ambassador application - University of Massachusetts Boston

Thank you for your interest in the College of Management’s Ambassador Program.
All applications are due back to the College of Management Undergraduate Program Office.
Must be in good standing with the University
Minimum GPA of 2.75
Must have completed at least one semester in the College of Management by the training date.
Must be a current CM student
Must have a flexible schedule with the ability to attend multiple events per semester
Must be able to attend COMETT Orientation August 28th 2013, University Open House October
19th, 2013, Welcome Day in April 12th, 2014, and multiple MAP events throughout the year
Must be able to attend monthly meetings on the first Monday of each month (Excluding Labor
Day) to schedule coverage of MAP events
Must want to make a difference and have fun!
Email Address:
Best way and time to reach you:
Semester started in CM:
Anticipated Graduation Date:
CM Major:
Current Cumulative Credits:
Current Cumulative GPA:
How did you start in CM: Inter college transfer student *
Transfer from an external college*
Straight from high school
Gender (optional):
Ethnic background
African American
Please see the reverse side
* please indicate where you
transferred from:
Native American
Other: ________________
I would describe myself as (please check all that apply)
Please list other involvements or responsibilities you have on or off campus and hours per week:
Please attach a separate piece of paper, answering each of these questions.
1. What would have helped you as an incoming student into the College of Management?
2. Please describe a positive experience you have had in the College of Management.
3. Describe yourself in 100 to 200 words as you would introduce yourself to new students.
4. If one of your peers asked you to do something unethical, what would you do?
Please attach a current résumé to your application.
Please provide two references:
Professional Reference
Name: ____________________________
Phone: ________________
Academic Reference
Name: ____________________________
Phone: ________________
By signing below, you acknowledge that you can attend all dates mentioned above, and that all data in
this application is accurate to the best of your knowledge.
Name: _____________________________ Date:__________________
Return application to:
College of Management
Undergraduate Program Office (M-5-610)
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125-3393
Date Due: August 1, 2013
Attn: David Earnhardt
Fax: (617) 287-7725
Phone: (617) 287-7760
College of Management Ambassador Position Description
The College of Management Ambassador team is an evolving position within the College. Ambassadors
represent the College at events, interact with potential students and parents, and attend/work MAP events.
Student ambassadors are encouraged to be outgoing and friendly, and understand that they are a
representative of the college at all times. This position is well suited for students who envision their
future as a leader in any of the disciplines within the College.
 One academic year commitment to the position (August-August)
 Serve as a resource to incoming and current CM students
 Assist new students in navigating the University system(s)
 Attend and take attendance for MAP events based on availability (scheduled monthly)
 Attend all mandatory trainings and meetings
 Be appropriately dressed to represent the College at all events
 Be an active and positive team member
 Communicate with the CM staff any student concerns you encounter
Additional information:
 CM Ambassadors will attend a day long training to get familiar with all systems and functions.
The date of this training is Monday August 26th, from 12pm until 6pm. This event is mandatory
and should be considered prior to accepting the ambassador position.
 CM Ambassadors will be expected to complete an interview in addition to this application. This
can be in person or via Skype, and will occur during the weeks of August 4th and 11th. Please be
prepared to interview during those weeks.
 Must be in good standing with the University
 Minimum GPA of 2.75
 Must have completed at least one semester in the College of Management by the training date.
 Must be a current CM student
 Must have a flexible schedule with the ability to attend multiple events per semester
 Must be able to attend COMETT Orientation August 28th 2013, University Open House October
19th, 2013, Welcome Day in April 12th, 2014, and multiple MAP events throughout the year
 Must be able to attend monthly meetings on the first Monday of each month (Excluding Labor
Day) to schedule coverage of MAP events
 Must want to make a difference and have fun!
Contact information:
David Earnhardt
Academic Advisor