LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 (VET) 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Stage 1 VET; Sport & Recreation (recommended) Health & Physical Education All Integrated Learning FOCUS OF STUDY: Students will: Work collaboratively and use decision making skills Demonstrate initiative, self reliance and effective interpersonal skills Develop and implement skills in sports coaching Reflect on their own performance UNITS OF COMPETENCY: BSBCRT301A Develop and extend critical and creative thinking skills SISXCAI303A Plan and conduct sport and recreation sessions SISXRK301A Undertake risk analysis of activities SISSSCO202 Coach beginner or novice participant to develop fundamental motor skills SISSSCO101 Develop and update knowledge of coaching practices SISSCGP304A Coach junior players Assessment: School-based Assessment - Practical Work Sports medicine Individual coaching task Open night presentation School-based Assessment - Group Activity Primary School coaching School-based Assessment - Folio & Discussion Students will develop a portfolio of their work reflecting on their learning and class work External Assessment - Major Project Practical coaching/management/event organisation task Weighting 30% Weighting 20% Weighting 20% Weighting 30% Leads To: TAFE Courses, University Courses Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 47 LANGUAGES SUBJECT : Auslan STAGE 2 LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Stage 1 Auslan (at least one semester) Languages All 2AUC20 FOCUS OF STUDY: This subject is designed to develop students’: Ability to exchange information, opinions, and experiences in Auslan Ability to express ideas through the production of original signed texts in Auslan Ability to analyse, process and respond to signed texts that are in Auslan Ability to understand in-depth selected aspects of the language and culture of Deaf communities in Australia. SUBJECT OVERVIEW: There are three prescribed themes: The Individual The Deaf and Hearing Communities The Changing World Assessment School-based Assessment Folio – with 3 – 5 pieces of work one from each: Formal signed Informal signed Text analysis Weighting 50% In depth study 20% External Assessment Oral conversation with moderator Signed exam – 2 hours 30% Leads To: TAFE Certificate in Auslan. Employment prospects, Interpreting, Teacher of the Deaf. Contributes to Tertiary Entrance Ranking (TER) score. MATHEMATICS SUBJECT : Mathematical Studies LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 credits (2 Semesters) Completion of Stage 1 Maths at an appropriate level of study (refer to flow chart) Mathematics All 2MDS20 FOCUS OF STUDY This subject is designed so that students: Understand fundamental mathematical concepts, demonstrate mathematical skills, and apply routine mathematical procedures Use mathematics as a tool to analyse data and other information elicited from the study of situations taken from social, scientific, economic, or historical contexts Think mathematically by posing questions, making and testing conjectures, and looking for reasons that explain the results Make informed and critical use of electronic technology to provide numerical results and graphical representations Communicate mathematically and present mathematical information in a variety of ways Work both individually and cooperatively in planning, organising, and carrying out mathematical activities SUBJECT OVERVIEW Students will be required to complete tasks from the following topics: Topic 1: Working with Statistics Topic 2: Working with Functions and Graphs Using Calculus Topic 3: Working with Linear Equations and Matrices Assessment: School-based Assessment Weighting Assessment Type 1: Skills and Applications Tasks 45% Assessment Type 2: Folio 25% External Assessment Assessment Type 3: Examination 30% Leads to: A wide range of TAFE and University Courses The use of Graphic Calculators are a major part of this course. Loan Graphic Calculators can be borrowed from the Resource Centre for a reimbursable $20. Students are encouraged to purchase their own Graphic Calculator. We recommend Texas Instruments TI-84. Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 48 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT : Specialist Mathematics LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 credits (2 Semesters) Completion of Stage 1 Maths at an appropriate level of study (refer to flow chart) Mathematics All 2MSC20 FOCUS OF STUDY This subject is designed so that students: Understand fundamental mathematical concepts, demonstrate mathematical skills, and apply mathematical procedures in routine and non-routine contexts Practise mathematics by analysing data and any other relevant information elicited from the study of situations taken from social, scientific, economic, or historical contexts Think mathematically through inquiry, evaluation, and proof Make informed and critical use of electronic technology to provide numerical results and graphical representations, and to refine and extend mathematical knowledge Communicate mathematically, and present mathematical information in a variety of ways Work both individually and cooperatively in planning, organising, and carrying out mathematical activities. SUBJECT OVERVIEW Students will be required to complete tasks within the following topics: Topic 1: Trigonometric