Axonal regeneration in zebrafish Becker

Axonal regeneration in zebrafish
Thomas Becker, Catherina G. Becker
Centre for Neuroregeneration, School of Biomedical Sciences, The Chancellor’s
Building, 49 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4SB, UK
For correspondence:,
In contrast to mammals, fish and amphibia functionally regenerate axons
in the central nervous system (CNS). The strengths of the zebrafish model, i.e.
transgenics and mutant availability, ease of gene expression analysis and
manipulation and optical transparency of larvae lend themselves to the analysis
of successful axonal regeneration. Analyses in larval and adult zebrafish suggest
a high intrinsic capacity for axon regrowth, yet signalling pathways employed in
axonal growth and pathfinding are similar to those in mammals. However, the
lesioned CNS environment in zebrafish shows remarkably little scarring or
expression of inhibitory molecules and regenerating axons use molecular cues in
the environment to successfully navigate to their targets. Future zebrafish
research, including screening techniques, will complete our picture of the
mechanisms behind successful CNS axon regeneration in this vertebrate model
The high capacity of fish and amphibians to regenerate organs,
appendages and CNS structures has long been recognized [1]. However, it is still
unresolved why amniotes, and in particular mammals, have lost the capacity for
CNS regeneration during evolution. There is hope that mechanisms of successful
regeneration can be gleaned from studying regenerating model vertebrates, such
as zebrafish, and translating knowledge to analyse non-regenerating species. The
zebrafish combines experimental and genetic accessibility with an enormous
regenerative capacity and is, therefore, advancing to be a widely used vertebrate
model of successful CNS regeneration. In the zebrafish CNS, entire neuronal
populations regenerate from progenitor cells, which has recently been expertly
reviewed elsewhere [2,3]. Here we focus on the events related to injury of axons
in the CNS and regrowth from those neurons that have been axotomized.
Extent of axon regrowth
In mammals, axon regrowth in the CNS is extremely limited and some
types of axotomized neurons, such as retinal ganglion cells, even perish [4]. In
contrast, anamniotes, including zebrafish, have an astonishing capacity to
successfully regrow long-range projection axons over distances that are much
greater than when these axons first made connections during development. For
example, after a crush or complete transection lesion of the optic nerve, retinal
ganglion cells (RGCs) survive [5,6] and their axons regrow to faithfully and
topographically re-innervate nine termination fields in the adult brain [7].
Regenerating RGC axons reach the tecum opticum, the largest termination field,
by 8 days post-lesion (dpl). During the entire regeneration process only a few
projection errors are made. A few axons erroneously grow ipsi-laterally into the
brain, and some optic axons from the dorsal retina grow erroneously through the
dorsal brachium of the optic tract and vice versa [7]. However, these pathfinding
errors do not lead to apparent errors in target innervation, as retinotopy of the
projection is reestablished by 42 dpl in a pattern that is indistinguishable from
unlesioned animals.
After a complete transection of the spinal cord, severed axons of
brainstem neurons with spinal projections cross into the distal part of the spinal
cord by 14 dpl and project at least 3.5 mm beyond the initial transection site by
42 dpl [8,9]. Interestingly, regenerating axons re-route through the central grey
matter, rather than growing through the peripheral white matter, thus
navigating novel pathways [10]. Remarkably, not all severed axons regenerate
equally well. Some brain nuclei with descending axons show poor axon regrowth
[11]. This includes the individually identifiable paired Mauthner neurons, unique
large brainstem neurons in aquatic vertebrates. Moreover, descending
monoaminergic axons manage to cross the lesion site, but penetrate only a few
micrometers into the distal spinal cord [12]. Severed dorsal root axons and
ascending axons of intraspinal neurons also show little detectable regrowth [13].
Thus the regrowth capacity for a number of axon types varies and is well
established in the adult zebrafish, providing a model to study differences in the
regenerative success of CNS axons.
Axon regeneration is functional
Despite minor targeting errors in the regenerated optic projection and
imperfect regeneration of spinal axons, functional recovery is spectacular. After
optic nerve injury the optokinetic and optomotor responses are recovered by 14
and 28-35 dpl, respectively, matching axon regrowth and re-establishment of
retinotopy. More complex visually guided behaviours, such as two fish chasing
each other, take longer to recover (3 months), perhaps related to long-term
synaptic rearrangements [5,14].
After spinal cord transection, fish are completely paralyzed caudal to the
lesion site, but within 42 dpl, most regain swimming activity and the ability to
maintain their position in a water flow, similar to uninjured control animals
[15,16]. Creating a physical barrier to axon regrowth in the spinal cord prevents
recovery [9] and re-transecting the spinal cord abolishes it [12], providing
evidence that regrowth of axons is indispensible for recovery. Hence, functional
recovery after axonal regeneration in the optic projection and spinal cord are
robust and can be assessed by a number of quantitative assays.
