Call for Strategic Projects Autism CRC March 2014

Strategic Projects Autism CRC
March 2014
Call for Strategic Projects Autism CRC March 2014.
Autism CRC Ltd is currently calling for applications for Strategic Projects across its three
Research Programs. Strategic Projects must relate to specific Autism CRC Ltd Milestones and
must involve at least two (preferably more) CRC Essential and /or Other Participants including
end users. Strategic Projects are based on Autism CRC Ltd Milestones and gap analysis
undertaken annually by the Research Executive.
Program 1 A better start through better diagnosis
Milestone 1.1.1/1.1.4 /1.1.6 - Development of a Family Support Package (FSP) to accompany
Social Attention and Communication Surveillance (SACS) (2014); evaluation of FSP materials
(2015) and revision based on evaluation report (by June 2016).
Milestone 1.3 (1.3.1-1.2.4) - Identification of biological subtypes of ASD including data base
construction of subtypes, data collection in ASELLC, application of neurocognitive data (by
June 2016).
Milestone 1.2.9 - Best practice guidelines for ASD diagnosis – development of baseline
regarding current diagnostic practices in Australia.
Program 2 Enhancing teaching and learning
Milestones 2.2.19/2.2.20/2.2.21 Develop a prototype for the school connectedness program
(2015) to ensure a supported and inclusive school community for individuals with ASD
including pilot (2016) and evaluation (by 2018).
Milestones 2.2.1 – 2.2.9 develop tools and protocols to support learners with high impact
social emotional and behavioural needs in ASD in mainstream classrooms (early years support
Milestone 2.1 Evidence based programs to optimise the learning environment ensuring
successful social, behavioural and academic outcomes for students with ASD including
modules recommending best practices in classroom environments and improving school
Program 3 Finding a place in society
Milestone 3.2 (3.2.1-3.2.7) conducting empirically based interventions for adults with ASD to
assist them to confidently engage in social relationships, tertiary education, employment and
community activities.
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Strategic Projects Autism CRC
March 2014
Application Process
Step 1: Call for applications – round opens 3rd March 2014.
Step 2: Iterative process
Project leaders or chief investigators must complete the brief Project Proposal
(Appendix 1) and discuss their proposed plan with Program Directors in the first
1), Professor Suzanne Carrington (Program 2),
3) Program Directors have the responsibility, in conjunction
with the R&D Committee and Research Executive, to ensure that all projects within
their Program are focused on meeting the milestones and delivering the outputs as
stated in the Commonwealth Agreement with Autism CRC Ltd. If proposals are
received that address the same topic, participants will be encouraged to collaborate,
unless it can be demonstrated that their proposals are complementary and address
different output milestones. Feedback from Program Directors will be provided within
one week.
Step 3: Project Proposal
Based on feedback from Program Directors, project leaders must then complete an
Autism CRC Strategic Project Plan in consultation with Project Participants (Appendix
2). Advice may be sought as required from the relevant Research Program Director.
The Autism CRC Strategic Project Plan and Excel Budget Spreadsheet must be
submitted via email to by COB 31st March 2014. An email
acknowledging receipt will be sent to the project leader.
Assessment and Approval for all Projects
All Project Proposals will be considered by the Research Executive. Proposals that meet the
outlined criteria will be reviewed by the Research Executive and sent to the relevant Scientific
Advisors. Feedback will be considered by the Research Executive who will make
recommendations to the Research and Development Committee regarding priorities for
Criteria for Assessment
Strategic Project Plans will be assessed with regard to the following criteria:
meet Autism CRC Ltd’s Milestones and Outputs;
utilise Participant in kind (staff and non staff);
comply with proposal guidelines;
are well developed and demonstrate feasibility over the time line;
clearly focus on end user driven outcomes identified for Autism CRC Ltd;
are collaborative and involve at least two (preferable more) CRC Essential and
/or Other Participants;
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March 2014
o include Participants with adequate skills and infrastructure to operationalise
the project;
o clearly identify and describe any planned involvement of students and post
docs where applicable;
o demonstrate engagement with and input from end users in their
Project Leaders will be provided feedback where relevant from the Scientific Advisors. The
Research and Development Committee may also provide feedback to Project Leaders via the
Research Executive regarding proposal revisions that may be required prior to a
recommendation for funding. The Research and Development Committee will present a
prioritised list of Project Proposals to the Board with recommendations for funding
Unsuccessful Project Proposals
If a project is not recommended at any stage, notification and feedback from the Research
and Development Committee or Research Executive will be made to the Project Leader.
