WHAT’S “SUPER” ABOUT THE “QUIZ”!? The Super Quiz is an oral relay that includes questions (in multiple-choice format) from six different subject areas: art, economics, language and literature, music, science, and social science. It’s Public! This is the only event that parents, peers, and other fans can watch. It’s the end of a very long competition! Objective tests, Essays, Interviews and Speeches are complete! WHAT’S MY JOB AS A PROCTOR? 1. Make sure the Scantron ID number matches the ID number on the decathlete’s name badge. 2. Help decathletes feel comfortable and monitor irregularities during competition. 3. Score decathlete Scantron sheets. SUPER QUIZ RELAY SCHEDULE 3:45 PM Super Quiz Relay Begins with the Parade of Decathletes 4:45 PM Super Quiz Ends SUPER QUIZ RELAY PROCTOR KIT 12 Official Scantron answer sheets with Decathlete ID numbers printed on them. 1 Diagram of Arena and list of County/School numbers 1 Zip Lock Bag containing the following: marking pen for scoring on Scantron Sheets OVERVIEW – ROUNDS OF COMPETITION 1. There will be three rounds of competition. 2. Decathletes from three academic categories will compete. Varsity Decathletes will compete first; followed by Scholastic Decathletes, and finally the Honor Decathletes. 3. Each team will have, up to, three (3) Decathletes represented in each of the three categories. Some teams will be competing with less than a full team; therefore, chairs will be vacant during a given round of questions. 4. As each group takes their place on the floor, Decathletes will sit single file when competing and individually answer the same 12 questions for that round. Each round will have a different set of 12 questions. Round 1: Varsity Decathletes of each team (#07, 08, 09 ~ last two digits of ID Number.). Round 2: Scholastic Decathletes of each team (#04, 05, 06 ~ last two digits of ID Number.). Round 3: Honor Decathletes of each team (#01, 02, 03 ~ last two digits of ID Number.) PROCEDURES FOR EACH ROUND When emcee indicates, distribute a Scantron sheet to the students. Have each Decathlete verify his/her name and ID number are correctly written on the Scantron. Decathletes will be wearing ID Badges with their names and ID numbers printed on them for verification. Instruct Decathletes to mark answers in spaces 1 – 12 on their Scantron answer sheets. [NEW] Marks can be made Scantron once the Quiz Master begins reading the question. Decathletes will have an additional ten seconds after the last possible answer is read to respond to the question. Decathletes are to hold up their pencils when the emcee announces, “stop, pencils up.” The Proctor will score each answer using the marker. The procedure is as follows: (1) [NEW] After the emcee announces the correct answer, circle the decathlete’s correct answer using the marker. (2) Second, record a "+" (plus) for correct or a "―" (minus) for incorrect to the right of the answer. (See sample on page 6 Observe throughout the series of questions, that no erasures of answers are made AFTER the correct answer has been announced. Watch carefully that the Decathletes are marking their answers on the appropriate answer line on the Scantron. All answers should be recorded on lines 1-12. AT THE END OF EACH ROUND 1. Collect the 3 Scantron answer sheets and recording sheet hold them up for runners to collect. 2. Repeat for the next round of testing. AFTER THE FINAL ROUND 1. Follow instructions 1 through 2 above. 2. Keep the Honor Decathletes in their chairs until the Super Quiz activities have concluded. 3. Collect all test materials and return. ITEMS TO WATCH 1. Make sure NO ONE answers until the Emcee begins reading the question. 2. ALL decathletes are marking answers on numbers 1 - 12 of the Scantron sheets. 3. Watch carefully that the decathletes are marking their answers on the appropriate answer line on the Scantron. 4. Pencils are held up when the Quiz Master says, “Stop, pencils up.” 5. Make sure that no erasures of answers are made AFTER the correct answer has been announced. 6. Proctors monitor "Roving" eyes. Report test infraction to a Supervising Proctor who will notify the Competition Director. They will make the final determination as to the score(s) for the decathlete(s) in question. Their decision will be final, and no appeals will be accepted.