B2 Module
Worksheet 7
8 November 2013
A-You will hear a journalist talking on the radio about adults in the 20s and 30s who still live
with their parents. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer (A, B or C)
1-The survey shows that the European country with the lowest number of ‘kidults’ living with
their parents is
B- Sweden
2-ın Southern Europe young adults continue tol ive at home because of
A-low salaries.
B-close family ties
C-a shortage of affordable housing.
3-In the USA people are leaving their home later because
A-they are getting married later.
B-They have to pay off student debts.
C-Their relationship with their parents are good.
4-‘kidults’ living at home say the main advantage is
A-Being able to save money.
B-having someone to do their washing and ironing
C-being free from responsibilities.
5-One disadvantage mentioned by ‘kidults’in the survey is
A-The lack of time spent alone.
B-worrying what people think of them.
C-being treated like a child.
6-Having adult childrenat home can be a problem for parents because it can
A-restrick their freedom
B-be expensive.
C-damage their marriage.
7-The most common conflict between parents and ‘kidults’ is
A-household chores.
C-financial arrangements
B-You will hear five different people talking about something they are going to celebrate.For
questions 1-5, choose from the list (A-F) what each person is going to celebrate. Use the letters
only once. There is one extra letter which you don’t need to use.
Exam results
Promotion at work
An engagement
A new job
A new flat
A new baby
speaker 1……………………
speaker 2:…………………..
speaker 3:…………………..
speaker 4:…………………..
speaker 5:………………….
Read the article.
Tracking Down the Kapunji Monkey
May 11, 2006
1 In January 2006, scientists from the Wildlife Conservation Society were in the forests of
Tanzania searching for a gray, tree-dwelling monkey that had been identified in photographs as a
new species the previous summer.
2 Half a world away, in a laboratory at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Assistant Professor
Link Olson and undergraduate biology major Kyndall Hildebrandt were
looking at DNA test results that pointed to an even more significant finding. The monkey wasn’t
just an example of a new species; it belonged to a new genus. “A new genus in any living
mammal group is notable,” said Olson. “Finding a new genus in the best- studied group of living
mammals is a reminder of how much we have to learn about the planet’s biodiversity.” This was
the first time in eighty-three years that scientists had identified a new genus of living African
monkey. A paper detailing the discovery was to be published in the journal Science on June 2,
3 The monkey was named Rungwecebus kipunji (pronounced rung-way-CEE-bus kip-OON-jee)
for its home on Mt. Rungwe in Tanzania. Scientists first described the kipunji in 2005 and noted
that it differed in appearance and behavior from other known species of monkey. They first
classified it in a genus that includes three other species of monkeys. However, that classification
was based only on field observations and photographs.
4 In August 2005, a farmer found a monkey matching the description of the kipunji dead in a trap
and handed it over to Tim Davenport of the Wildlife Conservation Society in Tanzania and Bill
Stanley of the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. The monkey was sent to the Field
Museum, which then sent muscle samples to Olson for genetic analysis. In the meantime, Stanley
and Yale University’s Eric Sargis began examining the animal’s physical characteristics.
5 Genetic evidence showed that the kipunji is related to baboons. However, both field
observations and analysis of the animal’s physical characteristics revealed multiple differences
between the kipunji and baboons, which led to the creation of the new genus Rungwecebus. The
authors of the paper agree that having a specimen of the animal to study allowed them to
correctly classify it. Scientists who first described kipunji as a new species were unable to
examine a specimen.
6 “A picture may paint a thousand words,” Olson said, “but in the case of the kipunji, those
thousand words didn’t tell the whole story.” Olson said the discovery is an example of what can
be accomplished through international collaboration among scientists.
Choose the best response.
1. Where did scientists discover the kipunji?
A. Tanzania
B. Alaska
C. Chicago
2. What did Professor Link Olson and Kyndall Hildebrandt discover about the kipunji?
A. It lived in trees in Africa.
B. It was part of a new genus.
C. It was like many other monkeys.
3. What was the Rungwecebus kipunji named for?
A. a scientist
B. a mountain
C. a species
4. What did the Field Museum of Natural History send to Olson?
A. photographs of the monkey
B. muscle samples of the monkey
C. DNA test results of the monkey
5. Why did scientists first describe the kipunji as a new species?
A. They used genetic evidence.
B. They confused the kipunji with baboons.
C. They did not have a specimen to examine.
Read the quotation from the article. Does it state a fact or an opinion? Choose A or B.