Successful Project Proposals
Once project proposals are approved for funding, all Participants will be required to sign off
on the Project Agreement. Funding for projects will be finalised once the Project Agreement
is signed and evidence of ethical clearance has been provided to the Director of Research and
Education. The first quarterly payment will be made in advance, and subsequently all
payments will be made in arrears on the satisfactory completion of project reports and
acceptance by the Research Executive (and summarised for the Research and Development
Committee). Unsatisfactory reporting or unsatisfactory progress against project milestones
will lead to termination of project funding.
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Strategic Projects Autism CRC
March 2014
Appendix 1
Autism CRC Ltd Strategic Project Proposal
A one page overview must be discussed with the relevant Research Program Director
Professor Andrew Whitehouse (Program 1), Professor
Suzanne Carrington (Program 2), Professor Torbjorn Falkmer
(Program 3) The overview must include:
Project Title:
Project Leader:
Leader’s Affiliation/Institution:
Key Personnel:
Essential Participants:
Other Participants:
Third Parties:
Autism CRC Research Program:
RP1 - A better start through diagnosis, RP2 - Enhancing teaching and learning; RP3 – Finding
a place in society.
Milestone Addressed:
Research Questions:
Autism CRC Ltd Milestones:
Refer Specifically to Schedule 3 of the Essential Participants’ Agreement and
reference/identify the Research Program, Research Theme, Output Number and Output
Milestones that this research study will address.
Outline of Consultation with End Users and proposed End User Engagement:
Identify end users with whom you will engage and how these have been/will be
consulted/engaged with.
Lay Summary of the Project – End User Issue addressed and benefits/outcomes for End
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March 2014
Appendix 2
Autism CRC Strategic Project Plan
Project Number
To be assigned by Autism
Project Name (Short
Must be short and clear, preferably 2-4 words
Project Name
Optional – you may prefer a longer descriptive name
Commencement Date
Project Leader
Completion Date
Project Funds
Total $ Value of Project
(cash) matching Excel
Insert relevant CRC Milestones
Program Number
Project Summary
In-kind Value
Total $ Value of in-kind
Contributions matching
Excel spreadsheets
Program Research
Approximately 300-500 words of plain language summarising objectives,
methodology, expected outputs, outcomes and impact. This statement may be
used on the website or in Autism CRC publications.
(a) Project Parties to the Agreement and Project Shares
Project Parties are participants contributing cash and/or in-kind to the project
Project Parties to the
Role in Project
Project Share
Autism CRC Ltd
Where relevant insert
division, department or
faculty of a Party
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March 2014
(b) Other Parties to the Agreement and Project Shares
Other Parties are participants engaged via MOUs who are providing in kind contributions (mostly
end users)
Project Parties to the
Project Share
Role in Project
Autism CRC Ltd
Where relevant insert
division, department or
faculty of a Party
Project Objectives
Describe the objectives of the project – up to ½ page in dot points
Proposed Strategy – Research Methodology
Describe the proposed strategy and methodology (participants, instruments, procedure, analysis),
including the responsibilities of Participants– up to 2 pages.
Potential Outputs and Utilisations
Using the reference numbers provided in Schedule 3 of the Essential Participants Agreement, identify
all Outputs, Utilisations and the relevant Milestones which will be targeted by this Project. For each,
identify specific outputs and utilisations which will be achieved by this Project and describe how
these will contribute to achieving the requirements of Schedule 3.
Project Milestones/Outputs
There must be at least one milestone in every quarter over the life of the project. Must include a link
with output and/or utilisation milestones in Schedule 3 of the Essential Participants Agreement (EPA).
Project Milestones/Outputs
Responsible for
Date Due
CRC related
Milestone in EPA
Add more as needed
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March 2014
Analysis of Project Risk
Describe any risks associated with achievement of project outputs and milestones and how they are
to be mitigated – up to ½ page
Additional Utilisation Opportunities
Describe any additional commercialisation and application/dissemination opportunities from
proposed project outputs – up to ½ page
Background IP
Name of Party making
the background IP
available (if not owner)
Restrictions on use of
Background IP
Rights to use Project IP
Essential Participants have rights in relation to Project IP as described in the Essential
Participants Agreement Clauses 23.13 and 23.14. For Other Participants, it will need to be
stated if they have the same rights as Essential Participants under Clause 23.14 or differing
Project Party
Owner of Background
Rights in relation to Project IP
Restrictions on use of Project IP
Have the appropriate ethics approvals been sought and granted for this Project?