Extrinsic determinants of axon regrowth
In mammals, lack of axon regrowth is brought about in part by a hostile
growth environment in which astrocytes and other cells form the glial scar
containing growth-inhibitory extracellular matrix (ECM) components, such as
chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs). In addition, myelin and myelin debris
from degenerating fibers contain growth-inhibitory molecules [17]. After a lesion
of the optic nerve in zebrafish, there is no evidence of a CSPG expressing glial
scar [18]. In the spinal cord, ependymo-radial glial cells, which also have
astroglial functions, even form bridges that re-connect the severed spinal cord. In
transgenic larvae, expressing green fluorescent protein under the glial fibrillary
acidic protein promoter in ependymo-radial glial cells, rejoining of the spinal and
glial bridges can be observed by time-lapse microscopy [8]. These bridges have
been suggested to guide or support axon growth across the lesion site [8].
Ependymal progenitor cells in the mammalian spinal cord, which are similar to
ependymo-radial glial cells in zebrafish, generate scar cells [19]. Remarkably, in
zebrafish, but not in mammals, ependymo-radial cells generate neuronal cell
types after a lesion [20,21], perhaps in lieu of scar cells, which might be one of
the reasons for the absence of a detectable glial scar in zebrafish.
Myelin-associated inhibitory molecules, such as NogoA/RNT4 [22] and
MAG/siglec-4 [23] do exist in the zebrafish CNS. However, at least for zebrafish
NogoA it has been shown that the NogoA-specific N-terminal inhibitory domain
is missing, and the other protein domain that is inhibitory in mammals (Nogo66)
fails to elicit growth cone collapse of regenerating axons in vitro [22]. Moreover,
zebrafish oligodendrocytes, in contrast to mammalian oligodendrocytes,
increase expression of recognition molecules that may promote axon growth,
such as contactins [24,25], P0 [26] and L1-related molecules [27], after a CNS
Receptors for inhibitory molecules, such as Nogo66 and CSPG receptor
NgR [28] and the CSPG receptors RPTP-sigma and LAR [29] are expressed in the
zebrafish CNS and at least for NgR there is evidence for expression on
regenerating axons [22]. However, the exact spatio-temporal regulation of
receptor expression during axon regeneration needs further investigation.
Similar to mammals, there is also a strong activation of
macrophages/microglial cells after an optic nerve or spinal lesion in zebrafish
[10,26,30,31]. Lysophosphatidic acid induced boosting of the immune response
after spinal injury negatively impacted neurite growth in a recent study [30].
However, the exact mechanisms how the immune response influences axonal
regrowth need to be determined. Overall, the cellular and molecular composition
of the adult lesioned CNS in zebrafish presents an environment that is
presumably more conducive to axon regrowth than the CNS environment in
Neuron-intrinsic factors regulating axon regrowth
In general, severed CNS axons in zebrafish have a high capacity for
regrowth. For example, in retinal explant culture, RGC axons grow much more
vigorously than mammalian counterparts and they upregulate a number of well
known regeneration/growth-associated molecules, such as GAP-43 [32], L1related proteins [33] and alpha-1 tubulin [34]. Similar to mammalian neurons
with non-regenerating axons, L1-related proteins and GAP-43 are not
upregulated in those zebrafish brain nuclei that show a low regenerative
capacity [11]. The functional importance of these genes has been demonstrated
in vivo or explant culture by inserting a gelfoam pledget soaked with anti-sense
morpholino oligonucleotide into either spinal or optic nerve lesion site. The
morpholino is retrogradely and selectively transported to the somata of
axotomized neurons where it suppresses expression of target genes for weeks,
long enough to show effects on regeneration [33,34].
While the above-mentioned genes are also expressed during
developmental axon growth, there is evidence that they are differently regulated
during development and adult regeneration. Transgenic reporter lines, using
different fragments of the regulatory sequences of GAP-43 or alpha-1 tubulin to
drive reporter gene expression, have demonstrated the presence of
regeneration-specific mechanisms of gene regulation [32,35]. Indeed, expression
profiling of retinal ganglion cells undergoing axon regrowth revealed that some
genes are uniquely expressed during regeneration, such as the transcription
factor KLF6/7, which in turn regulates expression of alpha-1 tubulin [34,36,37].
The powerful combination of expression profiling with morpholino knock-down
has led to the identification of a number of additional genes that may play
specific roles in regeneration [38 and citations therein].
Interestingly, not all genes that are upregulated in neurons with
regenerating axons promote axon growth. For example, socs3, a strong neuronintrinsic inhibitor of axon regeneration in mammals, is upregulated in retina
ganglion cells after an optic nerve lesion in zebrafish, and attenuates axonal
regeneration [39]. This suggests that the molecular injury response in zebrafish
neurons may be more similar to that in mammals than previously thought.
Studying zebrafish neurons that do not regenerate axons and in which
upregulation of regeneration-associated genes fails, might be particularly
instructive. For example, the Mauthner neuron’s regenerative capacity is limited
already in larvae, which makes it possible to directly observe effects of
manipulations that augment axon regrowth, as in the PNS (see Box 1). Like in
mammalian neurons, increasing the levels of cAMP in the axotomized Mauthner
neuron leads to increased and directional axon regrowth, resulting in recovery of
function [40]. Moreover, the small size of the zebrafish larvae makes it ideally
suited for drug screening efforts and indeed, paradigms are being established for
semi-automated high-throughput laser-sectioning of the Mauthner axon, greatly
facilitating screens that aim to identify factors to promote regeneration [41].