6. According to the author, “In January 2006, scientists from the Wildlife
Conservation Society were in the forest of Tanzania searching for a gray, treedwelling monkey.”
A. fact
B. opinion
7. “A new genus in any living mammal group is notable,” said Olson.
A. fact
B. opinion
8. The author said, “Scientists first described the kipunji in 2005.”
A. fact
B. opinion
9. Olson said, “Finding a new genus in the best-studied group of living mammals is a
reminder of how much we have to learn about the planet’s biodiversity.”
A. fact
B. opinion
10. “A picture may paint a thousand words,” Olson said, “but those thousand words didn’t tell
the whole story.”
A. fact
B. opinion
Match each sentence with the correct word.
_____ 11. The scientists had to make a _____ decision about
whether it was right to leave the baby lion alone in the
_____ 12. The new law _____ hunters from killing animals in
their natural habitats.
_____ 13. When biologists discover a new animal, it is _____ that
the media will report their discovery.
_____ 14. Destroying large areas of forest can be _____ to the
animals and plants that live there.
_____ 15. The researcher was very happy when she _____ that
she had found a bird that no one had ever seen before.
_____ 16. The article _____ pollution as the reason why so many
fish in the river were dying.
Complete each sentence with the correct word from the word bank:
conversion extinction multiple range restoration restricted
17. The ____________________ of the park into a home for rescued and injured animals
took over a year to complete.
18. The blue whale roams every the major ocean; its ____________________ is one of the
largest in the world.
19. Many scientists work hard to prevent the ____________________ of animals that are at
risk because of a loss of their natural environment.
20. The animal only came out rarely, so the photographer had to make
____________________ trips before finally capturing its picture.
21. In order to protect the monkeys, the government created ____________________ areas
that tourists could no longer visit.
22. Many buildings in the zoo were in need of ____________________ because they were
old and falling apart.
Complete the sentence with the correct form of the word in the box:
inconceivable innovation mandatory sponsor triumph unreliable
8. You can’t trust some information on the Internet because it is ____________________.
9. Our soccer team is looking for a(n) ____________________. We need to buy new
10. You have to come to the meeting tomorrow. Attendance is ____________________.
11. We’ve made a(n) ____________________ to the design and it works much better now.
12. It’s ____________________ that John would forget this meeting—he arranged it.
13. I just got my best grade ever on an English test. What a(n) ____________________!
Match each word with the correct definition.
_____ 14. adopt
_____ 15. alert
_____ 16. biological
_____ 17. face to face
_____ 18. odds
_____ 19. reunion
connected by direct genetic relationship
the chance of something happening
close together and looking at each other
to become the legal parent of a child who is not your own
quick to notice thing; aware
a social event for people who haven’t seen each other for a
long time
Match each word(s) with the correct definition.
G. a move forward
_____ 8. advancement
H. not changing your friendship or beliefs
_____ 9. career path
I. not likely to move, change, or end
_____ 10. loyal
J. the progression someone makes through his or her
_____ 11. model
_____ 12. stable
K. a simple description of a system
_____ 13. structure
L. the way the parts of something are put together or
Complete the sentence. Choose A, B, or C.
14. At college, students __________ many new challenges.
A. dare
B. figure
C. face
15. I don’t understand the __________ of going away to college. I think I can learn as much
doing something else.
A. point
B. behavior
C. structure
16. The climb to the top of the mountain was very __________. You had to be in good
A. particular
B. rigorous
C. current
17. One job applicant really __________. I think she’s better than the others.
A. stands out
B. commutes
C. devotes
18. I don’t understand some of the __________ in my biology class. The ideas are confusing.
A. peers
B. debates
C. concepts
19. Mark’s __________ is not helpful. He acts like everyone else is not intelligent.
A. log
B. attitude
C. consumer
A-Circle the verb to complete the sentence correctly
1-A friend asked me (to recommend / recommending) a good lawyer.
2-I was advised ( to exercise /exercising ) for an hour everyday by my doctor.
3-Don’t delay ( to make /making ) necessary arrangements for your summer vacation.
4-I don’t mind ( to eat /eating ) out every evening.
