Tests 1. Specify hormones - amino acid derivatives : thyroid preparations * preparations gonads pancreatic preparations preparations parathyroid pituitary preparations 2. Select means for stimulation of the adrenal cortex : * corticotropin thyrotropin calcitonin somatotropin Mercazolilum 3. Specify indication for intermedin : * day-blindness induction of labor myxedema uterine bleeding osteoporosis 4. Specify the property characteristic of vasopressin : increased blood pressure * vasorelaxation decrease in contractile activity of the myometrium increased diuresis pituitary hormone average 5. Specify the agent for the treatment of myxedema : thyroxine * Mercazolilum potassium perchlorate diyodtirozin radioiodine 6. Specify indication for merkazolila : hyperthyroidism * induction of labor myxedema uterine bleeding osteoporosis 7. Specify antithyroid drugs : diyodtirozin * tireoidin thyroxine triiodothyronine parathyroidin 8. Specify means violating uptake of iodine by the thyroid gland : potassium perchlorate * tireoidin thyroxine Mercazolilum Iodine 9. Select a drug for the treatment of osteoporosis : calcitonin * potassium perchlorate Mercazolilum parathyroidin glibutida 10. Specify a drug whose side effects are edema , increased blood pressure , hyperglycemia , ulceration of the gastric mucosa : prednisolone * deoxycorticosterone insulin retabolil Mercazolilum 11. 3 Specify the group / chemical structure / hormonal drugs : substance protein and peptide structure - parathyroid hormone drugs and pancreas * amino acid derivatives - thyroid hormone drugs * steroidal compounds - drugs adrenal hormones and gonads * substance protein and peptide structure - parathyroid hormone drugs and thyroid glands amino acid derivatives - drugs pancreatic hormones steroidal compounds - drugs adrenal hormones , hypothalamus and pituitary gland 12. 3 Specify the side effects of ACTH : swelling * increased blood pressure * delay regeneration processes * collapse leukocytosis hearing disorder 13 . 3 Specify the main indications for the use of oxytocin : induction of labor * stop postpartum hemorrhage * stimulation of lactation * diabetes mellitus hypertension thyrotoxicosis 14. List the three main effects , characteristic for the action of vasopressin : vasoconstriction * increase water reabsorption * increase in contractile activity of the myometrium * vasorelaxation reduction in water reabsorption decrease in contractile activity of the myometrium 15. Name 3 thyroid hormone : thyroxine * triiodothyronine * calcitonin * oxytocin vasopressin pituitrin 16. List 3 thyroid hormone drug used in cretinism and myxedema : thyroxine * triiodothyronine hydrochloride * tireoidin * Mercazolilum potassium perchlorate pituitrin 17. Specify three main ways induce insulin hypoglycemic effect : the utilization of glucose by cells * enhances glucose oxidation * enhances glikogenogenez * hinders the utilization of glucose by cells reduces the oxidation of glucose inhibits glikogenogenez 18 . 3 Specify the main indications for the use of glucagon : hypoglycemic coma * heart failure * cardiogenic shock * hyperglycemic coma induction of labor thyrotoxicosis 19. 3 Specify the main effect of mineralocorticoid : increased excretion of potassium from the body * increase in sodium reabsorption in the renal tubules * decreased urine output * increase in sodium excretion from the body increase in potassium reabsorption in the renal tubules urorrhagia 20. 3 Specify the main indications for the use of mineralocorticoid : chronic adrenal insufficiency * myasthenia Gravis * weakness * rheumatism hypertension myxedema 21. List the three main indications for use of estrogens : hypovarianism / menstrual disorders, menopausal disorders / * prostate * breast cancer / women older than 60 years old / * leukopenia acute leukemias collagen 22. List the three main anabolic steroid : Fenobolin * retabolil * methandrostenolone * prednisolone dexamethasone triamcinolone 23 . List the three main indications for the use of anabolic steroids : cachexia * osteoporosis * depletion associated with protein-losing long-term use of corticosteroids * obesity myxedema diabetes mellitus 24. Name the five anterior pituitary hormones: adrenocorticotropic hormone / ACTH, corticotropin / * growth hormone / growth hormone somatotropin / * thyroid-stimulating hormone / thyrotropin / * follicle stimulating hormone * luteinizing hormone * oxytocin vasopressin pituitrin thyroxine calcitonin 25. List the five major synthetic analogs of glucocorticoids: Prednisolone * dexamethasone * triamcinolone * Sinaflan * flumethasone * pituitrin Mercazolilum tireoidin potassium perchlorate butamid 26. 5 Specify the main indications for the use of glucocorticoids: adrenal insufficiency * rheumatism, collagen * bronchial asthma, allergic conditions * shock * transplantation of organs and tissues * hypertension diabetes mellitus peptic ulcer thyrotoxicosis myxedema 27. List the 5 side effects of glucocorticoids: increase in A / D * swelling * hyperglycemia * ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa * fat redistribution / accumulation of body fat on the face, neck, shoulders / * hypotension hypoglycemia urorrhagia hearing impairment visual impairment