Carver Center After School Pick-Up Procedures Students bused to their neighborhood campuses: Students who are bused to their neighborhood campuses will be escorted to the bus lane each afternoon. Each teacher on bus duty is assigned to a bus. As students are placed on the bus, their names are checked off the list, to ensure that all students get on the appropriate buses. Parent Pick-Up, Grades 1-3: Parents of 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students, who pick-up their children after school, should do so along Carver Street. Please park along the curb. A teacher will walk your children to your vehicle. We ask that parents refrain from getting out of their vehicles so that we can keep the car-line moving and dismiss the students in a safe and efficient manner. Parent Pick-Up, Grade 4-6: Parents of 4th, 5th and 6th grade students, who pick-up their children after school, should do so along Wall Street and Jackson Street. Parents are not to use Jesse Street to form the parent pick-up line. Forming the line on Jesse Street causes safety concerns with students loading buses. We ask that you park along the curb. The students will be dismissed to their vehicles. We ask that parents refrain from getting out of their vehicle, so that we can keep the car-line moving and dismiss the students in a safe and efficient manner. ****If a parent has multiple students to pick-up, the older student will meet the younger student at the “Carver Street pick-up area,” to avoid having parents move through two different pick-up lines. Day Care Pick-Up: Students who are picked-up by after school day care vans, will be picked up along Wall Street. The students wait with an adult in the foyer until their day care van arrives. PLEASE CONTACT THE CARVER OFFICE AT 432-240-6400 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE CARVER CENTER PICK-UP PROCEDURES.