Preliminaries Topic 2: Polynomials and Complex Numbers Topic 3: Vectors and Geometry Topic 4: Calculus Topic 5: Differential Equations Assessment: School-based Assessment Weighting Assessment Type 1: Skills and Applications Tasks 45% Assessment Type 2: Folio 25% External Assessment Assessment Type 3: Examination 30% * Students who wish to study Stage 2 Specialist Maths will need to study Mathematics C concurrently with Mathematics B at Stage 1 in Semester 2 Leads to: A wide range of TAFE and University Courses ****This subject is taught off campus @ UniSA**** MATHEMATICS SUBJECT: Mathematical Applications LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 credits (2 Semesters) Completion of Stage 1 Mathematics or Mathematical Applications (refer to flow chart) All All 2MCN20 FOCUS OF STUDY This subject is designed so that students: Understand mathematical concepts and relationships Identify, collect, and organise mathematical information relevant to investigating and solving problems taken from social, scientific, economic or historical contexts Recognise and apply mathematical information needed when analysing and solving a problem in context Make informed use of electronic technology to provide numeric results and graphical representations Interpret results, draw conclusion, and reflect on the reasonableness of these in the context of a problem Communicate mathematical reasoning and ideas using appropriate language and representations Work independently and cooperatively in planning, organising, and carrying out mathematical activities SUBJECT OVERVIEW Students will be required to complete tasks within four of the following topics, to be negotiated: Topic 1: Applied Geometry Topic 2: Investment and Loans Topic 3: Mathematics and Small Business Topic 4: Matrices Topic 5: Optimisation Topic 6: Share Investments Topic 7: Statistics and Working with Data Assessment: School-based Assessment Investigations Folio Weighting 40% Skills and Applications Tasks External Assessment 30% Examination 30% Leads to: A wide range of TAFE and University Courses Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 49 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT : Vocational Mathematics (Integrated Learning) LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: STAGE 2 20 credits (2 Semesters) Completion of Stage 1 Mathematical Pathways Mathematics All 2MPW20 Vocational Mathematics is offered under the umbrella of Community Studies: Work and the Community FOCUS OF STUDY SUBJECT OVERVIEW This subject is designed so that students: Students will cover the following topics: Develop and apply knowledge, concepts and skills to achieve a Earning purpose Spending Investigate and analyse concepts, ideas and skills from different Saving perspectives, using a variety of sources Investing Work collaboratively with others A topic of choice which relates to the mathematical skills required Demonstrate self-awareness in reflecting on, and evaluating, in their career learning Communicate ideas and informed opinions Develop and understand connections between the program focus and the capability in a chosen key area of study Assessment: School-based Assessment Practical Weighting 30% Group Activity 20% Folio and Discussion 20% External Assessment (Assessment Type 4) Project 30% Leads to: A variety of tertiary courses or employment SCIENCES SUBJECT : Biology STAGE 2 LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Sound pass in Stage 1 Biology A or Stage 1 Nutrition A (recommended) Science University but compliments Hospitality 2BIG20 FOCUS OF STUDY This subject is designed so that students: Undertake practical activities and design investigations Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of biological concepts Use knowledge of nutrition to make informed personal, social and environmental decisions Communicate ideas and reasoning and reasoning using biological terms SUBJECT OVERVIEW Students will be required to complete tasks within the following themes: Macromolecules Cells Organisms Ecosystems Assessment: School-based Assessment Weighting Investigations Folio 40% Skills and Applications Tasks 30% External Assessment Examination 30% Leads to: A wide range of TAFE and University Courses Students are required to purchase the subject revision guide from the school for the subsidised price of $25 Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 50 SCIENCES SUBJECT: Nutrition STAGE 2 LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAY: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: 20 credits (2 Semesters) Successful completion of Stage 1 Biology or Stage 1 Nutrition recommended Sciences University but compliments Hospitality 2NUT20 FOCUS OF STUDY This subject is designed so that students: Undertake practical activities and design investigations Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of nutrition concepts Use knowledge of nutrition to make informed personal, social and environmental decisions Communicate ideas and reasoning using nutrition terms SUBJECT OVERVIEW Students will be required to complete tasks from a selection of the following topics: Macronutrients and micronutrients Fresh versus processed foods Australian dietary guidelines and nutrition in the lifecycle The psychology of food marketing Indigenous Australians: food changes from the traditional to the contemporary