Project Budget
The Project Budget must be shown to represent each quarter over the life of the project. Provide a
separate budget for each Participant. Funding for research students is to be included in the project
budget and identified separately.
Please use the Autism CRC Excel Budget Spreadsheet Template for cash and in-kind to complete the
budget and detail the expenditure. Budgets must detail expenditure by quarter, by period, by
participant for each financial year.
Please note: The Excel spreadsheet has four separate sheets/tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet:
the first three: Sheet 11 Project Budget; 11.1 Staff FTE In-Kind; and 11.2 Non-staff In-Kind each need
to be completed. The 4th one Sheet 11.4 Summary Total, will automatically produce the Project
Budget Total. Please save the Excel spreadsheet with Project Leader’s Name and short title eg Smith
ASD transitions project.
Sheet 11 Project Budget – complete your CRC Cash Funding request under Sections: Personnel, Cash
funded Students (PhD if relevant) and non-salary expenditure (ie direct costs eg equipment, field
work related travel, consumables).
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March 2014
Staff FTE In-kind Contributions – See Budget Template
The staff FTE in-kind contribution is to be calculated using the levels * stated below according to the
percentage of time allocated. These figures have been supplied by the CRC.
NB. If more than 7 participants please contact Danielle Faccer ( to adjust
the spreadsheet. If less than 7 participants ignore the extra rows and leave them blank.
*Level indicates one of the 4 levels provided by the Commonwealth
SM = Senior Manager - $420K per annum
KR = Key Researcher/Project/Theme Leader/Manager - $280K per annum
RP = Researcher/Professional - $220K per annum
SS = Other Support Staff - $180K per annum
Non-staff In-kind Contributions (for use of equipment, laboratories, etc):
This section is intended to capture extraordinary in-kind expenses (eg. office space, laboratory space,
equipment hire, infrastructure access costs, internal equipment charges etc.). In accordance with the
EPA, access to large capital items must be valued proportionally to the usage by the CRC and based on
the running costs and depreciation of the capital item, as agreed between the contributing Participant
and the Board. See Attachment A for Guidelines for In-kind Contributions.
NB. If more than 7 participants please contact Danielle Faccer ( to adjust
the spreadsheet. If less than 7 participants ignore the extra rows and leave them blank.
Non-staff In-kind Contributions (infrastructure support for CRC centre funded staff):
This will be automatically calculated in the Excel spreadsheet and included in the Summary Total of
the Budget.
Total In-kind Budget
This will be automatically totalled in the Summary Total In-kind in the Excel Spreadsheet.
Budget Justification (Maximum 1 page)
Student Requirements
Provide details of any students involved in this Project detailing the anticipated contribution by the
student regarding their research and time commitments. The associated costs per project participant,
for each student are to be included in the Project Budget spreadsheet.
Special Terms
Any terms or conditions which vary from the Project Agreement clauses or the EPA are to be stated.
Special Terms will take precedence over the EPA clauses and other terms of the Project Agreement.
(The standard Project Agreement clauses will remain the same for all Project Agreements.)
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March 2014
Project Performance and Responsibilities are outlined in the Essential Participants
The Project Leader is the person appointed to act as a leader of a Project. The Project Leader and
Project Participants must maintain the appropriate financial, research, time commitment and
technical records.
The Project Leader must:
Ensure compliance with OH&S, animal ethics, human research ethics legislation and
organisational obligations
Ensure research is conducted in an ethical manner as described by the NH&MRC
Ensure that clinical trials are conducted using Good Clinical Practice and are registered
with the Clinical Trials Network
Use his or her reasonable efforts to ensure the Project is conducted in accordance with
the Project Plan to achieve the Milestones and Project Objectives
Be responsible for administration of the Project and liaison with all Participants
Ensure project funds are used for the purposes of the Project only
Ensure project funds are used in accordance with the Project Plan and project budget
Provide quarterly reports to the Autism CRC on Project progress against milestones,
outputs, deviations from the Project plan, any significant difficulties encountered and
any Project IP created.