5-I certainly appreciate ( to be / being ) with you in this exhibition.
B-Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitives
1-Don’t hive her any more advice. She’s grown up. Stop (tell) ………………… her what to do.
2-I met my old friend from the college the other day in the market. We stopped (talk)
………………… for a while.
3-I regret (buy) …………………………. this used car. It needs a lot of repair.
4-The letter says, ‘We regret (tell)………………………. you that your application has been
C-Select the response that best completes the sentence.
1.Last week, our cat gave birth to a litter of kittens, but we didn't know where ________.
a. is our cat
c. our cat is
b. our cat was
d. was our cat
2.Now, our cat is home again, and we can't believe how many ________.
a. kittens does she have
b. kittens has she
c. she has kittens
d. kittens she has
3.Can you imagine ________ ?
a. how cute they are
b. how cute are they
c. how they are cute
d. are they cute
4.The kittens are so noisy that I can hardly hear what ________.
a. are saying you
b. that you are saying
c. are saying you
d. you are saying
5.My husband said _________ try to keep them all.
a. don't we
b. that shouldn't
c. that we shouldn't
d. that we don't
6.The cat belongs to my daughter, so my husband insisted that ________ them for adoption.
(give them away)
a. she offer
b. she offers
c. she will offer
d. she must offer
7.He told us ________ sad, and that it would be better for everyone.
a. don't be
b. doesn't be
c. not be
d. not to be
8.She needed to find new homes for them, but she didn't know whom ________ .
a. should she ask
b. she should ask
c. she ask
d. she asks
9.She decided _____________ post some notices around the neighborhood.
a. that she
b. what she
c. what she would
d. that she would
10.Neighbors dropped by just to take a look. Everyone picked out ____________ .
a. which one he's like
b. which one he likes
c. which one he liked
d. which one they liked
D. Rewrite sentences in the CAUSATIVE form.
1. Therewas a bank robbery at the bank this morning.
The robbers /make/the staff/lie/ floor
2. It was the first time she asked her mother to comb her hair.
She/ never/have/hair/comb/ before
3. Sam’sparents always tell him to clean his boots.
4. The cruel teachers don’t allow the students to leave the class earlier.
The cruel teachers/not let/ the students/ leave earlier.
E. Transform the sentences into the PASSIVE VOICE using the tenses in the brackets:
1. The police (interview) eye witnesses for more than three hours. (PastContinuous)
2. National Committee (nominate) theChief Justice for the annual award. (Present Perfect)
3. No one (speak) about the last night's incident. (Present Continuous)
4. The appraiser (estimate) the value of the stolen painting at threemillion $. (Past Perfect)
5. The truckers’ union (organize) a protest convoy last Monday. (Simple Past)
F. Choose the correct alternatives below. Sometimes both are correct.
1. So you think he’s at home? Well, you can/could be right.
2. School food can/could be pretty awful!
3. After a year in the airforce, I could/was able to fly quite well.
4. I’m sorry. We couldn’t/weren’t able to find it afterall.
5. Can/May I borrow your pen?
6. You must/have to be kidding!
7. I must/have to tell you some bad news, I’m afraid.
8. She said she must/had to contact HQ before it was too late.
9. You needn’t go/don’t need to go if you don’t want to.
10. Used you to / Did you use to smoke when you were young?
Gerund and Preposition Use:
G. Complete the sentences by using a preposition and the words in parentheses.
1. Jack decided on chicken instead (order/steak).
Jack decided on chicken instead of ordering steak.
2. I'm interested (watch/film) byAlfred Hitchcock.
3. He apologized (be/late).
4. I certainly can't blame you (not/want) to come.
5. She's thinking (study/England).
6. We are really very excited (hike/Andes) this coming summer.
7. Katherine isn't really used (walk/work).
8. We thanked them (drive/us/home) after the football game.
9. Could you please tell me who is responsible (accept/applications)?
10. I'm sure she has a good reason (not/be/here).
H. Make one sentence which contains a defining relative clauses from the two sentences you
are given.Use the correct relative pronouns. You can omit the relative pronoun if it is
1. The book was good. I read it.
The book that / which / 0 I read was good
2. I liked the essay. You wrote it.
3. The people were very nice. We visited them yesterday.
4. We are studying sentences. They contain relative clauses.
5. The student is from Ajman. He sits next to me.