Contaminated food Safe food handling Organic food versus genetically modified food Sustainable food futures Water School-based Assessment Weighting Practical Investigations 40% Skills and Applications Tasks 30% External Assessment Issues Investigation 30% Leads to: Leads to a wide range of TAFE and University courses Students are required to purchase the subject revision guide from the school for the subsided price of $25 SCIENCES SUBJECT : Physics STAGE 2 LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Sound pass in Stage 1 Physics A and B Sciences University 2PYS20 FOCUS OF STUDY This subject is designed so that students: Identify and formulate questions, hypotheses, concepts, and purposes that guide investigations in physics Design and conduct collaborative and individual investigations in physics Represent, analyse, interpret, and evaluate investigations in physics Select, analyse and critically evaluate the evidence of physics from different sources Communicate knowledge and understanding of the concepts and information of physics using appropriate physics terms and conventions Demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of physics SUBJECT OVERVIEW Students will be required to complete tasks within the following topics: Motion in Two Dimensions Electricity and Magnetism Light and Matter Atoms and Nuclei Assessment: School-based Assessment Weighting Investigations Folio 40% Skills and Applications Tasks 30% External Assessment Examination 30% Leads to:A wide range of TAFE and University Courses Students are required to purchase the subject revision guide from the school for the subsidised price of $25 **This subject may be taught off campus** Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 51 SCIENCES SUBJECT : Chemistry STAGE 2 LENGTH OF COURSE: PRE-REQUISITES: AREA OF STUDY: VOCATIONAL PATHWAYS: SACE BOARD OF SA CODE: 20 Credits (2 Semesters) Sound pass in Stage 1 Chemistry A and B Sciences University 2CME20 FOCUS OF STUDY This subject is designed so that students: Undertake practical activities and design investigations Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of chemical concepts Use knowledge of chemistry to make informed personal, social and environmental decisions Communicate ideas and reasoning and reasoning using chemical terms SUBJECT OVERVIEW Students will be required to complete tasks within the following topics: Elemental and Environmental Chemistry Analytical Techniques Using and Controlling reactions Organic and Biological Chemistry Materials Assessment: School-based Assessment Weighting Investigations Folio 40% Skills and Applications Tasks 30% External Assessment Examination 30% Leads to: A wide range of TAFE and University Courses Students are required to purchase the subject revision guide from the school for the subsidised price of $25 **This subject may be taught off campus** Some subjects may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers 52 SACE/VET Curriculum Choices Some Pathways may not run, viability is dependent upon class numbers VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATES & VET CREDITS Business Certificate II 50 credits Construction Certificate I 40 credits Community Services Certificate II 40 credits Hospitality Certificate II – Restaurant Operations 40 credits Hospitality Certificate II – Kitchen Operations 40 credits Creative Industries (Media) Certificate II 30 credits Engineering Certificate I 40 credits University 20 credits Sport & Recreation Certificate II 40 credits Sport & Recreation Certificate II and part Certificate III – Stage 2 20 credits Laboratory Skills Certificate III (partial) (over 3 semesters) 30 credits Respect Trust Teamwork 53 Stage 1 Stage 2 Arts Arts Creative Arts Visual Arts (Art A & B) Music (1 & 2) Visual Arts (Art) Music - Ensemble Performance - Individual Study - Solo Performance Business, Enterprise & Technology Business, Enterprise & Technology CAD/CAM Furniture Construction – wood Material Products (Textiles) Welding & Fabrication – metal Photography Personal Publishing Design & Technology - Furniture Construction - Photography Workplace Practices Computer Aided Design & Drafting Cross-disciplinary Studies Cross-disciplinary Studies Community Studies Individual Research Project Community Studies Research Project English English English English Pathways Literacy for Work and Community Life English as a Second Language English Communications English Pathways English as a Second Language English as a Second Language Studies Health & Physical Education Health & Physical Education Child Studies Food & Entertaining (A & B) Physical Education (PE A & B) Food & Hospitality Community Studies Food and the Community Physical Education Sport & Recreation (Integrated Learning) Community Studies Physical Education Humanities and Social Sciences Humanities & Social Sciences Geography History N/A for 2015 selection Languages Languages Auslan Auslan Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics (A & B) (C if needed) Mathematical Applications (A & B) Mathematics Pathway (A & B) Numeracy for Work & Community Life Specialist Mathematics Mathematical Studies Mathematical Applications Vocational Maths (Integrated Learning) Sciences Sciences Biology (A) Chemistry (A & B) Nutrition (A) Physics (A & B) Laboratory Skills (Semester A, B & C) see page 17 Biology Chemistry Nutrition Physics 54 NOTES 55