Project Leader Certification
I certify I have discussed this Project with the relevant Research Program Director and the Project
Participants. I understand the responsibilities of the Project Leader role and have the time and
capacity to perform the role of Project Leader.
Signing Pages
Include only the signature blocks for the Participants involved in the given Project. Note, Autism CRC Ltd will always be a
signatory to a Project Plan [The Director of Research and Education will add the signing pages]
Issue: March 2014
Review: March 2015
Project Plan Approved (modified for
2014 round)
R&D Committee October 2013
Director of Research and Education
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March 2014
FN003 Guideline for In Kind Contributions
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Strategic Projects Autism CRC
March 2014
Attachment A
Guidelines for In-kind Contributions
The CRC for Living with Autism Spectrum Disorders
In-kind contributions are non-cash contributions committed to the activities of the CRC for
Living with Autism Spectrum Disorders (CRC). In-kind contributions support the activities of
the CRC. They are an essential part of the CRC to enable it to meet its goals. The values of inkind contributions influence directly on participants’ shares in Autism CRC Ltd and therefore,
the ownership of developed intellectual property.
Participants have an Agreement with the CRC on the level of in-kind contributions it intends
to provide. This could be through the Essential or Other Participant Agreement or a Project
Agreement. In addition, in-kind contributions can also be counted for expenditure over and
above such agreements.
In-kind is additional to expenses paid for through an Autism CRC cash funded project.
Participants can provide in-kind in two ways:
Types of In-Kind
Through in-kind staff contributions, where participants contribute their staff member’s time
to the activities of the CRC but these activities are paid for by the organisation and;
Through non-staff in-kind where participants pay expenses towards activities of the CRC that
are not otherwise funded. Examples are provided below.
What can be claimed as an in-kind contribution?
There are a wide range of activities that can be claimed as an in-kind contribution to the CRC.
Any activity where an individual or an organisation is undertaking CRC related activities that
is not otherwise funded through a CRC cash funded project or other paid agreement is
considered in-kind.
In-Kind Staff Contributions:
Some examples include in-kind staff contributions:
Time taken for preparation eg: thought process, gathering documentation,
discussions with other parties.
Phone calls that are made or received relating to CRC activities.
Reports including final reports, annual reports, quarterly reports etc, this includes
preparation time.
Letters and all correspondence relating to the CRC and Participants.
Preparation for travel and attendance at conferences.
Workshops/Events attended for project and/or CRC related activities.
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March 2014
Preparation and participation in CRC committee meetings, internal meetings on
projects, Board meetings, Participant meetings and working groups.
Director on Autism CRC board is calculated at the standard rate of .10 FTE per year
All preparation and discussions relating to anything to do with the CRC and the
collective projects participants are or will be involved with.
Research including Internet and/or reading to do with CRC or projects or activities.
Time spent on CRC activities or projects that is not otherwise funded.
Presentations or attendance at seminars/conferences on relevant topics.
Giving advice to the CRC.
Non-Staff In Kind Contributions:
Includes any expenses paid by participants that relate to CRC activities that are not otherwise
paid for by a CRC project or other CRC agreement. This is not an exhaustive list but provides
guidance as to possible contributions.
Travel paid by participants for CRC related business and projects.
Access to databases of a participant on behalf of CRC activities. The cost is $20 per
name per occasion.
Use of capital asset where equipment is used for undertaking CRC activities. This must
be valued proportionally to the usage by the CRC and based on the running costs and
depreciation of the capital item, as agreed between the contributing Participant and
the Autism CRC Board.
Publication costs of information and other documentation relating to CRC activities.
Running workshops relating to CRC activities.
Participant specific technology, service or property not otherwise paid for through a
CRC project or other agreement.
Collection and Reporting of In-kind Data
Each Participant is responsible for keeping separate documentation that records each noncash Contribution. In-kind contributions will be collected quarterly via the Quarterly
Participant In-Kind Contributions report (spreadsheet) provided by Autism CRC Ltd. An
accompanying declaration should be signed by an authorised officer. The contributions
spreadsheet, a signed copy with declaration should be provided to the CFO by email: by the 15th day after the end of each quarter.
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