Guidance of regrowing axons
It is perhaps the most astonishing property of adult axon regeneration in
zebrafish that axons reach their targets over long distances to make functional
reconnections. Indeed, it has been noted in mammalian systems that even when
regrowth of CNS axons is experimentally induced, axons frequently fail to
navigate correctly [42,43]. It could be hypothesized that regenerating axons in
the zebrafish CNS simply retrace their former pathways along degenerating
tracts due to physical constraints, similar to the PNS [44]. The observation that
most regenerating axons in the spinal cord re-route to the gray matter during
regeneration and not through the denervated white matter does not support this
idea [10]. Moreover, we tested this hypothesis experimentally in a mutant of the
robo2 recognition molecule. This mutation leads to the random and variable
appearance of ectopic tracts during development [45]. If degenerating tracts
guided optic axons, these should faithfully be re-used by regenerating axons.
This was, however, not the case, refuting the hypothesis that degenerating tracts
present the predominant guidance cue to regenerating axons [46].
What guides regenerating adult axons? CSPGs and other inhibitory
molecules have functions in developmental axon guidance, by repelling axons
from areas that are not to be innervated. Regenerating zebrafish optic axons are
sensitive to axon-repellent/inhibitory guidance molecules. For example, these
axons do not penetrate a substrate boundary of axon-repellent ECM molecules,
such as tenascin-R and CSPGs in vitro [18,47]. Indeed, in vivo, tenascin-R
surrounds the optic projection, consistent with repellent axon guidance.
Tenascin-R and CSPGs are particularly strongly expressed in the posterior
pretectal nucleus, a diencephalic nucleus that is engulfed by optic axons, but does
not receive primary visual input. Enzymatic removal of CSPGs in vivo allows
optic axons to partially invade this nucleus, suggesting that repellent ECM
molecules guide regenerating optic axons around this nucleus [18]. Adult
zebrafish also retain graded expression of axon repellent ephrins in the tectum
[7], which is important for correct retinotopic mapping of optic axons during
development. The presence of guidance cues in the adult optic system in
zebrafish may be related to the continuous addition of retinal ganglion cells in
adults, which need to find their way to the tectum. These cues are available also
to regenerating axons. In adult rats, in which no new axons are added to the optic
projection, ephrin gradients and appropriate receptor gradients in retinal
ganglion cells are down-regulated. However, this is reversed upon a lesion of the
adult optic nerve, indicating that the ephrin guidance system might also be
available in the lesioned CNS of mammals [48].
Successful CNS regeneration is a process for which a number of intrinsic
and extrinsic factors have to interact to allow functional reconnections. Analyses
of axon regrowth in the CNS of zebrafish show high intrinsic axon growth
capacity, minimal scar formation, low expression of growth inhibitors and
guidance of regenerating axons by molecular cues. It is striking that in zebrafish,
environmental and intrinsic factors are so well co-ordinated to allow for axonal
regeneration, whereas in mammals the opposite appears to be the case. However,
intrinsic and extrinsic factors might be functionally connected, such that
changing only a few parameters affects both axons and environment. For
example, stabilizing microtubuli in the lesioned spinal cord of mammals using
Taxol improves both intrinsic axon regrowth and environmental scarring [49].
Given the unique array of genetic, optic and screening tools available in the
zebrafish model, we expect zebrafish to contribute to elucidating the molecular
mechanisms underpinning axon regrowth and navigation leading to functional
reconnections in the vertebrate CNS.
We thank Drs. David Lyons and Dirk Sieger for critical reading.
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) of larvae is highly accessible to study
cell-cell interactions after laser-microsurgical lesions.
Here we review some recent studies on peripheral nerve regeneration in
larval zebrafish, because similar techniques may be used in the CNS. As in
mammals, the PNS of zebrafish shows axonal regrowth, also in translucent larvae.
Lesion studies of the larval posterior lateral line nerve, which grows along the
body to innervate sensory hair cells, indicate that debris clearance by immune
cells, presence of Schwann cells, and target derived factors [50,51] are important
to facilitate and guide successful nerve regeneration. Lesion studies of peripheral
sensory axons in the skin have shown that environmental inhibition of axon
regeneration also takes place in the PNS [52]. Laser-lesions of motor nerves
revealed that macrophages are attracted to injured nerves very early,
independently of Schwann cells and only enter the nerve upon fragmentation of
the axons [53]. Perineurial glia use notch signaling during initial motor nerve
development, but not during nerve regeneration, suggesting that nerve
regeneration is not simply a recapitulation of development [54]. The
combination of laser-lesions and time-lapse observations in the CNS has the
potential to elucidate cell-cell interactions during axon regrowth in vivo in
unprecedented detail.
Fig. 1 Graphical summary of cellular and molecular events after lesions of
the optic nerve (above) and spinal cord (below) in adult zebrafish.
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